Warm Audio’s goal was to make a microphone preamplifier affordable for the first time, without compromising the quality and design parameters that make this type of microphone preamplifier so desirable. Warm Audio TB12: Conclusion And Rating. A number of audio files demonstrating the tonal colours that can be achieved using the Tone Beast can be found here. Jet Phaser. Quality components: the circuit employs three Cinemag transformers and two discrete op-amps (classic API 2500 six-pin layout).Inevitably, though, a few corners have been cut in order to make this possible, and while some take nothing away from the overall qualities of the unit — and while I did not find any real flaws — there are some points I'd like to discuss. Win! Available September 1, 2019! It takes some time and effort to get used to all the nuances is has to offer, simply because Warm Audio have put so many features inside this box, but thankfully the controls are clearly laid out and the labels easy to read. As Chase above sez there are ways to approach the sound. A top-quality, fully-professional preamp, Warm Audio's TB12 Tone Beast is designed with loads of gain for effortlessly capturing a variety of sources very nicely. Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents. Warm Audio // TB12 Tone Beast Black With Pro­ducer Joe Car­rell. Warm Audio. No matter how you look at it, the Tone Beast offers many means to fine-tune the result and to adapt the character of the preamp to the nature of the source being fed into its circuits. The Universal Audio 710 Twin Finity preamp is a little more expensive, but it offers blending between valve and transistor amplifiers, and its two gain stages can be driven into distortion. Microphone Preamps. Guitar speaker magnet influence on close dynamic mic? A few other mic preamps offer switchable circuit topologies and variable gain staging. Click here to login, The ability to reply to and create new discussions, Access to members-only giveaways & competitions, Interact with VIP industry experts in our guest Q&As, Access to members-only sub forum discussions, Get INSTANT ACCESS to the world's best private pro audio, Promote your eBay auctions and Reverb.com listings for free. Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Tone Beast jest przedwzmacniaczem mikrofonowym, który lubi „ściskać” sygnał i pięknie go przy tym koloryzuje. All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2020. I just got a second unit for stereo recording and take a look at a few minor differences in this new unit from the piece I … Usually, this kind of technology can only be found in units costing two or three times as much as the TB12. First, the 312 offers a great sound, which is meaty and powerful, with a pronounced mid-range. Secondly, I'm not a big fan of the five-segment LED level meter: it employs blue, green, yellow and red LEDs, and the blue one is noticeably brighter than the other ones. The logo, though, is the familiar Warm Audio orange, so the WA76 still stands out nicely in a typical black- and silver-filled rack. Jeśli jesteś takim samym maniakiem brzmieniowym, jak ja, polubisz tę możliwość. No tone button, clean cap. Choose the one you like better since there shouldn't be too much difference on vocals. One, the x731, is based on the Melcor 1731, a predecessor to API's famous 2520 op-amp, and this is the more coloured option. Arguably the most striking thing about the Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast is the option to swap its op amps for anything else that you prefer. There's a single input transformer, but two output transformers can be swapped at the flick of a switch. While the Tone Beast cannot compete with high-end devices in every single aspect of its construction, it does a surprisingly good job, and offers a signal path that's far more sophisticated than one would normally expect at this price. Foxy Tone Box. ), but like two different sides of the same coin. I'd start w/ no transformer in and the cleaner op amp. OUT WITH OLD & IN WITH THE NEW! Warm Audio are a relatively new Texas-based company who have set out to produce a world-class preamp for rather less than a world-class price. Warm Audio // TB12 Tone Beast Black With Pro­ducer Joe Car­rell. First appearances can be deceptive, and that's definitely the case here: one should certainly not view the Tone Beast as yet another microphone preamplifier. Have no fear of hurting the Beast, you can push it very hard into full-on distortion if you wish, and these can sound quite nice on electric guitar, bass or anything else that likes some grit. The wallet-friendly Warm Audio shows off their newest wares for 2017, including the WA-12 preamp, the WA-12 mkII 500-series module and the WA-87 studio microphone! TB12 został zaprojektowany w taki sposób, aby użytkownik mógł wyjąć fabryczny wzmacniacz operacyjny i zastąpić go swoim. Originally conceived as a preamp card for the input channels of the company's consoles, the classic discrete design of API's 312 mic preamp has played an integral part forming the sound of rock music, and American rock in particular. To jest automatyczne tłumaczenie wygenerowane przez software: Projektując TB12 Tone Beast Black naszym celem było, aby przedwzmacniacz mikrofonowy był niedrogi i pełen możliwości, bez uszczerbku dla jakości i parametrów konstrukcyjnych, które sprawiają, że ten typ przedwzmacniacza mikrofonowego jest tak pożądany. You need an account to post a reply. The format means that, unlike with the original 'bare bones' 312, there's ample space on the faceplate for controls. Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Microphone Preamp - Black Mic/Instrument Preamp with Variable Character, 71dB of Gain, Cinemag Transformers, Discrete Op-amp Section, Selectable Capacitors, Variable Impedance, and Highpass Filter - Black $599.00. All switches are accompanied by red status LEDs, a simple but useful feature that should not be overlooked. If you are wanting general settings on the TB for your voice that is very hard - all voices, rooms and mics are different. This comes between the op-amps and the output transformers. Just a friendly reminder that political discussion, (including "offhand" and 'sideways' commenting) is. Rather, it's a sound machine that can be deployed to great effect in many other areas of audio production than the tracking stage. Warm Audio's latest preamp offers surprisingly high quality in an affordable package. Both its Gain & Saturation and Tone Control sections can transform the preamp into a saturation generator, with a sonic scope ranging from extremely subtle coloration to the wildest fuzz sounds. Warm Audio has had quite a bit of success creating “tributes” to classic audio products, including microphones, preamps and compressors. The capacitors in the circuitry surrounding the op-amps can be swapped, too. Quality components: the circuit employs three Cinemag transformers and two discrete op-amps (classic API 2500 six-pin layout). Jeśli jesteś takim samym maniakiem brzmieniowym, jak ja, polubisz tę możliwość. The palette of controls is rounded off by the Tone switch, which is active on all inputs (microphone, line, and high impedance). Guitar/Effects Pedals. Warm Audio // TB12 Tone Beast Black - In The Mix With Joe Car­rell. Uważaj jednak, gdyż Warm Audio może nie uznać gwarancji urządzenia, które zostało otwarte i w którym ktoś grzebał. Flexible input section: the Tone Beast offers all standard feature of a microphone preamp, including a -20 dB pad, a hi-z instrument input and a high pass filterFollowing the same logic, the other key ingredients of the signal path, the op-amps, can be swapped as well. WA273. As well as the anticipated inputs and outputs, the Tone Beast also offers insert slots for integrating other processors in its signal path.The feature that I liked the most isn't even the most sophisticated of all these options — but it certainly is the most powerful, capable of turning this microphone preamp into a hefty distortion box. Interestingly, the Tone Beast doubles most parts of its signal path, to offer sonic alternatives through the deployment of different components. The Warm Audio WA73-EQ is a single channel “British Style” microphone preamp plus eq. When they are bypassed, the signal sounds rather hollow, with a spectrum that reminds me more of a square wave. The obvious way the TB12 can shape the sound is through actual switching of the components in the signal path. Anyone in the market for a good-sounding and versatile yet affordable preamp should have a look at the Tone Beast, but it will appeal most of all to those planning to explore its saturation and distortion capabilities. It is paired with an output pot ranging from full attenuation (minus infinity) to unity gain. The tone control section boasts plenty of tone-shaping options, such as the selection of alternative op-amps, capacitors and output transformers.Finally, and slightly unusually, the high-impedance instrument signal is fed into the input transformer via a little additional discrete transistor circuit. The stepped gain pot sets the amplification in a range between +29 and +65 dB. This is by far the most subtle of all the modifications, and in some situations it doesn't change the sound much at all, but its effect becomes increasingly apparent as the preamp is driven further into distortion. For example, BAE produce the 312A lunchbox module and single/dual-channel rackmount units, and if you don't need all the options of the TB12, then Warm Audio themselves produce the WA12. With the transformers engaged, by contrast, the signal gets noticeably thicker, sweeter and more valve-like, adding further to the massive tone of this classic synth bass line. TB12 Tone Beast Black. Online Guides. One of them has a more open, sometimes even slightly harsh top end, while the other is noticeably softer and rounder, and there are plenty of shades in between these two poles. As well as the anticipated inputs and outputs, the Tone Beast also offers insert slots for integrating other processors in its signal path. Back In Black! But while the TB12 has all the ingredients typically associated with such 'colour', such as the transformers, Tantalum caps and discrete op-amps, please don't think that using any of these options will drastically change the sound in any given situation. Warm Audio . The result is a single-channel 1U rackmount device they call the Tone Beast. Inputs and outputs are available interchangeably on balanced TRS ¼â€ and XLR connectors, with the sidechain input on XLR only. TB12 500 Tone Beast. Warm Audio manufactures popular coveted pro audio equipment including; microphone preamplifiers, compressors, equalizers and microphones that are designed, developed and tested in-house in Texas, USA. What is a "hybrid" audio interface anyway? Flexible input section: the Tone Beast offers all standard feature of a microphone preamp, including a -20 dB pad, a hi-z instrument input and a high pass filter. Create a username and password below and an account will be created and your post entered. Warm Audio are offering a more practical alternative in their WA‑251, the latest entry into their catalogue of affordable products inspired by high-end, high-priced audio equipment. Setting up the Warm Audio Bus Compressor is a fairly standard affair, with a beefy internal power supply fed by the included IEC cable. The vast range of the output pot (which essentially goes all the way from off to unity gain) ensures that there are no gain-staging limitations at all. “You’d be hard pressed to find a more feature packed mic preamp, especially at this price point. Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Black. Warm Audio // TB12 Tone Beast Black - In The Mix With Joe Car­rell. Although that's it for the on-board tonal tweakery, it's still not all the Tone Beast has to offer, as there's an insert point into which external equipment such as EQs and compressors may be patched. It's also a very simple design, comprising little more than a pair of input and output transformers and a single discrete, Class-A op-amp. Warm Audio TB12 500 Tone Beast Nowy przedwzmacniacz TB12 jest prawdopodobnie najlepszym w swojej klasie cenowej przedwzmacniaczem na rynku. The Tone Beast feels sturdy, uses quality components and should provide years of reliable performance. All rights reserved. Warm Audio . Since those op amps vary by model and can be changedl, I wouldn't worry too much. Direct Boxes. Warm Audio . You can examine countless preamps of all brands and you won’t find this feature very often (or ever). It doesn't matter which way you look at it, then: the Warm Audio Tone Beast offers plenty, considering its rather comfortable price tag. The components are high quality, and the ability to shape the character of … Show all. WA273-EQ. TB12 został zaprojektowany w taki sposób, aby użytkownik mógł wyjąć fabryczny wzmacniacz operacyjny i zastąpić go swoim. Warm Audio // TB12 Tone Beast Black - In The Mix With Joe Car­rell. WA73. This way, instrument signals can also benefit from the sonic character of the input transformer. The Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast, based on the classic API 312 preamp circuit topology, offers plenty of tone­shaping options at a very affordable price. Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS. Show all. Warm Audio have equipped the TB12 with no fewer than three high-quality American-made Cinemag transformers, one of which is a custom design, tailored to Warm Audio's specification.
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