12. In addition, international payments are uncomplicated and garish because Subreddit Bitcoin are not knotted to any country or subject to regulation. Subreddit Stats. /r/truegaming is a subreddit dedicated to meaningful, insightful, and high-quality discussion on all topics gaming. r/Linux_Gaming is not primarily a tech-support forum, Press J to jump to the feed. new. What exactly did you do, and how, and with what version of what? It is not (primarily) a tech-support forum. Hot. Subreddit Stats Here you'll find a bunch of different subreddit ranking lists. The network records each R Bitcoin subreddit transaction onto these ledgers and and so propagates them to all of the other ledgers on the network. Close enough. You can now flair your own posts. Linux Experiences/Rants or Education/Certifications thread - November 30, 2020. In particular, please mark "standalone" tech-support requests as support request and re-flair them as answered if an answer has been found (even if it was "this can't be done"). /r/Linux_Gaming is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Linux Compatible Minetest Server is Back! Heated discussions are fine, unwarranted insults are not. Top posts from r/Blessedimages on Reddit. Spam will be deleted. Remember you are talking to another human being. Usually, being a gamer on the first of April is good fun — jokes, memes, pranks about Half-Life 3. Posts FAQ. Best Linux Gaming OS. How have you tried to troubleshoot the problem? Welcome to this wiki pages for the /r/linux_gaming subreddit. Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Seite. r/ linux. Gaming in Linux has evolved a lot in the past few years. A subreddit is a specific online community, and the posts associated with it, on the social media website Reddit.Subreddits are dedicated to a particular topic that people write about, and they're denoted by /r/, followed by the subreddit's name, e.g., /r/gaming. You'll find a ton of information and links here relating to issues around gaming on our favourite OS. Otherwise, you may find the following links of use: Lists of sites that may be of interest or help to people interested in Linux gaming. Namun seiring dibukanya API bot Telegram, script ini berkurangbot. We are going to list the best Linux gaming distributions today. R linux gaming - Vertrauen Sie unserem Gewinner Das Team hat im ausführlichen R linux gaming Vergleich uns die relevantesten Artikel angeschaut sowie die nötigen Merkmale aufgelistet. --- Welcome to level 1. View subreddit information or browse subreddits. View subreddit information or browse subreddits. Here are the top 30 best gaming subreddits with the most Reddit subscribers. (This wiki page can help you gather system information.). No April Fools. Hot New Top. View subreddit information or browse subreddits. SUBREDDIT: http://www.reddit.com/r/huttsgaming POOTREON: https://www.patreon.com/hutts WANT TO SUPPORT ME? Respect other users. try over-riding these; * ubiorbitapi_r2_loader (native) * wininet (builtin, native) start with; wine farcry3.exe -uplay_steam_mode -language This Wiki is open to members of the subreddit to modify and build on. From robotics or an alarm clock the Internet of things is on the way. 1,941,071: Fastest growing last 7 days: No. Now, you have dozens of distros pre-optimized for gaming and gamers. Respect other users. Devs and content producers. If the problem is a game-specific one, then searching out support from the game's website, subreddit, or Steam community hub may be of help. Be precise, so that others can make sense of your post and possibly even find it useful themselves. share. My system consists of an A10-5800K APU and a GTX 1050Ti. (unofficial) reddit.guide. Tjommi47 Aug 21, 2019 @ 11:02am Woah the last comment was in 2017? Die Betreiber dieses Portals haben uns dem Ziel angenommen, Verbraucherprodukte aller Variante unter die Lupe zu nehmen, damit Sie zuhause unkompliziert den R linux gaming gönnen können, den Sie als Kunde haben wollen. Respect /r/Linux_Gaming as a community. Gaming subreddit or just a random guy that we don't even know if it's a frequent user of it? 3. Best Gaming Subreddits To Follow 1. r/Gaming – 19,045,298 Subscribers With over 19 million subscribers, r/Gaming is one of the biggest subreddits on […] Coming up: /r/gamelevel2 Rank: 15290. Moderator of r/linux. card. It is also a place where you can check out some cool cosplays and funny gaming You can click a subreddit name to see stats (graphs, etc.) r/linux_gaming: A subreddit for gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system. Here you'll find a bunch of different subreddit ranking lists. We know spam when we see it and will delete it. It's a place for news and discussions relating to GNU/Linux gaming. HutchyBen Apr 17 @ 8:00am Rainbow six siege is so fun. Search Similar Subreddits To r/gamingcirclejerk By User Overlap I want to ask, what is the distro that will help me to get the best out of my system, gaming-wise. Found 100 subreddits like r/Ubuntu (129,252 subs). A subreddit for (almost) anything related to games - video games, board games, card games, etc. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a game created by Valve Corporation and released on August 21st, 2012 as a successor to previous games in the series dating back to 1999. You are now on level 1. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The Linux community on Reddit is also represented in a range of smaller subreddits dedicated to specific distros (/r/ubuntu, /r/archlinux), interests (/r/linux_gaming, /r/linuxadmin), philosophies (/r/gnu), and skill-levels (/r/linux4noobs) - and many others. Rank: 3. This means things like repetitious posting of similar content, low-effort posts/memes and misleading/exaggerated titles on link posts. This means things like repetitious posting of similar content, low-effort posts/memes and misleading/exaggerated titles on link posts. The Linux_Gaming Wiki Welcome to this wiki pages for the /r/linux_gaming subreddit. Click on the link icon next to the subreddit's name to go directly to the subreddit. A subreddit for gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system. r/linux_gaming. Hot New Top Rising. The r/games subreddit has gone dark for April Fools to push back against toxicity in their own community and to ask gamers to focus on what brings them together. How to's, requests for help, news, you name it! If you have a question, please check the wiki before posting. Click on the link icon next to the subreddit's name to go directly to the subreddit. The relevant distro subreddit may also be useful - the popular ones can be found on the /r/linux sidebar. In particular, please mark "standalone" tech-support requests as support request and re-flair them as answered if an answer has been found (even if it was "this can't be done"). We know spam when we see it and will delete it. r… Posted by 1 day ago. [22] [23] The subreddit r/all does not filter Do note that most of the major Linux distributions support thousands of games with the help of Steam (and Steam Play). 10. Hot Rank Click to View Ranking. The Ubuntu community on Reddit Rank: 1815. See the sidebar and the supplemental page for a more thorough list. We all need to support each other to help GNU/Linux gaming grow. Any other subreddit bearing Ice Poseidon's name is not affiliated nor are their views/content endorsed by Ice Poseidon or his community. Tech-support requests posted outside the Weekly Tech-Support Thread should be of general interest. What does subreddit mean? We tested all of them and hand-picked the best. What happened then? Subreddit Try r/pics, r/news, , r/diy . 164,319 subscribers ∙ created 11 years ago ∙ last fetched 3 hours ago Some live just buy bitcoins as an promotion, hoping that they’ll move out dormy metal view. It is a rolling release distro which includes a user-friendly installer, tested updates that try very hard to not break your system and a community of friendly users for support. It's a place for news and discussions relating to GNU/Linux gaming. No. Posted by 6 days ago. 1454 /r/Warhammer i. Find more subreddits like r/linuxquestions -- Manjaro is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch. Im a noob and i want to make a switch to linux using dual boot but i was wondering which distro would be the best for performance in games, I want to use Windows for anti-cheat games but use linux for absolutely anything else, so i heard Manjaro was great, Popos and Mint as well but which ones bring the best performance out of my 2060 super graphics card. card classic compact. Hello r/linux_gaming, I think this is the best place to ask and I know many here is already asked the one and only question "What is the best distro for gaming", and I know the answer is not standard. Join. Join. 15 comments. Find more subreddits like r/emulation -- Emulation News and Discussion. Find more subreddits like r/linux_on_mac -- All about running linux on Apple/Mac hardware, both PPC and Intel based. Remember you are talking to another human being. rising. for that subreddit. 12. Find more subreddits like r/linuxmint -- News, Discussion, and Support for Linux Mint The Linux Mint Subreddit: for news, discussion and support for the Linux distribution Linux Mint. It is not (primarily) a tech-support forum. Gamers can follow subreddits for different games, consoles, cheap game deals, and more. Meanwhile, r/popular features top-ranked posts across all of Reddit, excluding NSFW communities and others that are most commonly filtered out by users (even if they are safe for work). Editor Narrator https://twitter.com/HeyPottyH Weekly Questions and Hardware Thread - November 25, 2020. We're been trying to get the ball rolling. If you are not already logged in to your Reddit account, click LOG IN near the top-center area of the page to do so now.. Subreddit Growth How /r/linux_gaming_theme growth compares with growth of 2,408,367 other subreddits. As of now the most common way of doing this is using a machine learning model to alter textures, but this subreddit isn't limited to improving textures, rather focusing on machine learning models to improve any part of the game. Respect /r/Linux_Gaming as a community. Find more subreddits like r/linux_tutorials -- A collection of Linux tutorials for all major distributions. Welche Kauffaktoren es vor dem Kaufen Ihres R linux gaming zu analysieren gilt! Hello from … (Please don't message modmail - nobody is being approved at the moment) quarantine_message: "It is dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content. for that subreddit. Guide: Migrating to Linux in 2019 /r/Linux_Gaming WIKI Guidelines. ". Script Pengambil Top Thread Kaskus dan Subreddit r/linux 07 Jul 2015 Script ini awalnya diperuntukkan menyediakan tautan bacaan di grup Telegram PegeLinux. Native Linux gaming - the true Linux gaming subreddit r/ nativelinuxgaming. Lots of useful information can be found in our wiki: A subreddit for gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system. You can also ask for help in the Weekly Tech Support Thread that's pinned to the top of /r/linux_gaming. Find more subreddits like r/linux -- All things Linux and GNU/Linux -- this is neither a community exclusively about the kernel Linux, nor is exclusively about the GNU operating system. Whether it's because they won't/can't pay full price, are waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases. What exactly did you do, and how, and with what version of what? Post here. Found 17 subreddits like r/linuxquestions (112,463 subs). Hello from the future! Be precise, so that others can make sense of your post and possibly even find it useful themselves. Reddit has a community for everything. r/nativelinuxgaming metrics including subscriber growth, count history, and subreddit rank (Native Linux gaming - the true Linux gaming subreddit) arrow_drop_down. Cookies help us deliver our Services. (but not sports). Include relevant details like logs, terminal output, system information. 7 7. share. If it's a link post, think about writing a comment to tell us more - the more you engage with us, the more we like it. POPULAR DISCUSSIONS view all < > 19 Comments HaVoCPanda Apr 17 @ 8:01am Woah the last comment was in 1958? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All the of the information held within these sites is the responsibility of their respective owners. hot. A score of 0 means that users of the inputted subreddit never post/comment on that score=0 subreddit. Vague, low-effort tech-support requests may get removed. We all need to support each other to help GNU/Linux gaming grow. Don’t be. Also about general use of Neural Networks. Welcome to /r/Game. I know my CPU is holding me back. A center for all things Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, and more! Devs and content producers. Rank: 2080. Its tuned to give your posts the best opportunity to get upvotes and become a top post. If you've ported your game to Linux or created some GNU/Linux gaming related content (reviews, videos, articles) then, so long as you're willing to engage with the community, please post it here. r/gaming is one of the more embarrasing subreddits, here's why. The analysis tool looks deep into a Subreddit's history to identify the best time of the week to submit. Please check if the links below this Guidelines section can't answer your question. /r/Linux_Gaming is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Welcome to /r/linuxboards, a subreddit for discussing the miniature sized, Internet of Things (IoT), and the amazing things we can do with them. Spam will be deleted. Tech-support requests posted outside the Weekly Tech-Support Thread should be of general interest. Navigate to https://www.reddit.com in a web browser. VIEW ALL. 1,064,967. subscribers. Rising. The r/Games subreddit isn’t Reddit’s biggest gaming community. View subreddit information or browse subreddits. Moderator of r/linux. save. xdwc.teichisma.info/ • 0 comments. Find more subreddits like r/linuxfunny -- Is it almost funny and linux related? The moderators of r/hardware, … Yes and no!Yes, you can play games on Linux and no, you cannot play ‘all the games’ in Linux.Confused? This subreddit will be re-opening soon. Respect /r/Linux_Gaming as a community. 235,129: Fastest growing last 30 days: No. How have you tried to troubleshoot the problem? Respect other users. Small businesses may like them because there are no entry card fees. Find more subreddits like r/AndroidGaming -- This subreddit is dedicated to everything related to gaming on Android. If you don't fancy modifying the Wiki yourself but wish to provide a correction or more information, then again messaging the moderators or contact one of the people active in maintaining these pages (you can see a list on the history page). But you might not get all the latest and popular Windows games on Linux, for e.g., PES 2015.The reason, in my opinion, is that Linux has less than 2% of desktop market share and these numbers are demotivati… Vague, low-effort tech-support requests may get removed. It's a place for news and discussions relating to GNU/Linux gaming. This is a puzzle game on Reddit, where each subreddit has a puzzle you need to solve. 368. Heated discussions are fine, unwarranted insults are not. search. search. Generally, the first port of call for problems that you may encounter is the dedicated support (forums, IRC, knowledgebases etc) provided by the Linux distribution that you're using. /r/GlobalOffensive is a home for the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community and a hub for the discussion and sharing of content relevant to CS:GO. Growth Rank Click to View Ranking. /r/truegaming is a subreddit dedicated to meaningful, insightful, and high-quality discussion on all topics gaming. /r/Linux_Gaming is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. 1,933,517: Fastest growing yesterday: No. Devs and content producers. View subreddit information or browse subreddits. 12. pinned by moderators . If it's a link post, think about writing a comment to tell us more - the more you engage with us, the more we like it. Subreddit dedicated to the news and discussions about the creation and use of technology and its surrounding issues. r/Linux_Gaming is not primarily a tech-support forum, Press J to jump to the feed. Gaming If you are a gamer and want to stay updated on the new happenings in the gaming world, you should follow the /r/gaming subreddit. top. Include relevant details like logs, terminal output, system information. hot new top rising. Respect other users. These distros are equipped with various drivers, emulators, and software for a convenient gaming experience, so you can just install them and get the gaming going. Find more subreddits like r/linux_programming -- Everything related to GNU/Linux/UNIX/POSIX (system) programming and tools. Rank: 10989. Subreddit Bitcoin can be used to buy merchandise anonymously. Hello from the future! If you’re not yet a member of the Reddit community, click SIGN UP near the top-right corner to create an account now. hot. For gamers behind the times... • /r/patientgamers A gaming sub for people who wait at least 6 months after release to play a game. card classic compact • Posted by 16 minutes ago. Subreddit /r/linux_gaming . UserBenchmark has received a significant blow today with the news that it has been banned from a major subreddit. 839. In den Rahmen der Gesamtbewertung zählt eine Vielzahl an Faktoren, zum finalen Testergebniss. Download Zorin OS Gaming - A freely distributed gaming edition of the Zorin OS Linux-based operating system What's new in Zorin OS Gaming 8: The Zorin OS Team are pleased to release Zorin OS 8 Gaming… This Wiki is open to members of the subreddit to modify and build on. If you've ported your game to Linux or created some GNU/Linux gaming related content (reviews, videos, articles) then, so long as you're willing to engage with the community, please post it here. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, List of Linux games pulled from the Steam Store, GamingOnLinux's list of crowdfunding campaigns, PCGamingWiki's list of Humble Store Games. Lots of useful information can be found in our wiki: A subreddit for gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system. Please check if the links below this Guidelines section can't answer your question. card. You can now flair your own posts. Find more subreddits like r/GameUpscale -- A subreddit for improving any game using machine learning techniques. Subscriber Rank Click to View Ranking. ... /r/GlobalOffensive is a home for the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community and a hub for the discussion and sharing of content relevant to CS:GO. What happened then? Post your board contribute to the community! Remember you are talking to another human being. pwn4d Jan 9 @ 7:22am Woah the last comment was in 2019? XDWC 2020: Xonotic CTS championship is live! imagine that Linux gaming is like a 100m diameter ball of lead, on a flat plateau of land on top of a hill. save. search. Respect /r/Linux_Gaming as a community. More details on both at /r/reddhub Plenty more++ What I meant here is that you can get plenty of popular games on Linux such as Counter Strike, Metro Last Night etc. Once it does build up speed and start going down the hill, it will become an unstoppable force. Posted by u/[deleted] 3 months ago. Huge news about Microsoft just hit the market and how it affects Linux Gaming. All things Warhammer! Found 99 subreddits like r/gaming (24,112,823 subs). Heated discussions are fine, unwarranted insults are not. If you'd like to do so, then just message the moderators to obtain approved status (though if you are a /r/linux_gaming regular, you may already have access). Found 99 subreddits like r/gnu (12,265 subs). You'll find a ton of information and links here relating to issues around gaming on our favourite OS. You can click a subreddit name to see stats (graphs, etc.) RPCS3 is an experimental open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger written in C++ which currently supports Windows, Linux and BSD systems. Found 98 subreddits like r/game (7,211 subs). (This wiki page can help you gather system information.). It's a place for news and discussions relating to GNU/Linux gaming. v5.12 • Tweaked night-theme colors for improved reading • Users can now re-select the currently viewed link • Fixed the broken subreddit 'about' panel scrolling • Fixed several other minor bugs for improved stability and performance • Set search to auto-focus the search box • Several more features and many bug fixes.
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