As such, these dogs would climb the rocky terrain and will squeeze their way through the bird’s burrow in order to snatch the puffins. In short, spitz dog breeds are dogs known for their long and fluffy coats. Highlights: Cheerful, Playful, Fun-loving. Not Now. Although they have bold personalities, they can also be highly affectionate in the home. While these dogs can be independent (like any other spitz), they’re typically more obedient than other dogs. They love to bark, and their barking pattern is high-pitched, piercing, and rapid (more than 150 barks per minute). They love digging around for mice and smaller animals. Part of this is because they’re always eager to please their owners. Spitz mix. Will be 8 weeks on 11/18. With mild temperaments, the Eskimo Dogs aren’t too timid nor aggressive. Foxy is a 1 to 1.5 yr old female finnish spitz mix. Use Petfinder to find adoptable pets in your area. They are a wonderful - and challenging - breed. About See All. Meet Buddy, a Vallhund/Terrier/Chi mix. They’ve come a long way since pulling sleds in the cold arctic regions. And because they’re so friendly, they don’t make good guard dogs. Read More. 7. On the other hand, they’re great playmates for older children. Believed to have sailed with the Vikings, these robust dogs are among the oldest in Europe. All Finnish Spitz found here are from AKC-Registered parents. The Norwegian Buhund is a medium-sized Nordic spitz dog with a long history tracing back to the Viking age. Regardless of how they got their name, Keeshonds have become outing and affectionate dogs that love their owners. However, it’s possible they’re even older. Although they’re classified as hound dogs, Elkhounds are working dogs at heart. They’re significantly bigger but have similar personalities. Corgi/Sheltie Mix Source 14. They get along great with family and familiar people, but are always alert and wary of others. If you have a touch of scarlet fever, check out these other dogs that look like foxes. We’re still uncertain of which dogs are classified as spitz type today. FSCA BREEDER REFERRAL Valkyrie Farms; Erie, PA; Julie Parker; (814) 449-2740 Arizona Maru Finnish Spitz; Chino Valley, AZ; Anita Thomas (928) 636-6548 Skandia Finnish Spitz; Glendale, AZ; Peggy Urton (623) 572-6916 California Velvet Hills Finnish Spitz; Los Osos, CA; Mary J. Ellis; (805) 788-8279 Colorado DV9K9 Kennels; Colorado Springs, CO; Michelle Leathers; (509) 991-7783 They’re affectionate, but typically sociable and cheerful dogs too. In addition, some spitz breeds are known for their undying loyalty, such as the Akita Inu and Husky. Highlights: Friendly, Sociable, Energetic. Copyright © 2000-2020 by Michele Welton. They’re not too big, but not too small. Remember that they are hunting dogs – they will take off after anything that runs. It’s estimated that between 50 and 70 distinct spitz breeds exist. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2,883 people like this.  =  Richard has been raising dogs his whole life, including a Poodle, Pomeranian, Corgi and Australian Shepherd. We’d love to hear from you! These dogs were once companions and guardians that traveled across the continent with Vikings. And despite their relatively modest size, they were used to hunt the most fearsome and biggest wild game. If left outside unattended, they can drive neighbors up the wall. Its original game hunting purpose was to point to game that fled into trees, such as grouse, and … Originating from Holland, the Keeshond is a spitz dog that’s proudly become the national symbol of the Dutch. }. Bud has a few special needs. Woof! Adopt a Finnish Spitz Mix from a shelter near Boydton,VA. You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say. Expect your Buhund to weigh up to 40 pounds and standard nearly 19 inches tall. Finnish Spitz Puppies for Sale A playful, happy dog, the Finnish Spitz enjoys playing with children and bonds deeply with family. Fortunately, puffins are endangered today and these dogs are just friendly companions for homes all over the world. The Shiba Inu is one of the most internationally recognizable spitz dog breed today, largely thanks to the “doge meme.” They’re internet famous and rightfully so. Have had first vet check, first vaccinations, dewormed, and will be microchipped. And while they’ve been in America for a long time, the AKC didn’t register their first dog until 1995. Finnish Spitz. However, they still retain a lot of the “key” spitz qualities that make them such attractive dogs. And with the right training methods, they’re quick learners. But what makes them unique is the silver-gray and black coat that gives them an exotic yet elegant look. Plus, we’ve narrowed down the most common and best spitz dog breeds. Highlights: Attentive, Loyal, Energetic. The fact is, there’s no official standard for categorizing dog breeds as spitz. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Page Transparency See More. According to Canidae, Spitz dogs are typically intelligent breeds with a curiosity for life. And if you didn’t already know, spitz dogs are some of the most popular types. They’re great at hauling heavy sleighs across the arctic, but lack in speed. Did we miss a breed that deserves to be on this list? Finnish Spitz can be stubborn and manipulative. In terms of physical appearance, they look very similar to many other spitz dogs. They’re athletic and clever, but require a decent amount of exercise for a healthy life. Some believe they were named “Keeshond” because of the Patriot’s mascot dog, named “Kees.” Others think it was because the two Patriot leaders were nicknamed “Kees.”. Expect to see a fluffy tail that’s almost always curled upwards. As such, they’re closely related to the German Spitz.  −  Anything Look…Weird? In fact, they’re often mistaken for white Pomeranians, American Eskimos, German Spitz or a mini Samoyed. At least, in regards to what they were bred for. About the author: Michele Welton has over 40 years of experience as a Dog Trainer, Dog Breed Consultant, and founder of three Dog Training Centers. You can think of the German Spitz as a larger Pomeranian. This island is home to over a million puffin birds. Without enough activity (physical and mental), this creative thinker will become bored and perhaps destructive. A Finnish Spitz will run ahead and follow a bird until it lands on a tree. Look at pictures of Finnish Spitz puppies who need a home. It may be a little difficult to train one if you’re a first-time owner. They’re just overall good dogs with a sweet disposition. How many dogs can do that? The American Eskimo Dog is a spitz dog breed that’s known for their high intelligence and stunning white and fluffy coats. Is a Finnish Spitz Mix the right Dog for you? display: none !important; A Finnish Spitz is a breed of dog originating in Finland. Corgi/Cockapoo Mix Source 18. The origins of the spitz type isn’t completely clear. The dog will continue by running around the tree and barking. Corgi/Collie Mix. Let us know in the comments section below. The Finnish Spitz dogs were originally known as the Suomenpystrykorva (the Finnish Cock-Eared Dog) and the Finnish Barking Birddogs. Evie anese spitz x toy poodle pawshake pomapoo dogs fun facts history and how to get one a shih tzu pomeranian anese spitz and poodle mix pupper 9gag list of por poodle mix dog breeds spitzoodle poodle german spitz cross my cuddly teddybear spitze 21 types of poodle mi which cross breed is right for you finnish spitz poodle mix goldenacresdogs. Other spitz dogs have a sharper snout with longer, erect ears. Finnish Lapphund. Corgi/Dachshund Mix Source 10. Siberian Huskies are America’s most popular spitz dogs. Yes, they’re called the “Alaskan” Malamute, but they actually originated from Siberia with the Siberian Husky. And while they may not be the most obedient, thanks to the stubborn streaks, they’re the perfect pet for households with respectful children. These dogs may possibly be the oldest dog breed that’s still in existence. However, we’re going to just cover the most common, unique and best spitz type dogs. It’s why they’re such confident dogs. Find Finnish Spitz Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Finnish Spitz information. However, the construction of their mouths isn’t purely for show – it has a practical purpose too. This doesn’t mean they’re dumb dogs. And although they’re fearsome big dogs, they have a strange affinity towards children, especially those of the family. Rather, they’re just really stubborn dogs with an independent mindset. For this reason, they’re nicknamed the “barking bird dog.”. It’s believed that these dogs were brought to Iceland from Norway over a thousand years ago. Spitz Rescue on Messenger. They hardly bark, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t great watch dogs. They’re always suspicious of strangers. While the term “spitz” can refer to a multitude of dog breeds (as you’ll see later), spitz dogs all share some similarities, including physical qualities and origins. Chow Chow mix Los Angeles County, San Pedro, CA ID: A1957281 Courtesy Posting: LOVING HOME NEEDED FOR 34 LB SWEET SENIOR CHOW/SPITZ MIX GIRL PIPPY - ID #A1957281 Harbor One of the first official AKC breeds, the Canaan Dog originates from Israel, where it has become the national dog. Thanks to their strong work ethics, there are few things the Canaan Dog won’t excel at. They’re charming, friendly and always cheerful. Around the 8th or 9th century, they were believed to be brought into Wales, which may explain their similarities to the Corgi. American Eskimo Dog. Just call them the comedians of the spitz-type dog breeds. Highlights: Sensitive, Cheerful, Intelligent. These vocal dogs will greet you with throaty sounds of crooning, purring, and yodeling. Adopt Casper a White Finnish Spitz / Mixed Dog in Peoria, IL (29682232) Adopt Casper a White Finnish Spitz / Mixed Dog in Peoria, IL In appearance the male is decidedly masculine, usually larger and carries more coat than the female who is noticeably feminine. The only commonality is the dense double coat. You’ll need to dedicate more time and commitment, but they’re worth it! In fact, you can call the German Spitz the direct ancestors of the American Eskimo. Thanks to their upturned mouths, they look like they’re always smiling. But, this behavior can be easily handled with early training.. Darlene’s always so adamant on sleeping on my side of the bed. Most people mistaken this for disobedience, but they’re actually some of the most loyal dogs. They’re known to be great in agility trials, obedience training, herding and more. Even if I move her, she comes right back. The problem is that most dog training videos on the internet are worthless, because they use the wrong training method. Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. To teach your Finnish Spitz to listen to you, "Respect Training" is mandatory. Most Shibas are very independent, strong-willed and also have a bit of a stubbornness to them. They were exceptionally good at this job. RECOMMENDED: Shiba vs Akita Inu: Breed Battle. As Iceland’s only native breed, the Icelandic Sheepdog was developed to herd livestock with their piercing barks. The loyal Akita Inu, otherwise known as the “Great Japanese Dog,” is the national symbol of Japan. Finkies are very warm and affectionate towards all of their loved ones and are always in the mood to spend time with them. But aside from shedding, they’re playful and highly active dogs. It’s why some Japanese family consider them amazing nanny dogs too. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. It’s rather hard to not like a Japanese Spitz. Their adventurous spirit makes them likely to run if given the chance. But what spitz dog breed isn’t? Sometimes, they’ll weigh twice as much as a Husky! Siberian Huskies have a portion of their genome that traces back exclusively to this ancient Siberian wolf. According to the American Kennel Club, they’re consistently in the top 20 popular list every single year. Whether you want to go for a swim, a hike or just watch TV, they’ll be ready for it. Chow Chow. No part of this website may be copied, displayed on another website, or distributed in any way without permission from the author. They’re active and energetic, meaning they’ll need moderate exercise. There are few spitz dog breeds that you can depend on more than the Norwegian Elkhound. The biggest difference between the Chow Chow and other spitzes is the head shape. Highlights: Affectionate, Playful, Devoted. They have all the qualities of a spitz breed, including pointy ears, curly tail and dense coat. The breed is acknowledged by the American Kennel Membership and labeled as a member of the Non-Sporting group. They are always vigilant, but not too aloof around unfamiliar humans. However, just because they’re small doesn’t mean they’re good lap dogs. Highlights: Adaptable, Affectionate, Calm, Samoyeds are seemingly the happiest dogs ever. The difference is that the Malamute’s ancestors came to Alaska several thousands of years ago. They check all the box marks for key spitz characteristics, including the notoriously heavy shedding (thanks to the thick double coat). Still, they’re high energy dogs that require a huge amount of daily activity. The fox-like Finnish Spitz is lively and agile, quick and light on his feet. Because they were bred to herd cattle, they’re known to be very vocal dogs with high energy that needs to be dealt with. Why buy a Finnish Spitz puppy for sale if you can adopt and save a life? More traits and characteristics of the Finnish Spitz. 3,314 people follow this. They make incredible kid-friendly dogs, but at the same time, are decent watchdogs due to their alertness. Nonprofit Organization. After all, reindeers can weigh up to 400 pounds! If you’re having a hard time imagining this, just think of a Pomeranian (also a spitz-type). Loyal and sweet-natured, the Japanese Spitz is up for anything. To successfully raise a healthy Vallhund, you’ll need to regularly keep their diet in check. Their almond shaped eyes sit above their sharp muzzles and strong jaws. As such, we’re fortunate to have so many types of dogs. Corgi/Chow Chow Mix Source 17. This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. These dogs will also have erect ears and sharp muzzle. Here are some of them: Akita. Small erect ears and a curled tail complete the picture. But keep in mind, the shedding can get a little excessive. Rather, they were brought to America by German immigrants in the early 1800’s. In this guide, we’ll dive into the origins of the spitz-type dogs and discuss what makes them special canines. These dogs are one of the oldest dog breeds around and believed to be genetically linked to the domesticated wolves that traveled with Paleolithic hunters. Oh, and they have the signature spitz coat too. Despite their fox-like appearance, the Icelandic Sheepdog is very approachable. What’s even more interesting is that spitz dogs are genetically linked to wolves. As a matter of fact,… With a bold and lively personality in a compact size, it’s easy to see why they’re one of America’s most popular toy dog breed. Forgot account? 1 female and 2 males available. They’re a member of the spitz family and were bred to guard and protect the home. Just like how terrier breeds are known for being lively, spirited and bold, spitz dogs have a perceived “standard” for personality and temperament too. For the best experience, we recommend you upgrade to … The Finnish Spitz is a spitz breed that originates from the icy regions of Russia, but arrived in Finland over 3,000 years ago. In ancient China, the Chows were a symbol of royalty and owned by the country’s noblemen. These dogs still herd today, but more and more are entering the homes of families all across the world, especially in Iceland. The spitz-type dog breed made it all the way to the Middle Kingdom as evident by the Chinese Chow Chow. Sent home with collar, leash and puppy food. In fact, they’re the national symbol of Iceland. He also needs early physical handling as he often does not like being examined. However, we do know these dogs likely originated from the blistering cold regions of the arctic circle. Though, they were much bigger in the past. And with affectionate owners, they’re always eager to please. The Norse settlers needed herding dogs to help on the farm, which was how the Icelandic Sheepdog was born. Jul 6, 2016 - Have you seen the internet-famous dog that looks just like a fox? The Finnish Spitz has a foxlike appearance, incorporating the typical traits of a northern breed: small erect ears, dense double coat, and curled tail. They were bred to be courageous hunting dogs that specialized in tracking birds. Norwegian Lundehunds were bred on a remote island, called Vaeroy (just off the coast of Norway). Unless exceedingly well-trained, Finnish Spitz should be trusted off-leash. Don’t be fooled by the name. They may not be as big as other dogs, but they have a dominant personality. While many spitzes are known for having a fox-like face, the Keeshond is most famous for the look. Some believe they’re related to wolves, which may explain their wolf-like appearances. It is a breed conscious of its place in the dominance hierarchy, and some males can try to be domineering. For the most part, they’re submissive dogs. Conservative with strangers, he requires early and frequent socialization to ensure that his caution does not become suspicion or shyness. Although the two breeds are similar, the Malamute is much larger. From their sturdy legs to their muscular frames and powerful thighs, they were built to work hard. Source 13. Clark County, Vancouver, WA ID: 20-11-21-00316. Weighing about 25 pounds and growing up to 15 inches tall, the German Spitz is what we imagine the old sled-pulling Pomeranians to be like. The breed was originally bred to hunt all types of game from squirrels and other rodents to bears. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training. They may have a small body, but Poms come with a big dog personality and demeanor. Off the field, they can be affectionate companions. Fun fact: his all time favorite breed is the German Shepherd. Source 16. Finnish Spitz temperament, personality, training, behavior, pros and cons, advice, and information, by Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Behavioral Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books. They are square-proportioned, and without exaggeration, quick and light on their feet. The Finnish Lappies may be brave and hard-working on the field, but they’re completely different at home. The Finnish Spitz makes a good bird dog. Sometimes it's easier to train your puppy (or adult dog) when you can see the correct training techniques in action. It’s the method they use to hunt that makes these spitzes stand out. In fact, some will make the argument that they’re the most loyal dogs in the world. Finnish Spitzes are known for their iconic “flame-colored” coat and with their typical spitz-type head shapes, they look like foxes. Corgi/Aussie Shepherd Mix Source 9. In many ways, they’re like the “goldilocks” of the spitz types. For instance, German Spitzes are just as lively and attentive as any other spitz breed. It was first recognized by the AKC in 1987. Huskies are often misunderstood dogs. The smile keeps them from drooling, which is can be useful in sub zero temperatures and prevent icicles from forming. For example, the erect ears, sharp snout and elongated bodies are seen in both. Like the Husky, Alaskan Malamutes are world-class sled dogs. Corgi/Beagle Mix Source 8. RECOMMENDED: 13 Joyful Japanese Dog Breeds. In fact, there’s even a nickname for this. Some thoughts on living happily with your Finnish Spitz, from our 5 years of experience with the breed. The breed is more popular in Scandinavian countries and less popular in the USA, most likely due to their reputation of using their bark to alert their masters. That being said, you’ll need to have strong leadership within the pack. However, the Norwegian Buhund has come a long way since its Viking days. Spitz (derived from the German word "spitz", meaning "pointed") are a type of domestic dog characterized by long, thick, and often white fur, and pointed ears and muzzles.The tail often curls over the dog's back or droops. They’re known as great family dogs due to their loving and affectionate personalities. Another spitz-type Viking dog, the Swedish Vallhund is a dog of ancient legends. They’re just right for any household. For example, Samoyeds are much larger and can grow up to 24 inches tall. He is very people-oriented and needs a great deal of companionship, especially from his favorite person. Almost always, they were developed to help their human companions with outdoor working tasks, such as herding, hunting and pulling sleds.
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