This is a hybrid between V. japonicum and V. dilatatum. Viburnums are relatively deer-resistant shrubs. It blooms in April with 2- to 4-inch clusters of small fertile flowers edged with large, sterile flowers, giving a lace cap effect. White snowball flower clusters of Viburnum x ‘Eskimo’ in April. It does best in the upper Piedmont. Arrowwood (V. dentatum): Arrowwood is native to several areas throughout South Carolina. Schiller’s Delight’ is a dwarf cultivar, growing 1½ feet tall and 3 feet wide. Berries are bright red, and persist from fall well into winter. Burkwood Viburnum (V. x burkwoodii): Burkwood viburnum is semi-evergreen, 8 to 10 feet tall and wide, with glossy dark green leaves that turn dark red in winter. A … Growth habit is open and upright in the species. The foliage ranges from glossy green to a dull, dark green, velvet appearance to foliage that is thick and leathery. The following cultivars of Japanese viburnum are semi-evergreen. By the end of summer, the whole plant sparkles with vivid red berries that remain attractive well into fall (until discovered by our feathered friends). Red to black berries appear in late summer. Muted red fall color of fragrant snowball viburnum Viburnum x carlecephalum ‘Cayuga’. Noteworthy Characteristics. It grows 10 feet tall by 12 feet wide, with profuse, large, pure white flower clusters. branch of red viburnum in the garden, closeup. This is probably the most shade tolerant evergreen viburnum. Although most viburnums are not seriously troubled by diseases or pests, several problems can occur, particularly when plants are stressed or in poor growing conditions. It grows as a spreading and colonizing shrub. ‘Cayuga’ is a hybrid that was created by backcrossing. The species grows as an upright, rounded, small tree, 12 to 20 feet tall if unpruned. Bitchiu Viburnum (V. bitchiuense): This species of viburnum is closely related to the Koreanspice. V. Red Balloon® shoots skyward to 8’. ‘Spring Bouquet’ is compact and rounded in form, reaching 5 to 6 feet in height and width. Follow all directions, precautions and restrictions that are listed. Need a fast growing viburnum for a hedge? ‘Spring Bouquet’ laurustinus viburnum (Viburnum tinus) in bloom during early March. clusters open in March or April. Colonists used the berries in jams, and modern gardeners prize this viburnum for its ability to lure birds to the garden. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long and grayish green, turning purple in fall. Plants are heat tolerant and will grow well in most areas, but will not tolerate drought. This variety of Viburnum has especially eye-catching fruits, creating a wow factor in the garden at the end of the growing season. Fruit starts rose pink and matures to blue-black in fall. Each stem will have one to two clusters of berries. It has very thick, very shiny, narrow 3-to 7-inch-long by ½-to 2-inch-wide leaves with distinct teeth. It’s hardy in Zones 7 to 9. Viburnum carlesii Also known as Koreanspice, this is a shrub that has white or pink flowers that grow in large clusters. The brilliant colored fruits are yellow, orange, red, pink, blue or black. ‘Willowwood’ has lustrous leaves, an arching habit, and often reblooms in fall. Some of the small-leafed evergreen viburnums can be sheared, but be aware that shearing will remove most flower buds and/or berries. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Plants have good drought resistance and make an excellent screen. ‘Mohawk’ has red buds, which are showy long before they expand into white spicy-fragrant flowers. The thing to know about viburnums is that each plant is usually self-infertile. Leaves take on a purple tint in winter. Many cultivars are available. Check out Prague viburnum. Incorporate organic soil conditioner at planting, so that the future root area of the planting bed contains 10 to 20 percent organic matter. Download this Premium Photo about Snow covered red viburnum berries, and discover more than 6 Million Professional Stock Photos on Freepik Flowers are creamy white, in 2 to 4 inch wide clusters, opening in late March to April. It grows as an attractive, dense, rounded plant, 6 to 10 feet tall and is a suckering shrub. This species is tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions, including high pH soils, heavy clay soils and heavy shade, but prefers well drained soil. Black Haw (V. prunifolium): Black haw is native throughout South Carolina. Awabuki Viburnum (V. awabuki): Awabuki viburnum grows in a strongly upright form, 15 to 20 feet tall by 10 to 15 feet wide. americanum). The dark green leaves turn orange-red in fall. Flowers are fragrant and white, and berries are red. Bright red berries. The fruit is a drupe, with a fleshy coat and a hard endocarp, which contains a single seed. Dried viburnum berries are added to various drinks. Wentworth has larger berries and bright red fall foliage. From shop ExtractsAndPowders $ 10.50 FREE shipping Favorite Add to Viburnum berries - yes it is Kalina! Viburnums range in height from 2 feet to 30 feet. This is a cross of ‘Cayuga’ and, ‘Conoy’ is a dense, evergreen with a spreading form to 5 feet tall and 8 feet wide. Spring Red is grown for its foliage of a mass of red tinged leaves in the spring which matures to glossy dark green by summer. Service Viburnum (V. utile): This viburnum is not often grown as a species but has produced some excellent hybrids. Smaller, but showy, white flower clusters of Japanese snowball viburnum (Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum) in late April. Good sub for Euonymus 'Compactus'. The flowers are somewhat unpleasant smelling, white clusters in late spring, followed by abundant bright red, shiny fruit from mid-fall until at least December. The dark, leathery leaves have a pronounced wooly, light gray underside. Walter's viburnum (Viburnum obovatum) grows between 8 and 25 feet high and up to 10 feet wide. Mulch the plants or bed with 4 to 6 inches of pine straw or 2 to 3 inches of bark. We love the deep blue ones as shown above, paired with calla lilies in a sweet bridal bouquet. This is a cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana. Flowers are fragrant, white with a pink tinge in 2-to 4-inch panicles. The best way to ensure that your viburnums produce fruit is to plant more than one variety of a viburnum species. A variety of fungal leaf spots and a bacterial leaf spot are fairly common on viburnums. In spring, its tall, mounding form is covered with a multitude of sweetly fragrant, creamy white flowers. However, plants are often most readily available in nurseries at bloom time in the spring. Viburnums are mostly moderate- to fast-growing plants. It produces beautiful, white hydrangea-like flowers in late spring and brilliant red, translucent berries in late summer to early fall. American Winterberry "Red Sprite" This species of holly (Ilex verticillata) has the brightest red berries … Berries are red to shiny black. Large white flower clusters in late spring are showcased against attractive pleated foliage. It is often confused with V. awabuki. Creamy white flowers in 3 to 4 inch clusters appear in April. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. ‘Catskill’ is a slow-growing, compact cultivar, growing 6 feet tall by 8 feet wide. The leaves, once used for tea, are 3 to 6 inches long, dark green, turning muted red in fall. Unfortunately, the flowers have no fragrance. Their flowers range from sweetly fragrant to unpleasantly scented and are primarily creamy white, but can vary from white to pink. It prefers sun to part shade, is highly tolerant of heat, drought and wind, and grows best in the Piedmont. 5 out of 5 … It is often attacked by aphids, which distort new growth. The leaves are 2 to 5 inches long and dark, leathery green. ‘Chicago Lustre’ is a 10 foot tall, upright selection with dark glossy foliage. Excessive summer heat and drought may result in leaf scorch. Spicily fragrant, 2 to 3-inch flower clusters open in March or April. It’s a shorter viburnum, growing 2 to 3 feet high. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. The leaves droop as temperatures approach freezing. Pink buds open to creamy white, lightly fragrant 3-to 6-inch wide, flower clusters in March to April. ‘Whorled Class’ is a rounded, compact cultivar that grows to 5 feet tall and wide. White flowers are produced in 2- to 4-inch flattened cymes in the spring. Both grow to 8 to 9 feet tall and wide, and are very similar in habit. ‘Cayuga’ fruit matures to black in late summer. Unlike most viburnums, it tolerates hot, dry areas and sandy soil in full sun to shade. Deep soak even well-established plants during long dry spells. From shop EkoPiter. 60+ Ways to Use Up Thanksgiving Leftovers. Red or pink buds open to highly fragrant white flowers tinged with pink in mid-spring. Join our mailing list to receive the latest updates from HGIC. Red fall color. American cranberry bush viburnum (Viburnum trilobum) is a beautiful flowering shrub that has white springtime flowers, maple-shape leaves that turn bright colors in autumn, and red fall berries. This is a cross of, ‘Eskimo’ is semi-evergreen. Occasional pruning will help encourage density. Maple-like leaves are dark green, turning yellow to red or purple in fall. The blossoms are composed entirely of large, sterile flowers that are lime green at first, changing to white. Chinese Snowball (V. macrocephalum): Chinese snowball grows to 12 to 20 feet tall with a dense, rounded form. All rights reserved. David Viburnum (V. davidii): This is an exceptionally attractive, evergreen, low-growing shrub with parallel-veined, dark blue-green, leathery leaves. It prefers moist, well-drained soil in sun or part shade and grows well in most areas of the state, except for the lower Coastal Plain. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Excessive summer heat and drought may result in leaf scorch. Pink flower buds arise in March on ‘Cayuga’ viburnum (Viburnum x carlcephalum). ‘Chenaultii’ has a finer texture and habit, and is later-blooming than the species. This greenery is seasonally available from July through mid-September. Bracted Viburnum (V. bracteatum): This viburnum grows 10 feet tall and 8 to 10 feet wide in an oval to rounded form. Height: 8-12 ft Width: 6-8 ft Soil Conditions: Moist/Well Drained Flower Color: White Bloom Time: May Prolic red fruit made by ‘Erie’ linden viburnum (Viburnum diatatum ‘Erie’) in November. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Laurustinus (V. tinus): Laurustinus is an upright, rounded evergreen that grows 6 to 12 feet tall, and a bit less in width. This cultivar is resistant to bacterial leaf spot. Sandankwa Viburnum (V. suspensum): Plants grow 6 to 12 feet high with a spreading habit and coarse, dense texture. ‘Roseum’ is known as European or common snowball. It is essentially pest free. Flower clusters with small, white fragrant blooms of Japanese viburnum (Viburnum japonicum) in April. Get video instructions about kitchens, bathrooms, remodeling, flooring, painting and more. Walter’s Viburnum (V. obovatum): Native to the coastal plains of South Carolina, this species is hardy throughout the state. It will grow best in partial shade and moist, but well drained soil in the Piedmont. Doublefile Viburnum (V. plicatum f. tomentosum): Doublefile viburnum is one of the most attractive viburnums, with a spreading, horizontal branching form. Flowers are followed by pendulous clusters of red berry-like drupes which ripen black. Periodically remove old and weak canes. Many species will tolerate summer heat better if planted where they receive afternoon shade or shade during the hottest part of the day. The leaves are leathery and glossy, dark green, turning bronze-yellow in fall. Plants grow best in the upper Piedmont, in moist but well-drained soil, in partial shade to shade. It has glossy dark green leaves and intense blue fruit. It is a robust plant, growing 8 to 10 feet tall or more, with an upright, spreading habit. It flowers a bit later than ‘Chesapeake’. Small white flowers open in April from pink buds and are followed by limited black fruit. The late-spring flowers are creamy white, flat-topped clusters, up to 3 inches across. Fall coloration is an attractive feature of viburnums with leaf colors ranging from a glossy red to scarlet or purple. Plants grow 8 to 12 feet tall in an upright, somewhat leggy form. Pinkish-red fruit of burkwood viburnum (Viburnum x burkwoodii) mature to glossy black in late September. White Baneberry (Actaea pachypoda) Actaea pachypoda, also known as "white baneberry" or "dolls' … Plants have good drought resistance and make an excellent screen. Berries are bright, metallic blue, but are borne only if two separate clones of the plant are grown together. Viburnums are excellent hedge or screen plants, foundation shrubs or specimen plants, depending on the mature height of the selection. Viburnum × burkwoodii, commonly called Burkwood viburnum, is a densely-branched, multi-stemmed shrub which typically grows 8-10' tall and 5-7' wide.Features fragrant white flowers arranged in flat-topped cymes (2-4" wide) in April. Colorful fruit contribute to fall color on many species. ‘Chesapeake’ is semi-evergreen, 6 feet tall and 10 feet wide with wavy-edged, leathery dark green leaves. The brownish flower buds are highly visible starting from the previous summer. Foliage may be damaged if temperatures fall below 10 °F. Elderberries are the fruit of various species of the Sambucus plant. ‘Mrs. In general, heavy fruit set is only reliable when at least 2 different cultivars or seedlings of the same species are planted together. Awabuki Viburnum (V. awabuki): Awabuki viburnum grows in a strongly upright form, 15 to 20 feet tall by 10 to 15 feet wide. Viburnum opulus is European cranberry bush, which also produces bright red berries. It will grow in the Piedmont or Midlands in moist, but well-drained soil, in sun to part shade. Burkwo… ... Berries: Red, yellow, blue or black berries appear in fall. Fruit is similar to that of Viburnum opulus but is used for preserves and jellies. Let's get together. Kick off spring with the intensely fragrant blooms of Judd viburnum. Pink buds open to white flowers in April. Viburnum trilobum 'Wentworth' is a colorful selection that … Discover a must-have plant for your landscape. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Berries are bright red. It does not produce fruit. The fruit is red, aging to black, and appears in early to mid-summer. The flowers are pure white, in 3-to 4-inch round snowball type clusters. Many cultivars are available. Viburnum opulus is European cranberry bush, which also produces bright red berries. You can also search online in garden forums to learn what viburnums other gardeners in your area use to pollinate one another. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Its berries, red when new, ripen to black. Discover how to use viburnum shrubs in the landscape. But this diverse group of flowering shrubs brings you more than flowers in the spring. Viburnum davidii produces intensely colored berries, including shades of green, pink, red and turquoise blue. The fall color is bright orange to red purple. If an overgrown plant needs to be renewal pruned, this should be done in the early spring. The flowers are clove-scented, white, 2- to 3-inch clusters, opening in March to April. It may be severely damaged by cold winters if temperatures dip into the mid to low teens. Plants grow best in the Piedmont, in full sun or partial shade. This species grows best in the upper Piedmont of South Carolina, and may grow 8 to 10 feet tall and wide. Possum-Haw Viburnum (V. nudum): Possum-haw is closely related to Witherod viburnum (V. cassinoides). Alternatively, you can plant a closely related viburnum that flowers at the same time as the plant you want to produce fruit. It is also native to South Carolina. Fruit is produced sparsely. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. They are elegantly held above the red-blushed leaves. The leaves are opposite, simple, and entire, toothed or lobed; cool temperate species are deciduous, while most of the warm temperate species are evergreen. The red fiery color of the berries represents beauty in Russian culture and together with sweet raspberries it symbolises the passionate love of a beautiful maiden, since berries were always an erotic symbol in Russia. Flowers are pink budded, opening to white, non-fragrant, 2-to 3-inch clusters in April to May. Small, loose clusters of fragrant pink flowers bloom in winter but may be damaged by freezes. In addition, from dried viburnum cook delicious compotes, jelly, and also prepare useful decoctions and tinctures. American cranberrybush is Viburnum trilobum, a name that’s been recently changed to Viburnum opulus ‘Americanum.’ It produces flattened flower clusters that yield edible red berries. No pollination means no fruit. They are followed by red to black fruit in July to August. This viburnum will grow in wet to dry soils, in sun to part shade. Joey Williamson, ©2007 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. Hardy from USDA zones 7 through 10, it has fragrant, small-to-medium, deep green leaves. This species grows best in the upper Piedmont in full sun or part shade, and tolerates moist to wet soil. The nearly round, gray green leaves are 2 to 5 inches in diameter. Viburnum shrubs produce berries in a variety of colors, including neon pink, lemon yellow, robin egg blue and deep purple-black. Flowers are in 2 inch wide clusters opening in March to April. Large clusters of creamy white flowers open in April. Fruit of bitchui viburnum (Viburnum bitchiuense) change from red to black at maturity. Usually grows to 8-10'. * This product is shipped in a grower's bunch with an average of 5 stems per bunch. Prefers full sun to part shade and grows best in the Piedmont. Fruit are red and mature to purple-black. All recommendations are for South Carolina conditions and may not apply to other areas. Grow 2 cultivars or seedlings together for best berry set. It has excellent fruit set and red fall color. Creamy white spring flowers that butterflies love, beautiful red clusters of berries (like a red balloon) in the fall for the birds, a wonderful texture on the leaves that when in the fall turn to a gorgeous deep burgundy color much like a fine wine! Leaves often turn purple in winter. Learn the trick to getting your viburnums to produce berries. David viburnum may take cold damage if a warm winter is followed by late frosts. This plant grows best in the south and eastern edges of the coastal plains. Karen Russ, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. It is best grown in the Midlands and Coastal Plain. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension, Very fragrant, white flowers of ‘Cayuga’ viburnum (Viburnum x carlcephalum). Brown thrashers, cedar waxwings, and other birds feast on the long-lasting fruits, which can provide a source of food even in winter. 'Wentworth' American Cranberry Bush. They appear in April. Marjan Kluepfel, Former HGIC Horticulture Information Specialist, Clemson UniversityBob Polomski, PhD, Extension Consumer Horticulturist, Clemson University, Karen Russ, Former HGIC Horticulture Specialist, Clemson UniversityJoey Williamson, PhD, HGIC Horticulture Extension Agent, Clemson University. Japanese viburnum will grow throughout the state. It’s hardy in Zones 7 to 9. ‘Mariesii’ is noted for its layered, horizontal branching and large white flower clusters. Witherod Viburnum (V. cassinoides): Witherod is native to the mountains and upper Piedmont of South Carolina. The dark green, 4-inch leaves turn yellow to reddish purple in fall. Showy, 2-to 3-inch snowball-like clusters of white sterile flowers resemble those of V. opulus. Plants grow best in the Piedmont, in moist but well drained soil, in full sun or partial shade. Some last through the winter. Browse a full list of topics found on the site, from accessories to mudrooms to wreaths. The leaves are similar to those of fragrant snowball, turning burgundy to purple in fall. ‘Dawn.’ is the most widely available cultivar. Wright Viburnum (V. wrightii): The Wright viburnum grows best in the Piedmont of South Carolina, has an upright habit, and reaches to 6 to 10 feet tall. Habit is dense and rounded, with leathery, glossy green leaves. Joey Williamson, ©2014 HGIC, Clemson Extension. It forms a dense, wide mass, 3 to 5 feet tall and 4 to 5 feet wide. Another Chinese native, Viburnum fordiae is one of the best viburnums to grow. Viburnum are a garden classic, beloved for their fragrant flowers and hardiness. Fruit are red to black and mature in late summer. The bitter side of the red fruit also symbolizes love separation in Russian folk culture. As with most shrubs in the southeast, fall planting of viburnums is ideal. While the plant is hardy to 0 °F once established, leaves may suffer cold damage if temperatures dip below 10 °F. Many viburnums flower best in full sun, but light preferences vary from full sun to mostly shade. The spectacular, 6- to 8-inch flower. Prefers full sun to part shade, and grows best in the upper Piedmont. This species is very similar to V. dilatatum, but with glabrous stems and larger leaves. Clusters of aromatic white flowers almost cover the plant in late winter. Clusters of pink buds open to slightly-fragrant, white flowers between January and early April. The leaves are 3 to 8 inches long and 1½ to 4 inches wide.
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