After flowering, they begin to produce tiny, characteristic […] Crabapples are a varied and diverse group. CAR is a two-host rust, and right now, it can be seen on the cedars and junipers as a strange looking gall about the size of a golf ball covered in a bright yellow to orange jelly-like fingers. It is often described as bronze-green, but I would like to find some images of them. Your Profusion Crabapple is a small tree that will grow 24 feet tall with a 25 foot spread to its somewhat rounded, weeping shape. These threats can easily spread to cultivated apple trees and will eventually reduce the health of the tree. A 2-inch (5 cm.) Oval leaves (to 3” long) emerge reddish-purple when young, turn bronze green during the growing season and finally turning amber in the fall. The flowering crabapple is a drought tolerant, low maintenance tree that can reach heights up to 25 feet. Bacterial diseases will kill your tree. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Malus, Flowering Crabapple (Malus ) 'Profusion' supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. It is hardy to -15 degrees (Zones 4-8). The crab apple is susceptible to a variety of fungal infections, including apple scab, honey fungus and apple canker. Attributes: Height: 15.00 to 30.00 feet Spread: 20.00 to 35.00 feet Bloom Description: Violet-red Sun: Full sun Maintenance: Low. "Flowering crabapples (Malus species) are popular ornamental trees in Colorado landscapes. Q: Are all the fruits on flowering crabapple trees edible? Apple Scab Caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, apple scab is a botanical disease that infects apple and flowering crabapple trees, usually during moist weather. The persistent, 1/3-inch red fruits attractive birds and other wildlife. Profusion Flowering Crabapple. … Madonna Flowering Crab is smothered in stunning clusters of fragrant white flowers along the branches in mid spring, which emerge from distinctive pink flower buds before the leaves. Deer tend to overlook Profusion Crabapple and it even does well in a variety of soil types. The flowers make way for the bright It has dark green foliage which emerges coppery-bronze in spring. Crabapple flowers come in spectacular shades of pink, white, cream, purple, orange, and red. Fireblight, apple scab, and cedar-apple rust infect crabapple trees throughout our region every summer. Crabapple trees (Malus spp.) The colorful miniature apples often stay hanging on the tree long after the leaves have dropped in the fall. It is noted for its rounded shape, violet-red flowers, red fruit and good disease resistance. Choosing crabapple tree (Malus spp.) Common Name: Profusion Flowering Crabapple Scientific Name: Malus x moerlandsii ‘Profusion’ Location: Spalding Circle Size: 2.5 inches diameter at breast height View the entire collection map here. Thanks! It produces showy spring blossoms that are followed by showy displays of fruit in the summer months. However, they do not live forever, nor do they exist without threats of pests, diseases and injuries from wind, lightning or human accidents. The tree has a medium growth rate and reaches a mature height of about 20-25 feet. Crabapple Tree Weather Report 2012. Profusion Crabapple shows great resistance to rust and leaf spot, as well as good resistance to powdery mildew, scab and fire blight. There are hundreds of crabapple varieties, but those featured here are particularly gardenworthy, bred for superior flowering, good fall leaf color, and attractive fruit. Why are my crabapples looking so bad? It is also important to know if the tree you want to buy is susceptible to any diseases before you buy. The fungus, Venturia inaequalis, known as apple scab, is a leaf spot disease that can cause serious leaf drop on susceptible crabapple trees. Even better, they resist apple scab and other common diseases that have beset crabapples in the past, … Leaf Fungus on Flowering Crabapple Trees. layer of mulch applied every spring provides sufficient nutrients for a crabapple tree. It is important to know how to prevent conditions that foster the growth of pathogens. The flowers of the tree create significant eye appeal in the spring. The great disease resistance makes it a great choice of home gardeners who are concerned about spraying or the commercial landscaper looking for … Spread: 20 to 35 ft. Bloom Time: April. Crabapple blossoms appear in April to May, depending on variety and elevation. Most of the pictures I have come across just appear to be dark green, which I do like. The disease that is easily seen right now is Cedar Apple Rust (CAR). The mature size of the plant should be considered in your selection, as should the cultivar's disease resistance in relationship to its site (dry versus wet, for example). Crabapples are versatile, smaller-scale ornamental trees. In spring, pink buds open to a profusion of fragrant, white flower clusters. As its name suggests, it carries a profusion of blossoms every spring, in bright shades of violet-red. Does anyone have a picture of a profusion crabapple leafed out? Profusion Pink Flowering Crabapple is very popular among homeowners for its deep pinkish-red flowers combined with deep purple, fading to bronze foliage which presents a unique new crabapple variety. Are these edible? True to its name, the Profusion Crabapple is a deciduous tree producing a profusion of deep red blooms and small red fruit to usher in the spring. Some reliably annual-bearing trees include Japanese flowering crabapple and Sargent's crabapple. Pink flowers of this Crabapple are 1.5 inches in size. Our weather continues to put a lot of disease pressure on our flowering crabapples and apple trees due to the cool and wet conditions. Flowering crabapple trees (Malus species) add immense beauty to the home landscape with their profuse bloom of spring flowers covering most of the tree. The fruits are showy orange pomes carried in abundance from early to mid fall. make attractive small flowering trees for home gardens. The most effective method for control of this disease is to select and plant crabapple varieties that are resistant to fire blight. 20' 20' 4 Upright, spreading Purplish when young, maturing to bronze Deep pink, single Maroon, 1/ 2", persistent Fair Good Excel. Height: 15 to 30 ft. We have one that produces dark pink blossoms in the spring and this year it is loaded with small dark red to purple apples. Crabapple trees are part of the Malus genus of trees that are native to North America, Asia and Europe with white or pink flowers and small, red apples. Profusion Crabapple shows great resistance to rust and leaf spot, as well as good resistance to powdery mildew, scab and fire blight. Crabapples adapted for street tree and urban uses include ‘Adams’, ‘Bob White’, ‘David’, ‘Donald Wyman’, ‘Profusion’, ‘Red Splendor’ and Malus floribunda. cultivars resistant to the diseases known to thrive in your area is the best way to prevent disease. Growth is outstanding, and it displays excellent resistance to common crabapple diseases. It is also disease resistant, an important attribute for crabapples. If the flowering crab tree in your garden or home landscape is losing its leaves prematurely, it may be infected with a harmful fungal disease such as apple scab or cedar apple rust. The bacterial disease fireblight gives them the appearance of being scorched. A: All fruits on crabapples are edible— some more than others, depending on the size and how juicy they are. Profusion Crabapple. This question has been asked repeatedly by folks contacting the Michigan State University Extension Lawn and Garden Hotline this summer. DISEASE RESISTANCE SIZE SCAB FIRE- BLIGHT CEDAR-APPLE NAME H W ZONE SHAPE FOLIAGE FLOWER FRUIT RUST MILDEW Malus ‘Profusion’ Profusion Crabapple A popular variety with deep pinkish red flowers and maroon fruit. What color do the leaves eventually turn in summer? The Profusion Crabapple tree is a flowering Crabapple tree. Crabapple Comparison Chart Crabapple Comparison Chart The Crabapple Comparison Chart is a list of common crabapple trees grown at Johnson\\’s Nursery. It has good disease resistance and is extremely hardy. Not only is it very winter hardy and a reliable bloomer in May, it is also highly resistant to all the common apple diseases, so it is very easy to grow. Their flowering plants are also birds and bee’s favorite as they help pollinate and provide great food source. Galleries Drilled in Trunk; Girdling Borers - The flat-headed borer and the round-headed borer, as their names suggest, are beetles that bore into the inner bark and wood of crabapple trees, discoloring the wood and frequently girdling the trees. Profusion’ is a spreading, violet-red-flowered crabapple that typically matures to 15-30’ tall. Native to: Cloned cultivar This tree typically grows to: 15 to 30 feet tall, and 20 to 35 feet wide This tree prefers these conditions: Full sun, medium moisture Profusion Crabapple trees boast abundant light pink blooms in the spring. In recent years, the number of splendid crabapple cultivars has increased dramatically, counting over 1,000 cultivars and hybrids, creating a profusion of varieties from which the gardener may select the perfect combination of size, form, color, fragrance, fruit, hardiness and resistance to pests and diseases. Deciduous spreading crabapple. Crabapple Question & Answers . They include a number of species, hybrids, and cultivated varieties (cultivars). The Front Range is known for its crabapple flowering, announcing the arrival of spring. An excellent choice for the shrub border, in mass, or near patios. If your crabapple has wilted and blackened leaves, dead or orange spots on the leaves, or strange orange growths, it’s likely caused by one of the three most common crabapple diseases in southwest Ohio. The foliage is dark green, turns yellow in the fall, and contrasts nicely with the red fruit. Many ornamental crabapple trees are susceptible to apple scab, so the disease can be spread to your fruit trees from nearby flowering crabs. These include: Adams, Callaway, David, Dolgo, Harvest Gold, Indian Summer, Jewelberry, Liset, Profusion, Red Baron, Selkirk, and Sentinel. Tree Diseases: Common Crabapple Diseases to Look For Crabapple trees are most known for their colorful blooms and are a great addition to any home or property. Its fall leaves range from yellows to purples with twigs that range from greens to reds. This 6 to 10 foot dwarf crabapple can be considered a compact tree or large shrub. The great disease resistance makes it a great choice of home gardeners who are concerned about spraying or the commercial landscaper looking for … Crabapple trees are stunning ornamental flowering trees. Established Flowering Crabapple Trees – Crabapple trees are drought-resistant once established, but they grow best if you water them when there is less than an inch (2.5 cm.) They put on a stunning spring show of flowers (often late-April to mid-May in Wisconsin). Good Crabapples flower in the spring, but like other plants, are susceptible to various forms of disease stemming from bacteria and fungus. There’s no cream cheese so the flavor of the crab shines in these crab stuffed mushrooms caps. This year was hard on my poor "Profusion" crabapple tree out front. of rain in a week during summer. Crabapple trees produce small fruits called crabapples that generally have a tart taste. The Profusion Crab Apple is a top-choice spring flowering tree, especially in colder regions. How to manage apple scab in apples and crabapples Planting disease resistant varieties is the best way to prevent apple scab. Crabapple Tree Disease.