The square branching stems are densely covered with hairy ovate leaves, arranged oppositely in pairs. Basil in Yoruba – Basil 8. You have entered an incorrect email address! Marjoram … Mint leaf in Yoruba – Ewe minti 2. It has been claimed that in England it originates from the region known as East Anglia and more specifically the county of Norfolk,… Yoruba Herbs: English Name & What They Are Uses For, Idayat Gbadamosi: Ways Of Fighting Coronavirus With Herbs By Boosting Immunity,, Re: Yoruba Herbs: English Name & What They Are Uses For, Coronavirus: Marcelo Rebelo, Portuguese President To Be Quarantined For 2 Weeks, COVID-19 Toll: United States Records Over 2,400 Deaths In 24 Hours(Pics), Mentally Unstable Lady In Skimpy Outfit Causes A Scene In Owerri. Pronounced: MAHR-juhr-uhm. n. either of two aromatic herbs, Origanum vulgare (wild marjoram) or Majorana hortensis (sweet marjoram), the fresh or dried leaves of which are used as a flavouring in cookery. marjoram noun: mercanköşk: sweet adjective, noun: tatlı, güzel, hoş, şeker, sevimli: See Also in … Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for PLANTA DE MEJORANA RELIGION YORUBA IFA SANTERIA CON POTE TIERRA Y RAIZ MARJORAM at the best online prices at eBay! Interpretación Traducción noun. If … marjoram Basil extract, or basil essential oil, is proven to help prevent a wide range of health conditions, which makes it one of the most important medical herbs known today. Marjoram (Voiced by Lex Lang in English) is drummer and saxophonist for the Globetrotters. The Yoruba traditional religion believes that all human beings pass through what is known as Ayanmo which translate to destiny or fate. Its health benefits includes, it serves as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, it fight against cancer, and it is a pain and fever reliever, it prevent diabetes, help boost the immune system, protects the liver and also used as an anti-stress solution. See How To Advertise. When used regularly, marjoram is a great addition to a healthy diet. How to translate mint leaves from English into Yoruba? THE ancient King Oduduwa had a great many grandchildren, and on his death he divided among them all his possessions. Technical Translation Specialized translation of documentation, guides, and manuals produced by technical writers; Document Translation Quick and Accurate translation checked by a dedicated quality assurance team in terms of style, grammar, and relevance; Medical Translation Accurate medical translations of leaflets, prescriptions, or reports for pharmacies, clinics, or physician offices Continue with this article to get more answers. It was the first African bishop Samuel A. Crowther who published the Yoruba grammar book for the first time. marjoram oil — noun : a yellowish essential oil obtained especially from sweet marjoram and used chiefly in perfumes (as for soap) … Useful english dictionary of… Look at other dictionaries: Marjoram — For the Galaxy Angel Rune Character(s), see Kahlua Marjoram and Tequila Marjoram. Cooking enthusiasts have even coined the phrase, “when in doubt, use marjoram.” Taste and Uses. How to translate mint leaves from English into Yoruba? Herbs are quite helpful sometimes just the taste, and it's seems the more bitter it is the more efficient, Which one we fit use nak for 1 hour non stop. /mahr jeuhr euhm/, n. any of several aromatic herbs belonging to the genus Origanum, of the mint family, esp. The ancient Egyptians grew marjoram to use in food and as a medicine. Potty, in Handbook of Herbs and Spices (Second Edition), Volume 1, 2012. This herb increases the antioxidant capacity of the body, lower risk of brain damage and heart disease. Bay leaf in Yoruba – Bay bunkum 9. Efo Tete is the English name for Spinach. [1350 1400; ME majorane < ML majorana, var. The Basil herb is also known as Basil among the Yorubas. People make medicine from marjoram’s flowers, leaves, and oil. Mint leaf is known as Ewe Minti in Yoruba. It eases joint pain from arthritis, provide immune support, help in sugar level balance, aids in digestion, reduce congestion and help in improving scalp health. pictures will do better justification to this topic.... nice one! It has an analgesic action and … (Bot. L. amaracus, amaracum, Gr. Use 1 teaspoon dried marjoram for each tablespoon of fresh marjoram in a recipe. Fun Facts about the name Marjoram. In the early 20th century, most of the yoruba city states and communities were controlled by Obas. 2003. It can be found growing on chalk and limestone grasslands in summer, its pinky flowers appearing between June and September. If you are unsure if this is correct plant. Worldwide Shipping. This is also a popular Yoruba herb that helps in lowering inflammation, reducing blood pressure, reducing risk of cancer and help in preventing age-related vision loss. If you are unsure if this is correct plant. Continue with this article to get more answers. a) A herb of the mint family, Origanum majorana, having aromatic leaves. Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español. Atale Pupa is the Yoruba name for Turmeric. sweet marjoram kvapusis mairūnas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Notrelinių šeimos prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas (Majorana hortensis), paplitęs Kipre, Turkijoje. mtDNA sequences were determined from 241 individuals from nine ethnic groups in Africa. Wild marjoram is actually just another name for oregano. /mahr jeuhr euhm/, n. any of several aromatic herbs belonging to the genus Origanum, of the mint family, esp. Season. Here’s how to plant and grow marjoram in your garden! noun : a yellowish essential oil obtained especially from sweet marjoram and used chiefly in perfumes (as for soap) I WANT TO DO IT. What are Yoruba herbs and their English names? There are four major languages in Nigeria. Marjoram is an herb .People make medicine from marjoram's flowers, leaves, and oil.Marjoram is commonly used for runny nose, coughs, colds, infections, and various digestion problems, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these or any other uses.In foods, marjoram herb … Marjoram should consist of the dried leaves, with or without a small portion of the flowering tops of O. majorana L, as specified. marjoram n Bot, Culin marjolaine f. Big English-French dictionary. The herbs are related and have a similar … Marjoram (Origanum majorana) is an easy to grow herb well suited for growing in containers as well as the garden. Uses for marjoram essential oil doterra | AromaEasy Aromatherapy products that are available for retail, wholesale or affiliate purchase. This article will let you know the English names of common herbs in Yoruba land alongside their uses. An herb of the mint family with oval, inch-long green leaves with a mild, sweet, oregano-like favor. Marjoram is a member of the mint and oregano family and is known for its aroma and delicate flavor. Abeg giv me Jedi nd arhle with opa Eyin... Parsley is never Efinrin in Yoruba. Basil of course, is used to add flavor to a variety of recipes, but what may surprise you is the many benefits of basil that make it well-known for its immunity-enhancing properties. Before switching to English medicine, Every tribe has there herbs they used for treating every ailment. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Interprétation Traduction marjolaine), from M.L. The inhalation of marjoram essential oil actually has been shown to calm the nervous system and, in turn, positively impact your cardiovascular system by improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. Fast Delivery. Wild marjoram is actually the same aromatic herb as oregano which is used in Mediterranean cooking. Overview Information Marjoram is an herb. Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français. Marjoram, known as Efo Ewuro in Yoruba, can be taken orally in a more concentrated medicinal form or used topically and in aromatherapy as an essential oil. Yoruba is a popular language in […] Marjoram (Efo Ewuro) Marjoram, known as Efo Ewuro in Yoruba, can be taken orally in a more concentrated medicinal form or used topically and in aromatherapy as an essential oil. YORUBA LEGENDS I THE KINGDOM OF THE YORUBAS. Abstract. Marjoram in Yoruba – Efo Ewuro ; Celery in Yoruba – Seleri ; Yoruba herbs and their English names. late 14c., from O.Fr. Some of the health benefits of mint includes relieving someone of allergies and pains, it helps prevent against gastric ulcer. Weird things about the name Marjoram: The name spelled backwards is Marojram. Directly from wholesale suppliers. Find more Hindi words at! sweet′ mar′joram n. pln See under marjoram • Etymology: 1555–65 To the ancient Greeks, marjoram was a symbol of peace, harmony and happiness. This means you might know a particular herb in Igbo and someone will be talking about that same herb and it will seem to you as if that person is wasting his or her precious time. Mint is a popular herb that can be used fresh or dried in many dishes and infusions. The Yoruba people (Yoruba: Ìran Yorùbá) are an ethnic group that inhabits western Africa, mainly the countries of Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Togo, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal, The Gambia and Brazil (as a cultural language in RDJ (state) and Salvador, Bahia.The Yoruba constitute around 47 million people worldwide. Like many of our native plants, wild marjoram is an excellent food source for all kinds insects, so try planting it in your garden to provide a 'nectar-cafe'! marjoram oil — noun : a yellowish essential oil obtained especially from sweet marjoram and used chiefly in perfumes (as for soap) … Useful english dictionary. The herb has diverse medicinal effects. Top 11 Yoruba herbs and their English names 1. Skt. Marjoram — For the Galaxy Angel Rune Character(s), see Kahlua Marjoram and Tequila Marjoram. marjoram: Find more words! Steambot Chronicles (1,954 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article provides her singing voice. Marjoram Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia. maiorana, of uncertain origin, probably ultimately from India (Cf. Spinach in Yoruba – Efo tete 3. They used this herb to make wreaths and garlands. Marjoram, is referred to as Efo Ewuro in Yoruba, The herbal plant can be taken orally in a more concentrated medicinal form or used topically and in aromatherapy as an essential oil. 'ama`rakos, 'ama`rakon.] All types of marjoram are popular for use in the kitchen as seasoning for numerous dishes. How to prepare. How would it be cayenne pepper in Yoruba? What are Yoruba herbs and their English names? Recorded in many forms including Margeram, Margram, Margarum, Margrem, and Marjoram, this is an English surname. Wikipedia foundation. Oct 04, 2011 polite switness commented on Introducing myself and my journal: strength of a woman Sep 29, 2011 polite … These are English (official language), Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo. marjoram. Mint oil is often used in toothpaste, gum, candy, and beauty products. Yoruba koine is a written form of Yoruba language. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in English. Penefiti soifua maloloina o marjoram taua suauʻu | AromaEasy Aromatherapy oloa o loʻo avanoa mo faʻatauga, faʻatauga pe faʻatau faʻatau. We present Stairway Plot 2, a cross-platform program package for this task using SNP frequency spectra. p. 1. oregano. majoran, F. marjolaine, LL. 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It has amazingly warm and spicy aroma. Etymology: ME & OF majorane f. med.L majorana, of unkn. Every two tablespoons of marjoram contains: 1. Extracted from the Origanum marjorana through the steam distillation method from its dried and fresh leaves, Marjoram oil is widely used for a number of health related issues. Herbs and plants that she favors are marjoram, cilantro, watercress, parsley, lettuce, aloe vera, ferns, lotuses, violets, and vervain. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in English. marjoram. marjoraca, fr. Vitamin C: 3.5% RDA 4. O. majorana (sweet marjoram), having leaves used as seasoning in cooking. Free shipping for many products! The Italian term "maggiorana" matches the English term "marjoram" The Influence of Dante It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Vitamin A: 6% Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) 2. Its small, pink flower clusters can be seen on chalk and limestone grasslands in summer. Marjoram is a low-growing herb, perfect as a garden edging or planted in a container or window box. Powder-flask fruit plant (sanga in Yoruba) + leaves of A. Paniculatum (ewe akòko) + water. As the story goes, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, grew marjoram, and, as a result, marjoram has been used ever since in various love potions. Photos. marjoram: Find more words! LAS RAMAS ESTAN FRESCA, VIGOROSAS Y EN BUENAS CONDICIONES. Cayenne pepper – Ata gun gun 5. cinnamon – Oloorun 6. mar|jo|ram [ˈma:dʒərəm US ˈma:r ] n [U] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: majorane marjoram (14 17 centuries), from Old French, from Latin majorana] a herb that smells sweet and is used in cooking If you are one of those persons, just know that spinach possible health benefit includes cancer and asthma protection, reduction of blood pressure, diabetes management and promotion of healthy skin, hair and bone. Please we wanna know the English name for EWEDU,thank you. Marjoram is a bushy herbaceous plant that typically reaches 30–60 cm (1–2 feet) in height. Some of these popular herbs are used across ethnic groups while some are more common in some places. Nutrition. 426Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. Cook all together and take in the decoction in the morning before eating for 8 days. marjoram noun: mercanköşk: sweet adjective, noun: tatlı, güzel, hoş, şeker, sevimli: See Also in … There are four major languages in Nigeria. The popular cinnamon herb is known as Oloorun in Yoruba. How unique is the name Marjoram? Parsley leaf in Yoruba – Effirin 4. Nigerian Infopedia is Nigeria's authoritative top quality information website that provides resourceful information about her culture, people and things associated with Nigerians. It can be used as an energy and immune booster and some of its other medicinal effects have been highlighted below: It has antibiotic properties and can be used in treating common infections. Parsley benefits the body in many ways and is considered a naturally effective treatment for a wide range of symptoms and diseases. It health benefits includes; high source of Antioxidants, contains Anti-inflammatory properties, promotion of heart health and help fight diabetes and lower the risk of cancer among others. [1350 1400; ME majorane < ML majorana, var. b) The leaves of this plant used in flavouring food. Marjoram is native to Cyprus and southern Turkey. polite switness commented on I DO NOT WANT TO TRY!! Marjoram is a very easy herb to cook with because of its mild flavor. In the kitchen, marjoram complements almost any meat, fish, dairy, or vegetable dish that isn’t sweet. (2) Theatre became less serious and more sensational; the great national concerns gave way to domestic intrigue; the smell of cowslips and violets to musk and civet , … Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Marjoram was not present. sweet marjoram kvapusis mairūnas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Notrelinių šeimos prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas (Majorana hortensis), paplitęs Kipre, Turkijoje. Marjoram Marjoram Mar"jo*ram (m[aum]r"j[-o]*ram), n. [OE. Two tablespoons of marjoram is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients. Cayenne pepper benefits are numerous and effective; it’s used to help digestion, including heal upset stomach, slow intestinal gas, stop stomach pain, stop diarrhea and as a natural remedy for cramps. How would it be cayenne pepper in Yoruba? How to count in Yoruba (Èdè Yorùbá), a member of the Volta-Niger branch of the Niger-Congo language family spoken in Nigeria, Benin, Togo and a number of other countries. There are generally three varieties that are commonly grown: sweet marjoram, pot marjoram, and wild marjoram (also known as common oregano). Before the coming of the orthodox medicine which we know as the English medicine, each and every tribe had their own herbs which they use in treating diseases. Calcium: 8% RDA 3. majorane (13c., Mod.Fr. orig Naudojamas maisto priedams (kvėpikliams) gaminti, iš jo gaunamas eterinis aliejus. (1) So it's not a virus that every Himalayan palm civet has always had and is chronically infected with. If any of the numbers are links, you can hear a recording by clicking on them. Photos, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). Marjoram is a plant. To some, they don’t even know of it health benefits. It has a calming effect on the emotions and is widely used for the treatment of Asthma. This green plant is used among various cultures and had come along way as a herbal plant. Cf. oregano. Marjoram, is referred to as Efo Ewuro in Yoruba, The herbal plant can be taken orally in a more concentrated medicinal form or used topically and in aromatherapy as an essential oil. Today, fortunately, many studies back up health claims about parsley that traditional populations have believed for many years. It is good for oral health as well as skin among other benefits. Sweet, leaf, or garden m. whose leaves, with and without a small portion of the flowering tops of Majorana hortensis (Origanum majorana) (family Labiatae), are used as seasoning and medicinally as a stimulant, carminative, and emmenagogue. V. Krishnakumar, S.N. Efirin is actually called basil in English. It is based on a nonparametric method with the capability of handling folded SNP frequency spectra (that is, when the ancestral alleles of the SNPs are unknown) … Abdulwali Yahaya is a professional blogger, programmer and a writer on Nigerian Infopedia. 6.) Recorded in many forms including Margeram, Margram, Margarum, Margrem, and Marjoram, this is an English surname. marjoram. Derived from the petroselinum plant, parsley and parsley essential oil have been used as a natural detox remedy, diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for centuries in folk medicine. The English name of Effirin, a common herb in Yoruba is Parsley. Taking a bath with watercress is said to bring a blessing of health from Yemaya and a bath with parsley invites a blessing of money. And if Marjoram is Efo Ewuro, what is bitter leaves called? They only know it is edible and it appeals to their taste bud. It can help prevent cancer and could delay aging and fight age-related diseases among others. n. an annual marjoram (Origanum majorana) grown for its aromatic leaves used in cooking * * * It’s also used for conditions of the heart and blood vessels – including to improve poor circulation, reverse excessive blood clotting, lower high cholesterol and prevent heart disease. It is a very common and popular herb. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When you have neither fresh nor dried marjoram, the closest substitute is oregano. World Pulse community member profile for Marjoram. Premium, 100% pure and certified marjoram essential oil at affordable prices. It’s been used to treat coughs, runny noses, gallbladder issues, digestive problems, depression, dizziness, migraines, nervous headaches, nerve pain and paralysis as well. Today, marjoram is considered essential for Italian and Middle Eastern cuisine. You probably recognize it as a common cooking spice. LAS RAMAS ESTAN FRESCA, VIGOROSAS Y EN BUENAS CONDICIONES. Turmeric powder in Yoruba – Atale pupa 7.