Non c’è una riproduzione liscia e lineare delle frequenze, ma un continuo “su e giù” che fa sì che la musica suoni in qualche modo “sbagliata”. KZ ZS10 – Review. Its rounded shape does not get my ear fatigued so soon and, on the contrary, proves comfortable even after more than two hours (though fatigue tends to become noticeable after that point). Not sure if you also noticed that. Images from are subject to license. The heights round off a lot, which of course makes them less brilliant, but also … I still preffer wired earphones (usually better sounding and less hassle with charging etc) but you should know that as these earphones have the 2 pin connector you can buy an aftermarket upgrade like the Yinyoo TRN Bluetooth Cable. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. KZ ZS10 Pro has been with me for 2 weeks. Learn how your comment data is processed. With the correct eartips installed the bass in massively improved and that is essential to getting the full benefits of the drivers. This article is a review of the LG Tone Free true wireless earbuds. Expecting a tank like build at this price bracket is surely not fair to the product, but I honestly expected just a little more. To call these dull would be wrong. 4.5/5.0. The basic signature sound is quite warm with a good shot of bass. My immediate observation was the hidden mids. There’s no chin slider on the cable, nor any kind of clip to secure it to clothes; microphonics are low enough not to need any special precautions, though, so I didn’t feel the need for either accessory. is a review site for high-end audiophile headphones and earphones. It contains information about the features of this awesome budget earbuds as well as comparisons and recommendations. The ZS10 have more bass presence and a higher spike in lower treble, but most importantly they have a messed up midrange that sounds completely unnatural. KZ ZS10 Review - Multi Driver in ear headphones. The transparent housings, available in three colours (black, red, green), expose the innards of the earphones and elevate them to a design element; this is especially true for the black PCB (red in the other colour variants), which also comes with the KZ logo engraved on it. In the KZ ZS10 Pro review, we’ll describe more about it. It’s this larger size which may prove an obstacle for those with smaller ears, so pay attention to this. Another issue is the lack of value in the AS10 (when compared to other KZ … The are a stage monitor style earphone which means you wear the earphones with the cable running over the top of your ears which is usually excellent for stability and cutting down on microphonics (cable noise). also which sound signature you prefer overall? This is a review of the LZ A7 a multi-driver hybrid earphone designed for those who want t have a high quality and versatile listening experience without the need for owning multiple IEM’s. In fact not only did he turn up the KZ ZS10 but he also brought me 15 other earphones to test during my stay. You’ll fall for it at first glance. Treble is heavily emphasised in the lower section and then heavily recessed afterwards, with a rapid decline in intensity that grants it extension close to null. With the ZS10, if anything ever happens, you just need to pick up an aftermarket cable with 2 pin connector and you will be back listening to music in no time. The KZ ZS10 are rather large earbuds. My girlfriend who has relatively small ears did struggle with getting a good fit as a result but myself who has comparative normal sized ears had no problem getting a secure fit. With the ZS10, KZ is also stepping up its game in terms of price, as they are more expensive than previous products. Practical example: I listened to the Final Fantasy VII Main Theme and found out that instruments do not sound the way I’m used to hear them (and I’ve been listening to that track for almost 20 years now! cosa si intende quando si dice “Odd sound signature makes music sound off” o come spesso sento dire che sono “tonally odd” si fa riferimento all’enfasi (o la mancanza di essa) data a certe frequenze immagino. KZ ZS10 Pro In-Ear Headphones Review. Recently, I’ve done a head-to-head comparison review of the (then) flagship AS10 and BA10 models, which both offer a much more balanced sound than the lesser-priced models.Up for consideration, today is the new top-of-the-line ‘Pro’ monikered version of the KZ ZS10 – KZ ZS10 Pro.This IEM features a hybrid … I hope KZ will be able to properly tune their future headphones, as it they appear to have a big potential to really create something great, but always stop short of this goal and create good headphones for the price that are only really applauded because of their value. On a whole I would say that they are pretty comfortable earphone provided you don’t have tiny ears and that the isolation was just a tad above average with comply tips. So, you need to make a perfect choice while buying a headphone. The AS10 has taken the crown off the ZS10 and is now, in my opinion, the best sounding IEM that KZ has to offer. ! The buds are also angled to better fit the contours of your ears and have a detachable audio cable, which makes them a bit more … KZ ZS10 HiFi Hybrid Earphones: Shop for in-ear earphones online at the best prices in India. Violins and guitars are aggressive and overpowered, up to the point where listening to Tom Morello’s guitar in any Rage Against the Machine recording is borderline painful. We review the KZ ASF earphones which are a multi-driver IEM from Knowledge Zenith. Living in Glasgow, Scotland but born and raised near Milan, Italy, I got the the passion for music listening as a legacy from my father and my grandfather. It comes with Five Drivers, In-Ear Monitors High-Resolution … The housing feels quite secure too and unlike the KZ ZS5, I couldn’t find any cracks or crevices on the surface of the ZS10. If this heaphones were a painting, now – that I don’t have received my package still – I’ve assisted to such every paintbrush on it, and I can therefore smell the paint-oil. I have … Please note that you should write in English, and comments in other languages will be deleted. Of course this is all subjective and you may have a different experience, but I always found the ZS6 to be completely uncomfortable due to their edges, while the ZS10 are much easier to wear despite their larger size. Overall it is more oriented towards fun instead of accuracy and towards blasting your ears instead of gently caressing them (poetry, yay!). I’ll see you again on this (before unknown, to me) website, for each other headphone! I wouldn’t vouch for their survival under a tank, but they should last a few years if treated with care. infine una domanda soggettiva: preferisci unéqualizzazione naturale o enfatizzata su alti e bassi? But since the ZS10 do have some nice qualities in this sense, I think it is only right to give them credit where credit is due. Soundphile Review: headphones reviews, earphones reviews, IEMs reviews, speakers reviews, Bluetooth speakers reviews - and more. 0. of course going into this review of the KZ ZS10 I was pretty sure that they would sound but was still not prepared for just how good. Btw I have a fee reviews including the old Samsung EHS64 on my blog and curiously my mother is from near Luino though I was born in London 🙂. The overall shell looks a little fragile to me, especially the connection points of the face plate and the inner shell, and additionally, the 2 pin sockets. LG Tone Free Review - HBS-FN6 True Wireless Earbuds, Anker Soundcore Spirit X2 Review - True Wireless Earbuds, ThieAudio Monarch Review - Exceptional Flagship Earphones. ZS10 Pro feel more open but less refined, while the ZSX is a tad more closed with a better resolution overall. I was worried that the hybrid setup might lead to a mismatch between the lows and mids but they blend well and whilst not basshead earphones they do have the ability to kick if you are a mixed genre listener. But where’s the fun in that? Welcome to the KZ ZS10 Pro review! The KZ ZS10 Pro earphones are my favourite KZs to date. There is a simple hack, how to make zs10 to sound correct … no darkening in the mids, better balanced treble and bass. There are few models out there with varying performance but I like this one because its relativley inexpensive and has support for APTX streaming. They both were released last month at around the same time and share so many similarities, I won’t bother making separate reviews. The situation drastically changes after a certain threshold – the sound dramatically opens up and becomes brighter and therefore more balanced. To answer your other question, I prefer a “natural” (neutral, reference, call it however you please!) But… whatever. Feel free to leave a comment. They have a good coherent sound signature and most importantly, that big bass. It looks smaller, lighter, but more comfortable than others. The headphones received 100 hours of break-in. Chapeau! Nov 28, 2020. Today we have another budget IEM in our hands here at Headfonia. The Thieaudio Monarch is a tribrid earphone with 9 total drivers in each earpiece. 10 drivers (2 dynamic and 8 Balanced Armature) in total in a headphone costing well less than $100. The KZ ZS10 Pro will definitely go a long way in changing the opinions of the company for non-believers such as myself, and is an absolute win for KZ.Their sound signature works for most genres of music, though if you’re not one for bright IEMs you’d likely still want to give this a pass.For the rest, however, at $50 USD, … As I mentioned this is just the first of the KZ earphone reviews that we will be publishing in the coming months but I thought I would lead with the best. Honestly, the only resemblance the ZS10 PRO have to the original ZS10 is in the name, the specs, the package contents, and perhaps the … The KZ ZS10 are decent mixed usage wired in-ears that look great and sound above-average with most tracks. The thing is, even equalising the upper mids out, the lower mids are still in the way of neutral sound – they’re quite prominent and create a very warm base, aided in this by the bass. è possibile avere un ELI5 con esempi pratici? KZ ZS10 Review - The best budget earphones? I think of it almost like there are only 3 spots on the soundstage being occupied – far left, far right, and dead center. What’s there is clear and detailed, but it is so little when compared to what should be there! Copyright © 2016 - 2020 Soundphile Review EDR1, ED9, KZ ATE was all praised by me (and lot of other too). What’s more, KZ gives you the option to pick from three different colours for the casing too, including the transparent one I got for review along with a blue and a black hue which will surely … However, it is very aggressive in nature from top to bottom without much in the way of subtlety or nuance. That’s my personal opinion on the matter and I do invite you to discuss it in the comments as I do not claim to hold the ultimate truth on the matter. This is a full in-depth review of the JBL Reflect Flow true wireless earbuds where we discuss the features and performance to help you make a … On the positive side of things, though, detail is really good for headphones in this price range and transient response makes you feel drums (aided by bass, though it is a bit slower). The KZ ZS10 is a rather insane concept. While that’s commendable anyway, hearing something truly great would be nice. Featured. Ok… I’ve just noted that I have to write my comment at this review in english, instead of my language… and we BOTH are Italian. Despite its heavy colouration, it can be pleasing in its presentation in a few tracks; of course it is not really correct and this is easily heard on many instances. Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate it. Chinese Hifi has taken of like a rocket in recent years and by in large it has KZ that opened the eyes of many to just how good some budget earphones can be. I’ve deleted it all, and write it again. What else left me to say. Its not a replica but lets just say that the housings often bare some striking resemblances to higher priced earbuds. You can read the review of the original below: As Headfonia, we’re trying our best to cover Chi – Fi products as much a… In fact it appears the ZS10 are decently well built; the plastic seems solid and durable. Soundstage is a wider and a bit deeper on the ZSX while height is on par.   I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought so. 時間つけていてもkz zs10に比べて耳が痛くならない。非常に良いと思う。結構カスタムiemに近い装着感だと思う。 The ZS10 is a very clear and balanced signature but to get the most out of them they are extremely dependent on the type of eartips you use. It is definitely shifted towards the upper range, in continuity with treble, and it results in an often piercing sound. They have the right balance o build quality, price, style and sound and these should be one of KZ’s top sellers in 2019.
2020 kz zs10 review