Documenting technical processes, procedures and best practices is a task that takes extra time and may be considered boring and mundane. Miller (2011) classifies metadata into three categories: administrative, structural, and descriptive metadata, following a common approach adopted in library and information science literature: elements describing or cataloging digital resources, information identifying the content of a digital item, terms required to retrieve a digital item or a group of digital items, elements used for managing digital objects and collections, information life-cycle data from creation to dissemination, elements offering a structure for a complex digital object or a group of associated digital objects, multiple files of one digital object (e.g., pages of a book). Gilliland (2008) describes the role of metadata in maintaining the relationships between multiple versions of the same digital object and its role in retaining contextual information. Table 6.6 shows a metadata record extracted from a JPEG image produced by a digital camera: it includes the exposure, resolution, focal length, and whether flash was used. 3. There are two main types of metadata in a data warehouse system: business metadata and technical metadata. Let us take an easy example, if you create a random report on an MS Word, then the content in the document is data, and the name of file, storage description, type of file, a size of a file all becomes the metadata for your report data. The available technical metadata of an asset depends largely on the file type of the asset. Figure 10.6 depicts a process of collecting technical and operational metadata from multiple sources across the company. Examples. In this framework, technical and preservation metadata are listed as subtypes of administrative metadata, and structural metadata is a separate category. For Syllabus and other details, please click here. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but is provided to help scope the metadata collection task. Tables and columns used in the particular process in the data warehouse/datamart and what the transformations mean. The definition of technical metadata is usually more complex than the business metadata and it sometimes involves multiple dependencies. Fragment of a MIX document representing a photograph. multiple views of one digital object (e.g., different views of an object). Other examples of business metadata are: Business rules; Data quality rules; Valid values for reference data; Wikis; Collaboration software; References Here are a few real world examples of metadata: Typical metadata. Still, much metadata information will come in the form of spreadsheets and other media that cannot be automatically parsed. The Technical metadata tab (keyboard shortcut Alt+T) allows you to edit ‘technical’ information about your photographs, such as the date & time they were taken and the lens that was used (if your camera has interchangable lenses).You can also set the image orientation, which is useful if your camera doesn’t set it correctly The package metadata provides summary information about the running time of the package. Transformations that were performed on which source data to produce data in the data warehouse/datamart. Metadatais information about other specific data. For example, data models should have been revised by data modeling peers and a data architect; or data sources are generally at the production level, and hence they have been designed and tested, so there is no question about what to load. Business metadata details other information about the data, such as keywords related to the meta object or notes about the meta object. It is the place where the different departments describe their use of the term product. Metadata is described as data about data. Package metadata: a package executes a control flow. Two sub-types of administrative metadata are rights management metadata and preservation metadata. The Media Manifest Core has a simple metadata structure able to express relationships between media elements and technical metadata that is discrete from the physical form and location of the assets. Business processing metadata includes information about: The system of record for a specific piece of data. EXIF metadata can be embedded in TIFF and JPEG images. Metadata is data that describes other data. Technical metadata can come from many different places. In PDF, for example, the packet is embedded in a metadata stream stored within a PDF object (see Section 4.5). Online NoSQL Data Modeling Training! Allison B. Zhang, Don Gourley, in Creating Digital Collections, 2009. This document focuses on visual resources, but many of the technical metadata elements would apply to any digital file. Different types of metadata are recorded in digital libraries. A photo. information about an object or resource that describes characteristics such as content Your email address will not be published. April Reeve, in Managing Data in Motion, 2013. Examples of technical Metadata include column structure of a database table, keys and validation rules. This knowledge only comes from experience. Administrative, which enables better resource management by showing such information as when and how the resource was created. The same is applicable for other sources of data already deployed across the organization. The basic definition of metadata in the Data warehouse is, “it is data about data”. Structural metadata is data that indicates how a digital asset is organized, such as how pages in a book are organized to form chapters, or the notes that make up a notebook in Evernote or OneNote. More information about the technical standards is available at the Library of Congress Standards site (Library of Congress, 2011a, b). Both EXIF and MIX-style metadata address the technical and preservation aspects of the five-part metadata classification in Section 6.1. In 2008 the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) released the IPTC Photo Metadata 2008 standard, based on requirements gathered from device manufacturers and photographers, which is implemented as a core XMP schema. Metadata for a music file might include the artist's name, the album, and the year it was released. In 2001, Adobe introduced the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) to provide a general solution for embedding metadata within files like images and PDF documents. (1996) note the role of metadata in capturing terms and conditions of data, provenance, content rating data, linkage or relationship information, and structural data. Users would have no way to find and identify the digital objects within the collection” (p. 9). Examples of Business Metadata include security levels, privacy levels, and acronym levels. For Syllabus and other details, please click here! All of this metadata is used to enable the software tools (not people) to understand and process data. The authors vary in the classification of metadata types, especially in regard to preservation and technical metadata that are often listed under administrative metadata. A simple example of metadata for a document might include a collection of information like the author, file size, the date the document was created, and keywords to describe the document. Table 5.1 provides a summary of metadata types and their functions and lists a number of corresponding schema examples. As Miller (2011) notes, “without metadata, the collection would be virtually useless. The type of compression used with a digital image, the audio codec contained in a digital video, or the encryption algorithm used to digitally sign an email are all examples of technical metadata. Online Data Modeling Training with Erwin! Technical examples of metadata. The primary role of metadata is to identify, describe, and provide intellectual access to the content of a digital collection. Table 5.1 provides a summary of metadata types and their functions and lists a number of corresponding schema examples. Every time you take a photo with today's cameras a bunch of metadata is gathered and saved with it: date and time, filename, Technical Metadata describes aspects of electronic records important to their proper interpretation, rendering, or playback. Examples of technical documents include: scanning specifications; instructions or manuals for using system software, equipment, and so on; instructions for creating metadata and mapping metadata elements; technical metadata embedded in the images; detailed workflow descriptions; ‘how to’ documents describing how to perform various tasks; Metadata Profiles Technical Reference (element and the relationship between date elements such as Publication Date (element 1.1.2) and Time Period (element 1.3.1) is clarified in the table below. WarnerMedia is currently utilizing Media Manifest version 1.9.pdf . The XMP metadata itself is embedded in files in a serialized Packet, optionally surrounded by a wrapper consisting of a Header, Padding, and Trailer sections. Since the publication of the specification, many of the data warehousing products have evolved to adhere to the standard. The JPEG 2000 file format has an XML Box container that can include any XML data, although DIG35 is suggested. As demonstrated in the table, the relationship between metadata types and schemas is not one-to-one. Technical metadata has great value in conducting technical change analysis, determining where data is used for impact analysis, as well as providing data lineage analysis, Fortunately, we now have lots of examples for identifying the economic value of technical metadata. With a proper metadata management system in place, business users will be able to understand where the data for that attribute is coming from and how was the data in the attribute calculated. Technical Metadata: Technical Metadata is metadata describing technical aspects of IT systems, which designers and developers use to build and maintain them. Other sources might have to be manually entered. 5. Using custom embedding techniques allows XMP to be applied to a wide range of file types, including GIF, PNG, JPEG, JPEG 2000, Photoshop, MP3, MPEG-4, HTML, and WAV. The authors vary in the classification of metadata types, especially in regard to preservation and, Business metadata is layered on top of these different types of metadata to enable business processes and business analytics to make sense, and effectively merges the, Batch Data Integration Architecture and Metadata, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Describes an object; provides access points to facilitate resource discovery; indicates relationships, Indicates ownership/digital provenance; provides management and rights information, Expresses the relationships of an object (or aggregation of objects) to other related objects; describes structural characteristics of compound objects, Identifies digital objects and their technical specifications; certifies integrity and authenticity, MIX—NISO Metadata for Images, AudioMD, VideoMD, Describes properties of digital objects in archival storage; records preservation activities. This distinction has been poorly understood and has caused much confusion, especially with IT and software vendors. data that is used to represent other data is known as metadata Some examples of technical metadata include physical database tables, access permissions, data models, backup rules, mapping documentation, data lineage, and many more. Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0, How to Build a Digital Library (Second Edition), The exchangeable image file format (EXIF) is a standard for embedding, Iris Xie PhD, Krystyna K. Matusiak PhD, in, Different types of metadata are recorded in digital libraries. Chapters 4. Examples of metadata in technical environments: This type captures the form and structure of each dataset, such as the size and structure of the schema or type of data (text, images, JSON, Avro, etc.). ), tables, and indexes; ETL tools need to define fields, mappings between source and targets, transformations, and workflows; and BI tools need to describe fields and reports. Source for any extracted data. Instead we used the tool repository from the ETL tool for the analysis and reporting needs. The data is used by the data warehouse team or by end-users to better understand the data warehouse performance and results presented in the information marts. While technical metadata is likely to be a subset of an enterprise data catalog, in some cases, a technical catalog with some business semantics may be sufficient. For example, a digital photograph may include information about … This kind of metadata should, on process execution, be held in the Metrics Vault and is usually separated from the business and technical metadata in the Meta Mart. In fact, it seemed that most of the vendors were entirely different except for a couple players. 3. The process metadata provides information about the process that has started the package. Metadata places descriptors onto files that relay what it includes. An example of structural metadata would be how pages are ordered to form chapters of a book. SQL Server's T SQl with Agile, Data Analysis and Data Modeling Training! Years later, when I again needed to assess metadata repositories, I found that the maturity of the market had not significantly changed from my previous analysis. Finally, administrative metadata gives information to help manage the source. Central metadata repository implementation projects are very much like data warehouse projects, where metadata from various source systems or tools are fed into a central repository. Use of that DW data. Vendors of central metadata repositories are selling very robust and effective products these days. However, data projects frequently seek to consolidate metadata into a single repository in order to be able to analyze and report on the metadata across types and regarding relationships and lineage, and so on. As data flows from the operational systems into the warehouse, it is extracted, transformed, and summarized. Mark Allen, Dalton Cervo, in Multi-Domain Master Data Management, 2015. In fact, certain metadata schemas, such as Dublin Core or METS, can accommodate most of the types and include elements for recording descriptive as well as administrative metadata. Bit rate of an audio or video file. Metadata tools will often offer plug-ins that can automatically collect metadata using many different technologies. One of the worst nightmares for technology-related projects is when a member of the technical staff leaves the project and the project stalls because the staff member did not provide sufficient documentation for another staff member to figure out how the systems and processes are implemented. When technical data elements are loaded, they likely have already been through some type of review. Resolution (level of detail) of an image. 4. Structural, which shows how information is put together – page order to chapters, for example. Daniel Linstedt, Michael Olschimke, in Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0, 2016. Features of data. For example, a row-generator stage does not generate operational metadata. Figure 10.6. The actual mechanism for embedding the XMP packet varies depending on the particular file format. A real-life example from our past experience is parsing source code, such as Procedural Language/Structured Query Language (PL/SQL) stored procedure, Java, and JavaServer Pages (JSP), to extract data mapping. In addition to facilitating resource discovery and use, metadata supports interoperability, organization, management, and preservation of digital objects (NISO, 2004). Exif metadata can also include thumbnails along with technical and primary image data in a single image file. Refer to NISO document Z39.87-2002, Data Dictionary: Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images for an excellent element-by-element example of the types of technical metadata that should be recorded about every digital object. Unlike business or technical metadata, which is provided by the business or source applications, process execution metadata is generated by the data warehouse team and provides insights into the ETL processing for maintenance. Examples of technical metadata include descriptions of database tables, columns, sizes, data types, database key attributes and indices and technical data transformation rules. where he will get the data, how a work load is assigned, how metadata management is related to agile or scrum. Metadata for data model and physical database includes length of a field, the shape of a data structure, the name of a table, the physical characteristics of a field, the number of bytes in a table, the indexes on a table, and data definition language (DDL) for a table. Metadata for Images in XML (MIX) is a new standard for image metadata that, in contrast to the de facto use of EXIF, is being coordinated and promoted by the Library of Congress. Timestamps Metadata acts as a table of conten… Before that experience is gained, staff should err on the side of keeping too much documentation, including as much detailed technical information as possible, to establish a habit for documentation. All this results in more work and wasted time. as a database develoeper how metadata is managed daily ?? Sections 3. Depending on the organization and analysis need, the return on investment for a metadata repository project can be very compelling. Dimensions (height and width) of an image. Technical metadata is needed to describe this process and is essential for proper “drill down” to finer levels of detail. For Syllabus and other details, please click here. BI tools have implemented “semantic layers,” where text can be associated with fields to allow the input of business descriptions. /
It is also important to organise the technical documentation in a way that can be recalled and retrieved easily. The record shows that the GIMP image-editing program has been used to process the file, which illustrates that embedded metadata expressed in EXIF is only as accurate as the last application that saved the file and may have been altered by several programs before it is added to your digital library. DW objects 8. If you do not remember where you stored the technical documentation and cannot locate it, all the time you spent on documenting the process is wasted. This can include both information about data structures and individual records or files. Lilian Hobbs, ... Pete Smith, in Oracle 10g Data Warehousing, 2005. Be sure to maximize what can be automated. While helpful, this is not nearly extensive enough to encapsulate the full business metadata needed. An example of a searchable key attribute could be Customer ID or a member name. For jobs that run on Microsoft Windows, UNIX and Linux operating systems, these XML files are saved to the xml directory on the IBM InfoSphere Information Server engine that is used to run the job. DIG35 groups elements into four main categories: image creation, content description, provenance, and intellectual property rights. As technology changes so rapidly, it is very important to document in detail the decisions made in using certain technology, such as when and why the decision was made, who made the decision, what solution was used to fix a technical problem, what ideas did not work, and so on. Like EXIF, it addresses technical rather than descriptive metadata. Databases, for example, need to define columns (format, size, etc. Contact or 91-9080157239 for more details! If source code is developed following a recognizable set of patterns, it is possible to write regular expressions to identify those patterns and extract important metadata information. For Syllabus and other details, please click here! Examples of operational metadata include ETL Load Date, Update Date, Load Cycle Identifier, Current Flag Indicator, Operational System (s) Identifier, Active in Operational System Flag and Confidence Level Indicator. Many image-processing applications provide support for XMP metadata, and it is likely that support for IPTC embedded metadata will grow quickly. Process metadata: most packages are executed by SQL Server Agent or another scheduling application. Implementing a Metrics Vault and a Metrics Mart are covered in section 10.3. Business metadata, in contrast, is the description of information from the business perspective (e.g., the business context of the inventory turns, weekly sales, or budget variance reports). However, without meaningful documentation, the project staff may spend more time dealing with technical problems, repeatedly researching and collecting information, and implementing different flavours of the same technical solutions. The big advance in centralized metadata has come from the leadership in metadata standardization, especially from the Object Modeling Group (OMG), a consortium focused on modeling and model-based standards. Schemas can be based on external standards (e.g., Dublin Core and EXIF) or internal schemas (e.g., XMP Rights Management) and can be associated with specific file types (e.g., PDF) or applications (e.g., Adobe Photoshop). Metadata provides the integration and uniformity of data across the corporation. The main types of metadata are descriptive, structural and administrative. Technical metadata¶. The top tools had developed compatibility with more types of metadata, but the market still seemed immature and the top solutions sometimes were in near obsolete technology platforms. Metadata falls into three main categories: 1. Metadata can hold all kinds of information about DW data like: 1. The IPTC Photo Metadata standard is very new but has strong growth potential: it is open, has an extensible metadata model, and is based on the well-known XMP approach. Metadata is stored in a repository, which is typically a set of tables in an Oracle database. There are two types of metadata: technical and business. Technical Metadata Example: (Visited 7,877 times, 3 visits today) Examples include: 1. instructions or manuals for using system software, equipment, and so on; instructions for creating metadata and mapping metadata elements; technical metadata embedded in the images; ‘how to’ documents describing how to perform various tasks; changes made when upgrading to a new version of a software application; notes and explanations in system configuration files; comments in scripts describing the automation steps. The exchangeable image file format (EXIF) is a standard for embedding technical metadata in image files that many camera manufacturers use and many image-processing programs support. Its flavor is illustrated by Figure 6.3, which shows a fragment of a MIX document for a photograph. After several projects, one can see what documentation has been used regularly or provided critical information. Let’s start with the basics. Note The terms technical and business metadata, refer to the content of the metadata, namely what type of information is contained in the metadata. In Technical metadata, derivation rules are important when formula or calculations are applied on a column. 2. 2. Tutorial on Data Modeling, Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence! Those are some typical metadata elements: Title and description, Tags and categories, Who created and when, Who last modified and when, Who can access or update. In 2000 the Object Management Group (OMG) published the “Common Warehouse Metamodel” (CWM) specification, which defines a metadata format for all data warehouse and business intelligence products. Technical track organization. For example, metadata from databases, ETL tools, XML files, and data modeling tools are likely to be either automatically or semiautomatically loaded. XMP's model is flexible enough to allow structural metadata to be expressed—so that, for example, different pages in a document can be described independently. Metadata is particularly important in collections containing visual, sound, and moving image materials, which are very difficult to discover without textual description (Laursen et al., 2012). Ian H. Witten, ... David M. Nichols, in How to Build a Digital Library (Second Edition), 2010. Metadata can be used for either technical or business purposes. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Since OMG has identified common formats for the expression of metadata, central metadata repository vendors can more efficiently build integration with various tool repositories without having to deal with myriad proprietary data structures. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL: Administrative metadata refers to the technical information, including file type, or when and how the file was created. EXIF metadata can include a thumbnail image—in this case the thumbnail is a 196 × 147 pixel JPEG that occupies 3.6 KB, compared with the original 2,048 × 1,536 (262 KB) image. Business metadata allows end users to determine which data is available in the warehouse or data mart and how it can be accessed. Technical metadata is the description of data as it is processed by software tools. XMP values are expressed in XML using a subset of RDF (see Section 6.4), allowing great flexibility in metadata expression. Data flow metadata: the data flow log provides information about the performance of data flows and how many records have been processed or rejected by each transformation. 2. Table 5.1. SQL Server's T SQl with Agile, Data Analysis and Data Modeling Training! Required fields are marked *, Course Details:
Advantages of Multi Dimensional Databases. Within XMP, metadata can be expressed using different schemas and can be extended by adding new schemas. Logging the process execution provides a valuable tool for maintaining or debugging the ETL processes of the data warehouse because it provides information about the data lineage of all elements of the data warehouse. The metadata in a data warehouse system unfolds the definitions, meaning, origin and rules of the data used in a Data Warehouse. Exif metadata often includes other technical details, such as white balance and distance to the subject. Gilliland-Swetland (1998) proposes a basic typology based on the functions of metadata: Administrative metadata that presents information associated with the management and organization of information resources, Descriptive metadata that provides information to depict information resources, Preservation metadata that offers information with respect to the conservation of information resources, Technical metadata that illustrates information related to system functions and metadata behaviors. EXIF is almost universal in consumer electronics but is restricted to certain image types, whereas MIX, being relatively new, is not yet widely used. Iris Xie PhD, Krystyna K. Matusiak PhD, in Discover Digital Libraries, 2016. DW tables and their attributes. Different types of metadata are needed for resource description, discovery, retrieval, use, presentation, and preservation of digital objects. Be creative. It can then be shared by any user or tool. 6. But the investment required to purchase and implement a central metadata repository can be very high, close to or over one million dollars. One library in our consortium has a home-grown archival collection data system that was developed by a staff member who worked on this system for over 20 years. The digital preservation standard PREMIS is discussed in Chapter 9. The importance of recording data related to provenance, context of creation, and use is discussed in the context of digital preservation in Chapter 9. Dimensional Data Modeling Training starts on - 5th December, 2020 (10 AM IST) & 12th December 2020 (7.30 PM IST). Your email address will not be published.