Replies. The leaves are long and slender, roughly half the dimensions of the greater. Uncovered Medical Herbs in Borneo island are many that are uncovered. I can't connect any "blueness" with this ginger. Sean L Saturday, August 25, 2012. Galangal requires very specific soil and environmental conditions to grow outdoors but grows easily in large containers. Galangal leaves are commonly used in Asia and the Middle East. VIETNAMESE : Riềng tàu. Its name is derived from the Chinese word for the ginger and its usage is highly recommended by south Asian homeopaths and healthcare professionals. The name Galangal is derived from the Arabic Khalanjan, perhaps a distortion of a Chinese word meaning 'mild ginger.' A. officinarum is a native of China and is used extensively in South China. The word galangal, or its variant galanga, can refer in common usage to the aromatic rhizome of any of four plant species in the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family, namely: Alpinia galanga, or greater galangal; Alpinia officinarum, or lesser galangal; Boesenbergia rotunda, also called Chinese ginger or fingerroot Brian Middleditch says : "Alpinia chinensis: a problem. Names of Galangal in various languages of the world are also given. The flowers are small, white with red streaks. Although it sounds like it should be used in Chinese cooking, Kra chai is loved by Thai people and features in many dishes. Galangal (/ ˈ ɡ æ l ə ŋ ˌ ɡ æ l /) is a common name for several tropical rhizomatous spices. Galangal Powder is highly aromatic and is especially important for making delicious red and green Thai curry paste, Rendang curry and Malaysian Laksa. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. It features a paler and smoother skin than ginger and flesh that is hard. galangal (countable and uncountable, plural galangals) Any of several east Asian plants of genera Alpinia and Kaempferia in the ginger family, used as a spice, but principally Alpinia galanga. It is a perennial herb, between one and two metres in height, depending on variety. From at least before 1000 AD, it has been cultivated in China. Galangal root has been used in Ayurvedic medicine and TCM since ancient times. Galangal (Gao Liang Jiang) Botanical Name: Alpinia galanga, A. officinarum. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Galangal. The whole plant, rarely more than 1m (3 1/4ft) high, vaguely resembles an iris. >> Check out Galangal on Amazon << Galangal’s large size when fully grown requires that it have enough space to grow and flourish, making it ideal for privacy screening. galangal definition: 1. the root of a tropical plant that is used in cooking as a spice: 2. the root of a tropical…. It has anti-inflammatory properties and hence useful remedy for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Package: 25 or 50 kg/ PP bag. Kaempferia galanga. Whole Spice Galangal Powder, 1.7 Ounce. Galangal is a close cousin to ginger, also known as Laos root. Alpinia chinensis Roscoe is now Alpinia suishaensis Hayata but there was also an Alpinia chinensis Vidal (now Alpinia cumingii Schumann) and an Alpinia chinensis Franchet & Savat. The most common species for cooking is the Lesser galangal, and it is predominately used for its root, but the leaves are also used as an herb and flavoring agent. Clinical Overview Use. Impurity< 1%. Its Latin name is Alpinia, which was given as a commemoration of Prospero Alpini, the Italian botanist. China Galangal manufacturers - Select 2020 high quality Galangal products in best price from certified Chinese Tea manufacturers, China Seasoning suppliers, wholesalers and factory on It has many common names in some countries. Its name is likely derived from the Arabic translation of its Chinese name, Liang Jiang, meaning high, good ginger. Specifically, galangal refers to the rhizome (underground stem) that is used for cooking and medicinal purposes. It can grow 1.5 to 2 m high, with long leaves and reddish-white flowers. and lesser galangal (Alpinia officinarum Hance). The usage of galangal in medication and culinary field is originated from South Asian country especially Indonesia and Thailand. Last updated on Jul 3, 2020. Learn more. US $20.00-$55.00 / Kilogram 1.0 Kilograms (Min. galangal translate: 高良薑. Greater galangal has been thought to have originated in the Indonesian tropical forests. Part Used: Root. There are four main types of Galangal, namely Sand ginger, Chinese ginger, greater galangal and lesser galangal. To dispel cold and stop pain An Xi Xiang: Benzoinum: Benzoin: 安息香: To restore consciousness. The word “galangal” may be derived from the Chinese name of lesser galangal, “Gao-Liang-Jiang,” which is pronounced close to galanga in Cantonese (a dialect in southern China). Pronounced guh-LANG-guh, galangal is in the ginger family, but it is not ginger! Original place: Guangdong China. Scientific Name of Galangal Plant: Galangal officinalis, Languas officinarium, Radix galanga: Native: Glangal plant was originated in Indonesia. Galangal, sometimes called blue ginger or Siamese ginger, is a member of the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family. The name galangal is thought to have evolved from an Arabic word, khalanjan. You can find it in Chinese, Malaysian, Thai and Indonesian cuisine. It was used in South-east Asian cuisines. Galangal (pronounced guh-lang-guh) is plant from family Zingiberaceae and belong in same family with ginger (Benefits of ginger). Galangal and ginger can both be used in peanut sauce, which is a great sauce to try in place of others you might have on hand. Order) 3 YRS . In the West, it is commonly called as greater galangal. Scientific Name(s): ... China root, Chinese ginger, East Indian root, Galanga, Galangal root, Greater galangal (A. galanga), Kulanjan, Laos, Lesser galangal (A. officinarum), Little John chew, Rhizoma galangae. Moisture<14%. Galangal. They are stronger in odour and taste than greater galangal. In Chinese medicine references, it seems it is called seeds of the "galanga cardamon". This perennial herb is indigenous to southeast China and Indonesia and grows in the plains of West Bengal, Assam, and Eastern Himalayas in India ().Ayurveda and traditional Chinese and European medicine have used different parts of galangal to treat cold, stomach ache, inflammation, diabetes, … Galangal was brought to Europe in the 9th century by Arabs who used it as a medicine. Delete. Some other common names are blue ginger, thai ginger, gao liang jiang (高良姜), langkuas, languas, kha (ข่า), lengkuas, etc. Translation for 'galangal' in the free English-Indonesian dictionary and many other Indonesian translations. Chinese Herbal extract Sharpleaf Galangal fruit extract powder . They are more pungent than the greater and are similarly ringed. The galangals are also called Thai ginger or blue ginger. The name "galangal" is probably derived from Persian qulanjan or Arabic khalanjan, which in turn may be an adaptation of Chinese gao liang jiang. The rhizomes have a dark reddish-brown skin, a near-white interior, are 3-10cm long, and rarely over 2cm thick. English Name: Galangal root. Botanical name: Boesenbergia rotunda. The leaves are 25-35 cm long, rather narrow blades. Chinese Licorice Root (甘草) Chinese Licorice root or or gān cao (甘草) is a very common ingredient used in Chinese herbal medicine but it is also used to flavor broths and braised dishes. galangal translate: 高良姜. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the name for dried galangal root is gao liang jiang. Chinese Keys/Kra chai/Temu kunci/Lesser galangal . Color: Light Red brown. Specification : Whole & Slice new crop, clean, dry and no mould. Lesser galangal: smaller than the greater as the name implies. To activate the flow of qi and blood. ENGLISH : Chinese galangal. In the late 11th and 12th centuries, a German philosopher and medieval Christian mystic named … Reply. How Galangal is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Galangal (Alpinia officinarum and Alpinia galangal) is a member of the Zingiberaceae family. The name lesser galangal has been applied to A. officinarum and more often Kaempferia galangal. Its names in India is derived from the same root, including kulanja in Sanskrit, kulanjan in Hindi, and kholinjan in Urdu. I think South ginger is more appropriate as this plant thrives best in the southern region of China. Alpinia officinarum, known as lesser galangal, is a plant in the ginger family, cultivated in Southeast Asia.It originated in China, where its name ultimately derives. To relieve pain. Ash<3%. Chinese Name: Gaoliangjiang. It is used extensively in Asian cuisine and as a medicine. The long clusters of finger like roots are richly aromatic, giving the dishes cooked with it a lemony spicy flavour quite unlike anything else you’ve tasted. Medically reviewed by Galangal appears like a ginger or turmeric and is very common in the preparation of Thai dishes. List of various diseases cured by Galangal. Galangal, or its variant galanga, usually refers to two plant species of the ginger family: greater galangal [Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd.] Greater galanga root. To warm the channels and stop bleeding; 2. Powder: 80-120mesh. Khalanjan means mild ginger and may have come from Liangtiang, which means the same thing in Chinese. (now Alpinia formosana Schumann). The flowers are borne at the top of the plant and are small, white and streaked with deep-red veining. Sean, I agree with you regarding the Chinese name of blue ginger. 2008, Carol Selva Rajah, David Thompson, Heavenly Fragrance, page 144: The refreshing aroma of galangal acts in combination with and as a contrast to lemongrass in many recipes in this book. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese simplified Dictionary. Chinese Name Latin Name English Name Chinese Character Usage Ai Ye: Folium Artemisiae Argyi: Leaf of Argy Wormwood: 艾叶 : 1. Lesser galangal (Alpinia officinarum) Galangal rhizome ready to be prepared for cooking Differentiation. Also referred to as Siamese ginger and Thai ginger, Galangal is a unique ingredient. Latin name: Fructus Alpinae Oxyphyllae English name: Sharpleaf Galangal Fruit Chinese name: Yi Zhi Ren useful part: mature fruit Taste: pungent Function/Indications: 1. tonic 2. deficiency-cold in spleen and stomach 3. enuresis due to deficiency in kidney . Local tribes the Penans, Punan, Kelabits, Dusun, Run What Are Herbs in Borneo Wild Forest. The rhizomes are reddish brown, about 2cm (3/4in) in diameter.
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