The tapestry yarn ("tapestry" is often used in Europe to refer to embroidery) is fluffy and rather like a thicker version of Paternayan. Latch Precut Wool Yarn 10 x Multicolor Packs - Tapestry Yarn - Latch Knotted Rug Wool Packs - 10 x 25g Precut Yarn Bundle - 10 Assorted Colors - 250g Pack. Those of you who love hand-dyed yarn but don’t want to be dyers yourselves may well have been fans of the marvelous yarns created by Weaving Southwest. 5 out of 5 stars (2,501) 2,501 reviews $ 1.50. It is worth a look HERE. It is now back in production. The Art of Tapestry WeavingBook ReviewsChange the ShedDesigning for TapestryFrance Tapestry TourLoomsMakingTapestry DiaryTapestry ShowTapestry WeavingYarn. The 9.5/2 is twice the size of the 18/2. Qty in Cart . Many commercially dyed yarns don't come in that many colors. New Listing DMC Laine Colbert Wool Tapestry Yarn Rusty Terracotta 7125 Vintage Stock Paris 4. Ideal for needlepoint, general embroidery, and creative stitchery, its twist and thickness provide excellent canvas coverage with a smooth, even texture. I dye my own yarn and I sometimes dye for my workshops and I will tell you that the work is fiercely difficult labor. This is a very thin tapestry yarn appropriate for bundling. How does the yarn serve your design ideas? Remember that tapestry will most likely be hung on a wall and you don’t want all your squishy yarn compacting over time and sinking on the warp. It is a singles yarn meaning that it is not plied. This yarn dyes very nicely, comes in 108 colors, and comes from Hiilesvåg Ullvarefabrikk, a spinnery on the west coast of Norway. A new yarn on the scene, this one works well with one strand at 8 epi. Tapestry Wool is much thicker, almost like knitting wool. The difference is in the thickness of the yarn (the plus) and therefore the finish of the end look. Perfect for mindful stitching and creating cushion fronts, wall hangings, tote bags and clutches and more. $6.65 $ 6. 1600 … If the weft is super bouncy, fluffy, or soft, it will pack in excessively. Add all to Cart. Appletons Wool Shade Guide sample cards - for crewel & tapestry yarn . Because no one works with the same tension, the tables are to be used as a guideline for your needlepoint projects. 65. Also available in 4 gram skeins with 10 m / 11 yds. Though I recommend two embroidery yarns above, many embroidery yarns are not great for tapestry. Bouncy yarns also stretch a lot and that makes managing your weft tension difficult. Fortunately, their product is fantastic and well worth purchasing. (color card URL) Non-divisible, the heaviest needlepoint wool available. They are now selling wholesale again and they say that within a few months they will be selling retail directly from their website. Browse the color chart for number and color. £8.00. Made from 100% virgin wool, DMC Tapestry Wool is a deliciously soft, smooth non-divisible yarn. This yarn is made by Brown Sheep Company, a marvelous small mill in western Nebraska (I highly recommend stopping for a tour and to visit their shop if you’re in the neighborhood. Made in the United Kingdom by Coats Crafts. Always purchase your yarn with … They are available from GlimakraUSA or Lone Star Loom Room. You won’t likely be able to thread a small tapestry needle with a super bulky yarn. Threads for machine embroidery are usually of polyester or rayon (less often cotton or silk). A yarn from the same spinnery in Norway as Frid Vevgarn, Hiilesvåg Ullvarefabrikk, this is a much thinner yarn with a softer hand. This yarn is available in many places and might be the easiest yarn to lay your hands on in your LYS, which is exactly why I’ve included it on this list. Unavail. What was once a neat corner of your craft room can become a tangled mess of colorful threads. The smaller the number, the larger the needle. See the descriptions earlier in the post for where to purchase them. We have some suggestions! I use about 6 strands of the fine at 8 epi. Paternayan comes in a loose bundle of three strands of 2-ply yarn. Our brains design better in analog. It is similar in size to ALV and Appleton crewel. Anchor Threads & Wools. Fast & Free shipping on many items! But for learning the time-honored traditions of tapestry weaving proper, these yarns are not appropriate no matter what they’re labeled. It dyes beautifully and comes in 74 colors. They are thin and come in many colors and are often used for weaving functional fabrics. RRP £1.10 Save 9% Our Price £1.00. Feel & see with a yarn sample card: Warps & More Warps Sample Card - Wool and Linen Rug and Tapestry Warps for 3.50/ea. Both of the yarns we use in our kits are 100% British Wool - spun and dyed by Appleton Wool Ltd - the same spinners who created the crewel yarn for William Morris and his historic tapestries. Whether to use pointy or blunt needles are also a matter of personal preference. Notice as you use that yarn at the sett recommended, what you think about it. Hi I have a cross stitch pattern for 3 kookaburras on a branch. Qty in Cart : 0. Plus the fact that the 7 count canvas is much bigger (almost 25 % less stitches per area stitched) you can see why a lot of my customers, who came from stitching much finer even weave projects, now are addicted to the Tapestry Kits. Most of them have a very heathered appearance because of the way the colors are mixed. The warp is $26 per spool (shipping/handling extra) and comes in the following sizes: #12/6 (1.1 pound spool, approx. Subtotal. It works well at 8 epi with one strand. You can get all sorts of gradations, so enjoy the options! Tell us in the comments! I buy a lot of thread lots and yarn off Ebay because I can’t afford to buy it all from online stores and I don’t have a store near … It is this popularity and speed of stitching that has led most of the new kits to created using this base, like the super popular Tuck Shop Collection. It is 4 ply (it has 4 strands twisted to make 1 thread) and we use it as a single strand to stitch on our 7 count canvas base. Not every tapestry yarn listed here will be liked by every weaver. In fact, most yarns you’ll find in your local yarn store (if you’re lucky enough to have one), probably aren’t the best for tapestry weaving. It can be whatever size you like, as long as it can hold the yarn to weave the tapestry. I am often asked what the difference is between Tapestry and Crewel Cross Stitch Kits…  so I thought I would try and address this / pass on some advice in this post.. A firm yarn that is not lofty. Harrisville makes the yarn in 64 colors. Yarn vs Wool. Warp and Weft: Learning the Structure of Tapestry. Uneven yarns. Anchor Tapisserie Tapestry Wool - per Pack of 2. £4.10 postage. Color: 0030 vendor color: 1215 #08000300 Stock: 7 Need more? DMC Tapestry Wool to Anchor Tapisserie Wool Conversion. Click & Collect. Using a yarn that is very thin that you can bundle in the weaving gives you more color options. $1.66 $ 1. 5 out of 5 stars (1,104) 1,104 reviews $ 2.00. Brand New. This has become one of my favorite yarns for small format tapestries. Their yarns come in three sizes. From shop DragonflyCottageShop. Brand New. In tapestry weaving, weft yarns are typically discontinuous; the artisan interlaces each coloured weft back and forth in its own small pattern area. Anchor is a long-established name in the yarn industry, and brings that expertise to this wonderful range of Tapestry Wool. What are your favorite tapestry yarns and why? It was taken over by her granddaughter, Teresa Loveless, and for various reasons is closing in March of 2019. I’ll also let you know which yarns have the widest array of color choices. Pointy vs Blunt Needles. (So sorry to my British friends… may it get better soon.). We will miss the 2-ply tapestry yarn and especially the churro. Let’s look at which characteristics are important in a tapestry yarn, why they are important, and which yarns have these characteristics. Price. A quick shot from my phone to show the difference from stitching a row of 10 stitches of Tapestry (Green Thread) – 1 thread on 7 count; compared to 10 stitches of Crewel (Blue Thread) – 2 threads on 10 count. If you’re interested in it, they sell a couple sample packs with small amounts of all the colors. Weavers Bazaar is a company in the UK run by two tapestry weavers, Matty Smith and Lin Squires. Tapestry is a form of textile art, traditionally woven by hand on a loom.Tapestry is weft-faced weaving, in which all the warp threads are hidden in the completed work, unlike cloth weaving where both the warp and the weft threads may be visible. Color: 0010 vendor color: 126. We are stocking all colors as they become available (100 to 972). I have used pearl cotton, a common weaving cotton, for small tapestries with good results. Both yarns are made for embroidery, but the crewel yarn is much thinner and firmer. Wool means soft hair derived from the fleece of sheep or other animals. Tapestry Wool. This can be an attractive characteristic in tapestry. There is no doubt that this yarn is much easier to handle (it is thicker and smoother) and stitch with. If you don’t dye your own yarn, Faro is a yarn that is virtually identical in size to the Harrisville Koehler singles. Look for cotton and silk fibers to start with. Could I do this as a tapestry. This combed and twilled wool is available in 390 sumptuous colours. 4.6 out of 5 stars 18. Free postage. Wool is a type of yarn. When a yarn wants to bounce back on itself (as a nice knitting wool will do), it will want to do that in your weaving which causes problems with weft tension and makes your edges draw in. The tapestry yarn ("tapestry" is often used in Europe to refer to embroidery) is fluffy and rather like a thicker version of Paternayan. This isn’t my first choice for any tapestry, but it is one yarn that is often readily available in your local yarn store. One strand of the worsted weight works well at 8 epi. Ask around. or Best Offer. If you like to bundle yarns for maximum ability to mix colors, you’ll want a thinner singles yarn. I have a few possible combinations at the end of this post, but there are many other possibilities. Most of the samplers are worked using crewel and classic designs such as our Original CAMPER RAINBOW in crewel wool on 10HPI. I see lots of yarns out there now marketed as “tapestry yarn”. All images, words, content and designs are copyright Crafteratti / Jacqui Pearce - all rights reserved. The old owners did make a version of this yarn called Paterna. Some small format weavers regularly use DMC floss and Kathe Todd-Hooker often uses regular sewing thread for her very fine works. Qty : Price : £1.00. Please just remember that you need 2 strands to stitch the Crewel Kits and only 1 strand to stitch the Tapestry Kits – as getting confused in this area will spoil the finished look of the piece and you will run out of wool. Many of the colors are slightly variegated like hand-dyed would be. Available in a wide range of colours. I have had many people tell me they’ve used Jaggerspun yarns for tapestry. This is another thin yarn that I like a lot. From shop CraftsyNotions. Thank you for taking my message, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. It is now sold by Timeless Textiles. Only 9 left in stock. Moth proof and colorfast. Mountain Meadows mill in Wyoming does some lovely hand-dyed yarns. Tapestry yarn is a tightly twisted strand which cannot be divided, resulting in a smooth, hard wearing stitch. I always recommend starting with just one yarn. It can also be split in half and replied with a different color. Halcyon Yarn Quick-Start Spinning … The crewel yarn can be bundled for a very nice woven tapestry surface with color variations. If you are weaving something for which you want 5 reds in gradation, most commercial yarn sources are not going to provide that (with the notable exceptions of Weaver's Bazaar, Australian Tapestry Workshop Yarn, Appleton crewel, and Paternayan). Anchor Tapestry Pure Wool Large Mixed Lot 23 Pieces Made in the UK. I frequently use 2 strands of the fine at 12 epi for my very small tapestry diary pieces. The deals in their store are unbeatable… so bring a big bag to put your new yarn stash in). For small things it works great. From shop CraftsyNotions. I’ll briefly tell you what makes a good tapestry yarn and then I’ll tell you which ones are my current favorites and where to get them. This is a thin yarn which will need to be bundled. Tapestry is a weft-faced weave. Search Rebecca’s blog with the search box below or via categories. This yarn was unavailable for a few years after the company owner passed away. This is another thin yarn that I like a lot. Ending Sunday at 7:30PM GMT 4d 17h. Each skein is 10 metres long. This yarn has been hard to get for a few years since the original dyehouse closed. It is a beautiful yarn that has some spelsau in it (sheep breed) that makes it very shiny. Thin yarns you can use multiples of in a weft bundle versus a thick yarn you'd only use one strand of. A yarn that doesn't have a whole lot of end-to-end stretch in it. I also cover this topic in my online course, Warp and Weft: Learning the Structure of Tapestry. This is the wool used by William Morris in his crewel work embroidered tapestries and fabrics, so it is actually fantastic to embroider with. Unfortunately it doesn’t yet come in many colors. You can unsubscribe from my emails at any time. It is made in Norway and is a 2-ply yarn which is slightly thicker than the Harrisville Shetland. It comes in the same 64 colors that Highland does. Though I love the Brown Sheep Company for so many reasons, their embroidery yarn, Waverly, is very bouncy to be used for tapestry. Color choice. Brand New. Do you like ones I haven’t mentioned here? From Rowan’s site: A beautiful blend of 70% wool and 30% soybean, Tapestry is a warm soft yarn that has excellent wearability and a soft gentle drape. Selection of Anchor tapestry wools yarn thread. If you're not a dyer, color choice is going to be very important to you. selling retail directly from their website, a whole post about knitting yarns for tapestry. Herrschners offers a wide selection of DMC Tapestry wool. It was an incredible thing that Teresa and her family were able to dye this yarn themselves for so many decades and offer it to the general public. Finding hanks is more difficult, but some well-assorted shops do have them. C $5.25. It's twist and thickness give it excellent canvas coverage and provides a smooth and even texture. The gallery below has more photos of some of the yarns I’ve mentioned above. It worked well at 8 epi with one strand. The larger the number, the smaller the needle. The yarn is 2,700 yards per pound and it works well at 3-4 strands at 8 epi. 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. Please add 10% extra for waste and errors. You want a firm yarn that will pack easily and make a sturdy fabric. This yarn is sold in the USA by Norsk Fjord Fibers. Kathe says she uses 4 strands at 10 epi. When there are several shade matches, choose that which best suits your project. The conversion rate is in our favor in the US, so order some up! Of course to use sewing thread you will be weaving at very close setts, so don’t try this if you’re brand new to tapestry weaving. (The Weaver’s Loft just told me that they are selling this yarn in 1 ounce balls in a couple different color palettes.). From United States. If you’re just starting out, it is helpful to pick one yarn and sett to learn on. It is made by Harrisville Designs, a wonderful small mill in Harrisville, NH. Additional Bockens yarns: Though I have mostly only used Faro, this company also makes other yarns that are great for tapestry. For churro, contact Shepherd’s Lamb in Tierra Amarilla, NM. I have dyed this yarn myself, but in general I just buy their colors because there are so many available. Below are a few tapestry yarns that work well for beginners. Shop and read more at A HOW TO Tutorial on how to Cross Stitch with wool tapestry yarn onto 7 count canvas. Temp. Sirdar-Striga Swiss Tapestry Wool 10 x 20g Hanks. The yarn comes in fantastic colors and they’re adding more all the time. In my early tapestries, this was the yarn I used though I dyed it myself. This yarn is half the size of Highland. Balls of hand-dyed Harrisville Highland for tapestry weaving, This is the yarn I use for my in-person workshops for students. Click on thumbnails to enlarge, hover for captions, use arrows to scroll. Kathe sells this yarn by the ounce, so if you want to buy some small amounts to play with, that is an option. Appleton's Tapestry Wool Products from Spinning Jenny, The Yorkshire Dales Needlework, Paternayan Yarn and Cross Stitch Specialist That is a simple process and I will have a video about it soon on my YouTube channel. Analog. Yarn needles are a bit like crochet thread in their sizing. Knitting yarns. The undyed version makes a beautiful, consistent yarn. I am curious about wool sold as tapestry. Lamb’s Pride is a fat single and it has mohair in it. I just want to pause a moment and help you think about the monumental thing it was to stock shelves in a shop and sell online yarn that was completely hand-dyed. translation missing: en.cart.general.close, Cross Stitch: Tapestry versus Crewel Wool. I especially don’t recommend it for beginners. £2.95 delivery. It is 2 ply (has 2 strands twisted to make 1 thread) and we use it folded double to stitch on our 10 count canvas base. This yarn comes in 400 colors and can be found in embroidery shops in the USA. Tapestry Wool is much thicker, almost like knitting wool. If you love knitting or crocheting, you know all too well how yarn can multiply in your home seemingly overnight. DMC Floralia Tapestry wool, is sold as 3 ply and divisible but then I read that is isn’t. This yarn comes in over 400 colors including gradations and having a source that carries all the colors is important to tapestry weavers.
2020 tapestry wool vs yarn