Find Lemon Beauty Box Honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida 'Lemon Beauty') in Issaquah Seattle Bellevue Redmond Renton Sammamish Washington WA at Squak Mountain Nursery (Boxleaf Honeysuckle, Shrubby Honeysuckle) Il fait un excellent couvre-sol. Lonicera nitida evergreen shrub. Lonicera nitida 'Elegant', een struikkamperfoelie, is een wintergroene struik.Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' wordt ongeveer 120 tot 130 cm hoog en heeft spreidende takken.. De bloei van Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' is onopvallend en de hangende vuilwitte tot gele bloemetjes verschijnen in de periode april-mei. Lonicera Nitida ‘Elegant’ An incredibly dense, bushy evergreen hedge with hoards of small and shapely leaves, the Lonicera ‘Elegant’ produces creamy, pure flowers during springtime. Habit. Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' Tento zimolez je rychle rostoucí, stálezelený keř, dorůstající výšky 0,8-1 m. Vejčité, drobné, tmavě zelené, lesklé listy jsou nahloučeny na tenkých větvičkách, které obloukovitě převisají. I purchased this plant as Lonicera nitida maigruen. Lonicera nitida Elegant /Блестяща лоницера ... Lonicera nitida Maigrun. Lonicera nitida "Elegant… cont. Синонимы: Lonicera nitida Wils., Lonicera nitida Wilson, жимолость Уилсона, жимолость вилсона, жимолость вильсона. Feuilles persistantes, 0,6-1,20 cm, ovales, vert foncé, luisantes, plus claire dessous, par paire. Lonicera nitida 'Elegans' Astonishing stuff. Wyrastające pokładające się pędy tworzą gęsty, horyzontalny pokrój krzewu. The label describes it as growing 80cm high and 30cm wide. Why doesn't everyone grow it then? Jest mało wymagający co do gleby. Denne plante bruges som … Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' tolerates regular pruning and can even be used as an alternative to traditional Yew plants for creating formal topiary. Плюс еще больше описаний видов и сортов деревьев. It is widely used as a low hedging plant, and for topiary.It is also a popular low-maintenance ground cover plant for urban landscaping. Lonicera is a large and variable genus consisting of small, ground-covering plants as well as mid-sized shrubs, and even tall climbers. Variety or Cultivar 'Elegant' _ 'Elegant' is a dense, bushy, evergreen shrub with tiny, broadly ovate to elliptic, glossy, mid- to dark green leaves and insignificant white flowers in spring followed by sparsely produced, glossy, dark purple-black fruit. Bladene er blanke, små og mørkgrønne. Lonicera nitida 'Maigrün' - Terülő mirtuszlonc termékünkhöz most 1.990 Ft-os kedvező áron juthat hozzá. Lonicera fragrantissima er en art af blomstrende plante i kaprifolium familien kendt under navnene vinter kaprifolium, duftende kaprifolium, januar jasmin, kinesisk kaprifolier og søde pust af forår. Small dark, densely-growing leaves make for a great formal hedge or topiary. Fruits en baie, mauves. Myrtegedeblad Lonicera nitida Elegant er velegnet i større beplantninger, men kan også bruges mellem større træer eller buske. In March and May small creamy-white flowers appear followed by a few purple-blue berries. Join now. Lonicera nitida is a species of flowering plant in the honeysuckle family.In English, it is sometimes given the common names box honeysuckle or Wilson's honeysuckle. Myrtegedeblad Lonicera nitida Elegant er velegnet til formbeskæring, og smuk med sine meget blanke blade, samt om foråret, hvor den springer ud med masser af friske lysegrønne skud. De bladeren zijn glanzend, donkergroen en ovaal van vorm. Particularité de l'espèce Lonicera nitida: Arbuste buissonnant. Its densely packed leaves, borne on long stems are tiny, so it forms a very … Lonicera nitida Elegant. Red/purple tones in winter. Contrasting textures create excitement in the garden. Hij bloeit van mei tot juni met onopvallende geurende ivoorwitte bloempjes. Ce petit arbuste persistant est peu exigeant et très rustique. Its leaves reminds me of buxus. 1,3L 30/+ cm. Lonicera nitida Elegant. Bold clematis flowers stand out against fine-textured Box Honeysuckle. The genus was named in honour of German botanist Adam Lonitzer (1528-1586), a physician and a … Lonicera 'Elegant' is: Evergreen. Dens jorddækkende evne er fortrinlig, og den trives på alle jordtyper, både i lys og skygge. Zimolez lesklý (Lonicera nitida) je obvykle 1 m vysoká stálezelená rostlina, širší keř z čeledě zimolezovit ... Oblíbený je i kultivar 'Elegant'. The creamy white blooms which appear in spring are followed by purple-blue berries that often attract wild birds. See how RHS can give expert advice on growing, feeding, pruning and propagating plants. It is very popular in the UK where it is mostly grown as a low hedge as it responds very well to clipping and thickens up nicely. Find specific plants with our Plant Finder & Plant Selector. Lonicera nitida "Elegant" Lokacija: Valjevo: Veličina: oko30cm(nadzemni deo biljke bez saksije) Starost: 1 godina: Količina: 10: Zemlja isporuke: Srbija: Napomena o isporuci: Biljke šaljem brzom poštom, kupac biljke plaća pou Az oldalon cookie-kat használunk a jobb felhasználói élmény biztosítása miatt, engedélyezéséhez kattintson az "Elfogadom" gombra. I'm curious to see if it survives a zone 5 winter in a formerly weed-choked flowerbed with wind protection and southwestern exposure. Particularité de la variété: Jeunes rameaux duveteux, brun foncé. Lonicera Nitida Lonicera Lonicera. Lonicera nitida, commonly called box honeysuckle or boxleaf honeysuckle, is a dense, spreading, evergreen to semi-evergreen shrub which typically grows to 5-8' tall and to 4-7' wide.It is native to China. Pruning Ornamental Trees, (Lonicera nitida). Жимолость блестящая (Lonicera nitida) – вид рода Жимолость семейства Жимолостные (Lonicera). A Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' - örökzöld mirtuszlonc 1-1,5 m magas, sötétzöld lombú, örökzöld cserje. Bushy, Dense. Omschrijving. Le Lonicera nitida Elegant ou Chèvrefeuille à feuille de buis est un arbuste touffu aux tiges arquées et pouvant atteindre 1.5 mètres de haut comme de large. Very dense, bushy fast growing evergreen plant with masses of tiny leaves, dissimilar in appearance to climbing honeysuckle. Tiny cream flowers appear in spring, which are eventually followed in fall by purple berries. Lonicera nitida 'Golden Glow' PBR Suchodrzew mirolistny 'Golden Glow' Nowa, zimozielona odmiana suchodrzewu wyróżniająca się złotożółtym kolorem drobnych, skórzastych liści, ok. 2 cm długości. Noteworthy Characteristics. 5404008277795. Lonicera syringantha (syrengedeblad) kan minde lidt om en syrenbusk. Nézzen be hozzánk. (Lonicera nitida) A mirtuszlonc egy Kínából származó örökzöld cserje, mely árnyéktűrésének és könnyű alakíthatóságának köszönhetően egyike a legnépszerűbb, elsősorban szegélyezésre használt sövénynövényeknek. CS13 cserepes 20-40 cm növények 1270 Ft. Termék részletes adatai. This evergreen shrubby Honeysuckle is easy to maintain at a … На стриженных кустарниках появляются редко, несъедобные. In favourable conditions many of these attractive berries will be produced but generally they will be sparce. It grows ridiculously fast, it's very hardy, it never gets any diseases, it clips beautifully and is one of the earliest harbingers of spring - often beginning to grow in February. Sövénynövénynek ideális. Lonicera nitida, or Boxleaf Honeysuckle is an evergreen shrub with small, densely packed, leathery, dark green, glossy leaves and small, creamy/white flowers which mature to purple berries. Lonicera nitida "Elegant" in het nederlands chinese kamperfoelie genoemd is een decoratieve middelgrote wintergroene heester met een brede opgaande groeivorm. Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' Foto vergroten Downloaden Foto vergroten Downloaden Size. Fleurs tubulaires, 1 cm de long, par paires, sur l'axe des feuilles. Glowing in the garden, Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold' (Box Honeysuckle) is a dense, spreading, evergreen shrub with long, arching stems clothed in small, ovate, golden-yellow leaves that turn chartreuse in the fall. God alsidig plante, der bidrager med et frodigt grønt look og bliver cirka 70-100 cm høj. It is a popular choice of hedge plant for a medium height evergreen hedge (up to about 2m). Den er hjemmehørende i Kina og har været en importeret art til andre dele af verden. Lonicera nitida Wilson's honeysuckle Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. A hedge of Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' LONICERA NITIDA BAGGESENS GOLD AGM Autumn garden and leaves of a cherry tree, red against dark green of a Lonicera nitida hedge. I lighed med Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' er den helt hårdfør og anvendes under samme forhold. Lonicera nitida Hedge Plants Description. Плоды крупные шаровидные ягоды, светло-фиолетового цвета, выделяются на фоне листвы. Gedeblad - Prydbuske . CS7 cserepes 10-20 cm növények 650 Ft. Termék részletes adatai. Tiny, glossy, ovate dark green leaves (to 1/2" long) are reminiscent of the leaves of some … … Flower Most of them bear fragrant flowers, many of them are evergreen, and some produce edible fruit. Lonicera nitida, often referred to as shrubby or evergreen honeysuckle, is a fast-growing, hardy evergreen hedge. During the fruiting season, the hedge forms a sparse range of purple-blue berries. ... illetve az 'Elegant'. Ses pousses sont recouvertes de petites feuilles persistantes de couleur vert foncé. Возможности применения, место посадки и характеристики растения Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' в системе поиска TreeEbb от питомника Ebben. Lonicera nitida Lemon Beauty. Fast-growing, dense, box-like shrub, tolerates heavy trimming. Fast-growing, this … Beautiful curved hedge of Lonicera nitida 'Elegant' LONICERA NITIDA BAGGESENS GOLD AGM. Dens vækst er mere elegant og overhængende end de fleste andre … Barcode. Na de bloei vormt Lonicera nitida 'Elegant… Hedge - of Lonicera nitida `Baggessen's Gold' HED014864. Kiszerelés: konténer, 2 literes, 20/40 cm