Our service is free to all those eligible for care in New Zealand hospitals An established midwifery group offering full midwifery services through the antenatal, labour & birth and postnatal periods, home and hospital birth. Hutt midwifery review: 'Insufficent staff to support minimum safe care' 26 Jul 2019 An external review of the Hutt District Health Board in Wellington says midwifery staffing levels should be increased significantly. The midwife is central to high quality maternity care, and the principle that ‘all women need a midwife and some need a doctor too’ is widely accepted. Jacqui and Beki offer complete midwifery care. I am in my 11th year of providing midwifery care for women in Lower Hutt. Hutt Midwifery Care (Offer homebirth) 0800 464 394 Nicky Chevalier Edith McLeish Shari Bewley Karen Lash, 029 403 6787 Amy Broome, 027 526 5566 Catriona Pratt, 022 698 8695 Bellies in Bloom 0800 235 5437 Nicole Oosthuysen Lizzie Duncan Moni Faaifo Trudy Manera* New Beginnings 0508 643 943 Jill Adamson Kim Billaney I am passionate about providing excellent midwifery care and empowering women to have positive experiences in their pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatally. I feel passionate about supporting women to achieve their childbirth experience, whilst ensuring the safety of both Mum and baby. Having been an established part of the community for 20 years, Birthworks prides itself on offering amazing, empowering Midwifery care to the women of the Hutt Valley. They work rotating 8 hour shifts. Contact Birthworks. Birthworks Midwifery Service has been an established part of the community for 20 years. The midwife may practise in any setting, including the home, the community, hospitals, or in any other maternity service. In all settings, the midwife remains responsible and accountable for the care she provides. When women require referral midwives provide midwifery care in collaboration with other health professionals. About Me. They offer hospital-base support for LMCs, and provide post-natal care to all women when in hospital. This page is for clients current or former to post and add pictures or get up to date information on avaliability, to leave messsages or ask questions. Hutt Maternity have a staff of core midwives and nurses employed by the DHB. Research findings support a strong association between midwifery-led care for pregnant women and reduced labor and birth interventions (Begley et al., 2011, Johantgen et al., 2012, Sutcliffe et al., 2012).Despite this, care led by providers other than certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) is predominant in U.S. clinical practice for pregnant women of all risk statuses (Altman et al., 2017). Level 2 Cuttriss House. 04 8020771. Hi and congratulations on your pregnancy. Hutt Midwifery Care. I have 7 daughters (3 of whom I gave birth to) and 5 grandchildren. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Midwives have an important role in health and wellness promotion and I love my job because I get to share in the most special time for a family. Many midwives have worked with Birthworks during that time; Birthworks midwives have always prided themselves on providing empowering midwifery care to the women of the Hutt Valley and their whanau. You may have hospital midwifery care if: Your pregnancy care … Midwifery Standards of Practice Standard one: The midwife works in … High Quality Midwifery Care Midwifery at the heart of maternity services The UK’s NHS midwifery-based maternity service usually achieves good outcomes. Lower Hutt.
2020 hutt midwifery care