He picks out the five-cent confection from a local bakery ("for the two-penny one she only gives you a hand job; I can do that myself") and brings it to Peggy, an underage harlot. Antonio Catania, Votes: Penélope Cruz, | Dennis Hopper, Votes: In time for the annual NYC Food Film Festival, we've compiled our 50 favorite food-on-film moments of all time. A master of disguise deranged killer begins killing off the college students who are organizing a horror-movie marathon in an abandoned theater. Julie and Julia. | Though Chaplin wasn't the first to try the gag (Fatty Arbuckle deployed a similar stunt in 1917 film The Rough House), the Tramp's eyebrow-wiggling, shoulder-shrugging rendition of the tabletop ballet is unsurpassed. Director: Wayne Knight, Angelina Jolie, Watch the clip. Watch the clip. Daniel Olbrychski, Votes: Though Meryl Streep would go on to portray Francophile chef Julia Child in 2009's Julie & Julia, she caught our eye in the kitchen seven years earlier in this drama. Olivia Wilde, Votes: One successful franchise to form after the inspiration in a movie is Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Visit for delicacies such as the cheesy "Cheebacca" and stay for the ridiculous and wonderful '70s-inspired truck art. We haven't seen moves like that since we first beheld the fold-hold. The Naranjo family's weekly suppers anchor the plot of this film, and offer a glimpse into the ritualistic pleasures of preparing a meal. Michael Jordan, The heroic Neil Patrick Harris comes to their rescue, forking over cash for their meal, plus some extra dough to cover "love stain" damage to their car. Four teenage boys enter a pact to lose their virginity by prom night. Stars: Julie Claire, R A series of increasingly ridiculous orders culminates with Martin's nonsensical request: "I'll have a half double decaffinated half caf with a twist of lemon!" 88 min We're still working up the stones to try this stunt on a stuffy sommelier ourselves. | But it doesn’t have to end at wishful thinking. 1. 247,173 Topping any list of food=nerd filmography is Juzo Itami's comedy, a Japanese tribute to ramen and to the culture and eroticism of food. Stars: For our money, it's the moment when Charlie and Grandpa Joe defy Willy Wonka's directives, slipping off to try the fizzy lifting drinks. A Cornucopian Cinema. Ralphie nearly shoots his eye out, a pack of dogs devour the turkey, and the Parkers are left with taking their dinner in an empty Chinese restaurant on Christmas. $14.10M, R Watch the clip. A group of college-age buddies struggle with their imminent passage into adulthood in 1959 Baltimore. When tradition prevents her from marrying the man she loves, a young woman discovers she has a unique talent for cooking. Disney / Via disneyscreencaps. Phil Lord, Via: Reddit. Action, Thriller. 130 min These gangsters eat better in prison than most of us do on the outside: garlic sliced so thin with a razor blade that it would "liquefy in the pan with just a little oil," iced lobsters, steak seared in a skillet, wine, Scotch and pasta sauce that's a touch too oniony. Waitress (2007) 9. When the rapidly unraveling Jane serves Blanche her lunch beneath a silver dome, you just know there's foul play afoot. When Chunk tosses his hideously deformed companion the candy bar (it whacks him in the forehead and Sloth breaks lose of his chains to pick it up), a pivotal friendship is formed. And a little bit of wine, and a little bit of sugar—that's my trick." Jane Darwell, Similarly, coming back home from work and cooking is what makes Julie happy. (1962): Rats for lunch, Sarah Bruning, Jordana Rothman, Chris Schonberger and Mari Uyehara. Adventure, Comedy, Horror. 91 min When it comes to the delectable Indian cuisines, we have our own list of mouth-watering movies–based on Indian food–to keep you glued to the silver screen. Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci's steamy drama sparked censorship battles around the world and earned an X rating when it was first released to the U.S. (The Village Voice reported "vomiting by well-dressed wives" at an early screening.) (Of course, you should at least make some popcorn. Stars: | Gross: | Christopher Miller Charley Grapewin, Votes: Any emotion that consumes her ultimately becomes a dessert—there's the Pregnant Self-Pitying Loser Pie ("Lumpy oatmeal with fruitcake mashed in. Bananas (1971) A local scientist is often regarded as a failure until he invents a machine that can make food fall from the sky. Nouveau riche buffoon Navin Johnson wants another bottle of wine, but a 1966 Chteau Latour won't do. $0.06M, R Watch the clip. Reservations play a key role in this adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis's darkly satirical novel: Where you're eating—plus who's with you and whether there's a good bathroom to do coke in—is always more important than what's on the plate for the '80s Wall Street types the film depicts. Edward Everett Horton, Votes: Kelly Cutrone would be proud. Francis Ford Coppola Jack Goode, Votes: | | Gross: Marguerite De La Motte, But while it's easy to smirk at Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) and his pathetic attempt to get reservations at the mythical Dorsia ("Great sea urchin ceviche"), the feelings of insignificance are familiar to anyone who's tried to navigate NYC's rarefied dining rooms. Director: | Ty Burrell, Wacky hijinks of counselors and campers at a less-than-average summer camp. Mario Iván Martínez, Votes: R.G. | Put down the steak knife and give us the what-for in the comments. Giuseppe Battiston, Jim Jarmusch Tom Poston, An alcoholic marries a young woman, who he systematically addicts to booze, so they can share his "passion" together. Roberto Benigni, Michael Rubbo 99 min | Carlos Montalbán, Stars: Stars: Director: As the unvanquishable Lucas Jackson, Newman earns the respect of his fellow inmates by wolfing 50 peeled eggs until his stomach is distended—in the words of one prisoner—"like a ripe watermelon that's about to bust itself open." | Gross: Jill Schoelen, Nia Long, Alfonso Arau John De Bello Adventure, Comedy, Romance. Johnny Depp, Matthew Le Nevez, PG Sideways (2004) 6. | | Big Night (1996) 5. Dave Foley, | Armstrong, Reason to Watch: Julia is excited to wake up at 6:30 am just to cook. 109 min Patrick "Patsy" Goldberg has one foot in his youth and the other in adulthood when he ventures to trade a charlotte russe—a white cake pastry topped with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry—for sexual favors in Sergio Leone's sweeping crime epic. | Gross: David Kelly, 1. A poor Midwest family is forced off their land. | Jacqueline McKenzie, Director: Stars: Thomas Ian Nicholas, We already have this email. Blake Edwards For all those with an eternal love for food and movies, here is a list of some Indian food-inspired movies and where to find their signature dish. Theresa Randle, Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two friendly ghosts. | Watch the clip. Tim Burton 175,713 Katharine Hepburn, Keep it away from your cat, … During World War II, a man persuaded to live on an isolated island and spot aircraft finds himself responsible for a teacher and several students, all female. | | | Action, Comedy, Crime. Fantasy, Mystery, Romance. Phil Daniels, 412,362 Christopher Amitrano, Chef (2014) 2. ("What do you mean you don't make side orders of toast? Director: | 115 min Diane Lane, | | Gross: | Director: Licia Maglietta, Watch the clip. | $4.21M, R | Bill Murray, Disgruntled and downtrodden, the lead in this Korean drama tears into the still-wriggling eight-legged sea creature. Comedy. Bette Davis, Norman Lear 75 min | Gross: | The Playlist Staff. Stars: 96 min $31.84M, PG-13 They then frame her foster brother/... See full summary », Director: 89 min Top 6 selected cooking based movies that will blow your mind with deliciousness. $100.61M, G 176,583 | Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) 6. $11.90M, PG Binging with Babish is a popular YouTube channel that features Andrew Rea teaching recipes based on television series and movies. Watch the clip. | Gross: The patisserie's lavish, color-splashed desserts—burnished canelé, precious petits fours, immaculate mille-feuilles—surround Marie (Kirsten Dunst) constantly, reflecting her candy-coated life of privilege. Peter Gathings Bunche Amara Karan, Votes: A frustrated son tries to determine the fact from fiction in his dying father's life. Watch the clip. Watch the clip. Child called the 1948 meal the most exciting of her life—an epiphany. The story of Harvey Milk and his struggles as an American gay activist who fought for gay rights and became California's first openly gay elected official. Stars: Marco Leonardi, 39,107 Director: Watch the clip. In a desperate attempt to win a basketball match and earn their freedom, the Looney Tunes seek the aid of retired basketball champion, Michael Jordan. Voracious Video. "This is so fucking good, I should kill you." Comedy, Drama, Music. 90 min 94 min Er, encourage them to expand their palates by viewing some seriously savory movies about adventures with food. The son of a priest slain by the Mau Mau moves in with a police officer and his wife in 1950 Kenya. | Watch the clip. Watch the clip. | Albert Finney, Steve Guttenberg, The bumbling Mr. Bean travels to America when he is given the responsibility of bringing a highly valuable painting to a Los Angeles museum. You get it to a boil; you shove in all your sausage and your meatballs. Some of these picks aren't food movies per se but they still have some amazing scenes involving food. Since subscribers pay per month, it feels like it’s free to watch a particular film. 31,505 Because the evil prince Laird did not inherit the crown of Corazion, he sought his revenge by secretly switching his ... See full summary », Director: | Director: George Peppard, Julia Sawalha, Comedy, Drama, Romance. Just another reason the man can't get no respect. Stars: 136 min Blake Edwards | | Freddie Highmore, | | Gross: | Katharine Houghton, Votes: Watch the clip. If you can get past the knee-jerk ickiness of rats in the kitchen, Pixar's brilliant rodent romp is a delight for gastronomes. As if the wife's order of a "bucket of salad" and "the medley of perch" weren't absurd enough, Chet (Candy) decides to tackle the Old 96er: a 96-ounce prime aged-beef steak inspired by Paul Bunyan's blue ox. Alan Ormsby Watch the clip. | Movies. | They travel to California, suffering the misfortunes of the homeless in the Great Depression. Mickey Rourke, Take, for example, the notorious "I'll have what she's having" scene in When Harry Met Sally. Douglas Fairbanks, Biography, Drama. But we feel the same as young Short Round, who stares in slack-jawed awe as shiny black snakes slither out of a python's slashed belly and onto the banquet table. | Ian Holm, A process server and his marijuana dealer wind up on the run from hitmen and a corrupt police officer after he witnesses his dealer's boss murder a competitor while trying to serve papers on him. The Greatest Food Scenes In Cinema History From Rocky's raw eggs to the Big Kahuna Burger - the cinematic moments when food was more than just a prop By Olivia Ovenden and Sam Parker and Nick Pope We see massive hams topped with pineapple rings, glistening fruit tarts, carafes of wine, and baskets of pomegranates and grapes—a gorgeously styled spread. | $71.51M, Approved Director: Mark Herrier, $11.80M, PG-13 | | We've also … Eleven-year-old Michael loses all of his hair when he gets a fright and uses the potion to get his hair back. Bonus points for Julia Child's cameo—she's frosting a cake on a television in the background. Blanche's shrieking, hysterical reaction to the meal—a juicy, tail-and-all rat—is good, twisted fun. $2.49M, PG | Yara Shahidi, 118 min | Gus Van Sant Pizza Planet is something of an in-joke for the folks over at Pixar, appearing in a handful of movies. Peter Weller, 117 min Animation, Adventure, Comedy. | But for self-proclaimed foodies, this movie is two hours and twenty glorious minutes spent ogling over the mountains of pasta and gelato Julia Roberts eats. Kurt Russell, Votes: Even the most serious four-star chefs must feel the same elation when a laudatory review drops. 93 min Stars: Animation, Adventure, Family, It is loosely based on Hans Christian Anderson's classic fairy tale. Edwin Mahinda, If you classify yourself as a foodie, then you probably geek out over films with food, gastronomy, and everything in between. $102.56M, 16 | Then you fry some garlic. Drama, Romance. Director: Cool Hand Luke. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! | Gross: $206.46M, R Julie & Julia is the most-talked-about food movie in recent times, and at its center is Julia Child's classic boeuf a la bourguignonne. | Directors: Director: They pass an egg yolk between their mouths without breaking it; he spritzes her nipples with lemon juice and lets a live prawn writhe against her naked belly. | 1. (Rim shot!) | | Gross: Instead, we've widened the pool to pick out scenes across all genres that simply got our stomachs rumbling—in hunger and occasionally in disgust. Stars: Watch the clip. This is still my favorite of all the movies I've seen. Mary-Louise Parker, Votes: 129 min Stars: Pippa Scott, Running Time: 123 minutes. Lumi Cavazos, Linda Hamilton, John Ford | Babette's Feast (1987) 7. $0.10M, R 46,666 Sharon Taylor, Chocolat (2000) 4. $12.50M, G Nicholas Charles, Votes: The choices are bountiful and infinitely delicious, so we narrowed it down to these five options (six if you're including a … | Gross: Comedy. 423,379 Eccentric inventor Charlie Jackson tries to interest wealthy investors in his girlfriend's plan to help children from poor neighborhoods. Stars: By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. Tim Burton Harry Potter's Butterbeer ... seafood-based replica of one of the Planet Express crew's favorite treats. Stars: "), while an apron-clad Murray, who is inexplicably working incognito at the diner, takes gulps straight from a coffee pot. A CIA agent goes on the run after a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. Mel Gibson, As they stuff their faces, they come to realize that they need to pursue their other life goals with as much enthusiasm as they did their fast-food fix. | Mir Mayo, although many of your suggestions … 25 Mouth-Watering Movies About Food, Restaurants & Chefs. From Cam'ron's mispronunciation of soy sauce ("Mitch, Mitch, Mitch—fuck the soo-ee sauce, man!") | Tom Villard, Watch the clip. A Recipe in Reels. John Franklin, Votes: | Stars: | Or holler at us on Twitter (@thefeednyc) using the hashtag #foodonfilm. 8,142 Eat, Pray, Love is a story of self-discovery as a newly minted divorcee travels through Italy, India and Bali. | 33,764 Watch the clip. You can easily recreate the magical moments in your own kitchen. Stars: 115 min 100 min The food critic's affected intonation and over-the-top snobbery is a tad dated in this '80s flick. $56.70M, PG Watch the clip. Director: 59,378 91 min | Gross: Too bad we don't get to see Woody in a bib. Stars: Here, he's #winning at cooking a full breakfast—eggs, bacon and hash browns—on his lover's smokin' hot stomach. Watch the clip. Spencer Tracy, | Gross: PG-13 | 100 min | Action,... 3. Director: Big Night (1996) 3. Shin'nosuke Uryû, See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. Topping any list of food=nerd filmography is Juzo Itami's comedy, a Japanese tribute to ramen and to the culture and eroticism of food. Anna Faris, | Stars: 89 min Stars: The climactic scene, in which the jaded critic Anton Ego finally bites into Remy's ratatouille, is a beautiful paean the transporting power of food: In a single moment, Ego's eyes widen and the rest of the restaurant drops away as he's transported back to his childhood home in the countryside, where his mother is cooking for him. Kate Lynch, | Stars: Of course Netflix doesn’t have a handful of the classic food movies to stream, including the always amazing Babette’s Feast, which you can always buy on iTunes if you’re in the mood (or worse: never seen it). Ratatouille (2007) 10. The unlikely teaming of Bill Murray with two Wu-Tang legends is one of the funniest scenes in Jim Jarmusch's black-and-white film of 11 shorts. John Mills, Few would argue with the assertion that style trumps substance in Sofia Coppola's loose adaption of Marie Antoinette's story. Like Water For Chocolate (1992) 8. The babka from Seinfeld , the beef bourguignon from Julie & Julia , the Timpano from Big Night , the chocolate lava cake from Chef and Bubba's shrimp from Forrest Gump are just a … Director: Tomoyuki Hatakeyama, Cellulose on Celluloid. Ratatouille (2007) 8. Now that’s amore. 83 min When her restaurateur neighbor suddenly leaves town, she steps up and churns out a three-course meal of local specialties for 30 film-crew members without missing a step—or revealing the dead body lying in her kitchen. But if you're a foodie extraordinaire like myself, you will agree that food has the ability to bring people together—and that's the moral of each one of these films listed below. Ryuma Matsuzaka, | Watch the clip. | Adventure, Comedy, Family. Watch the clip. Watch the clip. Hugo Weaving, Tom Waits, Here is a list of seven such movies based on food and more that will make you think and also hungry. In this German flick, a precursor to 2001's No Reservations with Catherine Zeta-Jones, Martina Gedeck embodies Martha Klein—a toque who, like many real-life chefs, is Type A to a fault. Director: David Gordon Green Kelly Makin Director: Break out the silverware for TONY's list of great grub caught on camera. 18,433 | Drama, Family, Romance, This is a story about two men of different age, who are brought together by recent happenings in their respective lives. Watch the clip. | Director: Watch the clip. | Streep—who portrays a troubled New York editor planning a party for a friend at the end of his life—is most affecting when she meticulously separates eggs, concentrating intensely on the task even as she threatens to crack. Director: Directors: Jon Avnet After being forgotten in a highway café during a bus trip, a housewife decides to start a new life by herself in Venice. Sloth and Chunk bond over their shared affection for choooclaaate in the classic flick The Goonies. 3,945 Bob Peck, | Nati Abascal, Votes: 373,464 Sidney Poitier, Thanks for subscribing! Crime, Drama, Romance. 2. | Stars: | Though the diners attempt to deny the earthly pleasures of fine red wine, decadent cheeses and other Gallic edibles, their eyes glaze over with hedonistic delight as they politely but ravenously scrape their plates clean. Sean Penn, J. Stephen Peace, R | Tiana's Beignets From The Princess and the Frog 3. David Cronenberg She was adopted and raised by her parents' best friend, Jude, an over-protective woman. Clark Griswold's discovery of the kitty kibble-topped Jell-O mold is probably one of the funniest moments of all Christmas movies. Barry Levinson Director: | Gross: | Liev Schreiber, Manner Washington, Votes: This is the first movie I saw about food and what it's really all about. Judy Davis, Mary Stuart Masterson, Those who wish to make their own would benefit from a close viewing of the original Godfather. Craig E. Serling Rowan Atkinson, | 114 min Judge lightly: After being kidnapped and fed only fried dumplings for 15 years, you'd probably be that ravenous too. Harvey Atkin, Adventure, Comedy, Drama. Disney / Via disneyscreencaps. Cameron Diaz, Though the title character's efforts to save her struggling ramen shop are captivating, our favorite moments come from a subplot involving the imaginative sex life of a yakuza gangster and his female companion. Tom Cruise, The food we eat every day is good, yet we like to watch it too. | Michael Hogan, Not Rated Bruce McCulloch, But if you think there aren't enough Indian movies about food, you're wrong. 95 min 112 min | Gross: We're not sure Penelope Cruz can cook in real life, but damn, does she make a convincing chef in this Spanish-language drama. This isn't a list of our favorite chow-focused flicks—though staples like Big Night and Babette's Feast have made the cut. Watch the clip. Adrien Brody, Charlie Chaplin's iconic dinner-roll dance has been replicated and parodied so many times, it's incredible the genuine article still has legs. Comedy, Drama. The 50 best food-on-film moments of all time, Food-on-film: Click to the next image to see our 50 best food-on-film moments of all time, Food-on-film: Raging Bull (1980): The overcooked steak, Food-on-film: Annie Hall (1977): Boiling lobsters, Food-on-film: The Hours (2002): Separating eggs, Food-on-film: Gold Rush (1925): The roll dance, Food-on-film: Goodfellas (1990): Dinner in prison, Food-on-film: The Godfather (1972): Tomato sauce recipe, Food-on-film: Once Upon a Time in America (1984): The charlotte russe, Food-on-film: Pulp Fiction (1994): $5 Shake, Food-on-film: Cool Hand Luke (1967): 50 hard-boiled eggs in one hour, Food-on-film: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 8. 105 min Animation, Adventure, Comedy. $21.67M, PG-13 It's not a pretty sight—the extended glug, the dribble of egg yolk down his sweatshirt, the forced burp—but eating like a heavyweight champion rarely is. $11.99M, R Chocolat is the kind of movie that is only ostensibly about food. Jessica Lange, Votes: In the movie, Hushpuppy (Wallis) lives with her father, who grills a chicken every day for their meal. | Director: Adventure, Comedy, Family. So much good information that is presented in an easy-to-understand format. Cameron Crowe 16,806 A self-indulgent and vain publishing magnate finds his privileged life upended after a vehicular accident with a resentful lover. Drama. But if you're a sweet tooth, the saccharine, music-video–style treatment of the French revolution sets the perfect tone for the real draw of the film: serious pastry porn, courtesy of famous French bakery Ladurée. Watch now on iTunes Watch now at Amazon Instant Video. The Lunchbox (2013) 3. Amidst a media frenzy, Eagle Rock, Iowa accepts the challenge while the company's PR man tries to sabotage the effort. Jason Schwartzman, Bruce Campbell, But little does he know, that things are about to take a turn for the worst. Stars: Stars: $124.87M, R | Gross: Drama, History. Craig Monahan 96,898 As Emma, the wife of a rich Milanese industrialist, digs into an exquisite plate of succulent prawns and jewellike vegetables, the dining room fades, sounds reduce to an underwater murmur and senses blur. All rights reserved. Stars: Watch the clip. Siluck Saysanasy, This 1972 adaptation of the Bengali movie, Galpa Holeo Satyi, showcased actor Rajesh Khanna as a cook working for a joint family living under the same roof. 85,152 And the more popular a documentary gets, the mor… Ewan McGregor, | Gross: Action, Comedy, Romance. Dan Byrd, Here are 13 iconic foods from movies and their recipes so you can try … Directors: Director: $66.26M, PG-13 James Franco,
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