In fact, it was also in Seattle, at the Seattle Aquarium, that a giant Pacific octopus was filmed killing a shark a few years ago. To understand what was happening, they decided to film the interactions to see what was going on. When Species Collide: Grizzly-Polar Bear Hybrids, This Tiny, Adorable Killing Machine Is The World’s Deadliest Cat. From then on, it was decided that the sharks would enjoy life in a different tank entirely. As it turned out, they were tragically mistaken.". The Giant Pacific Octopus is happiest more than 6,000 feet below the surface of the ocean, swimming among the dark and murky depths. ... Eat & … Workers at an aquarium in Seattle were left scratching their heads after their population of sharks began to dwindle inexplicably. Octopus Vulgaris (common octopus) — 50+ gallons. He explained: "I suppose you could say 'herding'. Archived. Duration : 2.13 Mins. One reason for this is that many octopus species grow somewhat large. These animals can clearly hold their own in the natural world. In video posted to LiveLeak Wednesday, the serious cephalopod scales the wall of its enclosure. Exhibits tennessee aquarium octopus kills shark the mary sue national aquarium blacktip reef does an octopus have a soul this oregon coast aquarium exhibits tennessee aquarium. Marine mammals, such as harbor seals, sea otters, and sperm whalesdepend upon the giant Pacific octopus as a source of food. Octopuses interest us with their behavior, their ability to learn, their interaction with us, and their incredible shape- and color-changing abilities. This is incredible to see something spongy like octopus has the wits and guts to do this ! Incredible Fight! Police and paramedics have been on the scene all afternoon, Awkward message found behind door number four of Cadbury advent calendar, A Twitter user who broke all the rules of Christmas and opened doors of his Cadbury advent calendar early found one of them came with an awkwardly timed message, Couple spend just £12,500 transforming 'dated' first home and it looks incredible, Adele Teather and Tom Jackson spent three months renovating their first home in Sheffield and say they were "literally living in a building site" as they worked evenings and weekends to get it done, Eerie time capsule home found with toys and unread newspapers from 1950s inside, The farmhouse was said to have been deserted amid a family feud between two brothers who were banned from the property by other relatives after their mother, Mary Cowell, died, Mum leaves son, 5, in tears after 'cruel' Elf on the Shelf prank backfires, Tanya Lee shared her inventive Elf on the Shelf hiding places with fellow parents on Facebook, but she was criticised for taking things too far by a few people who called her "cruel", Princess Diana's presidential 'lover' who wrote romance based on her dies from Covid, France’s former president Valery Giscard d’Estaing, who has died at 94 as a result of Covid-19 in Loir-et-Cher, central France, was claimed to have had a fling with Princess Diana, Woman 'who slit throat of girl, 7, in park has history of psychotic violence', Eltiona Skana, 30, denies murdering Emily Jones after attacking her in a park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, claiming diminished responsibility, Chance of post-Brexit trade deal breakthrough ‘receding’ as talks hit the wall, A senior UK Government source accused the EU of making unprecedented 11th hour demands, Heartbreaking 999 call made by girl, 13, after cage fighter murdered her mum, Andrew Wadsworth, 37, stabbed to death his former partner Melissa Belshaw, 32. An octopus is one of the most fascinating and rewarding marine creatures you can keep in the home aquarium.