Quote from CNET which perfectly recap my mind. Saw this on reddit! Sennheiser has a line-up of IEMs and earbuds in various price ranges, suitable for different use cases and budget. It lacks bass and is a bit tinny? As I said the fit is great and after a few seconds it sounds definitely good enough. Imagine yourself sitting back relaxingly in a train that’s traveling along a lavender field and listening to this song… wish I will get to do that someday) 7. There was a lot of controversy due to the cable design, dynamic drivers, price, and the proliferance of fakes on the market. Wish accepts returns within 30 days of delivery, so don't worry. The thing is with sound I get used to everything quite quickly and they are fine, especially for the price. If something feels too good to be true, it usually isn't. Ich mag *unkomplizierte* Ohrhörer, die man einfach ohne große Fummelei ins Ohr steckt um sofort Musik zu genießen. SENNHEISER IE 800 Dass Sennheiser exzellente Kopfhörer bauen kann, wissen die Tester nicht erst seit dem HD 800 (5/09) - die Latte liegt beim neuen IE 800 entsprechend hoch. Almost Gone! Austin Evans cant recognize a fake pair of IE800. 10,788. by purr1n: Oct 18, 2020 at 12:02 PM. It's a huge document because the guy reviews 57 of the best ever headphones, but it's well worth a read - even if only to … Sennheiser offers a range of in-ear models, from state-of-the-art audiophile ones to water resistant sports models. They were first released in 2012 at around $1000, but pricing has fallen to more reasonable levels, with Sennheiser’s MSRP at $800 and used pricing on the market under $500. They go for around ¥450-600 RMB, so basically <$100. It feels like there has been many threads about these cheap IE800's from China - is everyone so gullible that it doesn't ring any bells that a premium product is sold so cheap? IE 800 - In Ear Kopfhörer Ohrhörer - Superb Klang - Audiophile, Hifi - Smartphones & Tablets, iPhone - Sennheiser Discover True Sound - Qualitätsprodukte, echten Klang und massgeschneiderte Lösungen - sennheiser… Until Q3, 2017, the IE line-up consisted of IE60, IE8i, IE80 and IE800. Weird. edit: After looking at the new prices now that wish.com is FULL of IE 800 offers the price is WAY better. As I already said Wish pretty much always refunds you anyway. One step forward and one step back, at least when compared to the old HD558. Sennheiser IE 800 In-Ear Kopfhörer: Test, Reviews und Erfahrungen von Nutzern der HIFI-FORUM Community zum Sennheiser IE 800. Looks like a generic buy-toy-guy on youtube. Als ich mir dann im Januar einen gekauft hatte, war ich vom Klang hingerissen (und bin es heute noch). Almost Gone! Does your guys' real IE800's have the serial number printed on the leather case or etched? Our premium Comfort Series earphone tips are made extra comfortable for long-listening sessions. $113. The series in question is basically a running joke about how shit - though occasionally surprising - Wish products really are. The ie800`s are as of March 2016, Sennheiser`s flagship iem that was designed by a small team over a period of 5 years. They sound like listening through a tin can. Like, seriously. They claim that they are made from the same materials as the legit ones, except these don't have the branding of Sennheiser. They could be out of tune entirely. But they must have stolen blueprints or something. Und entsprechend hellhörig sind wir in den Test … I was pretty bummed that the ones from Amazon are fakes. I recommend you order another pair. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 21, 2017. Impressions. Spinning them a bit while attached seems a bit weird and is the only thing that gives me a somewhat low quality feeling. reviews. Honestly build quality is brilliant and they sound better than my genuine sennheiser momentum in ears. Completely. I got the same set of fakes from both shops. There isn’t much of a sub bass presence but the mid bass hits well. They get stomped. Feb 13, 2019 #3 Just can't get my head round how something so small … 1,000+ bought this-28%. They knew who Austin Evans is and sent him a genuine pair to fool his audience into buying from them. He reacts very strangely once he heard them & claimed that they could be real / stolen. Now I can sleep at night. Sennheiser - Headphones & Headsets - Microphones - Business Communications - Service & Support - Discover True Sound - Top-quality products and tailor made solutions for every aspect of recording, transmission, and reproduction of sound. $30. There's like no mids. I'd suggest not, given his significant profile. Sennheiser IE800 _(Z Reviews)_ So Turns out these are $1k IEM.. tldr: 100% fake, sound quality as expected from the price, original looking, awesome fit in my ears and good quality original? If you have a 3.5mm socket to connect it to, this is an earphone that demands your attention. Idk. I saw a video by inboxed therapy for 1000 ear pods by shure. edit2: To everyone who doesn't know the backstory, [here is the video that started all of this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ63q2S6gbs&feature=youtu.be&t=489). But one of the reason I got rid of these was because I couldn’t live with the microphonics when I was on the move. 100+ bought this. All of Sennheiser’s earphones use dynamic drivers, but it is the IE 800 that prove Sennheiser is truly the master of the form. Don't listen to music in pain any longer with these proprietary foam tips. Maybe some other stores jumped on the hype train whereas few sellers actually have some real ones? Eien no Mukou [Ayaka] (ED of the game Kourin no Machi, Lavender no Shoujo. I don't have any genuine ie800 or other high end iems to compare them too either. $19. 5 years ago. That is when Sennheiser HD800 really impressed me a lot and changed my thoughts about it drastically. So... whatever =P. Everything looks good... until you plug them in. The fit is awesome, especially when you wear the cable over your ears. And wish to bring to your notice. $289 . Compared to my Sennheiser 380 Pro headphones they are a bit 2 dimensional and lack the clarity. [/Edit]. It is one of the nicest-souding … The hd600 has crazy good drivers, you would be able to tell by the sound. Worst headphones I've heard. Sennheiser IE 800: Funktion. Bass boosting a bit with the Spotify equalizer improves it but it is still not great. MajorHiFi 3,643 views. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability Incorporating the next evolutionary step after the groundbreaking IE 800 ear-canal headphones, the IE 800 S contains great technology within a very confined space. and that deal seemed sketchy. The quality of the reviews in the bake-off are absolutely first class! 699€ ist er – verglichen mit den TOP Modellen der Konkurrenz, die schnell die 1.000€ Grenze überschreiten – noch verhältnismäßig „günstig“. I got SCAMMED by Wish... - Duration: 13:50. First impressions are pretty good, At Worst they're counterfeit. 10+ bought this. I said that when I got the IE800 that it was the "Best Sounding Earphone." I got the same one planning to get refunded as soon as they turn out to be trash. Did you think whoever that dude is was sponsored by Wish and they actually just sent him real ones? $389. We review the Sennheiser IE800S In Ear Headphone. I have the B&O buds that came with my V20. Das tun sie auch mit einem kräftigen Bass und einer guten Isolierung gegen Geräusche von außen, wie die Testredakteure konstituieren. The whole discussion started with this video https://youtu.be/SJ63q2S6gbs?t=489. Tested with Spotify on my iPhone X and comparing them to my IE 80s. Sennheiser HD 660 S and IE 800 S - HOT NEW HEADPHONES - Duration: 2:39. Let's hope it sound close to the moondrop crescents and I'll be gucci, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. How would you rate R2A/R2APro against Sennheiser IE800 which is on my whishlist. I know that all of this was successfully faked with some IE 80 on Aliexpress a few years ago so this doesn't have to mean that his ones are real but it is an indicator. 100+ bought this. Today, we shared some additional ways we’re continuing to support the entire shopper community, including in-app shopper wellness checks and the extension of our COVID-19 extended pay policies for all shoppers and bonuses for in-store teams. But it connects to an extension cable right below the Y-junction which insures it against damage in the lower half. In IE800, the cable is permanently attached to the ear pieces. Puristischer High-End In-Ear Mit dem IE 800 S definieren Sennheiser die neue, obere Messlatte in ihrem Portfolio an In-Ear-Hörern, oder wie es bei Sennheiser ganz richtig heißt: Ohrkanalhörer. Can we DIYers hand-made it? I'm now looking at some DIY IE800s on taobao (Chinese website) right now. Mit dem IE 800 gelang es Sennheiser zudem, das Problem des sogenannten Maskierungseffekts zu lösen. I mean some earphones with a 7mm driver gets close to a hd 599 and you say it's a fake? Tech youtuber with 3.87 million subs. As such, they are actually one of the cheapest flagship iems, at least quite a bit cheaper than the Shure se846`s. They are soon to get a successor (not sure if it’s getting tonal changes or just cosmetic like HD598 -> 599). The title of the video is "I got Scammed by Wish" because of the fake GPU's he was sent. Sennheiser has pulled an unexpected trick with the cable. I'll probably have a friend get me one and bring it to me, but I'll let you know if I do pull the trigger. I really think you just orders from a bad seller or got a bad pair because mine trump even my ksc75 with Kramer mod. Verified Purchase. I know I wrote about it twice now, and in both cases compared to Audeze LCD2. Now that I know the truth about this. I also compared them to my bose qc35's (I know it's not apples to apples) and they seem to have more detail than those too. For 24€ + 11€ shipping I can definitely recommend them. Sup reddit, fuck right off. If you like the Sennheiser sound, then you'll probably like them too. I guess its like taking headphone advice from unboxing therapy or whatever the cannel is called... C'mon guys, you know better than this! But it would also, somewhere in the text, tell you exactly what it sounds like compared to the next best items. (no idea if you say it like this in English). I wouldn't feel bad if someone used these all the time. They were released with an absurd $1000 USD price tag that garnered much attention, but have since fallen down to as low as $550 USD. They probably don't go through the same quality control. I was one click away from buying these myself and I thought “there’s no way these aren’t fake.” So I didn’t buy them. Cable is fairly nice though I wish they gave the option of sending their Iems with a balanced cable since it costs the same as the 3.5mm version. Sennheiser's IE 80 S earphones produce sound worthy of their $350 price, but some peculiar design decisions make the overall experience feel less than luxurious. Wow, just wow. Sennheiser IE 800 review: performance. Finally I was successful with some used IE800 … I obviously expected this and Wish has a great refund policy so I just went for it. Sennheiser IE 800 – Sound Quality. Anyway, they arrived. $7. SENNHEISER IE 800 Mir gefällt der Sennheiser IE 800. You can buy a longer extension if you wish. I bought a pair recently off wish after seeing the Austin Evans video and I think you got a bad pair, mine sound absolutely phenomenal honestly unbelievable. Edit: Here's the link to the ones I bought www.wish.com/share/7604gykomo, My ones are decent. Zur Freude der Tester werden beide Modelle bestens verpackt und mit umfangreichem Zubehör geliefert. Is this Austin Evans a guy who know hifi? They are extremely open, the sound stage is unbelievable I found them a bit bass heavy but not in a beats way it's extremely pleasent and in no way covers up the sparking treble and perfect mids.