AP Human Geography: Political Geography Vocab. Other activities to help include hangman, crossword, word scramble, games, matching, quizes, and tests. This is post 1 of 6 in a series about the Demographic Transition Model – a fundamental concept in population education, which is covered in Social Studies courses, most notably AP Human Geography. EX: Cuba, Syria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Michelle Tong 23,045 views. AP Human Geography: Unit – 3 - Cultural Patterns and Processes Practice Test Question 1 What continent has the most languages? Demography definition, the science of vital and social statistics, as of the births, deaths, diseases, marriages, etc., of populations. The process where a nation's government becomes democratic. Language: English Location: United States Supranational definition, outside or beyond the authority of one national government, as a project or policy that is planned and controlled by a group of nations. 7:42. A.The lack of access to higher education B.The lack of belief in a higher power C. AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Unit 7: POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY (Ch.8) The study of human political organization of the earth. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 83,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. A.South America B.Australia C.Asia D.Africa E. Europe Question 2 Which of the following definitions best describes the term illiteracy? See more. See more. January 19, 2019 / in AP Human Geography / by emmacalderwood Key Takeaways: Political Organization of Space A nation is a group of people with common cultural characteristics, whereas a state is an area with defined boundaries that has sovereignty within its borders. Ap Human Geography Unit 4 Terms questionState answerDefinition: An area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government with control over its internal and foreign Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. Beginning in the late 1700s, something remarkable happened: death rates declined. AP Human Geography Vocabulary Apartheid: a legal system that was the physical separation of different races into different geographic areas My definition: separation of people in South Africa based on race Example: There were apartheid laws in South Africa between around 1950 to 1994. Definition. In geography, a region is a conceptual unit; it's a place defined not necessarily by strict physical borders but by whatever criteria the geographer finds to be most useful. Free flashcards to help memorize facts about Vocab for Unit 4. A country that is run according to the interests of the ruler rather than the people. ... Democracy . Ex: The U.S's occupation of Iraq has catalyzed Iraq's democratization considerably. Def: A conference regulating European colonization and trade in Africa, held in Berlin, Germany in 1884. AP Human Geography Crash Course Project: Unit 7: Cities and Urban Land Use - Duration: 7:42.
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