2015. http://www.thegeologytrusts.org/pub/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/GB-IPR_123-16CTGeologyMap.jpg. If you find your local Yamaha office and call them they will order one for you at very little cost. Only I was wondering if it would give me the clarity I was after I dont want to change them if it wont make a difference. Hi , I will pay attention to your suggestion and exchange the humbuckers for some other ones maybe some P90’S if I can find some decent priced second hand here in Mexico i like the smaller body on this guitar and will consider sanding the body and refinishing in a slightly darker tone will send images of the project as it is done. Radius 13 3/4″ so pretty flat. Lou. It was horrid. My first stop for Pacifica parts is always Guitars Electric in the UK. (I’ve added a link in the Links panel). Wilkinson parts. The bridge is a Rocking Magic Pro III (RM Pro III). Cheap as chips on eBay, cheapest was £40!. And the nice part is that you can get everything just the way YOU want it. Even with orthodox bolt-on structure, the Pacifica series has been constructed to respond to various genres and playing styles. So your son’s first guitar was perfection. Thanks again for this website and hope to hear from you soon. I doubt it. I’ve put a link to his website at the bottom of the page. Designed to be player focused, the Pacifica range offers sound, feel and versatility ready for any style or stage. I completely love loads of them. Yamaha pacifica 112j (HSS) pickup uprage and locking tuners. Wish they did! My feeling is the old 90s guitars are better made than the new ones but it may be just that they’re old and played in by the time I buy them! Unless the pickups are VERY bad, replacing them usually makes a guitar sound ‘different’, but not necessarily ‘better’. OH MY WOW… I think it’s so awesome they remade the 612v. Just make a worm of the stuff and GENTLY twist it into just the entrance of the thread. Hard tail is easy to do. If all else fails you can get on to your country’s Yamaha office who will order you the actual Yamaha part. As with most things, you can pay anything from a tenner to £150 for each pickup, depending on the sound you want and whether you want cheap Chinese or ripoff ’boutique’ models (which are generally no better than the cheapo ones!!) Save yamaha pacifica 112j to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. 2. Proudly ONLY MY SON decided to do the Nirvana track, everyone else said it was too difficult to arrange. Henk in South Africa has gone to town on his 112, adding very nice white Graphtech bridge saddles, a pearl scratchplate, (very expensive) Fishman active pickups that give you a traditional Strat sound plus a bit of Texas Specials style grit via a push pull on the tone pot, with the battery sitting in the tremelo cavity, held by the blocked off tremelo springs. Although this is a beginners … I have an orange stain 612v dated 2004 I believe. If I recall it was bout 170 to 180 they wanted for it English pounds. Those specs look identical to the 112VM. I had no confidence to the work done on that guitar, so i passed. Hello there Louis, I don’t know much but this should help point you in the right direction: https://bareknucklepickups.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=10485.5;wap2, Thanks, JA  Clearly the big-bellied, fat-forearmed Telecaster testers who helped Leo design the Strat had the same complaint here too. This must have a different tone when distorted but must sound much more authentic as single coil when split. Bridge on there is 54mm so I can’t see a problem getting a replacement. So please leave a comment or just say Hi!. Many thanks, I’m just getting to grips with the site. Cheers! Hi Jason, in my experience, there can be quite a bit of variation between supposedly identical models, depending on when they were made, things like the screw positions on the scratch plate, different logos etc for example. I’m not hearing any flanging or phasing personally. It’s actually quite versatile. Hi Daniel and welcome to the site. Yes it does. I’d have thought these were a surefire investment at that moment before they are ‘discovered’ by some hip young thing. So i basically own a yamaha pacifica 112J which i bought as my first electric guitar. Cheers. A lovely aggressive biting Telecaster sound but just the one! Nobody can accuse you of lacking persistence in the hunt for your sound! Anyway I really love this thing so far, really excellent guitar, so far I like it better than a standard Strat I used to own, and I got it for $150 (Canadian), incredible deal, it just has some dings on the front edges. What made you go for the Fishman active pickups? I thought the 611 and 510 look quite impressive, everything to the hardware looks nice on those! Don’t think it’s faux though. I have a hss alnico 5 set I took out of a pac 112v that you could have if your willing to pay postage. How on earth did this happen? Soundcloud? Yamaha Pacifica 112 Notes. I own three 120sd’s and always have my eye out for another. Greasy Groove Custom Pickguards designed to fit Yamaha Pacifica® model guitars. They are not exact replicas of Les Pauls and they have recently been subtly moving away from the Big Two’s shapes to avoid legal wrangles and, presumably, so that Thomann will still be allowed to sell the real thing. Im having one thats for sure I haven’t got an old one but my 112vmx that was £200 new is just one the best guitars ive played by far since I put a Wilkinson bridge with full size block and it will soon be having a pup upgrade happy days.. If it works for other people it might be a problem with my browser. I have some irongear pups I want to put in my 112 mostly to see want these irongear pickups that id been hearing about are like..are they that good..? (used a water based stain so it couldn’t bleed into the already varnished sides. You can’t really say one is better or worse, they are just different. Hi, theres a 120s natural color for sale in Mexico the guy is asking 1500 pesos not sure waht the exchange rate is. A great guitar for the money and then some. greetings from Tlayacapan Morelos Mexico. The configuration is a humbucker bridge pickup and two single-coil pickups. The one I found for my mate was truly lovely, dark chocolate with gorgeous greenish triangle MOP board inlays and more 60sish , slimmer all over with more pointed horns. Then any Stratocaster type pickups and wiring harnesses will work. A whole wall of the stuff does not even register on a compass. That is insane . YOu can’t go wrong with Seymour Duncans, of course, or DiMarzios, and they’re more sensibly priced secondhand on Ebay. Exactly! The body is flawless and glossy and will look great during a p… So for a bit of brightening, go for the 500k pots and 22nF cap. Send it to me and I’ll post it here. You can see a little movie on Youtube of some of the work-in-progress stages of his project here:Â, Itâs been upgraded with a Lollartron in the bridgeÂ, The bridge and tuners were changed to generic gold ones.Â, We basically knocked it up with tools, haha, scissors and a screwdriver.Â, My wife helped me draw the feathers (not leaves as Simon from Yampac.com thought, ) on the pickguard after it was sprayed black.”. Talking of mods, just added a new home-made scratchplate to the yellow 120. As for scratchplates, that UK seller is the only one I’ve used but they are popping up on eBay now, with sellers in China. That I own a yamaha pacifica out of the ordinary its serial number is: ML22116 if you tell me your email could send pictures to see if I can say that model is, thank you very much. Really interesting. So moving from a 47nF to a 22nF cap will mean you will get more brightness at number 10 on the tone dial, and simultaneously less treble roll off at the number 1 position. Mine was awesome out of the box but when set up wow made a good guitar great, Hi 1. https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M87b7bd2a16ef9fd5db1f3941dad09e72o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=350&h=117, 2. http://www.elitemusic.ca/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/yamaha-pac112xj-pacifica-guitar.jpg, 3. http://www.gearfeel.com/media/galleries/0/af350d8ab357d7ad630f2fb70833f0b9.jpg. I’ll post a picture…Sergio, I’ve asked about this on the Yamaha Pacifica Lovers facebook page too. On the epiphone subject are the early korean epiphones generally better than the new stuff..reason I ask is I got a urge for a les paul type guitar. I’m sure he’ll sort out his website to make that more clear so thanks to admin for pointing that up. to the product. Since I suppose that you are going to ask “what do you like to play?”, I am a new player that has gathered some knowledge over the last three months and I have been playing some surf guitar — I do like loads of reverb, some bluesy rock, such as the Dead Weather and Hendrix and lately I have been looking up to some jazz legends such as Pat Metheny and the Weather Report, but I also feel some urge (although rarely) to go Dimebag on it. Pacifica fan Rob in Atlanta, USA, sent these three lovely 112s for the gallery. Hey Tony, does your Alnico V PAF only come in black? Send to simon.plent@btinternet.com. Otherwise play slide and have the action about ankle deep! Hi, I have a 302s in brown with gold and mother of pearl guard. All the usual guitar parts people will have something suitable. This should solve your problem. Hi Diego and welcome to the website! hey Tony, still looking for a humbucker for the 604w. Brilliant stuff, thanks! Dont think I could handle the dulled brush finish the blue 420 has now caught my eye although blue is a colour you really need to see in the flesh. It’s that Bowden(?!) One hell of a guitar and my favorite Yamaha by far. than the 112V. You can get humbucker-sized P90s that just drop in eg the Seymour Duncan Phat Cat, but generally P90s are smaller than humbuckers. The pickups and paint cost more than the guitar in some cases! http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=36&u=13049995. As Dorothy said, ‘There’s no place like home…’. That’s an awesome mod if you’re looking for serious rock power! I found a service manual for this model on internet but only for money and the price don’t look reasonable for me for one wiring scheme. Cheers! PS. Thanks for coming to the site. Tony, the maker of Ironstone pickups is a great bloke and very helpful on the forum. I can’t see that on the pic. Thanks for getting so involved! 612 defo…what the prices on them..? Similarly with caps, 0.22uF (22nF) will preserve treble end response better than 0.47uF (47nF). There are a couple of facebook groups now too. Looks like in 2016, Yamaha may have some surprises in store for us. The taping was perfectly adequate in protecting the board and I’d have no fear about doing it again. They sound great and play like Butter. They’re very quirky looking, I’d be very surprised if they sell very many at all. Simon. The 112 is the next step up from the 012 and is generally a more popular electric guitar. Hi, what do you know about Pacifica 412v guitar? I have these in my Pac 120 and one of my 112s, both RIckenbacker style winds. Love to see a pic of your modded 112. Please do, that is most likely the most impressive list of Yamahas owned I’ve seen to date. Could you point me to some spec sheets please? I have these in two of my Pacifica 102s and they are made to your precise order. Thanks a bunch… that’s some good info… I just found a Pac1221MS and hopefully can talk the guy down from his $600 asking price… I’ll post a pic if it happens… Oh, and here’s a pic of my old Yamaha amp when I want to annoy the neighbors- http://imgur.com/a/ZYiAu…. special white plate, Revstar ahoy! I have a spare one somewhere its off a 510v and is engraved with yamaha, i have a pacifica 112v good guitar right out of the box but i did some mods………love the stock pickups so no changes there added gotoh periloid buttons to stock tuners complete 6 point fender trem with big block satten steel saddles from us standard strat bolted right on in about 15 20 minutes had it ready to play planet waves elepical strap pegs gotoh roller string tree now this guitar is comparable to any fender strat even usa but way cheaper my other favorite guitar is a samick greg bennett sig series mb3 this guitar is the top line one wilkinson trem grover tuners fender usa custom shop pickup/electronics. My guitar guy I go to for setups and the like said “oh be nice to spray that ” think he thought it be easier than getting the usual poly finish of lol. Sorry for my late response, but I would be honoured! Henk in South Africa has gone to town on his 112, adding very nice white Graphtech bridge saddles, a pearl scratchplate, (very expensive) Fishman active pickups … Aside from sporting the standard Alder body and Rosewood fingerboard, the 112 also comes with more color options. Yep, 24″ I think (quickly tries to convert 610mm into inches and fails). By the way: I made a mistake; the cream coloured Pacifica in the back (in the right) is a Pacifica 521. Any pup set is effectively better at one particular tone than another. Cheers, Tony. I suggest you get in touch with Yamaha’s technical people, they’re always very helpful. These 16 year olds had never heard of it…it’s older than they are. It might be worth a little switching mod to get the neck and bridge on together to get some of the 102’s sound but, of course, for sheer scratchy searing tone, you can’t beat an actual tele style pickup and bridge. Chrome knobs for Tone / Volume Im also guessing that the 112V has a more beefed up humbucker. Clearly tricky when you have both! Easily as good as an entry level US Fender strat if not better. That is a lovely collection of top-end Pacificas, very nice! He new his onions. In the end I had to hold a laptop power source about 6 inches away from the pups to hear enough hum. It’s about £450 I think, new? I say keep the 120SJ, it’s a great playing guitar, with great tuners, great frets, great stock pickups (yes, I admit this, I still haven’t changed mine), and the most comfortable neck I’ve yet to play and I have played many and owned many high end guitars. Did you crown them yourself? To advertise this Yamaha offered the 112 in a natural finish. Both about 12-13 ohms (I just measured the ones I took out of my own 120) so not super-powerful or anything. Three 102s and a 120 after some serious work. I’m the owner of the “120 with three pickups” on the Pacificas from the WWW page (second from the bottom). The Yamaha Pacifica 112J is a HSS (Humbucker in the bridge, single coil in middle and neck) alder double cutaway bodied, maple bolt-on … I was so angry with myself to have let this one go, but then I … Hello there! Kids won’t buy them because they don’t look like a Strat. From a distance I remember seeing the price and thinking I hope that’s a really high end yammy. http://brochures.yokochou.com/guitar-and-amp/yamaha/1994/en_03.html. It’s turning into Trigger’s broom! Build quality amazing I think that’s correct. I guess Rutland Water would just seep away if it had been sandstone. Joined Reverb. Give yourself some good lighting and in little over an hour and a half you will have the finest feeling frets this side of Fretfordshire. It’s a wilkinson bridge with the saddles mounted through the top not from behind so new saddles wouldn’t work. I never need to hold another LP or strat. Just tried chorus. Just a 25 watter but a great sounding clean amp. They’re amazing value and excellent pickups at any price. I’ll be putting these in over the xmas holidays so I’ll keep you all posted. Well there you go! ive only changed pickups and pots etc once before and if im honest im not the best at it thats why Im asking you guys your opinions as im a complete novice to modding and valuve your opinions as you clearly know what your talking about…what I currently have in the guitar pickup wise are great and clear crisp just to hot brill for metal hard rock but I wanted more vintage sound. Help. This added with the extra string length between the bridge and the vibrato leads to a totally different, snappier sound somewhere akin to a Tele bridge pickup but somehow bouncier, scratchier more compressed. It's a player. I don’t find shielding etc much of an issue unless you are under big lights with radio crews etc. Really good to hear that you take such personal care. I’ve never done any real fret work apart from basic sanding/smoothing and edge rolling. https://imgur.com/gallery/Qc5O4EA I have pictures of what it looks like posted here, Hi Ryan, start with the pick guard (or scratch plate) then just add the pickups, wiring and controls you want.Just go to Ebay and search Yamaha Pacifica 112 pick guard and you’ll get loads of choice. Slide player in Imelda May’s band seems to be Revstar-tastic! But for some reason this all sounds muddy and plain. Your email address will not be published. As you can see from the site, I’ve done a few of these mod jobs so happy to answer any questions you may have. The pots are switches Push & Pull that put them to work as singles or as virtual Humbucker, this is one half of one of the humbucker works in series with other half of the other one. I recently bought a Gibson 490T humbucker for the bridge position. One person’s ‘dull’ is another person’s ‘warm’, one person’s ‘bright’ is another person’s ‘harsh’ and so on. Are Fender Tele and Fender Tele Licensed Necks likely to fit on one of the 102s if bought undrilled? Top one is not strictly a Pacifica, it’s an SC700 but the distressed 120 tele shape is and it’s a great-looking guitar. But until that day this became my main guitar. If you want genuine British-made you need to go to Bareknuckle or Sonic Monkey etc. Joel Lolin, also from Facebook’s Yamaha Pacific Lovers page, has done some nice work on his guitars. Me too. Anyone know whether this is a rare custom model or a home-made custom job? Cost me nil pence precisely. He’s right, he really does undersell the attention to detail he puts into his pickups. Anyway imagine my surprise when at my guitar guru’s house he shows me a guitar stripped ready for painting and asks me count how many pieces of alder this guitar is made up from . I have a 604w which is push/push, my son has a 604w which is push/push, but he just picked up another 604w which is a push/pull. Cheers, Simon. The Yamaha Pacifica 112J takes the Fender Stratocaster template and looks to improve on it by concentrating on build quality and guitarist-friendly improvements to the layout. I’ll take a look at them now..I would just slam duncans straight in but cash is tight this year and although I have had good experience with the duncan pups ive had I can’t help thinking im paying over and above for a brand, Hi All, I am Tony Partridge, owner of ironstone Pickups based in Rutland, England’s smallest county. Here’s a (small, sorry!) Yes, they did a horrible yellow/red sunburst. Designed to be player focused, the Pacifica range offers sound, feel and versatility ready for any style or stage. The Les Pauls are very good. Im planning to get my natural finish pacifica a nice transparent blue finish., I have a good Wilkinson bridge and would like some nice locking tuners but not overly expensive does anybody have any suggestions for a set that would drop straight in with no drilling etc.? Of course, so much of tone is just in the fingers of the player. I guess that’s why I like my Pacificas old and a bit tatty. Insane, is right. Hi, But now i am defintevely in love with the Humbucker/P90 configuration of the Pacifica 611 brand new… What do you think about it? Dengan desain yang berfokus pada pemain, jajaran produk Pacifica menawarkan suara, nuansa, dan keserbagunaan yang siap untuk gaya atau panggung mana saja. These are great, with the double threading string holes. MS isn’t Mike Stern, though, it’s M for maple neck, S for Telecaster shape. Scratchplate? If you want a cheapish Les Paul, I’d check out the Vintage models, esp the Peter Green one, they’re fantastic for the money. I will have to club him with it. $15 + $10 Shipping. It is supposedly a MIJ and made around ’85 or ’86. Now that you have all 500k pots and a .47 cap, that should be more than useful. Yeah, I love his Another Brick tone (P90s again of course) but a lot of that was studio trickery, D.I.ing, reamping etc., but there’s no mention of the Les Paul on his Final Cut sessions (literally ‘sessions’ by this time as he was essentially a hired hand for Roger Waters) except for on the final track . Hopefully this will be useful for lots of us. Come to think of it, there is a very hollow, nasal quality to this sound which might be why it’s not fitting into my song anyway. best wishes Fantastic customer service too. Graphtech TUSQ bridge and saddles Good luck! Yamaha Pacifica is the name of a series of electric guitars manufactured by Yamaha.The line was originally designed in Yamaha's California custom-shop by Rich Lasner, working with guitar builder Leo Knapp. I love the guitar but it looks like something from the wrong end of the seventies, so some fairly drastic mods are in the pipeline, with a tremolo conversion and a 3rd pickup. Hi Eba, thanks for visiting my site. !. First launched in 1990, the Pacifica … Even when they’re not B stock they are a bargain and get great reviews but, because mine WAS B stock they wouldn’t let me review it. The reason is that in the interests of preserving treble content and getting a smooth tone control sweep, its normal practise to use 250 kOhm pots for single coils and 500k for humbuckers. How do I upload them? Yes I agree 100% with you and the real magic comes alive with the FUSE fender community downloads there are quite a few to choose from depending on tastes. Send it to me and I’ll post it here. Superb craftsmanship. The Yamaha Pacifica 112J has ceramic pickups rather than alnico V. This means the sound is a little less refined (which you may prefer, of course!) Overly bright is not an issue due to the relatively high 15.5K resistance pattern. Im a beginner guitar player (started playing about 4 months ago), and I have a Yamaha Pacifica 112J (HSS) and the Fender Mustang 1 V2. I believe a 1991 model as I purchased as a demo from a store in Australia, May 1994, serial no HH12203. These were S Korean ones before they set up in China. Suggest you visit the main Yamaha website for your country. About the pickup, I think you have a solid choice. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=672823406103421&set=pcb.10152161384219727&type=1&theater, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=777587405627020&set=pcb.10152600650589727&type=1&theater, Hi Rob, thanks for visiting the site. SHows how much I love them! I have read on some forums that a push/push is more prone to break but you can read ANYTHING on forums and I’m not planning to tour the world and switch it 20 times a night anyhow. Here attached a link with photos of my guitars: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/379lssz49ulfk60/AAAAGKCb4BQ86ikxnpkhp5_Va?dl=0. Thanks again for giving me the confidence to do it! One of the guitarists in his band played a Pacifica, looked like a 904? Pacifica numbering system explained Your Pacifica model number explained. Just did a bit of reading, apparently the 112 bridge is a little narrower than a normal strat with an outside screw to screw measurement of 53MM?. One has just the one cutaway like a telecaster, the other two have two cutaway horns similar to a stratocaster but one has a full sized scratchplate like a strat with all of the controls on it, the other has a smaller one with the knobs mounted on the wood of the body. Here’s a link! If it did buzz but now it doesn’t then the action’s right (assuming the nut, frets and truss rod are right). Main reason about this guitar was because of the body shape it is more Fuller than a strat with longer horns…. It’s very similar isn’t it! I installed SD JB humbucker to bridge position and SD STK-7 how vintage stacked humbucker to neck position. Was mine skipped (manufacturer error), or does the “made in Korea” silkscreening only appear later in the original production run? Hi Steve, thanks for coming to the site. Whether it would arrive in one piece is another question, of course. Yamaha Pacifica is not the most prominent brand on the market for electric guitars, yet Pacifica 112V vs 112J electric guitars are an exception. You’re very brave. Greatings from the Netherlands! This video is most clearly: https://youtu.be/vVADzBte00A Hard to know what the market is for these really. I have a Dimarzio Super Distortion humbucker in the white 112 bridge but only because it was in it when I bought it as a complete wreck for something like £30! In terms of bang for your buck, I’d have to recommend the 604w from the mid nineties. The pickups are indeed a humbucker and two P90s. Here are links to pictures, if you could take a look and give me any feed back at all that would great thank you! They are in separate housings, held by separate mounting screws, and have separate magnets. I emailed Yamaha and asked them about my ‘Natural Finished’ 604w, and they eventually replied and informed me that when the 604w was initially released they made a small number of them with a ‘Natural Finish’, mystery solved. Bigsbys on both. The 102 will give you one sound, basically. My amp controls don’t seem to be able to save the day. Very versatile. Don’t know where you’re based but replacing tuners is an easy job, especially if you get ones without screws as per the original Yamaha ones. I wouldn’t recommend it. But I got a new nut for one Pacifica from Yamaha. My only real experience of Squier is a model from the mid 90s which is terrible but can't really judge today's models by that. But I then take that raw wound bobbin and (depending on pickup style); My name is Oliver and I am buying and customising Pacificas until 1999. Really there’s no substitute for endless polishing of those frets. Perhaps my compressor now. Still considering whether to replace standard tuners to locking tuners, although the standard ones are not too bad. It’s the creamy smooth overdrive that I can’t seem to get but a compressor may be my saviour here. Thanks! I play it through a Mustang l Fender amp downloaded a Roland JC120 from the fender community software and sounds real nice. I have to disagree with this I came across a 412v used and I have to say had I not had a 112vmx I would have bought it but I didn’t think it was of a better build .