Shaving clubs fall into that exact category. I can tell you this, every person in our club knows who the cheaters are, whether it’s noodling their ball when playing a match or marking the ball on the green a couple inches closer – and there is no respect for those individuals. Golfers that prefer to shape their drives prefer the 440cc drivers while 460cc heads which generally offer more forgiveness. You would probably gain some accuracy also. I recently sent my Taylormade driver to W.H.D. Has anyone got experience with this? SALE 5-Online Swing Reviews. So If you like, I can re-contact them and see if the offer is still open and send them a driver to shave for testing. Titleist. let me know if you would be interested in having my contact them about shaving one of my drivers for a test and in-depth review for this site. MyGolfSpy accepts $0 advertising dollars from any of the major golf manufacturers. However in a set of golf clubs, the driver and the set of woods are clubs that are more likely to break sooner. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Be interesting to see if you see any measureable difference. When was the last time you read or watched an advertisement that promised that a product could increase your distance off the tee by 10, 20, even 30 yards? That cost nothing. When you shop online consider using our special link. No, because I like to at least attempt to abide by the “rules” of golf. To slow my swing speed down to mortal levels, I’ve been forging solid granite driver heads in my personal underground dungeon. Who gives a crap if someone plays with it. Golf clubs are becoming better every year with leading technology and we have them all from leading brands such as Ping Golf, TaylorMade Golf, Callaway Golf, Nike Golf and more., No matter the score, Tiger Woods still matters to golf, Dustin Johnson Suspend from PGA due to failed cocaine test. Drivers in particular tend to break much earlier than other sticks as they’re made from titanium. Best golf drivers for distance and accuracy in 2020. Because they are non-conforming. I started using a Krank long drive head with a cut down shaft as it doesn’t break. There’s your 10 yards off the tee. VJ used to do his drivers and have them shave it in the impact zone of the face with the grain running from sole to crown. Titleist 915D4 Driver Head in great condition, would like to swap for another driver head that’s a bit more forgiving. We can normally blend any polished metal face driver very close to its original stock finish. This will allow for more energy transfer to your golf ball which will result in longer drivers!!! besides what fun is it if you cant see the ball land from hitting it too far…….this is where you start laughing….best to all, Interesting. Using illegal equipment or moving to the ladies tees, or any one of a thousand other bad ideas folks come up with to make the game “more enjoyable” is what is really hurting golf. We will reshave a club at no cost and cover the return shipping if you are not satiisfied with it's performance. Copyright 2020. NEW Shaft Extension + Winn Grip. Well not for me. I'll contact them again and see if their offer is still on the table or not. As unusual as it sounds, there’s a chance that someone in your weekend foursome may have already done it. I will assume that those calling this cheating never use the slope function on their range finder and turn in that score for their handicap. Personally I’ve had the same problem of breaking drivers. You shouldn’t have to be using a 3 wood to try and reach a green your second shot. From Head to Head tests to Most Wanted, Sam has you covered. Good grief. We suggest .880 COR for most golfers as that will give the best blend of performance and durability. we know when someone is using the illegal stuff and it feels great to still be able to push it on by. $60.00 $99.00. By the end of the round it was decided that instead of spending the money to shave the face of my driver I could just pick up my ball after a tee shot and move it 10 yards further up the fairway (or rough, or trees, or lake, or wherever it ended up). And while I don’t agree with non conforming golf clubs, at least they aren’t a danger to people. How did your rant against shaved drivers and the “sad” world we live in morph into you talking about how awesomely fast you swing your driver and how you can’t stop cracking faces? Hi, I have not shaved a driver before but from what I have read that most modern day driver are pretty thin face enough (high C.O.R) that shaving it further would not be worth the distance gains. Even better, why not just drop a ball on the green and putt for birdie, so you can three putt your way to a bogie round? It’s actually annoying. I challenge every person who uses a shaved club to formally announce it to your friends before teeing off, see how that goes over. My swing speed is 90 – 95. When I received it back and went to play the first time, I was approximately 15 yards longer. If a faster swinger would swing his club he would probably crack the face. We can Shave any Driver or titanium fairway wood. If you don’t hit it as far as you once did put your pride aside and move up. The game of golf. One day you’re going to be nostalgic for the good ol’ days when you could push out there to a reasonable distance away from the tee and want something to help your game and to help you enjoy it more. The relationship between COR and Swing Speed is not linear I have gathered. I love the idea of a shaved face, not gonna do it but like it. I have ambivalent feelings, on one hand I ‘m unhappy about losing the use of one of my favorite drivers, on the other I wish W.H.D. Is there anything special about that number? Have it done. Oh, by the way DB, you missed greasing your clubface to lessen sidespin – can’t forget that little jewel. The PGA police won’t put ya in jail if you play from a red tee every once and a while. I've heard before about gamblers putting Vaseline on their drivers to increase the distance by reducing the spin. I already know the answer, and it’s every day. It helps support this site and other golfers around the world. I feel proud when I hit a great drive because I worked hard at it. We believe in always putting #ConsumerFirst. Cost appears to be about $120 + a small surcharge if you want them to regrove the driver after shaving. I could not believe the results when I had my driver done 4 months ago. Every dollar will help. This game is hard enough for many who play. I’m currently using a Japanese Orlimar high COR driver that goes as far as my shaved face driver and I also have Roketto that is manufactured at .880 that is adjustable and a bomber. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands ... Taylormade m4 driver head only. Have you ever heard of anyone shaving the face of their driver? During the shaving process the grooves on the driver will be removed as you can see in the the picture below. We do offer to regroove the club for an additional $25 if desired. I honestly don’t know why most amateurs don’t use high COR drivers, especially as we age, they help regain much of the lost distance and are a ball to hit. Numerous golfers, from pros to recreational hackers, have added weight to their drivers or other clubs for years. When used with a lightweight shaft between 45-55 grams the club is significantly lighter than most drivers on the market. The head is ultralight at 175 grams compared to most driver heads that weigh 200 grams. I’m 62 I don’t try to play from the back tees. Excellent question Scott. $152.50. Yes, I could spend $130 CDN to shave my driver face for the sake of 10 yards, OR I could go online, spend HALF that much, and find a shaft pull of a Fujikura Speeder 565 Evo. Would have been better if you broke down the results according to swing speed groupings. Most golfers are in that group and if this helps them enjoy it and increase participation then I’m in! Since grooves are only there for aesthetic reasons some players will opt to just leave the club groove less after shaving. I just have to laugh at all of the holy rollers and all I can say is, thank you for your integrity. NASA has a live map of the balls that I’ve launched into orbit. The max Coefficient of Restitution (COR) for a driver under USGA regulations is .830, World’s Hottest Drivers can CNC-mill the face of the driver to increase the COR to .930. But that leaves out virtually every senior player and average golfer whose driver swing speed is somewhere between 65 and 99 mph. If you use a shaved club when playing with friends you are cheating them, if you only use it when you are playing by yourself, then you are cheating you. This reduction in club head weight allows the club to remain light and easy to swing while significantly increasing club head speed by as much as 10% resulting in considerably longer drives. I call BS on that Jack Nickolas said you should play the forward tees according to your distant, If you have a guy that can’t hit his driver but 150 yards then the average hole of a par 4 is going to be 3 shots to reach the green. Compare to Callaway Diablo Edge The Evil Eye Driver incorporates technology that will let more players feel like they can score better on every course. A brilliant plan to keep old guys on the golf course longer. Play the game as it’s intended or take up another sport. Just leave your driver alone and hit it in the fairway. During the shaving process the grooves on the driver will be removed as you can see in the the picture below. But it is true that without perfect golf equipment you can't be able to show your real gameplay style on the field. do you prefer the shaft on the club or just head ? The only problem I had with the driver was I noticed a wrinkling effect toward the toe. Callaway. My advice to you is GET IT DONE !. I discussed it with my playing partners during a round of golf. I'll see what degree of shaving they would recommend based on my swing speed with a driver and see what kind of ball speed and yardage gains I get with a shaved driver. C’mon MyGolfSpy – you are better than this. Every equipment manufacturer is going to tell you their product will let you hit the ball higher, farther and straighter than you ever have. Learn how your comment data is processed. They shave the face based on your swing speed, giving you max distance while minimizing the risk of a cracked face. This new club takes advantage of weight placement that optimizes the center of gravity, increases Moment of Inertia (MOI) and produces long, penetrating ball flights with the desired shot shape. Make it more fun by using the forward tee’s. We tested some 460cc drivers against their smaller counterparts to find out. Remaining outliers were identified using Median Absolute Deviation (both distance and offline), and dropped before calculation of the final averages. I really like the majority of the published work from MyGolfSpy and I am a contributor, however I do not like this article nor your support of shaving clubs. .890 COR may be acceptable for those with a swing speed under 100 and .900 COR should be reserved for those players with swing speeds under 90. These differences will cause some players to pick up significant distance when having a driver shaved while others won't pick up much at all. #PowerToThePlayer. You can’t sell a driver with a caved in face on Ebay. So just adjust your game. You can buy golf clubs from us used by the best of the best like the TaylorMade M6 Driver … Our Process involves machining the face of the driver or fairway wood to that particular club's own ideal thickness. Two TaylorMade Jetspeed drivers were tested (one with a shaved face/the other stock). This makes the game fun. In the early days of golf drivers were manufacturers from wood and later steel was used. Correct, this would make the club a NON conforming driver and be illegal to use for anything other than a fun round of golf. Fair enough. instead of the latest and greatest, buy some balls and work on technique, get your xtra yds that way. I wonder what Walter Sobchak would think of this….. …his buddies didn’t die face down in the muck so some little strumpet could- oh nevermind. How much distance can you gain? I have one of the 8 … For various reasons 10% won't see major improvement. I mean, is the GX-7 X-Metal not the BEST driver (or whatever it actually is) you’ve ever hit? NEW Painting Driver Face BLACK. Come on. If you’re looking to impress your friends, or just gain a bit of extra distance that you might have lost over time, a shaved face driver could be for you. Couple this with non-conforming golf balls (MG Senior) and I could be playing well into my 80’s. Smash factor takes into account the amount of force generated by the clubhead right at the moment of impact. Reading your post it seems to be the same company, but I'll click on the link you provided and see if it really is or not. The game is what it is, and the equipment is limited by a governing body, for better or for worse. The article states that you saw increases in clubhead speed. CARL’S PLACE IMPACT SCREENS, THE REAL DEAL? It would be interesting to see the clubhead speed as a reference when you publish ball speeds to see if the distance added can be attributed to clubhead speed and not just shaving the face down. Many golfers believe they can add yards to their drive by making their driver golf club longer and lighter. $129.00. It also takes into account factors like wrist snap, torque, club head angle of approach, club face angle etc. If you have anything you would like to trade let me know, I will also sell for the advertised price, thanks. You'll void the warranty, and risk destroying your driver. If you want to try a non conforming head has the “Defiant” Non Conforming head for about $90-. Driver Shaving w/Regrooving + New Winn Grip. Now would I invest in a shaved face driver for my league and casual play? How big of a change would it make to CG and ball flight if the 20 grams shaved from the face were positioned elsewhere in the club? You can also see wavy lines at the top of your driver where the crown meets the face. Since grooves are only there for aesthetic reasons some players will opt to just leave the club groove less after shaving. I have not seen the 10 yard results. I wouldn’t be promoting them just yet. Do your thing and let others do theirs. The data suggest that the shaved face driver does exactly what it is intended to do: While we do not, under any circumstances, condone using non-conforming gear for handicapping purposes or in competition, the results are nevertheless impressive, and provide a window into what might be possible if manufacturers ever decided to circumvent the USGA’s regulations. It isn’t a cheap process …….but?? This technique reduces the risk of cracks and makes the face thinner and wider promoting faster ball speed and more distance. Ok, saw one of the ads running on the GGR website and it claimed "add 20-40 yards to your drives". But re-reading my original comment does appear to be boastful. I sent my Callaway XR driver to this company a 2 years ago. (2 slow, 2 medium, 2 fast). Next round we are going to discuss foot wedges, and if we have time, betting during a round (I hear that’s a lot of fun!). i am 59 and when healthy can absoultly murder the ball, with a 07 cleveland hi bore tour spec and an aj tech shaft. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, (your email address will not be published). Hypocrites that should be the name for golfers, instead of golfers.
2020 shaving golf driver heads