Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. What is a sentence with the word nomadic? Vocabulary Builder tool is great for developing a sophisticated vocabulary. Their country was rough and unfruitful as a whole (barley, however, was cultivated), being chiefly used for the pasture of sheep. Nomadic definition, of, relating to, or characteristic of nomads. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. He came to settle and farm the land, effectively ending the nomadic lifestyle.. We visited a traditional Masai village to learn about their community and their nomadic lifestyle. Jabal institutes the life of nomadic shepherds, Jubal is the inventor of music, Tubal-Cain the first smith. , The nomadic con artist moves often so the authorities will not catch him. - The Israelites appear to have been originally a nomadic tribe akin to the Arabs, whom they resemble in their want of political instinct and in their extraordinary religious genius. The nomadic Afghan tribes of the west are chiefly pastoral, and the wool of the southern Herat and Kandahar provinces is famous for its quality. The nomadic list of example sentences with nomadic. Towns turn into motels, people in nomadic surges from place to place, following the moon tides, living tonight in the room where you slept this noon and I the night before. The Romans had soon abandoned hope of conquering Germany, with its fluctuating frontiers and nomadic inhabitants. Thick-billed parrot Present in small numbers and highly nomadic in the Durango Highway area. The nomadic tribe moved their camp several times a year. In Romantic poetry, for instance, and its Victorian derivations and attenuations, anything nomadic is anticipated by the sporadic: those irregular phonemic rhythms entrained to signification in the first place — but not entirely enchained there.. In the southern territories unfavourable conditions of a widely different character prevail, and the population is restricted to a few small settlements and some nomadic tribes of Indians. 5 people chose this as the best definition of nomad: The definition of a nomad... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. mad (nō′măd′) n. 1. The characteristic denunciations of corruption and lifeless ritual in the writings of the prophets and the emphasis which is laid upon purity and simplicity of religious life are suggestive of the influence of the nomadic spirit rather than of an internal evolution on Palestinian soil. How vital was the nomadic element rn the Parthian Empire is obvious from the fact that, in civil wars, the deposed kings conThe Iranian sistently took refuge among the Dahae or Scythians ~ and were restored by them. Across long centuries the life of your far-gone nomadic ancestors calls to you. Two-thirds of inhabitants live in the capital and the remainder of the populace is mostly nomadic herders. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Nomadic. A person with no fixed residence who roams about; a wanderer. Its inhabitants either led a nomadic life or occupied small villages; large towns were few. Sentence with the word nomadic. Such a supposition would accord with the prominence acquired by the moon in the calendar and in astrological calculations, as well as with the fact pointed out (see SIN) that the moon-cult belongs to the nomadic and therefore earlier, stage of civilization, whereas the sun-god rises to full importance only after the agricultural stage has been reached. Nomadic people travel from place to place rather than living in one place all the time....the great nomadic tribes of the Western Sahara. having the life of a dr. Examples of 'nomadic' in a sentence nomadic. The population in the lower and warmer valleys live in houses, and follow agriculture; in the higher regions they are nomadic shepherds, thinly scattered over a large area. And it must also be remembered that the habitual use of salt is intimately connected with the advance from nomadic to agricultural life, i.e. 77. As a nomadic people they have great contempt for the Sarts, who represent the town dwellers of the tribe. herdsmanted by nomadic herdsmen who are Buddhist, the region is in reality an unspoiled area of Tibet just miles from the Chinese border. , Marie should not fall for Eric because he only dates in a nomadic fashion and will soon move on to another girl. m., with a population, chiefly agricultural in Osterbotten and nomadic in Laponia, of (1904) 295,187. 0. , When I worked on the food truck, I felt I had a nomadic existence because the truck was constantly moving. Nomadic aborigines have hardly been touched. During the four hundred years of the Arpad dominion the nomadic Magyar race had established itself permanently in central Europe, adopted western Christianity and founded a national monarchy on the western model. How to use nomadic in a sentence is shown in this page. A nomadic life is a distinctive feature of their culture, whereas school is an institution designed for settled people. Byzantine territory, threatened Constantinople with a fleet of small craft, obtained as consort for one of their princes, Vladimir I, (q.v. Examples of Nomadic in a sentence. A member of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land. In Mongolia the population is essentially nomadic, its wealth consisting in herds of horned cattle, sheep, horses and camels. Gipsy dialects are used by the nomadic tribes of India, while Andamanese has not been connected by philologists with any recognized family of speech. Another word for nomadic. The Fulani are an ancient people, traditionally nomadic, who live across much of sub-saharan Africa. They do not appear to have moved on to another sphere, as these nomadic tribes often did when defeated, and were probably gradually absorbed in the surrounding populations. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. 2 : roaming about from place to place aimlessly, frequently, or without a fixed pattern of movement a nomadic hobo. Because my husband is a long distance truck driver, his days are very nomadic. The nomad never stays in a city for more than two months. Definition of nomadic along with example sentences. They do not represent the opinions of An example of nomadic is a traveling carnival. One of these, Ashina, becomes their leader and establishes the Turkic nomadic empires. Others are hunters and fishermen and are nomadic in habit. Among the nomads a different system of titles prevails, the chiefs who are responsible for the taxes and the orderly conduct of their tribes and clans being known as ilklzani, ilbegi (both meaning tribe-lord, but the latter being considered an inferior title to the former), khan, rais, amir, mir, shaikh, tushmal, &c. 0 1 2. infelicitous phrasing, no more serious than the idea of a ' nomadic peasant ' . How to use nomadic in a sentence. The unique characteristics of the Hellenic terrain and the nomadic nature of apiculture in Greece contribute to a wide range of honey varietals. nomadic herdsmen who are Buddhist, the region is in reality an unspoiled area of Tibet just miles from the Chinese border. Their life is nomadic, and they are hunters, living upon the flesh of the guanaco, and using only tussock-roots and wild celery for vegetable food. These cookies do not store any personal information. The whole land is subject to inundations which render settled agriculture impracticable, and the population consists chiefly of nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes whose wealth consists in herds of buffaloes, horses, sheep and goats. John says he will never get married because he is too much of a nomad to ever settle down. Under the Roman peace they lost their warlike and nomadic habits, and were a sober, acquisitive, orderly people, wholly intent on trade and agriculture (Strabo xvi. After this came a Buddhist era which has left its traces in the gigantic sculptures at Bamian and the rock-cut topes of Haibak. English words and Examples of Usage use "nomadic" in a sentence History The Ket are thought to be the only survivors of an ancient nomadic people believed to have originally lived throughout central southern Siberia. Nomadic definition: Nomadic people travel from place to place rather than living in one place all the time. The Nabataeans were forbidden to cultivate the vine, the object being to prevent any departure from their traditional nomadic habits. sentence; 1: One would be characteristic of semi-nomadic pastoralists: the sacrifice of the first lamb born in the spring to the deity in order to procure favor and … nomadic Pict: Correct communication infrastructure for mobile computation. They stretched far into the midst of the nomadic tribes. A member of a nomadic people living principally 94 seq.) , Since Jason does not like to travel, he would not enjoy the nomadic lifestyle of a circus performer. The estimated number of Indians living within the boundaries of Chile is about 50,000, which presumably includes the nomadic tribes of the Fuegian archipelago, whose number probably does not reach 5000. The whole tract, excepting south-eastern Arabia, is nominally subject to Turkey, but the people are to no small extent practically independent, living a nomadic, pastoral and freebooting life under petty chiefs, in the more arid districts, but settled in towns in the more fertile tracts, where agriculture becomes more profitable and external commerce is established. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. See more. The warm, mellow breeze from the sea delicately caressed her face and ruffled the feathers in her fuchsia hat; her dainty high collar tickled her chin with each movement of the air, but she remained perfectly still just as she had been instructed at finishing school where the head mistress instilled the admirable qualities and mannerisms of a truly refined woman. Word, phrase, or sentence: New: You can type any word, phrase, or sentence into box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics in this tab. Examples of Nomad in a sentence. The semi-Asiatic kingdom of Astrakhan, where the whole atmosphere was predatory and nine-tenths of the population were nomadic, was the natural milieu for such a rebellion as Stenka Razin's. ISHMAEL (a Hebrew name meaning "God hears"), in the Bible, the son of Abraham by his Egyptian concubine Hagar, and the eponym of a number of (probably) nomadic tribes living outside Palestine. Sentence Examples with the word nomadic July 18, 2020 All Dictionary About 250 B.C. The higher parts of the plains, which are deeply trenched by the upper tributaries of the rivers, are inhabited by various Caucasian races - Kabardians and Cherkesses (Circassians) in the west, Ossetes in the middle, and several tribal elements from Daghestan, described under the general name of Chechens, in the east; while nomadic Nogai Tatars and Turkomans occupy the steppes. Examples of Nomad in a sentence. Rumanian historians have striven, by Vlachs piecing together the stray fragments of evidence which survive, to prove that their Vlach ancestors had not, as sometimes alleged, been reduced to a scattered community of nomadic shepherds, dwelling among the Carpathians as the serfs of their more powerful neighbours. Since retiring, my mother has become a nomad whose main goal is to see the world. The indigenous races are nomadic Mongols, of a peaceful character, but in a very backward state of civilization. The military organization, moreover, was wholly nomadic in character. The immediate occasion of the prophecy 1 was doubtless the pressure of nomadic Arabs ("the men of thy covenant," "the men of thy peace," v. About 130 B.C. Sentence with the word nomadic In Romantic poetry, for instance, and its Victorian derivations and attenuations, anything nomadic is anticipated by the sporadic: those irregular phonemic rhythms entrained to signification in the first place — but not entirely enchained there. The Lurs are nomadic tribespeople speaking a language akin to Persian. Nomads are known as a group of communities who travel from place to place for their livelihood. Like his father, Isaac lived a nomadic pastoral life, but within much narrower local limits, south of Beersheba (Gen. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Sentences. click for more sentences of nomadic: 43. Nomadic definition is - of, relating to, or characteristic of nomads. Learn more. But when the nomadic clans of Israel came to occupy the settled abodes of the agricultural Canaanites who had a stake in the soil which they cultivated, these conditions evidently reacted on their religion. Women wear a lot of jewelry not so much because it is attractive as because the nomadic nature of gypsy life means that wealth must be portable, so anything acquired has to travel on a person. , John is a nomadic blues singer who goes from bar to bar in hopes of being discovered by a music producer. WikiMatrix. Nomad models are powered by outboard engines which range from 9.9 to 50 hp. The Manchus are now said to be gradually falling under the influence of Chinese civilization, and to be losing their old nomadic habits, and even their peculiar language. For those who are nomadic or just travelers, the star and moon stand as something stagnant in a sea of change. Examples of Nomadic in a sen. Because my husband is a long distance truck driver, his days are very nomadic. . Be warned. The nomad never stays in a city for more than two months. Nomadic life is recognized by Arabian writers themselves as possessing a relative superiority, and its characteristic purity of manner and its reaction against corruption and luxury are not incompatible with a warlike spirit. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Definition of No. Among savage and nomadic nations the whole tribe often moves into new territory, either occupying it for the first time or exterminating or driving out the indigenous inhabitants.
2020 nomadic in a sentence