An added benefit is you can ask questions and get advice about anything pool related. If you have calcium lumps, streaks or blotches forming in your pool, please contact us for information. Reviews. The only way to properly lower your calcium hardness level is to pump out (through back washing or draining) a small amount of existing pool water and then refilling. Depending on where you live and the hardness level of your local water source, you may have received a slightly different recommended calcium hardness range. Therefore, the tested calcium hardness reading for magnesium pools is substantially higher than typical salt pools. This is a dry granular product that increases the total hardness in pool water to the recommended range. Consequently, high or low calcium hardness can cause white staining on pool surfaces, etching, or discolouration. Lately, I observed some deposits on the pool surface and similar patches along its sides. Remember, if you live in a region that is known for ‘hard’ calcium or mineral rich water, then have the calcium level of your tap water measured before starting this process. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to get the calcium level up where it needs to be. Having the calcium hardness out of range can lead to problems with water quality and equipment damage. If your calcium hardness level tends to remain constant, you can test less often, but it really depends on the relative hardness of your local water source. Calcium (CH, calcium hardness) is needed for concrete pools, has to be considered on pool with heaters, but is generally irrelevant for vinyl pools. Lastly, I give a general guide on how to keep your swimming pool calcium hardness in-check. This lowers the level because calcium rich water is pumped out of the pool and then replaced with tap water with very low calcium levels. 99. Certified technicians with 10 years experience. Test your water weekly to make sure your calcium hardness levels are between 200 and 500 ppm. Always apply with the circulation system operating. Recommended range for pools is between 200-400 ppm. For example, the pool shown here is from a client who had heavy calcium build-up on their fibreglass pool from poor water balance. However, this is simply not the case. In the Santa Ana/Los Angeles area, water coming out of the tap can be as high as 450 parts per million (ppm). Aquamate 20-lb Calcium Hardness Increaser Pool Balancer. It adds calcium to your pool water. Low hardness (soft water) and high hardness (hard water) can both have negative effects on you, your spa, or your pool. As calcium hardness is not a level that typically changes drastically from day-to-day compared to pH or the chlorine level, you can test less frequently. This is based on a common assumption of calcium levels being about 2/3 of the total hardness level. Test the water for calcium hardness using a test strip from the calcium hardness test kit. There is also magnesium in your water, so a total hardness test would measure that as well, but for pools, we only need to worry about calcium hardness. XML Sitemap. Also, make sure your pool is as clean as you can get it, since leaves and debris will cause it to be unbalanced. To Increase Calcium Hardness by 100 ppm: ... cloudy and also leave scale or stain on the walls of the pool *It is recommended to keep calcium hardness between. For example, maintaining the calcium level at either extreme will only make the calcium formation worse, not better. You can also verify your test methods are correct as you are getting a second opinion on your test results. Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Subscribe. Calcium chloride produces heat and can melt or damage your skimmer or pump. How often do you test? So, unlike pH and chlorine, the calcium level in most pools does not vary greatly over the seasons, so testing every few months is normally sufficient. Remember, most concrete pools have a suggested calcium range of 200-300ppm while fibreglass pools are often much lower. Depending on where you live, most tap water in Australia has a calcium hardness of around 50ppm (Sydney water) while tank and rainwater contain no calcium at all. Should be checked at least monthly. The ideal calcium hardness level is between 200 and 400 PPM (parts per million). Pool Mate Calcium Plus is used to raise calcium hardness levels when measures drop below the recommended range of 200-400 ppm. Why It’s Bad for Daily Chlorination. Reducing high calcium hardness is very difficult. 250-300ppm . The recommended range is 150-400 ppm (parts per million), with an often cited stricter range of 200-400 ppm. We're almost done making an eBook for pool owners like you that want an easy and straightforward guide to keep their pool water balanced and clear with as little work as possible. In addition to surface problems, excessive calcium in a fibreglass pool can clog salt cells, damage the heater, and obstruct pipework. Fortunately, the easiest way to raise calcium hardness in a hot tub is to—you guessed it—add calcium to the water. Partially draining and refilling your pool with water is the primary way to decrease the hardness level, although you can also add dry acid or muriatic acid in careful doses to bring the saturation index back into balance. These are symptoms of swimming pool water that is unbalanced. On the other hand, if the calcium hardness is too high, then we suggest pumping out some water from the pool and replacing it with tap water as mentioned above. Item #2411015. Remember, simply adding more water does not lower calcium hardness levels because as water evaporates into the air, the calcium is left behind in the pool. In short, this method removes the high calcium water from the pool while at the same time, the rain refills it with fresh water that contains no calcium. Remember to compensate for the magnesium content in the water when testing for calcium. If calcium levels are low, add this product directly to the pool water. Remember, bringing the calcium to the right level is inexpensive, … Add 1.25 pounds per 10,000 gallons of water to increase hardness levels 10 ppm. One way to reduce calcium hardness is to pump out water using your pool cleaner or vacuum hose. Learn how to keep track of pool chemicals and how Texas Enviroblast can fix them! Remember, the trick is to maintain the calcium at the right level. Calcium hardness is the measurement of how much calcium (or lime) is dissolved in water. … Also, if your pool shop is not equipped to test for calcium hardness, try another shop. When less than zero, your pool is becoming more corrosive and you risk damage to pool surfaces and equipment. Before testing and adjusting the calcium hardness, you need to make sure you have first tested and balanced the swimming pool total alkalinity and did the same for pH.,,, Remember, when this happens, the calcium is simply released from the chemical bond and then returns to the water. Dosage: to increase by 10ppm add 700g per 10,000 gallons of water (you may get temporary clouding of the water). You can also learn how to test pool calcium hardness and take action; lowering pool calcium hardness if calcium hardness is too high, and raising pool calcium hardness if the value is too low. Calcium Hardness Increaser is purchased at your local pool suppy store. Use to increase levels of Calcium Hardness. If your pools calcium hardness level drops below the recommended 150 ppm the easiest and most common way to raise swimming pool calcium hardness is by adding a calcium hardness increaser such as calcium chloride to your swimming pool. We are an expert pool service company specialising in the removal of difficult stains from all types of swimming pool interiors without draining the pool or acid washing the surface. However, after 4-6 weeks, these products are completely broken down. Be the first to review this product. So, following this “drain and refill process” will lower the calcium level without chemicals! Directions for use: … Doing this during long periods of soaking rain when your pool is likely to overflow is best. Enter your first name and email below and we'll let you know when it's ready! Compare; Find My Store. Some novice pool technicians think that a ‘calcium hardness reducer’ will permanently lower the calcium level. Then, insert a test strip or add the chemicals in the kit to the water, and wait for it to change colors. Item #2411013. Test kits in the pool business can negate other minerals and just test for calcium hardness. Remember, we can help you remove these without draining your pool water. Also, concrete pools will also release some calcium into the pool water over time, particularly when the pool surface is new. Finally, your calcium level is back to where you started! of calcium chloride per 10,000 gallons to raise the hardness 10ppm. These kits measure both the calcium and magnesium levels of the water so a reading of 300ppm total hardness may be a combination of 200ppm calcium and 100ppm magnesium – still an acceptable level. Calcium hardness should … I feel there can’t be any other better way to spend your weekend and vacations. I explain in this article what calcium hardness is, why it’s important for your swimming pool, and what happens if calcium hardness is too high or too low. . The best way to lower calcium hardness in the pool water is to drain the water and refill with water of lower calcium hardness. Bottom line. MagnaPool recommends a ‘total hardness’ level of around 800ppm compared to 200-300ppm for typical salt pools. If the calcium in the tub is high, it can cause cloudy pool water and scaling formations on the walls and fixtures. Why is Maintaining Pool Calcium Hardness important? Clear and Balanced Pool Water All Summer With No Headaches! Pool Mate 8-lb Calcium Hardness Increaser Pool Balancer. for pricing and availability. These salts appear as part of the total calcium test result. Get Your Free Estimate. Adding acids will bring your pH and total alkalinity levels down, so if they are already low, this should be avoided. If you don’t know your calcium hardness level, we suggest getting it tested as soon as you can. Privacy Policy, Copyright © 2020 The Pool Stain Removers Pty Ltd Keeping your calcium hardness in the midpoint between the low and high should be your goal. Cesco Solutions - Calcium Chloride Mini Pellets - 94-97% Pure - Increases Water Hardness, Increase Calcium Content in Pool, use in Pool and hot tub spa, Ice Melt (10 lbs) 4.7 out of 5 stars 12. So, to ensure that your water is at the right level, check the suggested calcium levels with your pool manufacturer. The terms "hard water", "soft water" and overall "total hardness" refer to the level of calcium hardness along with other minerals like magnesium. Email pictures to or call us on 0416 927 837, Cairns, Townsville, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Rockhampton, Mackay, Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Coffs Harbour, Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Gosford, Albury, Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Shepparton, Adelaide, Gawler, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Mount Gambier, Perth, Albany, Geraldton, Bunbury, Mandurah. There is more dissolved calcium than any other minerals in the water, which gives us the term "calcium hardness," even though the term refers to all of the minerals in the water. If calcium hardness levels are too low the "soft water" will corrode pool equipment, etch pool plaster and may cause metallic stains. The only way to lower Calcium Hardness is to . When this value is above zero, your pool is drifting towards a condition where scaling is more likely to occur. . Therefore, the calcium stays in your pool no matter how many times it is topped up. The present industry standard for calcium hardness is from 200–400 ppm in swimming pools and 150–250 ppm in hot tubs. Company. Calcium Hardness is raised by use of the chemical calcium chloride.Which may also sound familiar as it is a chemical that is commonly used to melt ice and keep walkways clear in winter! We're finishing up our easy and straightforward guide to help keep your pool water clean and balanced all season long. Call Today | 915.478.0447 | Get Your FREE Estima te, Now! This is not true. The easiest way to do this, although it doesn’t always work, is to replace some of the water with fresh water. The only exception to this is if you already know your pH is very low, then you need to first bring your pH up to or near 7.0. Treating High Calcium Hardness. Correct chlorine and calcium hardness levels if needed and test the pH again. Many pool shops and servicemen still use total hardness kits when testing pool water. Speak to a stain specialist about your pool stain today without cost or obligation. Skip to content. Inexperienced pool technicians and pool owners don’t understand that Magnapool calcium readings are unique. Using them when you don't need them WILL mess something up . This mistake happens because the water testing software used at pool shops is primarily designed for concrete pools rather than fibreglass. Item #2411017. for pricing and availability. Importantly, all surfaces can react with calcium, the calcium level is important to know (NSW Health). There is no way to lower calcium hardness other than expensive chemicals that are unnecessary, or by replacing portions (or all) of your pool water with fresh water. Pool Mate 25-lb Calcium Hardness Increaser Pool Balancer. Additionally, if you had any recent rainwater get in the pool, contaminates like dirt and debris, or a high swimmer use (bather load), then another round of testing is recommended. Adding calcium to your pool will increase the calcium level right away. Swimming pool calcium hardness must be managed to maintain balanced pool water. For example, if your MagnaPool is running a measured calcium hardness of 200-250ppm, then your actual calcium level is too low and should be increased! Model #1-2808B. On the other hand, if the calcium hardness is too high, then we suggest pumping out some water from the pool and replacing it with tap water as mentioned above. Model #1-2820. Test the calcium hardness in the pool using a test kit. so don't do it! Often, some people advise that reducing your calcium hardness will dissolve the calcium on the pool surface. If your calcium hardness is too low, it can be increased by adding calcium chloride from your pool shop. If you spot calcium lumps or blotches in your pool, please don’t alter your calcium hardness to try and fix this issue. NEVER pour into the skimmer. The reason you balance alkalinity, pH, then calcium hardness is that adjusting alkalinity often affects pH. Calcium hardness in hot tubs must be maintained at 150 to 300 parts per million (ppm). Most other swimming pool chemicals are useless junk. We totally understand your conundrum and we promise you that we have a great solution. $19.99 $ 19. My immediate action was to empty the pool and clean it … We carry $5 million in insurance for your protection. Some pool shops are unaware that the calcium levels in fibreglass pools is often different to concrete pools. Newsletter. While I agree with the notion that some pools need calcium, I prefer to keep my pools between 150-250ppm. When using calcium chloride, follow the instructions on the container or bag to determine how much to add depending on the size of your pool.
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