52 56 10. Compare a silver birch, with its narrow shape and light and airy crown, to the broadly spreading crown of an oak. The silver maple is an ornamental tree, that is preferred for its fast growth rate and adaptability to urban conditions. Maple Tree Leaf Identification. 54 46 12. Identifying Acer saccharinum by leaf, bark, flowers, samaras and shape. All regions. They turn yellowish or brown in the fall; flowers are densely clustered; maple keys are very large, with wings up to 5 cm long. The underside of the leaves is a soft silver in color; fall color is usually a pale yellow. Produces red, yellow and silver … Autumn Leaves Glitter. Opposite Branched Trees Alternate Branched Trees Maple (Silver, Sugar and Box elder) Ash Dogwood (small trees and shrubs) Ohio buckeye Catalpa A. Silver maple trees can grow to be between 70 and 100 feet tall. Maple Syrup Tree Maple. Silver maple leaves grow to be five to seven inches wide, with five lobes. This species yields about half the amount of sugar as A. saccharum. Silver maple has a vase shape and is a rapidly growing, fairly weak-wooded tree that reaches a height of 60 to 80 feet with a 5- to 6- foot diameter trunk on a moist site. This tree: Grows very quickly, providing shade earlier than most trees. Silver Maple, Acer saccharinum. The bark is reddish to brown. The red maple is usually a medium-sized tree with a moderate growth rate. Tree Maple Blue Leaves. Maple Leaves Autumn. Southwest. There are 7 native species of maples. Spring Leaf Background. Silver maple or Acer saccharinum. Maple Leaves Autumn. It should be saved for planting in wet areas or where nothing else will thrive. Maple Leaf Of The Sheet. However, its wood is brittle and often damaged by storms. It grows to 18 metres (60 feet)—higher under favourable conditions—with a short, stout trunk and Identification. Silver Maples are considered to be a large tree that grows to be over 40 feet high and 30 feet wide. The silver maple tree (Acer saccharinum) is one the most common trees of North America. A commonly found maple tree in the United States, the silver maple is also known in many other names, like river maple, creek maple, silver leaf maple, soft maple, water maple, and white maple. Not all maple trees are sugar maple trees. Tree Identification 8: Silver Maple Silver Maple: Acer saccharinum. Mountain Maple is a deciduous understory tree, which is sometimes classified as a shrub. These can include diseases, such as tar spot, verticillium wilt, anthracnose, leaf scorch, powdery mildew, and lichen, to name a few. 8 6 2. At maturity, it may be 80 feet tall. With even a light wind, the tree produces a lovely shimmery effect thanks to the silvery undersides of its leaves. Native to wet floodplain forests in the Eastern United States. For example, the autumn blaze maple tree is a hybrid of a red maple and a silver maple, and will have characteristics of each parent. The silver maple is a large tree that can grow to be 35 metres tall with a trunk that’s more than 100 centimetres in diameter. Silver Maple Tree Identification. Join Natalie Bogwalker as she introduces identifying factors and uses of Red Maple. Silver Maple tree identification. Silver maple is a fast-growing shade tree that prefers wet areas but is very adaptable and can do well in urban areas. The layers of horizontally spreading branches of a mature cedar of Lebanon contrast with the sparsely branched Scot’s pine or densely bushy yew. Mountain Maple has a short, crooked trunk, often branching near the base into several ascending branches, and a small, rounded crown. The tree is useful in wet areas, transplants easily, and can grow where few others can. Habitat: Grows on dry open woods, rocky bluffs and pastures. Look for signs of management which can affect the shape. The trunk of this tree is short and stout, even though the silver maple may grow to be as tall as 80 feet. All have very similar characteristics but some differences as well. Here is a brief overview about this tree and its uses. Autumn Leaves Colorful. On mature trees the bark is gray and shaggy, with strips that pull loose at the ends. When selecting a maple tree, be sure to select a species suited for Iowa's weather. It all begins with a maple tree… how to identify a maple . One of the things that I have discovered, now that I am aware that not all trees are the same or created equal, is that there are a lot of trees out there that are in the Maple or Acer family. South central. Native to eastern North America, it is widely cultivated elsewhere. The bark is smooth and light gray on young- and intermediate-aged stems, while mature bark is dark gray and rough. It grows ten to twenty feet tall. Or select a region for a larger-scale map. Nevertheless, large silver maple street trees are numerous in many areas and these are sometimes tapped as part of a sugaring operation. Suggested further reading and tree identification books are listed in the appendix. 21 33 2. Many authorities recommend against planting silver maple. Populus).It is native to Morocco and then Spain through central Europe (north to Germany and Poland) to central Asia.It grows in moist sites, often by watersides, in regions with hot summers and cold to mild winters. Looking at the leaf and bark will usually give you a good indication of at least part of the parent stock, from which you can consult other resources for more precise plant identification. The silver maple grows best in bright sun to partial shade and - Twigs are reddish and have rounded, oblong, vegetative buds. Silver Maple trees can reach a height of about 30 metres. Standard trees are the largest size that we deliver; you can also buy younger Silver Maple saplings here and you can also browse our other garden trees. Silver maple is a medium to large tree with a rounded crown and slender, spreading branches. These trees can recover quickly from wind damage and do great in poor soils. Silver maples are a great fast-growing tree for Michigan landscapes. This versatile and attractive shade tree requires a large yard. Treatment ranges from pruning dead branches to removing the entire tree and fumigating the soil to doing nothing at all, depending on the infection. They should be planted in an area with plenty of direct sunlight. Silver Maple bears red flowers in early spring and beautiful five lobed, deeply notched green and silver leaves that turn yellow in the fall. While some are easily identifiable, others are cross bred designer trees with colors and leaf patterns not readily found in nature. Silver maple also does not have autumn color comparable to other maples and its leaves often turn a pale yellow before falling. A young silver maple will have gray bark with hints of red. Acer saccharinum - Silver Maple Acer saccharinum: Acer is the Latin name for maples; saccharinum refers to the tree's sweet sap. One silver maple can reach heights of 50 to 70 feet tall and get 30 to 45 feet wide, providing plenty of shade for a deck or patio. 12 9 3. Growth is slower after the tree becomes larger. This species has become over planted. 5 0 3. Northwest. Features 3–6" leaves with 5 lobes separated by notably deep, narrow sinuses. Identification of Mountain Maple. Enjoy Your Maple Tree Its light green leaves are 15 to 20 centimetres long, with 5 or 7 lobes. Crushed twigs do not emit a rank odor as does the silver maple. Learn which trees are native to Ontario and the best species to plant where you live. 60 114 4. Populus alba, commonly called silver poplar, silverleaf poplar, or white poplar, is a species of poplar, most closely related to the aspens (Populus sect. 53 39 2. Like the red maple, silver maple is a relatively short-lived tree when compared to the sugar or black maple, living perhaps 130-150 years. 26 25 3. Hardiness: Maples vary in hardiness. The bark is a silver-gray color and the leaves are a dullish green on the upper side and a silvery-white shade beneath. Silver Maple Trees. Maple Tree Maple Tree. It is usually found growing in open sunlight along creeks and waterways. Most fall into zones 4 through 8, but some are less tolerant of cold or heat than others. Insects infesting silver maple trees (Acer saccharinum) range from nothing more than an annoyance to a more serious concern that can lead to the trees' defoliation and loss of vigor. 4 are preferred for syrup production; Traditionally called either hard or soft maple in eastern Ontario; Manitoba Maple and Norway Maple (non-native) may be local, but are considered inferior by most maple producers; Tips for tree identification. Silver Maple can also be seen with curly or quilted grain patterns.. Grain/Texture: Grain is generally straight, but may be wavy. It is common to see this type of tree along the side of waterways and creeks. A fast-growing maple used largely as a shade tree, but with problems. The leaf edges have fine teeth. There are also red maple and silver maple trees. Green on top and silvery underneath through spring and summer, they turn a pale yellow in the fall. This maple is brittle and subject to breakage. Grows in zones 3 to 9, The tree is deciduous, The silver maple grows to a medium to large size at a rapid rate. Change the address on identification cards; Driving and Roads; The Tree Atlas . Northeast. In the summer, the leaves are pale green with a silver/white underside. Click on the map as close as possible to your intended planting site. Without proper and frequent pruning high winds and ice can cause limbs to break. The bark, too, is silver in color, particularly when the tree is young. Select a region . Silver maple is one of 14 native maples in the U.S. Tree Identification Friday, June 4, 2010. The silver maple is very similar to the red maple — except that its leaves turn pale yellow or brown, not red, in the fall. Silver Maple Tree is a species of deciduous tree that also referred to as the Water Maple. Identify silver maple trees by such facets of the species as its trunk, bark and leaves. Overall shape is also useful when identifying conifers. Fast growth has become the name of the game in the world of landscaping, and the silver maple is a champ in this department. 25 36 7. It generally grows 50 to 80 feet tall, though a 10-year-old sapling will stand approximately 25 feet tall. Images of a silver maple tree. Maple Red Maple Garden. Silver Maple is often used to make syrup instead of Sugar Maple in colder areas where Sugar Maple sap does not sweeten very well (like the Canadian prairies). Silver maple is a tall, fast-growing, native tree of eastern North America. Typically, maple trees can live healthy lives for up to 300 years, but sometimes they fall prey to illness. Silver is the right word to describe this maple. The roots shallow and can cause property damage. While it can be an excellent tree for landscaping, it also presents some undesirable characteristics. Found throughout Iowa. Acer saccharinum (silver maple) Medium sized, short-trunked, spreading tree up to 35 m high; leaves light green above, silvery-white below, and deeply lobed. Leaves Maple Branches. 8 2 3. Southeast. Color/Appearance: Unlike most other hardwoods, the sapwood of maple lumber is most commonly used rather than its heartwood.Sapwood color ranges from almost white, to a light golden or reddish brown, while the heartwood is a darker reddish brown. Silver Maple Tree - Photo by Paul Wray, Iowa State University. The root system is shallow. Fall … Silver maple, (Acer saccharinum), large, spreading tree, of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae), popular as a rapid-growing shade tree. Simple Leaves American basswood Black cherry Cottonwood Elm (American and Slippery) Hackberry Hawthorn Mulberry (Red and White) Sycamore Oak (White, Swamp, … 40 8 36. For example, sugar maples have the above looking-like leaves, while red maple have the lobes a bit narrower, and silver maple … Autumn Background.