Indigenous peoples infused the piths of young twigs to produce treatments for eye irritation and made poultices from boiled root chips. The buds have two easily seen outer scales. Many people are often surprised to find out that removing tree bark can actually harm a tree. Loose, drooping clusters of about 10 fragrant, yellowish-green flowers, 5–10 mm across, at branch ends. The species spicatum, means 'spike bearing' and in this case refers to the upright flower panicle. Usually, it’s normal for a tree to lose bark. [3], Acer spicatum is a deciduous shrub or small tree growing to 3–8 m (10–25 ft) tall, forming a spreading crown with a short trunk and slender branches. Measure the length of the bark damage around the tree horizontally. Medium green leaves (3-6\" wide with 3-5 lobes) turn yellow-orange in autumn, sometimes with considerable color variations. Friends of the Wild Flower Garden, Inc. Leaves opposite, simple, 7-14 cm long, about as wide, 3-5 lobes (occasionally divided into 3 leaflets, more common in moist areas), coarsely double toothed, green above, blue-green below; petiole long … Above: The old Mountain Maple in Eloise Butler that is a Minneapolis Heritage Tree. long, maturing in late summer to early autumn. Shade tolerant. The Latin name (the specific epithet) of this shrubby maple species (spicatum) is a misnomer. The fruit is paired reddish samara 3⁄4–1 1⁄4 in. The leaves are long and shiny, resembling a sourwood ’s. For some species, like sycamore, silver maple, and birch, shedding large chunks of bark is just one of their charms! Gardener Cary George planted it in 1994. The Tree is a deciduous tree, it will be up to 10 m (33ft) high. These pictures are of a fully mature silver maple that is probably near 100 feet tall. Subscribe to Envato Elements for unlimited Photos downloads for a single monthly fee. Subscribe and Download now! Rocky Mountain maple Acer glabrum Torr Introduction Rocky Mountain maple is a small, often multi-stemmed tree. red maple. Below: 1st photo - Flower raceme developing. Porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) 6. 3rd photo - Bark on older stems has a warty look. It also grows on ravines, cliff faces, and forested bogs. The Latin name (the specific epithet) of this shrubby maple species (spicatum) is a misnomer. striped maple: low elevation mountain forests: Acer platanoides. Download Rocky mountain maple trees and the white bark of aspens in the Wasatch National forest. Subject to winter sunscald on bark and some chlorosis. The wood is close-grained, soft and light, weighing 33lb per cubic foot. striped maple: low elevation mountain forests: Acer platanoides. As Hunker points out, "Beech trees have a light gray bark, and cherry trees have a red-brown bark. Names: The genus, Acer, is the Latin word for 'maple'. Brown. The Bark of the silver maple tree when young, is smooth and gray. When I first saw the condition of your tree, I went out to numerous sites to find just what would attack a Sugar Maple and display the symptoms that showed up in the picture you furnished initially. Requires occasional deep soaking to keep healthy. The leaves turn brilliant yellow to red in autumn, and are on slender stalks usually longer than the blade. Because of this it is important to stop woodpecker damage before it hurts or kills beloved trees in your yard. With minimal damage, say just one or two sides of the tree are affected, the tree won’t suffer much but it may lose some leaves and branches. Woodpecker tree damage can cause trees to become diseased or even to die. Other Important Facts: The Red Maple is found mostly in Pennsylvania. They are often grown on banks in order to prevent soil erosion. This is the best maple tree bark identification characteristic you can find out there. Loose, drooping clusters of about 10 fragrant, yellowish-green flowers, 5–10 mm across, at branch ends. Distribution principally from W1, W2 and 28C. Furrowed : This bark is the most common type of bark out there, and this is what most people think of when you talk about tree bark. The bark contains tannins, but the report does not say in what quantity. Acer spicatum (mountain maple), also known as dwarf maple, moose maple, and white maple, is a species of maple native to northeastern North America from Saskatchewan to Newfoundland, and south to Pennsylvania. Drawing from Britton, N.L., and A. The latter two are not native but introductions that have naturalized. If the tree is mature and the bark is still smooth, the tree may be a hornbeam, ivy-leafed, Manchurian, Amur or mountain maple. It grows on wetlands, stream banks and slopes. Broadleaf deciduous small tree, to 30 ft (10 m) tall, often multi-stemmed, upright. The small white flowers that are produced on an array that stands above the lobed and toothed leaves. Woodpecker damage to trees can be a serious problem. Small deciduous tree best suited to protected mountain streams. Warm valley locations in marked contrast to its preferred habitat. 3 vols. 1913. The Mountain Maple is botanically called Acer spicatum. Keep reading to learn more about how to prevent woodpecker damage and the steps for repairing woodpecker damage once it has happened. Francois Michaux, in his 3 volume North American Sylva of 1817-19 wrote: "The Mountain Maple is too small to be profitably cultivated for its wood, and as its flowers, its roots, and its bark are destitute of any very sensible odour, it promises no resources to medicine. The three-flowered maple (A. triflorum) and the paperbark maple (A. griseum) have tripartite leaves and attractive peeling bark, in the former tannish and in the latter copper brown. Bigtooth maples are best grown on their own rootstock. This exposes the delicate vascular layer beneath that transports nutrients and water throughout the tree. Leaves: The typically 3-lobed maple-like leaves are opposite, 3 to 4 inches long and with somewhat coarse teeth (unlike A. pensylvanicum which has fine sharp teeth) and with sharp points to the 3 broadly v-shaped lobes. The buds have two easily seen outer scales. Try scraping a bit of the bark to see if there is soft tissue in the branches. Bark: On a young Red Maple the bark can be smooth and gray. Trees that have scaly bark are shagbark hickory, strawberry tree, maple and river birch. Tree bark damage is not only unsightly, but can be deadly to a tree. Distribution: Rocky Mountain maple extends farther east than the other Oregon maples - ranging as far as South Dakota and Nebraska, and as … Shade tolerant. [5], Mammals such as moose, deer, beavers, and rabbits browse the bark; ruffed grouse eat the buds. Leaves, bark, and colors. People-focused. It suggests this species has a spike, when it fact it has a panicle. 1819 illustration. Black walnut trees have very dark bark, while birch trees have white or silvery bark." MOUNTAIN MAPLE 81 The bark is reddish-brown to gray, thin and somewhat furrowed. Rabbits, such as the Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) 7. Tree squirrels, such as fox squirrels (Sciurus niger Fig. long, maturing in late summer to early autumn. [5], The sap is a source of sugar and can be boiled to make maple syrup. Beavers (Castor candensis) 2. They are often grown on banks in order to prevent soil erosion. 2nd photo - Female flowers. Bark: Smooth with a greenish tinge. The wood is close-grained, soft and light, weighing 33lb per cubic foot. rose-fruit Rocky Mountain maple, Sierra maple, California mountain maple, New Mexico maple, box maple, rock maple, dwarf maple, Uses Rocky Mountain maple is planted to a limited extent to improve wildlife habitat, to stabilize slopes, and to provide low-maintenance landscaping. Propagation of Mountain Maple: [4], Fruits (samaras) with measurement for scale, The tree lives in moist woods in rich, well-drained soils on rocky hillsides and along streams. red maple. 2nd and 3rd photos - Twigs are reddish in winter and spring, buds have 2 conspicuous scales. Identification booklet for most of the flowering forbs and small flowering shrubs of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden. Usually, it’s normal for a tree to lose bark. Other sources by specific reference. Bark is thin, greenish on young stems becoming gray to grayish brown on thicker stems with a warty appearance, but without the greenish-white stripes of Striped Maple, A. pensylvanicum. Habitat: Mountain Maple occurs in the understory of hardwood forests where the soil is somewhat rich, moist to mesic and the sunlight is dappled until full leaf-out of the canopy trees. An almond-like odor is released when a young twig is scratched and held close to the nose, revealing minute amounts of cyanide compounds produced and stored by the plant as a defense mechanism against herbivores . 4. 2nd photo - The leaf is in the typical maple style with 3 (usually) broad pointed lobes with course teeth. Below: 1st photo - The spike-like long-stalked flower cluster. The leaves are ovoid and the flowers are yellowish. On older trees, bark can appear to be darker and rougher with peeling flakes. This shrubby tree is rarely available in nurseries and seldom planted in urban landscapes. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. The Garden hosts a large specimen near Guide Station 12 that is listed as a Minneapolis Heritage Tree for its champion size. Return to -- Site Plan/Archive Index --or-- List of Common Plant Names -- or -- List of Scientific Names -- or --Home Page - - - Back to top. Notes: Eloise Butler first planted Mountain Maple in the Garden on May 28, 1909 with plants obtained from the Park Board Nursery. The trees have an extensive root system that can be used to bind the soil. Distribution: Rocky Mountain maple extends farther east than the other Oregon maples - ranging as far as South Dakota and Nebraska, and as … Warm valley locations in marked contrast to its preferred habitat. The small white flowers that are produced on an array that stands above the lobed and toothed leaves. More in 1916. Below: A leaf comparison of the common maples. SCHEDULE A TREE INSPECTION. Attractive fall color varying from red to yellow depending on the climate. The bark contains tannins, but the report does not say in what quantity. it is found in the gardens of the curious, rather to complete the series of species, than for any remarkable property of its foliage or of its flowers. 1. Not well-adapted to cultivation. Eight species of Maple are found in the wild in Minnesota: A. negundo, Box Elder; A. nigrum, Black Maple; A rubrum, Red Maple; A. saccharinum, Silver Maple; A. saccharum, Sugar Maple; A. spicatum, Mountain Maple; A. ginnala, Amur Maple and A. platanoides, Norway Maple. The bark is thin, dull gray-brown, and smooth at first but becoming slightly scaly. Rocky_Mountain_maple_Acer_glabrum_bark_061412_BL.jpg. This species is commonly grafted upon the Sycamore, and, like the Moose wood [Striped Maple], it is thus augmented to twice its natural dimensions." Text and photos are by G. D. Bebeau unless otherwise credited. Common Shrub Species of the Northwest Forest, Portrait of the Earth, Winter ID pictures,, Flora of the Great Lakes region (North America), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 September 2020, at 08:43. It colonizes the understory of hardwood forests. We communicate clearly. The delicate veining gives a quilted appearance on the upper surface. Avoid putting any type of paste or tar in the wounds as it only inhibits the healing process from this type of injury. Other trees, like oak, pine, ash, and maple, develop from the inside out, so the older bark on top chips away to make room for new bark. planted in urban areas: Acer rubrum. Flowers have 4–5 petals and sepals. Below: 1st photo - Male flowers of the Mountain Maple. Below: The samara of Mountain Maple is short - about 8 mm high with an angle less than 90 between the pair. Fjellheim has the same wonderful bark color and yellow Fall color as Sango kaku, Fjellheim will remain a dwarf growing only 5 feet or so. This upright spike like flower structure led to the species name spicatum. The bark is thin, dull gray-brown, and smooth at first but becoming slightly scaly. The species covers a wide range of moisture levels, is moderately shade tolerant, and grows at elevations of 350 to 1,450 m. It grows in the understory of coniferous forests, in […]