©Anne Hoggett: Halophila ovalis off … Individual leaves grow to about 4" with a rhizome of up to 2 ft long. Genetic analysis showed the plants were Halophila ovalis. Wetland Status. Although Waycott, et al., (2004) noted genetic similarities between these related (2008). (1977). Studies suggest that Halophila ovalis can recover rapidly from grazing by dugong. Data in a recent paper by Short, Moore, and Peyton (2010) indicate that H. johnsonii Eisman (TSN 502870) is not clearly distinguishable from Halophila ovalis (R. Halophila Thouars – seagrass. Interpreting Wetland Status. H. ovalis (collected at lagoon, estuary and open sea) and H. ovalis subsp. Order. Nguyen et al. Bibliographic References Caulinia ovalis R.Br. The genus Halophila is comprised of 11 species, several of which have similar morphological features and habitat requirements, including the circumglobal seagrass H. decipiens. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway., This service is powered by LifeWatch Belgium, https://data.aad.gov.au/aadc/biodiversity/, To Biodiversity Heritage Library (130 publications), To Biodiversity Heritage Library (41 publications), To Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL), To GenBank (156 nucleotides; 46 proteins). Halophila ovalis Tasman, 1858 Common names seagrass in English 卵葉鹽藻 in language. Very similar to Halophila ovalis which can be distinguished by having a more rounded leaf, less cross veins on the leaf surface, and flowers arising on the runners. Recent morphological and molecular studies by Uchimura et al. THE NCBI Taxonomy database allows browsing of the taxonomy tree, which contains a classification of organisms. Hook. ex Zoll. It is widespread in tropical waters, the distribution range also extends to subtropical and temperate waters primarily the Indian and … Br.) f. (TSN 38959). Range: Indo-Pacific Ocean - widespread. It is widespread in tropical waters, the distribution range also extends to subtropical and temperate waters primarily the Indian and Pacific Oceans but also the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas and the Gulf of Mexico. ©Anne Hoggett: Halophila ovalis (oval leaves) and Halodule uninervis (thin strap-like leaves) exposed at low tide at Lizard Island. Natural Environment: Inhabits soft sand and mud substrates in coastal and estuarine areas of the tropics and subtropics where it can be found as deep as 100 feet (30 m). Family. China Science Press. 1267 pp. Halorhodospira halophila (formerly Ectothiorhodospira halophila) is an extremely halophilic purple bacterium that was formally a member of the Ectothiorhodospira genus until recently reclassified. It is commonly referred to a spoon grass or paddle weed. Distribution and Ecology of Seagrass communities in the Western Indian Ocean. (urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:208930). Proud, A. J. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Fair usage of data in scientific publications is permitted. Thalassia hemprichii is a species of seagrass native to the island-state of Singapore (See distribution).It is considered relatively rare in the country, and listed as “Critically Endangered” in the Singapore Red List Databook.However, T. hemprichii in an important component of mature seagrass habitats due to its biological characteristics. Deep Sea Research 31: 919-933. This warrants more studies at … Port Phillip Bay Taxonomic Toolkit. The University of Hong Kong. Guiry, M.D. Role in the habitat: This seagrass is among the favourite food of dugongs so it is also sometimes called Dugong grass. initiated a molecular genetic survey on the Halophila taxonomy by using the H. stipulacea materials from the Mediterranean Ocean and concluded that H. stipulacea is a distinct Halophila species. Other recent papers using molecular techniques have also failed to clearly differentiate the species.
2020 halophila ovalis taxonomy