Download the original file (Registered members of Vimeo only) It works in a similar way to the Framing Assist Seek button on the PowerShot SX540 HS, temporarily zooming out so you can re-acquire your subject, before zooming back in when you release the button. Amazon UK, The Bluetooth link between the camera and your phone is maintained when you switch the camera off, so any remaining downloads can complete and to save time connecting when you turn the camera back on again. If you’re shooting people, face recognition is probably a better choice of AF modes, but target finding does seem to have an uncanny knack for picking the main subject in a scene which for some situations is a real improvement on the nine-area AF mode. Nikon B500 Comparison Review. Potential subjects are identified and tracked with green rectangles. The Nikon Coolpix B500 is an ultra zoom bridge camera, with a 40x optical zoom lens, 16 megapixel sensor, a tilting 3inch screen, and built in Wi-Fi, NFC and Bluetooth. The grip extends a long way forwards which means that even if you have long fingers there’s plenty of room to accommodate them in the well between the grip and lens. Nikon B500 review: Big zoom and decent snaps for £219; 2. The COOLPIX B500’s scene and features modes are now much more accessible thanks to the new mode dial, and this makes a big difference compared to its predecessor, the COOLPIX L840 where you had to navigate screen menus to switch shooting modes. The screen itself is the same 921k dot LCD panel as on the earlier COOLPIX L840 and indeed the L830 before that, but even three generations on it’s one of the best screens you’ll find on a super-zoom in this price bracket and looks more detailed than 461k dot screen of the PowerShot SX540 HS. Speed - The camera is reasonably quick at switching on and shooting, with focus speeds okay when shooting towards the wide-angle end of the lens, or when not using much zoom. It’s neither too big to make it a bit of a handful – like a DSLR or some of the bulkier super-zoom models, nor so small as to make accessing the controls fiddly. Read our Nikon Coolpix B700 review … The Nikon Coolpix B700 is a new super-zoom compact camera with a whopping 60x zoom lens. The combined battery and card compartment is accessed via a large hinged door that covers the entire right side of the camera below the hand grip. On the right side of the COOLPIX B500 there’s a soft flap that covers the USB / A/V and HDMI ports. by Jeremy Gray Preview posted: 02/22/2016. Nikon Coolpix B500 Review. But as well as the long battery life, AA’s have the advantage that they’re easy to replace and spares are relatively cheap compared to a proprietary Li-Ion battery. No one tests cameras like we do. I'm having a lot of fun playing around with it. Search for all the latest photography gear and services in our dedicated photography directories. Nikon B500 Review. If you’re not using SnapBridge’s Bluetooth connection for automatic image transfer, you’re almost certainly better off using Wifi if you want to manually transfer selected images. Install Nikon's new Snapbridge app on a compatible smartphone or tablet* and unlock exciting new capabilities with the COOLPIX B500. I recently picked up this camera a few days ago, and so far I'm totally happy with it. If some of this looks familiar that’ll be because the B500 is an update of Nikon’s earlier L840 super-zoom model with a slightly longer zoom. 600 shots when using alkaline batteries, approx. There are two rocker switches for the zoom – one around the shutter release on top of the grip and another on the left side of the lens barrel. If you want to do that then the more expensive COOLPIX B700’s side-hinged ‘Vari-angle’ screen can oblige. You can use the zoom while recording and if you disable the digital zoom in the set up menu it disables it for both movie recording and photos. As with earlier Wifi-equipped models you can control the camera remotely and download photos to your phone, what’s new is that you can transmit images to your phone in the background as you shoot using the low power Bluetooth connection. Stabilisation, which is called Photo VR, is enabled from the Setup menu and has just two positions – on and off. Remote shooting is basic, you can see the camera’s view on your phone screen, but you can’t tap to focus and until you take a shot the blurry view isn’t much use.
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