I only have time to tell you one thing tonight because my eyelids are heavier than wet sheets. This book will stay in my heart a long, long time- and then I will read it again. When we got home, we stood catching our breath outside the door, so Dadi wouldn’t ask why we were out of breath. Amil has finally caught up with me. Please try again. However, she can't stay and has to continue her journey across the border. Mine is smaller because not all girls go to school, but Papa says it’s important to be educated. He likes to run. Click on the category or level for an initial list, and then refine your list by selecting other criteria. “It has something to do with India being free from the British soon,” he said. And despite the decades that have passed, The Night Diary's story, characters, and issues remain timely and … Mine did not. I want to remember what everyone says and does, and I won’t know the ending until I get there. Overall, Ms. Hiranandani is an excellent writer, and I highly recommend The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani. He never gives me gifts on my birthday. Reading-level systems vary, but they all rely on an algorithm of quantitative measures to assign a letter or number to a book to indicate its difficulty. Did you know that? One of them was a teacher at our school who always dyes his gray hair red. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Papa didn’t say anything about skipping school today. She describes everything carefully, using the right words. I guess he has to since he’s a doctor. I’ll start at the beginning. Amil would rather draw and play all day instead of going to school. "— I’ve decided that night is the best time to write to you. There was a problem loading your book clubs. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Nisha and her story are a part of me now. He sees me even when he’s not looking up. I want to tell you about this diary I’m writing in. I heard bits and pieces of sentences, words and names I had been hearing Papa talk about to Dadi, seen in the headlines from their newspapers. (GRL/F&P Levels estimated I - N) Disney Fairies Passport to Reading Level 1 by Celeste Sisler, Lucy Rosen, Jennifer Fox (GRL/F&P Levels estimated I - K) Share in Nisha’s journey to a strange new world. I don’t know why they came. Diary of a Worm I Can Read Level 1 by Doreen Cronin (GRL/F&P Level estimated K) Disney Fairies Chapter Books by Kiki Thorpe, Laura Driscoll, Kirsten Larsen, et al. Her father is a doctor who works at the local hospital and while he isn't particularly tender, he does take care of them, even though he has little patience for Amil's learning difficulties. It made me feel like I was falling off a cliff. The Night Diary is a treasure for young readers who are searching for their place in the world, who are determined to bring home with them wherever they go.”—Renée Watson, Piecing Me Together * “Believable and heartbreaking…A gripping, nuanced story of the human cost of conflict appropriate for both children and adults.”— (GRL/F&P Levels estimated I - N) Disney Fairies Passport to Reading Level 1 by Celeste Sisler, Lucy Rosen, Jennifer Fox (GRL/F&P Levels estimated I - K) Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club that’s right for you for free. “It was nothing to worry about,” she said. Without contrivance, Hiranandani weaves parallels into Nisha's story—Nisha cooking with Kazi and Rashid Uncle, and Rashid Uncle's inability to speak along with Nisha's extreme shyness. A 2019 NEWBERY HONOR BOOK “A gripping, nuanced story of the human cost of conflict appropriate for both children and adults.” -Kirkus, starred reviewIn the vein of Inside Out and Back Again and The War That Saved My Life comes a poignant, personal, and hopeful tale of India’s partition, and of one girl’s journey to find a new home in a divided country I may not always be challenged as a reader, but it is still fun to sip my trenta Passion Tango unsweetened iced tea and enjoy a book simply for the fun of reading. Sometimes they chase Amil, but usually only to scare him. I don’t see how those two things go together. These games are a great way to teach students about a large variety of subjects. She uses it as a diary, writing entries in the form of letters to … She and her brother attend the local school where she has no real friends and her brother is bullied but she gets to help out the family cook, Kazi prepare the meals. I think he just does it so I have to watch him long after I’ve finished. The murderers go somewhere else. After school we ran all the way home without stopping. The Night Diary. Just not here, yet. Nisha has to leave her only friend - Kazi, the families cook behind. I know how to sort the lentils, grind the spices with his marble mortar and pestle, clarify the butter for ghee, and mix the dough for chapatis. I was made for writing in a diary. Im Gegensatz zu manch anderen englischsprachigen Büchern ist das Vokabular gut zu verstehen oder aus dem Zusammenhang zu verstehen, weshalb ich das Buch auch an z.B. Then we pass the jail where all the people have to go when they do things like steal from the markets. Nisha is a twelve year old girl whose life is turned upside down after Britain freed India and the Partition took place. We encourage teachers to confer with one another as they establish a schoolwide book room and develop a sensitivity to appropriate text levels for their school population. He waited for Papa to say something, but Papa didn’t. Dadi looked out the window and called Amil. When she is given a diary for her twelveth birthday, she decides to write letters to her mother. The diary is covered in purple and red silk, decorated with small sequins and bits of mirrored glass sewn in. The questions you will receive require students to answer "right there" questions, make inferences, text-dependent questions, and use evidence from the text to support their thinking. She doesn’t have many friends because she doesn’t stop talking and never listens. Guided Reading Leveling Resource Chart. I wonder why I am the way I am. Reading Level Based on analysing the text of Our Malady: Lessons in Liberty from a Hospital Diary , we estimate that readers of 9th and 10th grade will be able to read this book. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. But maybe a Hindu temple is the last place you’d be. He just turned back to his food. Dadi frowned. Your pupils dilate from the dark when they wander off the page, which can make your eyes become easily fatigued – a reason many of us quickly become tired when reading in bed at night. The men knocked on the door. Later we stopped under a shady tree. “There are lots of places all over India where the Hindus and Sikhs and Muslims fight one another all the time now. Here’s another secret, and don’t be mad. Play one of Turtle Diary's large variety of Reading games. Sometimes this happens. Amil will love the drawings, but he won’t read it. Sometimes Amil draws Dadi or Papa when they aren’t looking and only shows me. Dadi nodded and nodded, and the air smelled like the smoke from pipes. I felt like I’d walked through the desert with Nisha, Amil, Dadi, and Papa - thank you for this incredible work of heart. “Why did they do that? I thought about the men at the door. I only ate one of my chapatis and wrapped the other in a napkin. Maybe he’ll let me have it when your jewelry runs out. It’s a thick collection of tales from the Mahabharata with gold lettering on the cover and bright colorful pictures inside. Everyone knows who is Muslim, Hindu, or Sikh by the clothes they wear or the names they have. #TheNightDiary by Veera Hiranandani is one such. I could find any old thing—a pebble, a leaf, a pistachio shell—and put it in the box. The reader comes to know, love, and struggle with Nisha and her family as they leave everything they knew for an uncertain and often dangerous future. Sometimes when he comes back late at night and kisses me good night in my sleep, I wake up and see him. I thought about those boys. I want to explain things to you as if I’m writing a storybook, like The Jungle Book except without all the animals. It’s like everyone forgot. This chart is provided for general comparison only. I wish I were more like Amil. I wonder why Amil is the way he is. I heard Papa return and I waited to hear Amil’s voice or his footsteps, but I didn’t hear anything and began to cry, holding my doll, Dee, tight. Sometimes he saves his sweets for me, but not rice kheer. Amil draws all sorts of things. Nobody ever mentions the fact that you were Muslim, Mama. That’s why those men came to the house yesterday. Usually they stole because they were hungry. You would be very proud of me. “Amil,” I said, poking him awake, standing over him. “I think something bad is going on.”, “I know,” said Amil. No one else knows it’s there. My heart broke! There are so many things to unpack in this story: Nisha’s grief, her selective mutism, the complex relationships between all the family members, who are depicted so clearly and also lovingly. It’s also helpful to avoid reading by light that reflects a lot of bright glare, such as from a computer screen. Now I’m tired and must drink my warm milk and go to bed. Then you’ll be happy,” Amil said. I guess we’re Hindu because Papa and Dadi are. Encourage them to write about whatever is on their mind about the day. But we all have lived together in this town for so long, I just never thought much about people’s religions before. It was the day we came and you left, but I don’t want to be sad today. To avoid straining your eyes reading at night, sit or lie near a source of good … I talk very little, mostly just to Amil and Kazi. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. Additionally, the decimal numerals of an AR reading level pinpoint the number of months into a grade, to describe a text's difficulty. by ... 2013) compassionately portrays one of the bloodiest periods in world history through diary entries Nisha writes to her deceased mother. It’s the biggest number I’ve ever been, but it’s an easy number—easy to say, easy to count, easy to split in half. I want it to be all mine and never have to give it back. That’s hard to imagine. I didn’t do anything,” he whispered back at me. Keeping a Night Diary. I finished my work and helped him clean some green beans and chop the garlic and ginger into the tiniest pieces you ever saw, but Kazi didn’t tell me anything and I could tell he didn’t want to. You play around too much and draw little pictures. I wonder if Amil thinks about you on this day like I do. Kazi tells me what he reads in the papers. Located near the top of our book search tool, you can quickly find a book’s Lexile measure by entering a … Papa acted like nothing was happening, but I told Kazi that I couldn’t find Amil anywhere and he told Dadi and Dadi told Papa, so Papa went out with a lantern. Amil asked what happened. The teachers think he’s stupid because he can’t read and doesn’t do his schoolwork, but they should look at his drawings. Unable to add item to List. Dear Diary READING TASK. He has lots of friends at school. I like to cook things even more than I like to eat them. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 12, 2018, My 11 years old daughter loved it and finished it within a day. Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2018. Overview. Overnight, India becomes freed by British rule, while also getting split into 2 different countries - India, and Pakistan. The Night Diary Summary and Study Guide. 3-5, 6-8 Genre. Ms. Hiranandani adds lots of detail and doesn't rush action. I don’t mind. The government gave us a large place to live in, much bigger than anyone I know. Why were they allowed to rule over us in the first place? He also made us rice kheer with our pooris. The paper is rough, thick, and the color of butter. I’m just not what he wanted.”. She has to leave her friends and her home, her comfort zone. It’s cloud white, silky smooth. How could you not? Then Papa said, “Amil, you can’t read. Or had we just gotten older? This chart includes Lexile level recommendations and may also be used as a general leveling guide. 3 Dear Dumb Diary ID: 1379859 Language: English School subject: Reading Grade/level: 6th grade Age: 9-12 Main content: Reading Comprehension Other contents: Reading skill Add to my workbooks (0) Download file pdf Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp: Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2018. We woke up at a little before seven. Something went wrong. He even turns the book upside down sometimes, but he says nothing helps. He doesn’t mind if his words come out right, or not. You won't regret it! I think Kazi likes us best. Sabeen is Muslim, and she and I always have lunch together. Anne Frank Secret Annex Pre-Reading Sheet Level: intermediate Age: 12-17 Downloads: 13 : Anne Frank´s story Level: elementary Age: 12-17 Downloads: 10 : Anne Frank´s Diary Level: intermediate Age: 12-14 Downloads: 10 : Anne Frank Level: elementary Age: 12-100 Downloads: 11 : Proofreading Anne Frank paragraph with answers Level … Reviewer willow123goma wrote: This is an amazing book about a girl named Nisha, half- Muslim and half Hindi, living in the mid-1940's, when India gains its independence. The Night Diary has 4 reviews and 4 ratings. Since that night he ran away, Papa always seems angry at Amil for being Amil. Diary of a Worm I Can Read Level 1 by Doreen Cronin (GRL/F&P Level estimated K) Disney Fairies Chapter Books by Kiki Thorpe, Laura Driscoll, Kirsten Larsen, et al. Level 3 includes many fun subjects kids love to read about on their own. Maybe Papa thought if he brought him a really good book, Amil would read it. When we were younger, maybe five or six, he used to sit cross-legged on the floor and play with us after his work was done. It feels like I’m dreaming. I didn’t want to stop. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Dadi says it’s not a jail for the murderers. I feel normal around them. Every so often he’ll look up and smile. He let me touch the drawing pad paper once. Didn’t they have their own people to worry about? The Accelerated Reader book reading levels represent the difficulty of the text in a book and are equal to grade levels from one to 11. I’m so glad there are stories of emigration and refugees that aren’t about America in any way. Kazi is right. Like magic, these things would get to be special at least for a day. This is a book we all need to read! He turns and holds up a handful of peas to be shelled. That’s when it started. But I know he’s not. I want to be happy and tell you everything. Use the Interactive Reading Level Conversion Chart Below to Browse Books. Die Erzählerin ist das junge Mädchen Nisha, die mit ihrer Familie während der Teilung Indiens nach dessen Unabhängigkeit zwischen den Fronten steht. Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2018. We only go on our birthdays and Diwali because Dadi begs us to go. After, we bought potato pakoras at the roadside cart in town, hoping no one would ask why we weren’t in school. This estimation is based on a number of readability tests devised by experts, some of which is listed here . “Because I wish he was still that way,” Amil said, and turned on his back again. Amil is already sound asleep, making little whistling sounds through his nose. Amil and I didn’t go to school. When Amil and I walk the mile to our schools, we pass lots of things. THE NIGHT DIARY. Guided Reading is based on standards developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell. Amil says he can’t read right because the words jump around and change on him. “He hasn’t done that in a long time,” I replied. Kazi also gave Amil five charcoal drawing pencils. READING AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE 6 Abstract The present study examined the correlation between academic performance in reading and academic performance in mathematics at the primary level. Sometimes Papa walks her there and waits outside for her. Papa gave me your gold chain with a small ruby stone hanging from it. Please try again. He likes to laugh. When you open it, the blue satin lining winks back at you. A girl who mourns the loss of her mother and deals with partition. The questions you will receive require students to answer "right there" questions, make inferences, text-dependent questions, and use evidence from the text to support their thinking. I’m not sure what he thinks is going to happen, but I’ve decided I’m going to write in it every day if I can. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. I am well aware of the fact that some of my beach reads are probably a fourth grade reading level, with a Guided Reading Level of Q, 820L, and DRA of 40. I bought this book to explain to my 4 children (6,9,11,13) about Partition because my father, Hindu, was 19 at the time that India got its independence. He draws very well. Sometimes he draws me early in the morning when I’m still sleeping. He lets me help him more all the time. My question is how do we make this a ‘community read’ for the whole world?”—James Howe, author of, Veera Hiranandani, author of the Newbery Honor-winning. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2019. Dadi sat at the table writing letters. I would grit my teeth and try not to push Papa’s hand away. Amil got up and walked straight out of the house. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, … Use the grid below to shop by Guided Reading, Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA), and Lexile® Levels. But if you write words and they don’t come out the way you want them to, you can erase them and start over. Dear Dumb Diary. I stayed awake in my bed wondering what I would do if Amil never came back. Using the book The Night Box you will learn how to explain what words mean and to write a diary entry. I held my breath. I drink in the smoky smell of the lamps burning. Nisha’s voice is the right mix of innocence and strength, and her transformation is both believable and heartbreaking. I would peer out the window and watch them, laughing hard when Amil missed the ball, since he could hardly see me. It makes me feel like I’m not alone, like someone is always watching over me. They said the Hindus should leave, and they don’t want Kazi to live with us.”. I help Kazi in the kitchen all the time, even though Dadi doesn’t want me to. Some books just sear for themselves a place in your heart. “The men seemed upset,” I said later to Amil when we were lying on our beds. Kudos, brava, congratulations! My grandfather was a contractor for the British and he always warned his sons that if they caused trouble with the British soldiers that they would be begger’s on the streets. I always try to catch a prisoner’s eye when I go to school, since I can see them through the fences. But now because Amil isn’t small and cute, Papa is different. It hasn’t always been like that. “Because he’s Muslim?” I asked, but Amil didn’t answer as he ran into the house and to our room where he worked on his drawings until dinner. He runs faster than anyone I know, so he always gets away. I talk to Dadi and Papa if I have to. I thought about the little gifts Kazi gives us all the time—pieces of candy under our pillows or a ripe tomato from the garden, sliced, salted, and sprinkled with chili pepper on a plate. I had never heard of the India-Pakistan Partition until I read AHIMSA, and I knew I wanted to read this book. Comprehension Quizzes are a fast, easy way to assess how well students comprehend their reading and are great resources for text … I have created reading comprehension questions for the novel "The Night Diary" by Veera Hiranandani. Fiction 2019 Newbery Honor Book
It's 1947, and India, newly independent of British rule, has been separated into two countries: Pakistan and India. I couldn’t imagine being in this house, in this life, without him. I do it for Amil and he does mine and then we compare how much we’ve grown since last year. When Papa finds out we didn’t go to school, he’ll be much angrier at Amil than he will at me. When Papa decides it's too dangerous to stay in what is now Pakistan, Nisha and her family become refugees and embark first by train but later on foot to reach her new home. I guess the difference is that I do well in school and Amil doesn’t. As we walk closer and closer to town, we pass the hospital. First, we walk through the rest of our compound where we live since Papa is the head doctor for the Mirpur Khas City Hospital. TM ® & © 2016 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. We went a different way to school, down another dirt road and through the sugarcane, but it took a long time and we were late. Having a girl--fictional, but beautifully believable--guide me through her life with hope and love despite so much sadness made me hungry to know more. “It’s because we’re Hindus,” Amil said. When we were little, Papa would tickle us to wake us up. About The Night Diary. I’ve never had a diary before. Amil, who normally eats too fast, makes his pudding last extra long, eating the smallest bites he can. Cake and bows must be nice, but is anything better than a perfect tomato? Papa said I should save the jewelry for special occasions, but lately there are none, so I wear all the jewelry at once and never take it off. Papa works every day, even on Sunday. I’m not sure there is anything better tasting in the world. I remember trying to like it since Amil liked it so much. He likes to paste lots of paper scraps together with flour and water to make a bigger drawing space. Keeping a Night Diary. She is bright and cheerful and all that is taken away when they decide to cross the boarders by foot. Oberstufenschüler empfehlen kann, die ihr Englisch vorm Abi verbessern wollen. I don’t have any friends except Sabeen. I knew he would be when he found out. United States. THE NIGHT DIARY is incredible and I can’t recommend it highly enough. All the kids play together at my school no matter what religion we are. A small one hit the back of my head. Then she told us both to go into the kitchen with Kazi, so we did. He talks to people more and goes to the market with Kazi. The soft sounds of the prayers being chanted and sung make me feel loved, like you’re there, watching. The journey is long, difficult, and dangerous, and after losing her mother as a baby, Nisha can't imagine losing her homeland, too. This chart includes Lexile level recommendations and may also be used as a … When we were about seven or eight, Amil ran away. What did you do?” I whispered at him. We headed all the way out of town to the sugarcane field and tried to walk through it like a maze. I thought about the old Papa, the one who tickled us. Explaining Partition to middle grade children, Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2018. It’s strange to look at myself that way, but I like it. I pretend I don’t care. Nisha’s voice is the right mix of innocence and strength, and her transformation is both believable and heartbreaking. “I walked into town, but then I kept going. Three men came to our house this afternoon. Amil only does his best work on the paper after he practices on his bits of flour bags, ends of newspaper, whatever he can find. Maybe we will go tomorrow. The divide has created much tension between Hindus and Muslims, and … An hour went by and he didn’t come back, so I went out to look for him. But I don’t want to forget. Amil started grumbling about school and how he wished he was a grown-up and could work at the hospital like Papa instead. Reading Levels Reading levels are subjective. Heart wrenching and beautifully told, Nisha’s story will remain with the reader long after the last page has been turned. Have you ever wondered where dogs go at night… The Night Diary, Veera Hiranandani’s 2018 work of historical fiction for middle-grade and young adult readers, consists of 60 diary entries spanning approximately four months.In it, the author chronicles the events of India’s post-World War II independence from Britain and subsequent partition through the voice of a 12-year-old Indian girl, Nisha. Amil pulled my arm and we broke into a run. For the next terrible year, young Elie Wiesel experiences the loss of everything he loves — home, friends, family — in an agonizing journey through Birkenau, Auschwitz, Buna, and Buchenwald. Nisha and Amil live with their Hindu father, paternal grandmother, and the family's Muslim chef, Kazi, and they must flee their city after independence.
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