HOPE SF serves over 5,000 individuals residing in four public housing communities in the Bayview, Potrero Hill, and Visitacion Valley neighborhoods of San Francisco. The Plan Documents, particularly the Design Standards and Guidelines ("DSG"), supplement the regulations included in the Special Use District. The Four HOPE SF Sites: Hunters View Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex Sunnydale Alice Griffith Do you think you qualify for food stamps? HOPE SF will completely rehabilitate four of the City's Housing Authority sites (Hunters View,  Potrero Terrace and Annex, Sunnydale, and Alice Griffith)  with a mix of housing types and income levels, along with community serving uses and services, while maintaining the affordability of the existing sites. Phase I ground-breaking occurred in 2017 with expected completion in December 2018 and ready for occupancy in January 2019. Of those, between 505 and 620 units will be for-sale condos, including both market-rate and below-market-rate units, while 895 to 1080 will be affordable rentals with 80 to … “Growing up, I felt isolated and segregated from the rest of the city in terms of financial opportunities … Rebuild Potrero is a 38-acre redevelopment site on the steep south facing slope of Potrero Hill. A rendering of the new, mixed-income Hope SF Potrero Hill development. LinkedIn HOPE SF in Worldwide From location to floorplan options, the community staff is ready to help you find the perfect new place. A guiding principle of the HOPE SF initiative is to “develop a sense of community.” The community building process happening at Potrero reinforces social connectivity by instilling hope, strengthening relationships, and reaffirming a commitment to individual and shared responsibility. SAN FRANCISCO—The first residential building of the Hope SF Potrero Hill Master Plan project opened on Thursday, May 9. The HOPE SF initiative seeks to transform four of San Francisco’s most distressed public housing sites into vibrant, thriving communities through holistic revitalization. She was joined by Supervisor Shamann Walton, Hope SF leadership and residents, and community members at Hope SF’s Potrero Hill housing development. SAN FRANCISCO - A dozen ... Manny Alferez, co-owner of Great Northern in the Potrero neighborhood is one of the organizers. The Design Review application review process assures that buildings are designed pursuant to the Planning Code and DSG document. This site is no longer active as of Feb 18, 2019 HOPE SF aims to shift public housing models away from the failed paradigm of large, isolated islands of poverty and deteriorating housing toward a new vision of high-quality, mixed-income housing developments with strong social service support for families. Documents for Phase approval and Design Review approval are provided below as they become available for public review. Mat Snyder Rebuild Potrero SFHA Master Plan | San Francisco, CA HOPE SF Housing Authority Redevelopment. HOPE SF Potrero 8 H O U S E D . Potrero Hope SF Master Plan EIR, San Francisco Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103. HOPE SF is San Francisco’s version of the discontinued federal HOPE VI public housing revitalization program. Conceptual design sketch of Potrero Yard at Mariposa and Hampshire streets. SUBSEQENT APPROVALS AND THE PHASE APPLICATION … Because Sunnydale HOPE SF is a long-term, multi-phase project that will include the construction of new streets, park, and other community improvements in conjunction with new buildings, the City of San Francisco has … HOPE SF is also about investing in the residents with vital services and supports so that residents are healthier, safer, and can achieve educational and economic goals. The city’s “rehabilitation” and “revitalization” of public housing at Terrace-Annex (language maintained on the Housing Data Hub website, HOPE SF’s Design Standards and Guidelines from November 2016, and elsewhere) has resulted in a move towards mass gentrification of Potrero Hill, with eventual plans to bulldoze Brenda and Eddie’s home and make way for market rate housing. According to the Mayor’s Office, the Potrero Hill Master Plan … San Francisco – Mayor London N. Breed today celebrated the signing of San Francisco’s Right to Return Ordinance. The address for this community is in San Francisco on Connecticut St.. Come by to check out the apartment floorplan options. The Planning Code, through the creation of a Special Use District ("SUD"), establishes the core land use regulations for Potrero HOPE SF related to acceptable land uses, building height limits, bulk limits setback requirements, open space for dwelling units, and parking. “It’s amazing to finally see change coming to Potrero Hill,” added recent San Francisco State graduate and Potrero Hill resident Terry Jones. Phase I is a stand-alone building located at 1101 Connecticut Street. DESCRIPTION. SAN FRANCISCO, May 9, 2019--Mayor London N. Breed, Supervisor Shamann Walton, master developer BRIDGE Housing and community members today celebrated the grand opening of 1101 Connecticut Avenue, a 72-unit affordable housing development that is the first project to be completed as part of the HOPE SF Potrero Hill Master Plan. 2010112029 . The Potrero HOPE SF Project was approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 31, 2017. San Francisco – Mayor London N. Breed today celebrated the signing of San Francisco’s Right to Return Ordinance. The Plan Documents, particularly the Design Standards and Guidelines ("DSG"), supplement the regulations included in the Special Use District. Potrero HOPE SF received their Master Entitlements (see Attachment C for a description of Potrero HOPE SF Project, the Development Agreement and other master entitlements) in March 2017, which enabled the complete rebuilding of the Potrero Terrace and Annex Housing Authority site over several years. W E L L . Because Potrero HOPE SF is a long-term multi-phase project that will include the construction of new streets, parks, and other community improvements in conjunction with new buildings, the City of San Francisco has entered into a Development Agreement (or "DA") with the Master Developer, Bridge Housing, and the San Francisco Housing Authority, the current owner of the site. In order to give effect to the Development Agreement for the Potrero HO 'PE 0. Increase Height on Block B 1. Revised nonregulatory narrative - regarding Block B • … Type Name Hope SF Highlights SFHA Programs Documents. It is the essence of the old public housing model. The Phase application review process will assure that the overall Potrero development complies with the terms of the DA and that the design of buildings and of community improvements are well coordinated. Opening of 1st Potrero Hill residential building under HOPE SF As part of Mayor London Breed 's commitment to preserving and rebuilding public housing in San Francisco, 619 units of distressed public housing to be replaced and an additional 1,000 affordable homes to be created under HOPE SF initiative. He says the event is a way to highlight these music venues. Mayor London Breed, Board of Supervisor Shamann Walton and other community members celebrated the opening of the 71-unit affordable housing development located at 1101 Connecticut Avenue. The DA and SUD lay out a review process for approving infrastructure and buildings as they become ready for construction in the future. 40 feet to 50 feet for entire block 2. Potrero Hope Phase I in San Francisco is ready to be your home. As part of Hope SF, under which Rebuild Potrero falls, the City has been overseeing similar efforts at Hunters View, Sunnydale and Alice Griffith with a policy of not relocating occupants during erection activities. SUBSEQENT APPROVALS AND THE PHASE APPLICATION At completion, the Potrero HOPE SF Project will consist of approximately 1,700 residential units, (619 replacement affordable units, approximately 200 additional affordable housing units, and approximately 800 market rate units). The Planning Code, through the creation of a Special Use District ("SUD"), establishes the core land use regulations for Potrero HOPE SF related to acceptable land uses, building height limits, bulk limits setback requirements, open space for dwelling units, and parking. This website offers functionality that requires JavaScript. Notice of Public Hearing and Availability Final Environmental Impact Report (12/10/15). San Francisco, CA 94103 . Potrero HOPE SF includes the complete rebuilding of the existing Potrero Terrace and Annex Housing Authority site through the City's HOPE SF Program. (415) 575-6891 She was joined by Supervisor Shamann Walton, Hope SF leadership and residents, and community members at Hope SF’s Potrero Hill housing development. Mayor Edwin M. Lee today signed historic legislation to authorize the phased redevelopment of the Potrero Terrace and Annex and Sunnydale public housing sites, both part of the City’s HOPE SF neighborhood transformation initiative. From location to floorplan options, the community staff is ready to help you find the perfect new place. There’s hope that PHHC will see higher enrollment when the Potrero Annex and Terrace remodels are finished. Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex: Part of the HOPE SF Initiative, Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex public housing will be revitalized through a master planned, new construction development. Potrero HOPE SF Actions before the Commission • Modifications to Design Standards and Guidelines 1. The Potrero Hill Master Plan is a comprehensive effort to rebuild 619 units of distressed public … Potrero HOPE SF Master Plan Final EIR/EIS June 2016 Case No. The Potrero Housing Authority site is located on the edge of Potrero Hill, a steep site with dramatic views of the city and the San Francisco Bay. “HOPE SF is designed according to really rigorous non-displacement principals.” says Theo Miller, director of HOPE SF. 200 new low-income affordable units for the City o Mixed-income community with addition of approx. Unsubscribe at any time. The Potrero Hill Master Plan is a comprehensive effort to rebuild 619 units of distressed public … We are working to move San Franciscans around the city safely and quickly during the pandemic. 606 units of aging federally […] HOPE SF is also about investing in the residents BRIDGE is the developer for Rebuild Potrero, a comprehensive housing, community building and resident services project undertaken by HOPE SF. HOPE SF, known as “the nation’s first large-scale public housing revitalization project,” is underway with its first building Potrero Block X now complete utilizing 100 percent union labor. About; Subsequent Approvals; Compliance; Supporting Info; Contact; Development Process . Potrero Annex and Terrace (Potrero) built in the1940's and 1950's, is one of the oldest public housing developments in San Francisco and primed for new vitality. SAN FRANCISCO—The first residential building of the Hope SF Potrero Hill Master Plan project opened on Thursday, May 9. o 1:1 replacement of existing 619 public housing units with new affordable units o Creation of approx. Potrero HOPE SF DSG: photo examples of modulation. “Obviously, it is going to take more than just having a new unit to live in. HOPE SF will completely rehabilitate four of the City's Housing Authority sites (Hunters View,  Potrero Terrace and Annex, Sunnydale, and Alice Griffith)  with a mix of housing types and income levels, along with community serving uses and services, while maintaining the affordability of the existing sites. Potrero Hill is a residential neighborhood in San Francisco, California.It is known for its views of the San Francisco Bay and city skyline, its proximity to many destination spots, its sunny weather, and having two freeways and a Caltrain station.. A working-class neighborhood until gentrification in the 1990s, it is now home to mostly upper-income residents. The ordinance was sponsored by Mayor Breed, Supervisor Walton and the other members of the Board of Supervisors. Merit Award Hope SF: Rebuild Potrero San Francisco, CA GLS Landscape Architecture Landscape Architect: Gary L. Strang Project Manager: Wendy Mok Job Captain: Elizabeth Bouchard Client: Bridge Housing/Build Rebuild Potrero is a 38-acre redevelopment site on the steep south facing slope of Potrero Hill. Because Potrero HOPE SF is a long-term multi-phase project that will include the construction of new streets, parks, and other community improvements in conjunction with new buildings, the City of San Francisco has entered into a Development Agreement (or "DA") with the Master Developer, Bridge Housing, and the San Francisco Housing Authority, the current owner of the site. There are four HOPE SF sites. HOPE SF is a public housing redevelopment initiative that was launched in 2007. HOPE SF serves over 5,000 individuals residing in four public housing communities in the Bayview, Potrero Hill, and Visitacion Valley neighborhoods of San Francisco. Design Review Application review and approval is required prior to the Planning Department's approval of any building permits. San Francisco’s HOPE SF initiative is the nation’s first large-scale community development effort aimed at disrupting intergenerational poverty, reducing social isolation, and creating vibrant mixed-income communities without mass displacement. Design Review Application review and approval is required prior to the Planning Department's approval of any building permits. In addition to Sunnydale and Potrero, HOPE SF includes the redevelopment of Alice Griffith and Hunters View communities in Bayview Hunters Point, each well under way. But Hunter is skeptical. 19530, the San Francisco … At completion, the Potrero HOPE SF Project will consist of approximately 1,700 residential units, (619 replacement affordable units, approximately 200 additional affordable housing units, and approximately 800 market rate units). San Francisco’s 1101 Connecticut has earned the LEED Platinum certification. 76. HOPE SF Potrero 8 H O U S E D . Documents for Phase approval and Design Review approval are provided below as they become available for public review. The Development Agreement is a legally-binding contract between the City and the Master Developer and lays out the obligations of the Master Developer and the City to realize the project's vision. If you work for an agency that is a Responsible or a Trustee Agency, we need to know the views of your The DA and SUD lay out a review process for approving infrastructure and buildings as they become ready for construction in the future. Rebuild Potrero SFHA Master Plan | San Francisco, CA HOPE SF Housing Authority Redevelopment. The master plan also includes all new streets, utilities, and infrastructure, as well as 3.5 acres of new open spaces and approximately 45,000 square feet of new neighborhood-serving retail and community spaces. SEC 249. The ordinance … Click here for more information about HOPE SF. the extension of roadways and/or public utilities service and/or infrastructure to previously underserved areas. In their December 2016 issue, The Portrero View reported on plans to break ground on HOPE SF’s Rebuild Portrero project in 2017, and the impact that this development will have on the Potrero Annex and Portrero Terrace communities. HOPE SF Baseline Evaluation Report June 2012 Prepared For The San Francisco Foundation, Enterprise Community Partners, and the City of San Francisco Prepared By LFA Group: Learning for Action LFA Group: Learning for Action enhances the impact and sustainability of social sector organizations through highly customized research, strategy development, and evaluation services. Construction on both Hunters View … The transformation of this obsolete public housing site reconnects the street grid with a … Sunnydale and Potrero Hill in San Francisco, California, are two of the four HOPE SF public housing sites, with relocation and construction expected to be completed in 2034. The non-profit organization Hope SF, partnering with a private developer, is planning to demolish the projects and build mixed-income housing under the plan Rebuild Potrero. H E A L T H Y . 2010.0515E SCH No. San Francisco, CA — Mayor London N. Breed, Supervisor Shamann Walton, and community members today celebrated the grand opening of 1101 Connecticut Avenue, a 71-unit affordable housing development that is the first project to be completed as part of the HOPE SF Potrero Hill Master Plan.. May 9, 2019 The ordinance was sponsored by Mayor Breed, Supervisor Walton and the other members of the Board of Supervisors. Experience a new standard at Potrero Hope Phase I. Potrero Hill is the third to be rebuilt. San Francisco, CA — Mayor London N. Breed, Supervisor Shamann Walton, and community members today celebrated the grand opening of 1101 Connecticut Avenue, a 71-unit affordable housing development that is the first project to be completed as part of the HOPE SF Potrero Hill Master Plan.. 40 feet to 50 feet for entire block 2. The ordinance … At completion, the Potrero HOPE SF Project will consist of approximately 1,700 residential units, (619 replacement affordable units, approximately 200 additional affordable housing units, and approximately 800 market rate units). Type Name 2016 - 2021 Five Year Plan ACOP 100118 Annual Plan FY 2019 Frequently Asked Questions Hearing Procedure HUD Smoke Free Policy Fact Sheet HUD … o 1:1 replacement of existing 619 public housing units with new affordable units o Creation of approx. mathew.snyder@sfgov.org. Revised nonregulatory narrative - regarding Block B • Other standards and controls to remain: 1. H E A L T H Y . W E L L . Potrero Hope Phase I in San Francisco is ready to be your home. Because Potrero HOPE SF is a long-term multi-phase project that will include the construction of new streets, parks, and other community improvements in conjunction with new buildings, the City of San Francisco has entered into a Development Agreement (or "DA") with the Master Developer, Bridge Housing, and the San Francisco Housing Authority, the current owner of the site. DESCRIPTION. In 2008, BRIDGE Housing Corporation was selected to lead the rebuilding effort at Potrero. 40 feet to 65 feet on limited portions of site 2. Potrero HOPE SF received their Master Entitlements (see Attachment C for a description of Potrero HOPE SF Project, the Development Agreement and other master entitlements) in March 2017, which enabled the complete rebuilding of the Potrero Terrace and Annex Housing Authority site over several years. “The HOPE SF neighborhoods that we’re in the process of transforming will … About HOPE SF HOPE SF … This has been an unprecedented year for so many families, small businesses and the SFMTA. To easily turn ON JavaScript you can follow the instructions provided on the following websites: Enable JavaScript and WikiHow. mat.snyder@sfgov.org, You have reached the archived site of the San Francisco Planning Department Photo/Natalie Orenstein. Potrero is part of the HOPE SF Initiative to transform physically isolated public housing complexes into vibrant, healthy neighborhoods with new housing, streets, parks and open spaces and community facilities. Please click here: HOPE SF Documents. includes the complete rebuilding of the existing Sunnydale-Velasco Housing Authority site through the City's HOPE SF Program Along the southern edge of San Francisco’s scenic Potrero Hill neighborhood is the next phase of HOPE SF's revitalization effort. The proposed In some cases, Design Review approvals may include permitted modifications from the DSG design requirements. Read more about Rebuild Potrero. This document establishes the overall framework for the project ans the public benefits identified by the City, in exchange for a guarantee of the right of the Developer to building the basic project in accordance with the Plan documents. Potrero is part of the HOPE SF Initiative to transform physically isolated public housing complexes into vibrant, healthy neighborhoods with new housing, streets, parks and open spaces and community facilities. Residents are isolated, and the buildings are run-down and neglected. Why Health in Housing Redevelopment? Built in the 1940s, the Potrero projects are home to roughly 1,200 people divided into two sections, Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex. 40 feet to 65 feet on limited portions of site 2. Modulation 2. The Potrero Pedestrian Safety project improves the safety of four key intersections that children cross daily. The Potrero Terrace & Annex Walking Club. Click here for more information about HOPE SF. The Sunnydale HOPE SF Project was approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 31, 2017. Once completed, the re-envisioned Potrero Hill and Sunnydale communities will be mixed-income, service-enriched communities, affordable to more Hunter is one of the community members concerned about the HOPE SF plan in Potrero Hill. Stream at https://sfgovtv.org/planning – Public Comment: (415) 655-0001 /, Online via Zoom or by phone - see event details, Major Development Agreements and Projects, Historic Preservation Commission Hearings, Notice of Public Hearing and Availability, Final EIR/EIS - Chapter 8 - Response to Comments. The ordinance was sponsored by Mayor Breed, Supervisor Walton and the other members of the Board of Supervisors. This program is part of the larger Rebuild Potrero project by BRIDGE Housing Corporation and HOPE SF. Your … Increase Height on Block B 1. the HOPE SF Potrero project on December 10, 2015, and found the document to be in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Chapter 31 of the San Francisco Administrative Code; and, WHEREAS, In approving the project, in Motion No. The Phase application review process will assure that the overall Potrero development complies with the terms of the DA and that the design of buildings and of community improvements are well coordinated. We speak for an hour, and there’s one phrase she keeps coming back to: “Blatant disregard for the actual people that live in the public housing.” HOPE SF says their goal is to change whole systems, so that race and place are not barriers to prosperity and opportunity. However, at Hunters View a third of residents chose not to stay, many believing promises wouldn’t be kept. The transformation of this obsolete public housing site reconnects the street grid with a series of blocks similar to the surrounding neighborhood, … POTRERO HOPE SF SPECIAL USE DISTRICT. It also establishes the process for review and approval of specific building projects and land uses throughout the project's implementation. Potrero Yard Modernization Project - Upcoming Community Conversations. The address for this community is in San Francisco on Connecticut St.. Come by to check out the apartment floorplan options. “Everybody’s … Due to COVID-19, the Planning Department is not offering any in-person services, but we are operating remotely. 800 market rate units o 3.5 acres of public open space including neighborhood parks, community gardens, promenades, and better access … Hope-SF, a public housing revitalization project involving the remodel of Hunters View, Sunnydale-Velasco, Potrero Terrace and Annex, and Alice Griffith developments, will increase the overall number of units in Potrero Hill. Staff Contact: Mat Snyder – (415) 575-6891 . CONCEPT Hope SF, Potrero ReBuild, 160 Units of affordable rental replacement housing. LinkedIn HOPE SF in Worldwide 606 units of aging federally owned public housing will be replaced with new public housing, subsidized by a denser and more diverse mix of market rate and affordable housing with streets, parks, community services, recreation and retail. Potrero HOPE SF Actions before the Commission • Modifications to Design Standards and Guidelines 1. Renders: Y.A.studio The ambitious Potrero Hill development, the third project in the citywide Hope SF initiative, will completely replace all 600 public housing units, as part of a denser, integrated mixed-income community that will also include market-rate housing and retail space. She was joined by Supervisor Shamann Walton, Hope SF leadership and residents, and community members at Hope SF’s Potrero Hill housing development. (a) Purpose. PHASE 1 Graphic PHASE 2 Led by San Fran-cisco’s Mayor’s Offi ce in partnership with several city ACTIONS SCHEDULED FOR THIS HEARING . If you work for an agency that is a Responsible or a Trustee Agency, we need to know the views of your Potrero Hope SF Master Plan EIR, San Francisco Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103. 200 new low-income affordable units for the City o Mixed-income community with addition of approx. Charged by HOPE SF to create a thriving mixed-income community, BRIDGE Housing and its design team led by architecture firm Van Meter Williams Pollack, presented and received approval from MOHCD of a master plan and design. Sunnydale and Potrero Hill in San Francisco, California, are two of the four HOPE SF public housing sites, with relocation and construction expected to be completed in 2034. Provide your email address to sign up for news or other topics of interest. At Potrero, one of the four HOPE SF sites, Bridge Housing (the non-profit housing developer which has embraced the concept of Trauma Informed Community Building), and the Healthy Generations Project help families understand and address the impact of trauma and toxic stress on their lives. "Phase Application" review and approval is required prior to the approval of any construction for either buildings or infrastructure (new streets, parks and open space, and utilities). The new housing project will consist of 1,400 to 1,700 units. Potrero HOPE SF includes the complete rebuilding of the existing Potrero Terrace and Annex Housing Authority site through the City's HOPE SF Program. The Development Agreement is a legally-binding contract between the City and the Master Developer and lays out the obligations of the Master Developer and the City to realize the project's vision. The other three Hope SF developments are in Hunters View, Alice Griffith and Sunnydale. HOPE SF will completely rehabilitate four of the City's Housing Authority sites (Hunters View, Potrero Terrace and Annex, Sunnydale, and Alice Griffith) with a mix of housing types and income levels, along with community serving uses and services, while maintaining the affordability of the existing sites. If you work for an agency that is a Responsible or a Trustee Agency, we need to know the views of your agency as to the scope and content A the environmental information that is relevant to your agency’s statutory responsibilities in connection with the proposed project. The Potrero Housing Authority site is located on the edge of Potrero Hill, a steep site with dramatic views of the city and the San Francisco Bay. The 109,000 square foot building is located at 110 Connecticut Street and offers 71 housing units. Active frontage requirements 3. For the most up-to-date news and information The Hope SF reforms are taking place during a time of … This document establishes the overall framework for the project ans the public benefits identified by the City, in exchange for a guarantee of the right of the Developer to building the basic project in accordance with the Plan documents. The action before you at your September 15, 2016 hearing is for the Initiation of Amendments to the General Plan to enable the Hope SF Potrero and Hope SF Sunnydale Projects. HOPE SF is a public housing redevelopment initiative that was launched in 2007. The Design Review application review process assures that buildings are designed pursuant to the Planning Code and DSG document. Experience a new standard at Potrero Hope Phase I. Potrero Hope SF Master Plan EIR, San Francisco Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103. Mayor London Breed, Board of Supervisor Shamann Walton and other community members celebrated the opening of the 71-unit affordable housing development located at 1101 Connecticut Avenue. "Phase Application" review and approval is required prior to the approval of any construction for either buildings or infrastructure (new streets, parks and open space, and utilities). HOPE SF Housing Authority Redevelopment GOLD MERIT AWARD DESCRIPTION The Potrero Hope SF site is located on the edge of Potrero Hill, a steep site with dramatic views of the city and the San Francisco Bay. Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex: Part of the HOPE SF Initiative, Potrero Terrace and Potrero Annex public housing will be revitalized through a master planned, new construction development. San Francisco – Mayor London N. Breed today celebrated the signing of San Francisco’s Right to Return Ordinance. The master plan also includes all new streets, utilities, and infrastructure, as well as 3.5 acres of new open spaces and approximately 45,000 square feet of new neighborhood-serving retail and community spaces. In some cases, Design Review approvals may include permitted modifications from the DSG design requirements.
2020 hope sf potrero