“We’ve received calls from people crying,” Ms. Aponte said. If the 2020 Puerto Rican Status plebiscite was a victory for the Puerto Rican pro-statehood movement is still an open question, but certainly Puerto Rico and the United States lost. The government also set aside some special Covid-related federal grants to help heavily affected sectors like hospitals and tourism. Puerto Rico has reached a deal with creditors who hold $35 billion in its general obligation bonds, passing an important milestone as it tries to resolve its $129 billion debt crisis.. It said I was unemployed, effective immediately. Puerto Rico elegirá nuevo gobernador este martes Por Rafy Rivera , para CNN en Español Publicado a las 15:31 ET (20:31 GMT) jueves, 29 octubre, 2020 For one thing, aid has not come pouring in from around the world, as it did after disasters of the natural kind. The scene resembled gasoline lines that formed during Hurricane Maria, but were much longer, as thousands of people traveled overnight from different parts of Puerto Rico to arrive at the convention center before sunrise, driving on dark highways where the streetlights have not been turned on since government austerity cuts three years ago. It became a critical military outpost, allowing Spain to defend its New World colonies against other European powers. Puerto Rico in mid-June had the highest insured unemployment rate in the country, at 23 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. He showed up at 8 p.m. one night a few weeks ago, with a lunchbox full of snacks, prepared to spend the night, so that he could find out why the unemployment benefits he had applied for months earlier had never arrived. “We have to reinvent ourselves, change the way we work. Thousands of people were left waiting for their checks as Puerto Rico’s understaffed bureaucracy struggled to keep up with the flood of claims. Thanks largely to hurricane reconstruction, Puerto Rico’s economy had been inching toward recovery after a devastating 2017 storm and the bankruptcy of the island’s government the same year. The poverty rate did not climb after Hurricane Maria in 2017, she said, despite experts’ predictions, because so many people left the island. Thanks largely to hurricane reconstruction, Puerto Rico’s economy had been inching toward recovery after a devastating 2017 storm and the bankruptcy of the island’s government the same year. About $350 million in federal funds went to the private sector to help pay employees at businesses that were disrupted, according to a Puerto Rico government report. Since then, claims have started being paid, but workers without jobs have remained deeply unsettled. It is part of the 2019–20 worldwide coronavirus pandemic.. Puerto Rico started addressing the risks of an outbreak early on. Puerto Rico's new labor secretary, Carlos Rivera Santiago, acknowledged that there were delays in getting unemployment checks to those who needed them, but said the government had opened more offices and improved online services to address the backlog. SAN JUAN, P.R. The board has estimated that Puerto Rico’s economy will contract by 4 percent. Trump, Biden address Puerto Rico's ongoing crisis weeks before elections 9/20/2020. A postal worker’s video went viral when he showed unemployment checks stuck in mail purgatory because they had been addressed to “Same”: Many applicants had written their home addresses on the form and then, when asked for their mailing address, wrote “same as above.”. IV, Núm. People lined up before dawn to file for unemployment benefits in San Juan last month. Mr. Soto finally got his money last week, after finding three of his checks at the post office: The government had mailed them to the wrong address. Puerto Rico is second only to Nevada in the number of people filing for jobless benefits. The island has had to weather a hurricane, a political crisis and earthquakes, but those crises did not lead to the widespread unemployment caused by the response to the coronavirus pandemic. ... when you think about puerto rico and you can see pictures of san juan and everything looks like ... metrofocus: march 6, 2020. clip. — With hundreds of thousands of people suddenly out of jobs in Puerto Rico, Luciano Soto, a tour guide who has not worked in nearly four months, wanted to be first in line at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, now outfitted as an unemployment office. A government worker collected information from unemployment applicants in San Juan. Puerto Rico saw weeks of chaotic scenes in unemployment lines. During Travel. The COVID-19 pandemic in Puerto Rico is an ongoing viral pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a novel infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Puerto Rico’s official unemployment rate has not been reported since February, but Mr. Caraballo-Cueto estimates that it is now close to 40 percent. Photo: Christopher Gregory … “I arrived here at 11 p.m. — I need the money, I have to pay rent, buy food,” Mr. Rivera said. If you get sick in Puerto Rico, you might need medical care. After weeks of chaotic scenes like the one Mr. Soto experienced, the government implemented a more orderly indoor process, with socially distanced seats where weary applicants wait for their appointments. In this July 29, 2015 file photo, the Puerto Rican flag flies in front of Puerto Rico's Capitol as in San Juan, Puerto Rico. But the pandemic has nonetheless plunged Puerto Rico into its fifth dire emergency in three years, one that the government has struggled to manage. An earthquake shook Puerto Rico in early May, ... 2020 at 5:27 PM EDT. The continuing disaster aid crisis in Puerto Rico, ... — David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) January 12, 2020. “Now that people don’t have that valve, that’s a real concern.”. By 5 a.m., more than 400 others were also at the convention center, and many furious people were turned away. The island’s labor secretary, Briseida Torres, resigned in June, when public fury was mounting over the long lines and delayed payouts, including associated delays in receiving federal stimulus checks. As a result, on an island that already had the highest poverty rate in the United States, at least 300,000 Puerto Ricans have filed unemployment claims linked to the pandemic — out of a civilian labor force of 1.05 million — and many others are ineligible for aid because they are part of the island’s large informal economy. Follow the latest news in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, including the Jones Act, devastating lack of water, how to help, and more. puerto rico aid crisis. Paola Aponte Cotto, a worker there, said she spends 20 hours a week on the phone, fielding requests. Experts say that her quick action helped stave off an even worse medical crisis on the island. How could Puerto Rican voters affect the midterms? Puerto Rico Crisis. Sin haber salido de los efectos de los sismos, a partir de marzo 12, el Covid-19 ha provocado un disloque mayor en la economía, una parálisis de casi todos los sectores productivos. The island took "some of the most dramatic steps of any … New York mailman allegedly kept 813 pieces of mail, including 3 ballots, USPS says. More than 300,000 people are now getting benefits, Mr. Rivera Santiago said, while total claims in two available assistance programs have reached 500,000. As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe, shutting businesses, killing the vulnerable and crippling economies, Puerto Rico has taken one of the country’s hardest economic hits. Maria Enchautegui, an economist at the Youth Development Institute of Puerto Rico, a policy and research organization, said the greatest challenge was the technical capacity of the island’s Labor Department, which was too limited to deal with the crush of applications. Earthquake damage inside a former Kmart store in the Yauco Plaza Shopping Center, in Yauco, Puerto Rico, on Jan. 7, 2020. “The claims were the biggest we ever saw, since the beginning of recording unemployment in the 1980s,” Mr. Caraballo-Cueto said. Volunteers prepared bags of food in June at Comedores Sociales, a food bank in San Juan. The original Puerto Rico shopping and civic centre, located in the south west Gran Canaria municipality of Mogán, first announced in 2015 that they would be renovating and updating the 40 year old tourist space with an ambitious plan to replace the shabby, ageing facades and walkways of this well-known commercial centre in the popular tourist town of Puerto Rico de Gran Canaria. “This is going to go on for a while,” said Mr. Soto, 57, who is worried that the cruise industry he depends on will not quickly recover. Puerto Rico is expected to receive $13 billion in Covid-related federal funds, according to the Financial Oversight and Management Board, the agency that has managed Puerto Rico’s finances since it defaulted on $72 billion in debt. If the promised aid does not quickly arrive, she said, the poverty rate among workers in businesses affected by the recent lockdowns could climb to 77 percent. Entre el 28 de diciembre del 2019, fecha del primer terremoto que azotó el sur de Puerto Rico, y el final de octubre de este año, se han presentado más de 940 nuevas demandas de ejecuciones de hipoteca. Elecciones en EEUU 2020 Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico’s housing market saw a strong rebound with the seasonally-adjusted purchase-only house price index rising by 9.07% during the year to Q3 2020, a sharp turnaround from y-o-y declines of 0.8% in Q2 and 6.86% in Q1, using inflation-adjusted figures. The 2020 earthquakes took a brutal toll on Puerto Rico. “It’s a challenge, and one Puerto Rico is going to confront,” he said. Yet discontent with colonial rule led to a growing independence movement on the island, and Spain granted … A senior Puerto Ricon official said Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020, that the island's government has lost more than $2.6 million after falling for an email phishing scam. “The callers who are most shocked are the ones who lost their jobs.”. My income was the strongest of my household, and I have a 4-year-old child.”. She turned to a local food bank for help, vowing to go back to school and start her own business. 1 ECONOMÍA DE PUERTO RICO Indicadores Económicos Producción y Ventas de Cemento “I was working from home, and I got an email. He stressed that the key to recovery will be injecting money into the economy. So far, the island has had 8,714 confirmed and likely cases of the virus, and 157 deaths. “Would you take a cruise right now, even if someone gave it to you for free?”. “I lost my job on June 1,” said Marelys Figueroa, 27, who was a marketing and recruitment officer at a university. Puerto Rico Assmca ve duplicarse llamadas a la línea PAS por crisis económica “Nos encontramos en una fase de supervivencia", indicó la directora Suzanne Roig. A 13-year-old’s death highlights Puerto Rico’s post-Maria health care crisis Hundreds of doctors have left the island, and hospitals and clinics remain shuttered. The bandaged safety net that has buoyed Puerto Ricans imperfectly in times of crisis … “I submitted everything a month ago, and I haven’t received anything. Dennis M. Rivera Pichardo for The New York Times. Jenniffer González culpa a puertorriqueños por crisis política y asegura que gracias a EEUU la isla no está como Cuba. Pero nuevamente, en el 2020, la desgracia nos vuelve a sorprender con los sismos ocurridos en enero 7, que causaron devastación en la zona sur, con un costo estimado en $1,000 millones. And with Covid-19 creating serious problems in Florida and other parts of the United States, unemployed Puerto Ricans, who fled to the mainland in droves after Hurricane Maria, have nowhere to turn. The founders of Casa Pueblo, Tinti Deya and Alexis Massol González, rose to prominence in the 1980s as leaders of the successful movement to thwart the U.S. government’s “2020 Plan,” a top-secret program designed to clear the mountainous region of central Puerto Rico through ethnic cleansing. I’ve been surviving with the little I have left.”, Pandemic Plunges Puerto Rico Into Yet Another Dire Emergency. Experts say this latest economic crisis has been even more difficult than the one that followed Hurricane Maria. In the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, rebuilding feels never ending. Comedores Sociales received 8,000 requests for help in the first two months of the pandemic. Many Puerto Ricans have informal off-the-books jobs that do not qualify them for unemployment benefits, making the situation on the island even more complicated, said Amanda M. Rivera, the institute’s executive director. Gov. Puerto Rico (The United States of America): FEMA Awards $1.5 Million to the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music November 25, 2020 4:34 pm ReliefWeb Release Date: November 25, 2020 Release Number: NR 479 GUAYNABO, Puerto Rico — The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awarded nearly $1.5 million to repair the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music for damages caused by … "I was devastated," she recalls. Roberto Rivera, 55, a driver for a guided tour company, slept in his car one night a few weeks ago, his crutches by his side, so he would be the first in line for a short-lived drive-through service center established by the Labor Department to receive disaster unemployment assistance applications. Fuente: Banco de Desarrollo Económico de Puerto Rico. “The effect on poverty could be quite bad,” Ms. Enchautegui said. It is unclear how many people have returned to work since the governor authorized businesses to reopen in mid-June. Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States of America. ÍNDICE Economía de Puerto Rico RESUMEN ECONÓMICO DE PUERTO RICO Informe Económico mensual de la Junta de Planificación enero 2020 / Vol. Then a series of earthquakes shook the south side of the island in January, damaging homes and buildings, sending thousands to live on the street, and closing schools across the island. “And the government pretended to process all of those new claims with the same number of employees they always had.”. march 06, 2020. USGS Jan. 25, 2020, 9:54 PM UTC / Updated Jan. 25, 2020, 10:37 PM UTC #getcountednyc. A civic uprising paralyzed the island last summer and led to the ouster of Governor Vázquez’s predecessor. In March, Governor Vázquez announced a $787 million stimulus package, which included $160 million in grants to small businesses and the self-employed. Monday, November 30, 2020 • 12:19 pm In recent weeks and on the occasion of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, not a few brands have launched consumers with more aggressive offers than usual in order to recover the slowdown in sales caused by the Covid crisis. Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Puerto Rico: Read the latest travel alerts to find out how COVID-19 restrictions may affect you. Este año se … By the eighteenth century, Puerto Rico had become a major exporter of tobacco, coffee, and sugarcane. Wanda Vázquez was the first governor in the nation to order businesses to close and people to stay home. If you travel, take the following steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19: Stay at least 6 feet/2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) from anyone who is … Puerto Rico’s governor says she will activate the National Guard to help enforce a ... Puerto Rico, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020. Is Puerto Rico’s botched primary a preview of what an Election Day crisis will look like? Report: FEMA fumbled in Puerto Rico after storms Irma, Maria, Coronavirus worsens food insecurity in Puerto Rico—amid looming loss of federal funds, Puerto Rico sees more pain, little progress 3 years after Hurricane Maria, Investigation could identify more Hurricane Maria deaths in Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans displaced by earthquakes wait for a safe home amid roadblocks, delays, In Puerto Rico, demonstrators demand governor's resignation, Aftershocks rattle Puerto Rico as islanders confront new crisis, 'Sad, worried, inconsolable': Earthquakes trigger anxiety in Puerto Rico, post-Hurricane Maria, Restoring earthquake-hit power plant in Puerto Rico could take a year, Puerto Rico under repair as earthquakes continue through the week, For Puerto Rico's LGBTQ community, fight doesn't end with Rosselló, Puerto Rico governor resigns after days of protests over leaked messages, Rosselló will stay as Puerto Rico governor but won't seek re-election, Growing calls for governor of Puerto Rico to resign, Gina Rodriguez: Elected officials need to take care of Puerto Rico. García Padilla pide cancelar votación del Partido Demócrata de Puerto Rico ante crisis del coronavirus. As of last week, despite guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that everyone should be washing their hands frequently during the coronavirus pandemic, the governor announced that because of a severe drought, parts of the island would have running water only every other day for the foreseeable future. Follow the latest news in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, including the Jones Act, devastating lack of water, how to help, and more. Puerto Rico’s local businesses are in a crisis by Simon Gardehl Aug 31, 2020 Coronavirus , Economy , Headlines , Puerto Rico 0 comments As the coronavirus remains prevalent in today’s society and economy, small businesses are still facing challenges of remaining open. El riesgo a perder el techo tras el COVID-19 es mayor. Plan ahead and learn more about Getting Health Care Abroad. “After the hurricane, there was a valve, a place people could go where things were normal,” Ms. Rivera said. Christopher Columbus reached the island that would become Puerto Rico, then home to the indigenous Taino people, in 1493, ushering in more than four hundred years of Spanish rule. José Caraballo-Cueto, an associate professor at the University of Puerto Rico, said the rollout of the stimulus was problematic, because it gave priority to things like hazard pay for front-line workers, who were still employed. The epicenter of an earthquake that hit Puerto Rico on Jan. 25, 2020, was near the town of Guayanilla. The food bank, Comedores Sociales, said that it received 8,000 requests for help in the first two months of the pandemic. Remote work has become the order of the day, and that was not very usual in Puerto Rico.”.
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