Learn. Created by. He takes her by the palm. Iago feels that Cassio was chosen over him because he is more likable instead of earning it like Iago felt he had. Shakespeare. As the play develops, Iago again convinces Roderigo into doing his dirty work, calling for him to spark anger in Cassio by telling him, “Do / you find some occasion to anger Cassio… ” (2. Pages: 7 (1607 words) Othello: Comparison of Cassio and Iago Pages: 4 (880 words) Love Is Not Bliss (Romeo & Juliet + Othello) A Thesis Pages: 5 (1201 words) To What Extent Is Othello Responsible For His Own Downfall? laurajt. Terms in this set (18) Look to her , Moor, if thou hast eyes to see / she has deceived her father , and may thee - act 1 scene 3 - brabantio . Othello enters the scene with Iago, the antagonist who is secretly trying to manipulate Othello, and asks Iago if it was Cassio who just left from talking to Desdemona. These words rhetorically ring from Iago’s mouth throughout the play, manipulating Roderigo into giving Iago more money each time. If Cassio kills Roderigo or if Roderigo kills Cassio, Iago will benefit from the outcome. betrayal #2 “But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws to peck at: I am not what I am.” author. Spell. Terms in this set (7) Othello: "So please your grace, my ancient; A man he is of honest and trust:" (1.3.283-285) Creates suspense because we as the readers want to know how Iago is going to corrupt Othello. Iago did this by manipulating his wife (Emilia) wittily to take a handkerchief given to Desdemona by Othello, once in his possession; he told Othello that he had seen it being possessed by Cassio. Iago Manipulating Othello, Cassio, and Roderigo The main reason that Iago ha d suc cess on manipulating Oth ello was b ased on the social di ffer ences of these two character s . It is Iago whose manipulating capacity reveals the vulnerability of human beings. Bloom describes this anger in terms of religion. Ironically, Cassio seeks Iago’s advice on how to regain Othello’s trust and favor while Iago is actually the source of his problem with Othello, Iago gives Michael advice for his own evil purposes. Ironically, Cassio seeks Iago’s advice on how to regain Othello’s trust and favor while Iago is actually the source of his problem with Othello, Iago gives Michael advice for his own evil purposes. Singlehandedly, he manipulates Roderigo, Iago, Cassio, Desdemona and Emilia. At, well said, whisper! Iago insists that she will see Cassio, as he is a "pestilent complete knave", who is young and handsome, who women already lust over. Cassio was de-ranked, losing his reputation, Othello believed in Iago’s lies and gave him the lieutenant rank at the same time. This way Iago once again manages to stay in the shadow and out of harms way. Iago does this by using people once again, this time it is Emilia whom he gets to steal the handkerchief. Iago's interpretation of Cassio's exit, combined with Desdemona's vigorous support on Cassio's behalf, creates suspicion in Othello's mind even before Iago prompts him. Othello - Iago quotes. book. Flashcards. Because he wants Cassio (a soldier) to get in trouble with Othello (Cassio's boss/general) so that Desdemona will try to intervene on Cassio's behalf, which will make Othello jealous and suspicious. Iago manipulates the situation so that Cassio is in a position to ask Desdemona for aid. By stealing Desdemona's handkerchief, Iago is able to plant it on Cassio and provide evidence for his lies. Othello manifests his confusion …show more content… Again and again, Iago insists that he speaks out only because of this love. Early on, it is obvious that Iago resents Othello and Cassio for the promotion he wanted and felt he deserved; however, these reasons are tenuous at best. In 1.1, Roderigo is angry for losing Desdemonas hand in marriage to Othello. How does Iago Convince Othello to Kill Cassio and Desdemona by the End of Act Three? Iago is angry at Othello for promoting Michael Cassio to a lieutenant position instead of him. Iago’s psychopathic manipulations of Cassio then ultimately cause his downfall once Othello discovers that Iago has been dishonest, his punishment of torture and imprisonment at the end of the play is his downfall. Iago plans to get Cassio drunk to ensure he loses face with Othello so he uses Cassio’s priorities to encourage him to drink. Match. He advises Cassio to talk to Desdemona about influencing Othello. Othello - Manipulation Quotes & Description (No Fear Shakespeare) STUDY. After Cassio falls from Othello’s favor, Iago exploits Desdemona’s eagerness to bring the two men back together : “So will I turn her virtue into pitch / And out of her own goodness make the net” (2.3.). By getting him drunk through his other technique of being cunning. Created by. Othello manifests his confusion about his wife by telling her that he wishes to be left alone, and by rejecting her offer of help when he tells her that he feels unwell: "Your napkin is too little. Pages: 7 (1514 words) Othello. For instance, he uses Roderigo and Othellos weaknesses into manipulating them. For example, Cassio takes rank seriously so Iago suggests they ‘have a measure to the health of black Othello’, a toast that would be rude and disrespectful for Cassio to ignore in both a professional and personal light. Cassio may be joking, but Iago views himself as an unrecognised genius, so it’s unlikely he would take too kindly to this slagging. “His religion is war, and his god is Othello, and so his fury when Cassio is preferred to him is the fury of the priest or worshipper who has been found unworthy,” (Bloom). Iago uses other characters weaknesses into manipulating them. Cassio does implore Desdemona for he aid and predictably she responds that, ?Be thou assured, good Cassio, I will do all my abilities in thy behalf.? Unlike Shakespeare’s other villains, Iago is outrightly and self-consciously evil. (III, iii, 1-2), and thus Iago?s plan succeeds. Iago k nowing this, devises a tactic that will be an effective weapon in getting Cassio fired. Five of the best book quotes from Iago #1 “Though I do hate him as I do hell pains, Yet, for necessity of present life, I must show out a flag and sign of love— Which is indeed but sign.” author. Shakespeare. Another way Iago convinces Othello of Desdemona’s infidelity is by obtaining the handkerchief to which he frames Cassio. Iago then associates Othello with the image of ‘the devil’ (1.1.92) because of Othello’s colour, Iago warns Brabantio that he has ‘lost half [his] soul’ now that Desdemona is married to Othello. By describing Cassio as a "knave", Iago is simply saying that Cassio is an unprincipled person when it comes to women. Iago uses his tone to manipulate and calm Desdemona of her worries. Iago manipulating Brabantio to be angry at Othello and his daughter, Rodrigo to “put money in thy purse”, and even partially Othello. Othello puts Cassio as his 2nd in command while he signed Iago to be his ensign which means third in command. 1 288-89). Such as Cassio calling him “Honest Iago” and when Cassio got in that fight with Rodrigo, he believed that Iago was the only good, honest man on his side, even though he was the one who set him up. Iago then goes crazy and starts plotting to ruin Othello’s marriage and get Cassio fired. STUDY. PLAY. Even his minor confrontations with characters like Brabantio and others bear the effects of his manipulative tendencies. His position as Othello’s servant is the premise and fundament on which his character traits can flourish. Iago will use their interaction to further extend his evil plot. "If this poor trash of Venice, whom I trace For his quick hunting, stand putting on, I'll have our Michael Cassio on the hip, Abuse him to the Moor in the right garb, (For I fear Cassio with my nightcap too), Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me..." (Act II. Iago’s Throughout the play, since Iago is trustworthy to Othello, Iago plants seeds of jealousy in Othello’s mind. To prove things beyond doubt, with great skill, he arranged a conversation between Cassio and Bianca and carefully position Othello so that he thinks Cassio is discussing his wife. Match. The reason of Iago’s success in manipulating Othello is based on the social differences of these two characters. Scene I, Iago schemes to get Cassio drunk because he knows Cassio, who is kind of a mean drunk, will end up getting into a fight. concept. The fact that he was Othello's serv a nt is the premise and fun dament on which his character trait s ca n flourish, if he was in superior position , he wouldn't of been able to manipulat e him the way he did. bellaaaaam18. Write. Those that stay honest include Cassio, Desdemona, Othello. Flashcards. He is viewed as honest and trustworthy, as a good listener and as someone who gives good advice freely but they all see him as kind of harmless when ironically he’s the complete opposite! Cassio’s vulnerability is getting mouthy when he is drunk. The best quotes from Othello by William Shakespeare - organized by theme, including book location and character - with an explanation to help you understand! book. Iago?s suggestions to Othello will cause him to construe Desdemona?s pleas for Cassio, as pleas for her paramour. Iago. He advises Cassio to talk to Desdemona about influencing Othello. Test. Iago looks at her and tells her to be happy and that Othello is not serious about what he is saying and that he is just being funny (IIII.ii.194). He also insults Othello again by saying if he doesn’t stay hidden and patient then he “…shall say you’re all in all in spleen,/ and nothing of a man” (Lines 103-104). Later used in the play by Iago as evidence of D infidelity. Learn. He then stands by Othello's side, professing concern for his friend, and questioning Desdemona's fidelity because she spoke for Cassio. PLAY. character. Write. Iago's interpretation of Cassio's exit, combined with Desdemona's vigorous support on Cassio's behalf, creates suspicion in Othello's mind even before Iago prompts him. Iago is a major character in William Shakespeare's 1607 play, Othello.His role is one of Othello's outwardly loyal courtier and friend, while at the same time manipulating his friends and master into doing his bidding, eventually persuading Othello to believe that his wife, Desdemona, has been having an affair and killing her in a jealous rage. Iago says he will get Cassio to confess to the infidelity and that Othello should watch Cassio’s facial gestures while he talks about his relationship with Desdemona. Spell. Why? Gravity. The way that Iago constructs his argument is by using the fact that Cassio is a charmer when it comes to women. He then starts putting words in Othello’s head and starts to make him question everything. Test. As Iago states at the beginning of the play, not everybody can be a leader, and not every leader can have a good servant. Gravity. Desdemona then relaxes and is content for sometime.
2020 iago manipulating cassio quotes