It’s a real delicacy—a bit stronger than pancetta , with a fuller flavor. Pancetta, like guanciale, is curried with a combination of salt and spices and can be found in two forms – rolled and slab. More often than not, I wake up thinking about what food to prepare, what wine to pair and finally how to present the meal. Known for being a key ingredient in spaghetti carbonara along with eggs, cheese, and spaghetti, pancetta can also be used as a bacon substitute in many recipes. The meat is salted and cured for several months, then carefully pressed, washed and hung to dry slowly in a cool environment. Due to this preparation, this variety is considered a sweet prosciutto. Once the hog jowl is completely cured, slice it up and give it a quick pan fry. Due to the quality of the meat and its preparation, culatello is bright red with very little fat. Guanciale is pork jowl – cheek – that has been short-cured with salt, sugar and a mixture of spices. Thin slices of the rolled pancetta are used to wrap vegetables and scallops or enjoyed on crusty bread with a slice of pecorino cheese; slab pancetta is good for chopping and using in sauces. The word Guanciale comes from the Italian word guancia, meaning "cheek". Can you just substitute good old American bacon? Het gebruik van gepekeld luchtgedroogd varkensvlees was vroeger… Because pancetta is cured and not smoked, it is commonly substituted for guanciale in recipes. We offer the widest assortment of our world class prosciutto, salami, pancetta, 'nduja, etc. Here’s a brief guide to guanciale vs pancetta vs bacon! It … A specialty from the Umbria and Lazio regions of Central Italy, Guanciale is a traditional ingredient in such dishes as pasta all'amatriciana and spaghetti alla carbonara. Capocollo, also known as Coppa or Capicola. The most famous traditional versions are prosciutto crudo di Parma and prosciutto crudo de San Daniele. Its color is pink and it is very salty. De termen guanciale, pancetta en prosciutto worden nogal eens door elkaar gehaspeld. It also is great in sides like roasted Brussels sprouts and appetizers like goat cheese-stuffed figs. She owns her own content marketing agency, Wordsmyth Creative Content Marketing (, and she works with a number of small businesses to develop B2B content for their websites, social media accounts, and marketing materials. This cured hog jowl is prepared from salted ham. Depending on how it’s butchered sometimes it has the cheek sometimes not. Danielle Smyth, MS, is a writer and content marketer from upstate New York. Culatello is a specialty ham that is made only within the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. The difference is in the aging. Lardo is a great guanciale alternative if you’re using it to render down the fat. Prosciutto comes from the Latin word "perexsuctus," which means "deprived of water." Pancetta is made with the same cut of meat as bacon. Culatello. Forms: It can be sliced to order at the deli counter or bought presliced in packages. Cotechino / Zampone. Our prosciutto is considered by many to be the best in America. Bacon and pancetta are both cut from the belly of the pig, but the products are not identical. While you can usually get away with substituting the three meats seamlessly, prosciutto, pancetta, and bacon are all quite different from one another. In actuality, they have very distinctive characteristics that make each ideal for different kinds of preparations. The best pancetta substitute is prosciutto. La Quercia moves the food system in a more sustainable direction by turning humanely raised and heritage breed pork into extraordinary cured meats. Prosciutto is also cured but not smoked. Most prosciutto used in the United States is the cured variety, called prosciutto crudo. These delicious mysteries are unraveled when you learn about the different types of Italian hams. These pigs are fed fresh, local grains and the whey from certain cheese, including parmigiano. Prosciutto – An Italian dry-cured ham that is usually thinly sliced and served uncooked (Italian: Prosciutto crudo) Prosciutto di Parma. These cured meats are usually eaten as is, but some specialties, such as guanciale … For centuries, guanciale was an important part of the farm workers’ outdoor meal in the fields, eaten sparingly with bread. Bacon just doesn't cut it. Our prosciutto is considered by many to be the best in America. The different parts of pig are known by their different names, two of which are Pancetta and Prosciutto. Mortadella 'Nduja The salt will leech out the meat’s moisture, while protecting it from harmful bacteria. At his ham bar diners feast on house-cured salami, Wagyu prosciutto, and county pâtés, along with a selection from other artisanal American producers. We make Speck, Pancetta, Bacon, Coppa, Lonza, Lardo that are favorites of top chefs across the country like Mario Batali, Rick Bayless, Emeril Lagasse, and Martha Stewart. Pancetta is made from the belly of the pork like bacon; but, unlike bacon, pancetta is not smoked. Because pancetta is cured and not smoked, it is commonly substituted for guanciale in recipes. It is usually sold in very thin slices. Prosciutto (made from the back leg of the pig) or dry cured ham comes in two different … Lean cuts are from the back, while meatier cuts are taken from the side of the pig or the belly. In addition, speck is traditionally seasoned with spices like garlic and juniper to give it a rich flavor, which is a bit stronger than that of prosciutto. In this region, the northern European tradition of smoking meat meets the Mediterranean tradition of dry curing. Speck has a higher ratio of meat to fat and, because it alternates between smoking and fresh air, it is more subtly flavored. Speck is similar to prosciutto in that it is made from the hind legs of pigs. What exactly is the difference between Italian cured meats essential in recipes such as Spaghetti alla Carbonara or Risotto al Radicchio e Speck? Guanciale is the base ingredient for dishes like Spaghetti alla Carbonara and, most famously, in Bucatini all’amatriciana. Pair the Wine is a food memories and re-creation diary where I invite you to enjoy my culinary reflections and recipes and recall – and maybe share – your own. Your email address will not be published. The meat of prosciutto comes from the leg of the pig. If you are going to spend the money try to buy a really good bacon, pancetta or guanciale. Prosciutto di San Daniele. Culatello. For the casual foodie, however, differentiating the Italian ham varieties can prove a bit more difficult. Know Your Pork Cuts WHAT IS BACON? Guanciale meat comes from the pig's jowls and offers a very robust, fatty flavor. What unites prosciutto, bresaola, and pancetta is that they are all cured meats. Pancetta is basically Italian bacon. Prosciutto. Connoisseurs of Italian food may be well versed in various Italian ham types. Sometimes it is referred to as smoked prosciutto. For instance, what is the difference between prosciutto di Parma and prosciutto di San Daniele? However, it differs because it is typically smoked before it is dried. But every so often, I get the urge for something a little…fancy. Imports of this meat from Europe are banned in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration, so it can be difficult to find. Lardo. This variety is a celebrated Italian ham that has been around for over 2,000 years. There are various kinds of pork products available in various parts of the world. La Quercia is a US company based in Iowa making high quality American artisan salumi or dry cured meats from humanely raised heritage breed meat. Prosciutto, pancetta, and bacon are all cured meats that look and taste somewhat similarly; but their appearance, texture, and taste differ depending on where the meat comes from, the breed of pig it comes from, and how it’s cured. I go with guanciale because it puffs up really well after you add the pan-fried squares to the sauce pan just before adding your cooked pasta, eggs and cheese. This family of salumi includes prosciutto, guanciale, coppa, pancetta, culatello, speck, bresaola, and more. Culaccia / Culatta. Culatello is a specialty ham that is made only within the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. Guanciale’s texture is more delicate than pancetta and the flavor more powerful. Prosciutto, on the other hand, is made from the hind quarters of a pig, which is then cured with salt. It’s no wonder we get them confused! Seriously yum.All deli meats are cured in the sense that they are cooked and can be eaten cold. After brining, ham is air-dried for several months to make prosciutto. Here’s the scoop on each one and their differences. The answer: no – not if you want to maintain the authenticity of the dish. In the U.S., prosciutto crudo is nearly synonymous with a variety that is known as prosciutto di Parma. Speck is a specialty from the Alto Adige region of Italy located at the foot of the Dolomites. Lonzino. Cut guanciale into 1x½x¼" pieces. The ratio of fat to meat in guanciale makes it a pleasing base for pasta sauces; the slowly rendered fat imparts a velvety texture and the more intense meat flavor stands up to other strong ingredients. I agree with nutcakes on this. While traditionally a specialty from central and northern Italy, there are now many styles available from both domestic and international sources. When considering coppa vs. prosciutto, coppa is made from pork that is air cured and salted, whereas prosciutto is not always air cured. Lardo. So what is the difference between guanciale, pancetta, proscuitto, and bacon then? That’s when I turn to those classic cured meats like prosciutto and salami. Guanciale is dried and aged for about three months. In addition to this content, she has written food and nutrition-related articles for sites like Sweet Frivolity, the Urben Life, and EHE Medical. She has been writing on food and nutrition-related topics for nearly 10 years. As the name suggests, unlike bacon, pancetta, or salt pork, guanciale comes from the jowl of the pig. It's used in cooking and is an excellent way to bring flavor to soups or sauces. It doesn’t have a smoky taste like bacon. Everyday dining at my home is usually not so “everyday.”. Prosciutto Cotto Moist, tender, and easy to love, prosciutto cotto—cotto means “cooked”—is the Euro version of the deli ham of your childhood lunches, but more flavorful and less salty. Salads, soups, casseroles, pizza and antipasto platters are ideal for both meats. Bacon can come from several areas of the pig. Like pancetta, prosciutto is also cured pork, but it does not have to be cooked. The answer: yes – happily the Internet will connect you to countless sources for these products. At a high quality butcher, you’ll find whole slabs of guanciale, from which you can ask the butcher to slice smaller portions. Speck is made from the same cut as prosciutto and is cured like prosciutto but then it is lightly smoked. It is typically a deep red color since it is never cooked and has streaks of flavorful fat. It offers a much … Pancetta vs Prosciutto . The meat is salted and cured for several months, then carefully pressed, washed and hung to dry slowly in a cool environment. Guanciale translates to “Pillow”. Arrange in reserved skillet and drizzle with a little oil. Generally, no sugar is added, but pancetta is usually seasoned with pepper, fennel seeds, coriander, rosemary and juniper berries. For instance, take prosciutto di San Daniele, which uses minimal amounts of sea salt and stacks the hams atop one another. In heel wat Italiaanse gerechten vinden we xc3xa9xc3xa9n van deze vleeswaren terug en daarom is het een goed idee om het verschil eens uit de doeken te doen. Pancetta (sometimes called Italian bacon) is cured with salt, black pepper, and spices and rolled into a cylinder. LivItaly Tours: Guanciale vs. Pancetta vs. Bacon. You can have prosciutto with pizza, pasta, with cantaloupe, on bread, or however you like. In addition, coppa is made with meat from the neck or shoulder of the pig, and it is seasoned with black or white pepper, cinnamon, cloves and bay leaves. Guanciale, or salt-cured hog jowl, is made by first curing pork cheeks in salt and spices, and then cleaning off the extra salt and hanging the jowl bacon to cure for at least 3 weeks, but preferably 12 to 16 weeks for the best flavor. We make Speck, Pancetta, Bacon, Coppa, Lonza, Lardo that are favorites of top chefs across the country like Mario Batali, Rick Bayless, Emeril Lagasse, and Martha Stewart. Bacon is cured with salt, then smoked and sliced. Generally, prosciutto di Parma is made with large pigs that are raised locally and fed a diet including whey made from Parmesan and Romano cheese. It is then rolled in salted lard and allowed to be further cured for up to 2 years. Guanciale. It is typically seasoned with salt, pepper, sage, rosemary and garlic. Rarely would you want to cook prosciutto (although it's not bad on pizza). It is never smoked. La Quercia is a US company based in Iowa making high quality American artisan salumi or dry cured meats from humanely raised heritage breed meat. Bresaola. Spalla (Shoulder) Being a shoulder muscle it relates to the prosciutto flavor often, bone-in or out – it’s versatile salumi for cooking or just thinly slicing and eating. It is made with the back of the pig's haunches. Speck. Guanciale vs Pancetta vs Prosciutto vs Bacon. Prosciutto is typically made from the hind leg of the pig (or wild boar) but it can also be made from other animals. However, unlike bacon, pancetta is not smoked. Prosciutto is typically made from the hind leg of the pig (or wild boar) but it can also be made from other animals. Pancetta vs Prosciutto Cooking it in most ways, although I don't know what you have in mind, is a waste of an expensive component. Ah, the taste of guanciale vs. slab bacon. Instead, it is salted and air cured, much like other Italian hams. What it is: Prosciutto is the salt-cured hind leg of the pig (i.e., ham) that’s air-dried for months or even years, giving it a markedly dense, silky texture and a delicate, nutty flavor. The word guanciale comes from the Italian guancia, which means cheek. Required fields are marked *, I love food, wine and entertaining. Believe it or not, most every region in Italy makes its own version of prosciutto. Guanciale often has a couple of streaks of lean pink meat and is surrounded by a delicate, sweet-tasting fat. Your email address will not be published. Some prosciutto lovers also appreciate the crudo Toscano variety, which is a savory choice using pepper, garlic, rosemary and juniper. with free shipping on orders of $50 or more. Bacon, pancetta, prosciutto: These three pork products look alike, taste somewhat similar, and even get regularly substituted for each other. It is packaged as thin slices of meat that are nearly transparent. Guanciale is cured unsmoked Italian pig jowls or cheeks. Some of them are more popular than others due to the difference in taste and aroma. Prosciutto Crudo di Parma is perhaps the most well known in the world of salumi, named after its hometown of Parma, though Prosciutto di San Daniele vies heavily for the world’s attention. The pasta water you add to the mix loosens things up, puffs the guanciale and brings out its mineral goodness. It is made from the best quality pigs, which are reared and fed for this purpose. Prosciutto. Speck PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) is produced according to strict guidelines controlling meat quality, curing and smoking. There are two preparation methods for prosciutto: baked and cured. The breakfast staple that Americans are used to is a bit uncommon in Italy. Normally, I stick with plain old ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch. Traditionally sliced thinly and served with bread and wine, speck is also a wonderful addition to pasta and rice dishes as well as to salads. Prosciutto di Parma is aged about 10-12 months, while San Daniele is aged 15-18 months and is much sweeter than Parma ham. You can find it rolled and slab form – slab is a little easier to handle for cooking. Prosciutto is safe to eat without cooking. The simplest answer is that bacon is smoked, which is awesome but not always a desireable taste for other dishes as the smoke overpowers any other flavors. Can you find these items if you don’t live near a bustling Italian-American community? The most famous type is Prosciutto di Parma, a product with Protected Designation of Origin. It was traditionally a product of Lazio and Umbria but it can be found throughout Italy now. Lonza. Voor recepten kijk je verder op Found in the classic dish saltimbocca and wrapped around veal cutlets, prosciutto can also be enjoy wrapped around … Coppa, formally called capocollo, is a type of salami. It's also great in spaghetti carbonara.