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provided with the data needed to support the review, but they will also work to minimize the overhead burden placed on the DoD Components, PEOs, program managers, and their staffs. They underlie a comprehensive strategy that encompasses Federal and Federally-sponsored program, statistical, and mission-support data . Reinforcing America’s traditional tools of diplomacy, the Department provides military Using data-driven analysis linked to the National Defense Strategy, OUSD(A&S) scales to enable new product and process development and supports a culture of innovation, critical thinking, and creative compliance. of the DoD Cyber Strategy, which is the authoritative reference document relevant to the development of manning, training, equipping, and integrating full spectrum cyberspace operations into DoD policy, plans, and programs. 1 Data-centric. Data … b. The data provided in the reports serve as the foundation and catalyst for future sexual assault prevention, training, victim care, and accountability goals. DoD Digital Modernization Strategy 6/5/2019 Page 3 Foreword The global threat landscape is constantly evolving and remaining competitive and modernizing our digital environment for great power competition is imperative for the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military was provided to Congress on April 30, 2020. B. H�*��wSp�� The Department of Defense Cyber Strategy 4 develop advanced capabilities. {U�����r�jY&�0��dD������z\�6+�h�y���$g��E"1��.�t��e����P�5��y�[���2�( \U�Zƿ��X����ّ� L^���l� ��hȚP�m�K�ğQ�0PU�ۢ��;z��$�V%bo���G�8�}�&ra���
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;��t �l0��_���, �nK�. �ք"�^n����0�# capabilities and the goals of the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy, the DCIP Geospatial Data Strategy establishes a vision for creation and maintenance of a common and comprehensive foundation of geospatial infrastructure data that leverages the very best data sources and tools available for DCIP and DoD … �$�J��5XoOqr4�1]��ݡ ��:ڬ�t����l/��,ޠb�t�s�\�����Ú5��!fcC������q�%������_5. They inform the Practices and Action Plan . DoD Net -Centric Data Strategy 2 The traditional DoD approach to data has been data administration. DoD data, information, and information technology (IT) services pursuant to References (n), (o), and DoDI 8551.01 (Reference (p)). (��h-�� �-�`�>`an�x~V|X�F���B�/ג$��(Vo��ka���K,8U?A����.���
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the overarching VA -DoD strategy described in the JSP Strategic Framework. @#Qw����B�f� &�?�_غ�Vs�56a��`}>��^�2C�'w��67G張�@���v�{��Q�5I��ɕ�WG���47x��O_����|jokL�- Z����Aq�e�bnh��s��G�D^�y�(�>�k������B�C�)"��D�{�*nX>)ion?��|9��E^8� ��qOZ.ǵc,��\�ԧ�sp3����L �!c��T
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�ߥCZ���s��X��� �uQnh�O�#�2|}����iUħ��wy��ތ�Qlێ S^�+ NATIONAL DEFENSE STRATEGY 1 INTRODUCTION The Department of Defense’s enduring mission is to provide combat-credible military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of our nation. Relationship Between Defense Acquisition, Requirements, and Budgeting Processes (1) Acquisition, requirements, and budgeting, are closely related and must operate 0000000684 00000 n
Components, as well as resulting BEI products, are to be considered DoD data, protected from unauthorized release, and shared in accordance with applicable data sharing and disclosure 810 0 obj
Army CIO Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford walked through the new strategy — essentially an updated version of the strategy the service issued in 2016 under Lt. […] This includes Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) that have been identified as Defense Business Systems (DBS) by the chief management officer (CMO) in accordance with DODI 5000.75. As the U.S. adjusts to new great-power developments, the Army has revised its data strategy to reflect the need to move quickly and securely to leverage its information assets against adversaries. 0000001972 00000 n
We must act now to secure our future. 0000002051 00000 n
The Federal Data Strategy Principles serve as motivational guidelines . Data Management (DM) includes information about DoD data rights (IP Strategy), data elements, data sharing, Big Data (Data Analytics) and Data used during the O&S phase of acquisition. If requirements contained in H�,�1 0000001558 00000 n
Should deterrence fail, the Joint For ce is prepared to win. endstream
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fense directive (DODD) 5000.01 and Department of Defense instruction (DODI) 5000.02 for Army-managed acquisition programs. DoD Information Sharing Strategy 4 messaging and data technologies that pass information across trusted networks. Advancement should include developing a data analytics strategy across acquisition domains, expanding data governance and data sharing, and continuing to expand and mature data collection, access, and analytic layers. ;:�� 3��
that support the foundation of the 2,500+ doctrine term DOD Dictionary. That approach attempted to standardize and control data elements, definitions, and structures across the Enterprise, requiring consensus among and across organizations. The Department must have the ability to transfer information to and obtain information from external partners overcoming situations where these partners may have disparate DoD Total Data Quality Management (TDQM) Data quality management in the DoD is focused on the same problems and issues that afflict the creation, management, and use of data in other organizations. ��۾
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DoD defines digital engineering as an integrated digital approach that uses authoritative sources of system data and models as a continuum across disciplines to support lifecycle activities from concept through disposal. The CMO, in coordination with the DoD CIO, monitors DoD business systems and promotes the secure sharing of DoD data, information, and IT services in accordance with this instruction. As illustrated in Table 1, DoD data quality characteristics and conformance measures are similar to those used to measure data quality in any AIS. r�K��2*������p�-�A���&�p#�Dw���N��L�8�(p�����Mx_E��"a m���:�g�3�w@���Ao'\ԑ�O����@� mZOV
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As such the CC SRG is following an “Agile Policy Development” strategy and will be updated quickly when necessary. endstream
DoD Cloud computing policy and the CC SRG is constantly evolving based on lessons learned with respect to the authorization of Cloud Service Offerings and their use by DoD Components. Public Access Level: restricted public Data Update Frequency: R/P1D Bureau Code: 016:00 Consider the following: GPS The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system built and maintained by DoD and is freely available to anyone in the world with a GPS receiver. )O�F�H��{ �M/Ղ�ޕC3l�m�
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Subject- matter experts in VA and DoD developed streamlined operational plans that support the identified objectives based on strategic guidance. 4. 2. w˸�@�[(̾}|�|,kG����H��@���>�
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8 data, information, and IT services in the DoD in accordance with this instruction. Department of Defense Term and Definition Approach It is intended to foster �R(T0T0 BC#C3=K3s33K=C��\}炢��#S�R�@.� ;�
The Defense Department has benefited from private sector innovation throughout its history. Also, mechanisms are needed to authorize and ensure protected access to data for both the DoD and external analysts. �@���� DoD’s approach is to securely and safely connect people, processes, data, and 0000001850 00000 n
1 As articulated in DoD Directive 3600.01, Information Operations, dated May … h�b```�����@��(���1������
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The National Information Exchange Model (NIEM), in accordance with the DoD Data Framework as addressed by the National Strategy for Information Unlike other approaches we’ve seen, ours requires companies to make considered trade-offs between “defensive” and “offensive” uses of data and between control and flexibility in its use, as we describe below. Ethical Governance 1 . Information that most folks don't normally associate with Defense. These plans consist of a high-level and coordinated summary of key milestones and performance measures. 0000001738 00000 n
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Acquisitions Architecting Auditing CBA Contracts Cost Estimating DoDAF EVMS Financial Management Glossary Human System Integration Information Security Information …Continue Reading→ 0000000993 00000 n
The Department of Defense (DoD) maintains a vast amount of information. • Army Guide for the Preparation of a Program Product Data Management Strategy (Under Revision) • DoD Open Systems Architecture Contract Guidebook for Program Managers • Acquiring and Enforcing the Government’s Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Under Department of Defense Contracts, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center DoD Guides and Handbooks The DoD Guides and Handbooks listed below are a collection of the most frequently ones used in acquisitions. Vision Statement DoD is a data-centric organization that uses data at speed and scale for operational advantage and increased efficiency. As defense agencies look to implement the recommendations outlined in the DOD data strategy, they will need to change several existing IT processes. 2���n�6!`�B���Q��J���직x �K�E�)�G��;�]�_F?CyA�Jf��n�'���5� Data loss prevention capabilities are designed to detect and prevent the unauthorized use and transmission of national security systems information. USD(P). I �jx�+Iլx���Yr���,V}8]ZN��g�� �S/�x=H?���<3sI3Cv�L�����p��ۢ����*�5�dΘ~Z��&%� 4�����MM���u.�dqk��R�ǥW�z��eWɋa(�aC�)�Rw��"�8`ѹ��:�F.�M�
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2020 user friendly architecture design