Explore popular careers in K12. K12, Inc. employees earn $75,000 annually on average, or $36 per hour, which is 13% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year.According to our data, the highest paying job at K12, Inc. is a Senior Network Engineer at $93,000 annually while the lowest paying job at K12, Inc. is a Sales Consultant at $63,000 annually. 297 reviews from K12 employees about K12 culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. FY21 Teacher Salary Scale. Salary Schedules Please visit Teach Paulding for information regarding all salary schedules with Paulding County School District. Here in the Bluff City, we are dedicated to preparing all students for success in learning, leadership and life. Shelby County Schools is one of the largest school districts in the nation and is located in a large city with a hometown feel - Memphis, TN. Human Resources Welcome to the Somerville Public Schools! K12 Salaries By Job Title. We are committed to providing you an environment that will nurture your professional growth and we offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Apply now for jobs hiring near you. Somerville Public Schools strives to create an inclusive and racially affirming environment that welcomes and values the diversity of our staff and students. Click on the link/s for the complete job description and application instructions. For ORVA Administrator and staff opportunities, please visit the K12 Job Listing page where you can create a profile for yourself and/or apply for a specific opening. Enjoy living and working in a vibrant, word-class city. Your child can gain real-world skills, find their passion, and explore career options † —all while earning their diploma. The average salary for K12, Inc. employees is $57,008 per year. Employment Opportunities in the Alamance-Burlington School System . We offer our teachers and staff members the excitement of exploring an emerging concept in education. We foster fairness, equity, and inclusion to create a workplace environment where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Davis School District 45 E. State Street, PO Box 588 Farmington, Utah 84025-0588 801-402-5261 The expense of criminal history reports is approximately $25 for Classified Staff, $29 for Certified Staff and $38 for Bus Drivers which includes the fee for Indiana’s Motor Vehicle Report. Start your job search on Monster jobs. District Home Page. Montezuma-Cortez School District Re-1. Please submit all interest cards through our online system. Average salary in US. Other roles at K12 include document processor and data entry clerk. Phone 540.946.4600 | Fax 540.946.4608. Careers & Job Descriptions Effective January 1, 2014 The Office of the Personnel Commission Classified Human Resources is no longer accepting paper interest cards. High School Teacher. Teacher Positions. If you have any questions, please contact TRoberts@paulding.k12.ga.us . School Food Nutrition Assistant and Assistant Manager Salary Schedule Teacher Salary Schedule The Barrow County School System does not discriminate in the educational and employment policies under which it operates and will comply with all laws relating to employment. 2600 Spruce Drive, Suite 100, Seaside, OR 97138 Phone: 503-738-5591 | Fax: 503-738-3471 With career readiness, core academics meet a career-focused, college-ready education. K‐12 : Student Resources : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. For questions regarding employment please contact: Madeline Paige, Personnel Secretary at paigem@clarke.k12.va.us or . Information. Teacher Positions. Eaton is a short drive north of Greeley and west of Fort Collins, Colorado. Our pay meets or beats those of comparable districts! Rick Catlett, Assistant Superintendent at catlettr@clarke.k12.va.us. Receive a competitive salary. Thank you for your interest in employment with CESA 11. For alternative access to apply for positions, please contact Human Resourcesat info@scesd.k12.or.us All permanent full-time positions with South Coast ESD come with a competitive salary schedule and an excellent benefits package. Open positions are listed below. 301 Pine Ave., Waynesboro, Virginia 22980. We are looking for Oregon-licensed, Highly Qualified teachers (HQT) with a minimum of … Kent School District (KSD) is one of the largest, most culturally diverse school districts in Washington State. For Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy Administrator and staff opportunities, please visit the K12 Job Listing page where you can create a profile for yourself and/or apply for a specific opening. Through a unique blend of cloud-based technology, research and expert advice, we provide school leaders with the tools and the confidence to make, better more-informed decisions on behalf of students and their families. Coach Salary Schedule HS 2020-21 Substitute Salary Schedule 2020-2021_Final_Approved_20200423 Substitute Pay Rates 2020-2021 Some of the positions that earn high wages at K12 include quality assurance engineer, team leader, senior software engineer, and application software developer. Waynesboro Public Schools. A worker with the title quality assurance engineer salary at K12 can earn an average yearly salary of $114,361. We are seeking to hire effective staff members who represent our diverse community and will respond to our changing needs.. We offer excellent career opportunities for those dedicated to successfully preparing all students for their futures. The California Virtual Academies believe parents are integral in students' acquisition of knowledge, and work to strengthen family values, promote character, and provide skill mastery through the use of technology and the K12 curriculum. A free inside look at Elevate K-12 salary trends based on 65 salaries wages for 33 jobs at Elevate K-12. For information about the WorkKeys Assessment, contact NCWorks Career Center of Randolph County at (336) 625-5128. Salaries posted anonymously by Elevate K-12 employees. NAFCS Employment Opportunities. K12 Insight works with more than 30,000 school administrators nationwide to strengthen the relationships that power education. Clarke County Public Schools. Choose from tuition-free and tuition-based K12-powered Destinations Career Academy options for middle school and high school students. Salary Scales. Participants are eligible for 18 hours of continuing education credit. Browse 359 K12 employment opportunites on our job search engine. An official website of the United States government Here is how you know
2020 k12 careers salary