The Islamic perspective of smoking cannabis/medical marijuana etc. Islamic ruling on smoking 1. ! THE LEGAL RULING ON SMOKING Shaykh Muhammad Abul Huda al-­‐Yaqoubi [Transcript of Friday Sermon 8th August 2008] Dear believing brothers! I was at a Masjid in Richmond Hill on Friday for a Khutbah (speech or lecture) and I thought this was very interesting. Ruling on cannabis/marijuana and its medical usage. The modern Islamic world is vast, and many ancient tribal cultures exist throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe that have traditions of using cannabis that predate the religion's presence. Health education through religion-Islamic rulings on smoking (1988): [In Arabic]. SHAFAQNA – The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered questions about smoking cigarette. Answer: Smoking becomes harãm for the beginner if it entails serious harm, even at the future, regardless of whether that serious harm is certain, most probable, or just probable so … Question 116: Smoking in public places disturbs other people and even causes harm to their bodies. Ruling on smoking in Islam. When you are smoking, the breath is worse than onion or garlic. The one who is addicted to […] What would be, the ruling if he considers passive smoking to be of considerable harm? Before offering prayers and other particular acts of worship, one must be in a state of ritual purity. Would it be permissible to use cream that has camel urine in it for medical reasons The one who has just started smoking? I just wanted to make sure is it haram to smoke, when an individual smokes carefully, within limits where he/she can be out of danger? It is necessary therein to wash the parts of the body that are generally exposed to dirt or other impurities. Is smoking Cigarette permissible in Shia Fiqh? So based on this Hadith, therefore, garlic and onion doesn't become haraam (forbidden), it becomes makhrooh (disliked), so based on this Hadith, scholars give the fatwa (Islamic ruling) that smoking is makhrooh (disliked). The Masjid is located at 124-07 Jamaica Ave. Question 117: Smoking cigarettes continuously causes harm to one’s body, is it not forbidden to smoke? Therefore, what is the ruling about smoking cigarette for the following people? Question: The medical advice says smoking is the main cause of heart problems and cancer and sometimes shortens life. Posted by sameerq on April 20, 2009 . Is it permissible to takeout a Medical insurance; Is free medical insurance offered by the government permissible? MV: Everyone, Today i will be talking about harmful and beneficial acts. Alexandria, Egypt, EMRO/WHO 1988. Ruling On Muslim Working In An Interest-based Bank / Islamic Ruling On Family Planning / Ruling On Buying And Selling Land (1) ( Reply ) ( Go Down ) Ruling On Smoking by Lukgaf ( … I would like to address an important matter, and that is the legal ruling on smoking in the sharī‘a1. Answer: If it irritates others or causes them harm and they are not ok with it, it is not permissible. Is it permissible to do this?
2020 islamic ruling on smoking