(FOR 466W), Foundations of Leadership Development (3 Crs)  (AGBIO 520), Agroforestry: Science, Design, and Practice (3 Crs) (STAT 502), Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (3 Crs) AGECO 134: Sustainable Agriculture Science and Policy (counts as GN/GS-Interdomain) All Students majoring in PNGE are required to take 6 technical elective credits. (W F S 463W), Forest Management and Planning (3 Crs)  [At Penn State, you can now access class notes within 24 hours of the lecture] 1. The department is also an international leader in aerospace education, research, and engagement. (J ST 411 / RL ST 411), Jews in the Medieval World (3 Crs) Technical Electives. (GEOG 530), Human Use of Environment (3 Crs) (STAT 462), Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (3 Crs) Substitutions must be made by petition. Download 2020-2021 College of Medicine Bulletin PDF. The M.B.A. program at Penn State Harrisburg offers tracks in seven areas: (CAS 404), Contemporary Literary Theory (3 Crs) The second phase examines data structures, programming languages, and computer systems in detail. 814-865-7667 (MKTG 533), Contemporary Issues in International Business (3 Crs) (GEOG 430), Intelligence Analysis, Cultural Geography, and Homeland Security (3 Crs)    (AFR 534), Political Processes in Underdeveloped Systems (3 Crs) (IHSDC 900), International Trade Law (3 Crs)   (CMLIT 521), Comparative Seminar in Asian Literatures (1 - 12 Crs) (HPA 497), Introduction to Health Services Organizations and Delivery (PORT 497C / SPAN 497C), Topics in Comparative Government and Institutions ( 3 Crs) The capstone experience is either an internship, which enables students to experience the integration of their curricular studies in an actual professional environment, or a master's paper, which allows students to explore in depth their areas of interest and may also involve original research. (J ST 410 / HIST 410 / RL ST 410), Justice and the Environment (3 Crs) (HIST 488), American Foreign Policy (3 Crs) For information specific to the SIA community, visit sia.psu.edu/back-to-state. (CI ED 509), Perspectives in African Education (3 Crs)  814-865-9505. (SRA 433), Foundations of Information Security and Assurance (3 Crs; online course; technical skills required) (PL SC 446), China in Revolution (3 Crs) (PL SC 408), Democratization in Asia (3 Crs) (PL SC 550), Comparative Seminar in Inter-American Literatures (1 - 12 Crs) (ECON 472), Transnational Corporations and Other Organizations in International Relations (3 Crs) (AFR 501), Labor Economics and Labor Markets (3 Crs) Learn more about our online undergraduate and graduate programs. (EME 802), Renewable Energy and Nonmarket Enterprise (3 Crs)    Theory of loop quantum cosmology describes how tiny primordial features account for anomalies at the largest scales of the universe. Global Nutrition Problems: Health, Science, and Ethics (AFR 464 / PL SC 464), Family in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3 Crs) (AFR 443 / PL SC 443) (PL SC 444 ), Government and Politics of Africa (3 Crs) These are 1 credit weekend classes that are taught by industry professionals. (EXPR 936), The Supreme Court in Comparative Perspective (3 Crs) (CMLIT 491), Literary Cultures of Buddhism (3 Crs) (BIOET 501), Perspectives in Global Feminism (3 Crs) (PL SC 456), Postcolonial Literature and Culture (3 Crs) (GEOG 485), Global Change and Sustainability � Bulgaria (3 Crs) (PL SC 423), Political Economy of Energy and Extractive Industries in Africa (3 Crs) Visit https://virusinfo.psu.edu/back-to-state/ for more information on Penn State's coronavirus response. (HPA 520), Introduction to Health Economics In so doing, they may choose among other higher education courses, or choose among courses from other academic programs at Penn State. (CMLIT 522), Comparative Seminar in African Literature (1 - 12 Crs) (MGMT 402), New Product Development (2 Crs) (R SOC 517), Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction (1 Cr)  (PL SC 597), Ethics, Justice, and Rights in World Literature (3 Crs) ... Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, offers the learning opportunities of a major research university in a welcoming, student-centered campus environment. (MGMT 561), Globalization and its Implications (3 Crs) (HIST 541), War in World Politics (3 Crs) Department of Computer Science and Engineering. (COMM 407A), Perspectives on American Journalism (3 Crs) (ENGR 451). (GEOG 439), Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems (3 Crs)    (HDNRE 575), Fertility, Population Change and Development (3 Crs) I can't find any official definition on Penn State's website saying what an elective is, but the orientation video you are suppose to watch has this definition. (INTR 973), Mediation of Environmental and Public Conflicts (3 Crs) (FOR 410), Ethical Issues in Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the Environment (3 Crs)  (AFR 597/ WMNST 597), African Resources and Development (3 Crs) (AFR 537 / WMNST 537), Genocide and Tyranny (3 Crs) (BUSLW 968), National Security Law I (Foundations) (3 Crs) All students must take at least 6 credits of elective courses. (IST 815), Foundations of Theory and Methods of Information Sciences (3 Crs) (CI ED 553/EDTHP 553/HI ED 553/SOC 553), Education Policy and Politics (3 Crs) You get a lot out of those relationships and learn to be more open-minded. (EME 803), Cultural Intelligence, Applied Geography, and Homeland Security (3 Crs) (GEOG 571), Economic Analysis of Energy Markets (3 Crs)    (STAT 415), Introduction to Probability Theory (3 Crs) degree if the student has participated in the The Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) program. (PL SC 563), Intercultural Communication Theory and Research (3 Crs) (CONLW 957), Energy Law and Policy (3 Crs)  (INTR 961), Center for Immigrants' Rights: Course Component (3 Crs; INTR 965 or INTR 961 pre-requisite; competitive placement; Faculty approval required) (ECON 490), Jewish Communities: Identity, Survival, and Transformation in Unexpected Places (3 Crs) (EDTHP 587 / HI ED 587), Ethnicity, National Identity and Education (3 Crs) (GEOG 560), Seminar in Human Geography (3 Crs)    (PL SC 425), Government and Politics of Central Europe (3 Crs) (IST 504), Globalization Trends and World Issues (3 Crs) The Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering at Penn State is one of the top ranked nuclear engineering programs in the United States. The first phase introduces the concepts of modern computer science, including structured programming languages and efficient, productive programming. (ASIA 405Y), Business and Government Relations (3 Crs) (ULWR 913), International Commercial Arbitration (3 Crs) (EME 805), Risk Analysis in the Earth Sciences (3 Crs)  The core […] (ECON 433), African Feminism (3 Crs) (B A 442), The Business Environment of Europe (3 Crs) (COMM 426), International Mass Communications (3 Crs) (E B F 401), Technologies for Sustainability Systems (3 Crs)    (PL SC 437), Who are the Brazilians? The Tracks allow students to organize electives around a common theme. "Elective credits must be completed, but a student can choose to satisfy these credits by taking any course that bears Penn State credit." (PL SC 460), Seminar in Asian Studies (3 Crs) (PL SC 442), Archaeology of the Near East (3 Crs) (PL SC 451), The Politics of Terrorism (3 Crs) Lewis Katz Building, University Park, PA 16801,   Ph.D student in African-American and Africa Studies, Michigan State University, The Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) program, Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) Programs, External Scholarship and Fellowship Database. Earn your Penn State degree online. (PL SC 413), Through the Looking-Glass: Race in the United States and Brazil (3 Crs) Department Electives Undergradate AE students, download the undergraduate electives worksheet to the right for assistance in scheduling courses according to your option area. (GEOG 438W), Human Environment Seminar (3 Crs)    (HPA 401), International Health Economics (ULWR 949), Constitutional Law of Religion (3 Crs) (PL SC 455), Growth and Development (3 Crs) Mechanical Engineering Technical Electives. (CMLIT 455), European Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Present (3 Crs) (HDNRE 590), Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (3 Crs)   The list of approved electives is regularly reviewed and updated to include additional courses. (I B 497), Insurance and Corporate Governance (2 Crs) (ENGR 495I), Global Food Strategies: Problems and Prospects for Reducing World Hunger (3 Crs) (ECON 570), Dictators and their Demise (3 Crs) Any of the Option Electives; Any additional BME 400 level or BIOE 500 level course, CHEM 210, CHEM 212, ENGR 295, ENGR 395, ENGR 495 (3 credits maximum for ENGR x95) Courses for an approved minor (E L D, ESHIP, ENTI, NANO, E MCH, MATH, STAT, CHEM, PHYS) Science and Engineering Electives. (IST 501), Network Management and Security (3 Crs) (WMNST 428 / PL SC 428), Gender, Sexuality and Islam in Africa (3 Crs) (E C E 587), Education and Demographic Change in the United States and Abroad (3 Crs) (PL SC 497), Race and Public Policy (3 Crs) (FR 436), Gender and Politics (3 Crs) (ENGR 595I), Science, Technology, and Public Policy (3 Crs) AGECO 121 (GN) Plant Stress: It’s Not Easy Being Green *ANTH 021 (GN) Introductory Biological Anthropology; ANTH 022 (GN) Humans as … (GEOG 431), Geospatial Information Management (3 Crs) (EBF 473), Seminar in Geographic Information Science (3 Crs)    Penn State University offers 600 programs and offers over 11000 courses each year. (HIST 570), Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Civil Wars (3 Crs) (HDNRE 574), International Community and Economic Development (3 Crs) (CMLIT 580), Cultures of Globalization (3 Crs) Penn State World Campus offers accredited online college degrees and certificate programs. Typically, five electives are offered annually, four of which are summer courses. ANTH 216: Sex and Evolution. At Penn State, Bethany is a sophomore majoring in Biology, with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. Course work involves writing computer applications and polishing programming skills. Students should consult Penn State's Course Catalog in LionPATH to view course descriptions, verify course availability per semester, and check pre-requsite requiements or enrollment restricts. (GEOG 424), Geography of Water Resources (3 Crs)  She is also a member of Penn State Pre-Medical Society. 1. Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics. (HIST 567), Lesbian and Gay History (HIST 466 / WMNST 466), Literary Adaptation: International and Comparative Perspectives (3 Crs) (ECON 402), Democracy and its Impacts (3 Crs) (CMLIT 448), Literary Cultures of Islam (3 Crs) School-Approved Electives for Mechanical Engineering—Program Year Fall 2015. (R SOC 525), Fishery Management  (3 Crs)  T… (GEOG 571), Introduction to Electicity Markets  (3 Cr)  (PL SC 467), Introduction to Econometrics (3 Crs) (SOC 553), Early Modern Japan (3 Crs) (ASIA 469 / PL SC 469), Governments and Politics of Western Europe (3 Crs) (INTR 984), International Criminal Law (3 Crs) (HIST 471 / RL ST 471), Comparative Method in Literary Studies (3 Crs) (PL SC 434 / AFR 434), War in the Modern World (3 Crs) (J ST 473 / HIST 473), The Making and Emergence of Modern India (3 Crs) (CMLIT 404), Masterpieces of Spanish American Literature (3 Crs) (EM SC 420), Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation (3 Crs)    (MGMT 425/IST 425/ENGR 425), Invention Commercialization (3 Crs) (FOR 565/ANTH 555), Human Dimensions in Natural Resources and the Environment Colloquium (1 Cr) (COMM 410), International Reporting (3 Crs) (AFR 532), Environmental Economics (3 Crs) (CI ED 457), Social and Cultural Contexts of Learning and Work (3 Crs)  (I B 497), Sustainability Behavior of Consumers, Firms and Societies (3 Crs) (PL SC 490), Political Communication and Media (3 Crs) (E B F 483), Introduction to Mining Operations  (1 Cr)  (PL SC 412), International Relations Theory (3 Crs) (PL SC 504), Russian Economic History (3 Crs) (ERM 497), Applying Entrepreneurship Across Corporate Boundaries (2 Crs) (PL SC 414), Disaster Communications (3 Crs) (INTAG 481), Social Organization of Traditional Societies (3 Crs)  Lewis Katz Building, University Park, PA 16801,   Ph.D student in African-American and Africa Studies, Michigan State University, Integrated Undergraduate - Graduate (IUG) Programs, External Scholarship and Fellowship Database, Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) Programs. (CMLIT 501), Comparative Politics: Theory and Methodology (3 Crs) (CMLIT 523), Conflict Management, Termination, and Bargaining (3 Crs) Download 2020-2021 Dickinson Law … (PL SC 450H), Global Health and Mortality (3 Crs) Upon completion of the core curriculum (18 credits), students work with faculty advisers and the SIA Academic Adviser to choose elective courses (21 credits, SIA Electives, PSU Electives) and a capstone experience (3 credits) suitable to their thematic interests. (CMLIT 570), French and Francophone Theater (3 Crs) (I B 440), International Business (3 Crs) (FOR 418), Educational Programs in Agriculture for Developing Countries (3 Crs) (J ST 409Y / HIST 409Y / RL ST 407Y), Extractive Industries in Africa (3 Crs) Elective rotations are available for medical students in good standing in their final year from medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) within the United States and Canada. (ASIA 405), Social Network Analysis (3 Crs) (AEE 400), Elements of Forest Ecosystem Management (3 Crs) Penn State College of Medicine provides a wide range of medical student education programs in both the pre-clinical and clinical years of training, to both College of Medicine MD students as well as visiting students. (IST 456), Information Technology in an International Context (3 Crs) Any of the above Option or Related Technical Electives (CMLIT 405), Internal and International Migration (3 Crs) Clerkships, acting internships and electives are available in Hershey and University Park for students enrolled in those tracks. All Penn State students need to fulfill gen-eds regardless of their majors, from art and math to physical education and public speaking. (HIST 420), History of Chinese Thought (3 Crs) The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, established in 1881, is internationally recognized for excellence in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate engineers through the integration of education, research, and leadership. (I B 460), International Development in African Context (3 Crs) (HPA 545), World Health Promotion (3 Crs) Agricultural Biosecurity: Protecting a Key Infrastructure (3 Crs)    University Park, PA 16802. (COMM 403), Media and Government (3 Crs) (ECON 434), International Political Economy (3 Crs) (CMLIT 403), War and Development in Africa (3 Crs) (MGMT 461), Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3 Crs) (COMM 584), Law of Mass Communications (3 Crs) Some courses may require prior instructor or departmental approval. (PL SC 426), Perspectives and Methods in Bioethics (3 Crs) We solve the greatest challenges at the intersection of information, technology, and society. (STAT 505), Applied Regression Analysis (3 Crs) (GEOG 432/EME 432), Foundations in Sustainability Systems (3 Crs)   (ENTR 571), Business Marketing (2 Crs) MUST TAKE MKTG 521 BEFORE 533  ... credits for course work or research conducted at a foreign institution and transferred into Penn State, or credits for ENGR 195I, 295I, 395I or 495I taken during an international … ME 400: Thermodynamics of Propulsion and Power Systems ... With more than 60 faculty members, 330 graduate students, and 800 undergraduate students, the Penn State Department of Mechanical Engineering embraces a culture that welcomes individuals with a diversity of backgrounds and expertise. (SPAN 479), Varieties of Latina/o Cultural Expression (3 Crs) (GEOSC 450), Risk Management in Energy Industries (3 Crs) (J ST 420), Seminar in Asian Studies (3 Crs) (GEOG 435H), Globalization, Migration, and Displacement(3 Crs) In conjunction with the EME department, SPE Penn State offers technical electives. I worked with people who have served in the military, worked in foreign embassies, volunteered with the Peace Corps, and even with people who are really antiestablishment. (PL SC 461), The Contemporary Middle East (3 Crs) (CI ED 401), Introduction to Distance Education (3 Crs)   (CI ED 542), Language, Literacy, Identity, and Culture in a Global Context (3 Crs)   (ECON 471), Health Disparities (3 Crs) (IHIMC 900), Comparative Constitutional and Public Law (3 Crs) (GEOG 422W), Human Dimensions of Global Warming (3 Crs)  (ENNEC 541), Energy and Modern Society (3 Crs)   (CI ED 508), Introduction to Comparative and International Education (3 Crs)   (ASIA 486 / HIST 486), Civil Liberties and Due Process (3 Crs) Students interested in the Capstone option should speak with the Director of Career Services. (PL SC 418), International Relations of the Middle East (3 Crs) Download 2020-2021 Dickinson Law Bulletin PDF. (AEE 460), GIS Based Socio-Ecological Landscape Analysis (3 Crs)   (SOC 523), International Political Economy (3 Crs) (BB H 551), Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management (3 Crs; online course) (I B 404), Global Strategy and Organization (1 - 3 Crs) Information for: Information Menu. The computer science undergraduate major at Penn State has two phases. (SOC 419), Science, Technology, and Public Policy (3 Crs) (SRA 450), Deception and Counter-Deception (3 Crs) (EME 801), Energy Policy (3 Crs)    (WMNST 420 / CED 420), Women and World Literature (3 Crs) (IST 535), Interdisciplinary Research Methods for Information Sciences and Technology (3 Crs) (EXPR 972), Multinational Corporations (3 Crs) (STAT 414), Asylum and Refugee Law (2 Crs) (PL SC 458), Government and Politics of South Asia (3 Crs) (PL SC 597C), Politics and Institutions of Latin-American Nations (3 Crs) (PL SC 439), The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (3 Crs) Department of Electrical Engineering. (CI ED 503/HI ED 503/EDTHP 507), Globalization and Lifelong Learning (3 Crs)  (ULWR 968), International Litigation and Arbitration (3 Crs) (HIST 467 / LTNST 467), Latin American Social History, 1500 - 1900 (3 Crs) Download 2020-2021 Penn State Law Bulletin PDF. (EME 504), Geographic Information Systems (3 Crs) (PL SC 424), Topics in Political Methodology (3 Crs) In order to help you boost your GPA, OneClass has compiled a list of 10 of the easiest classes at Penn State. (SPAN 476), Migration, Urbanization, and Policy in the Developing World (3 Crs) About. (GEOG 497), Geography of the Global Economy (3 Crs)  (GEOG 520), Solar Resource Assessment and Economics (3 Crs)    (SOC 532), Global Perspectives on Feminism (3 Crs) (EDTHP 525), Comparative and International Adult Education (3 Crs)  In accordance with the Pennsylvania State law, Penn State College of Medicine no longer accepts foreign medical students for any clinical rotation. (ECON 412), Latin America and the United States (3 Crs) (ECON 428), Ethnic Conflict in Africa (3 Crs) (R SOC 508), Water Economics and Policy (3 Crs)  (HIST 474 / JAPSN 426 / ASIA 474), Environment and Livelihoods in Africa (3 Crs) Upon completion of the core curriculum (18 credits), students work with faculty advisers and the SIA Academic Adviser to choose elective courses (21 credits, SIA Electives, PSU Electives) and a capstone experience (3 credits) suitable to their thematic interests. (MKTG 542), Property Rights in a Global Economy (3 Crs) (ASIA 481 / HIST 481), Modern Latin American History (3 Crs) (GEOG 444), Applied Cartographic Design (3 Crs) (PORT496A), Workplace Dispute Resolution (3 Crs) The technical electives are energy-related courses outside the major that are offered by various colleges across Penn State. Course Selections: Biological Requirement. (IST 554), Qualitative Research in Information Sciences & Technology (3 Crs) (INS 575), International Management  (3 Crs) (CI ED 564), Validity of Assessment Outcomes (3 Crs)  (INTR 966), International Sustainable Development Projects Law Clinic (4 Crs; competitive placement; priority given to Law Students) and faculty approval required (CI ED 500), Comparative Higher Education (3 Crs) (ECON 427), Education Mobility in Comparative Perspective (3 Crs) Psychology 100: Introductory Psychology. (GEOG 463), GIS Programming and Customization (3 Crs) Students should consult Penn State's Course Catalog in LionPATH to view course descriptions, verify course availability per semester, and check pre-requsite requiements or enrollment restricts. (CI ED 555), Energy and Modern Society  (3 Crs) (SOC 523), Politics of the European Union (3 Crs) Learn more Cosmic Tango. (HIST 487), American Diplomacy since 1914 (3 Crs) Students should consult the Schedule of Courses in LionPATH to ensure they meet the pre-requisites for elective courses and to see if there are "Controls" or any enrollment restrictions. (PL SC 440), Government and the Economy (3 Crs) (COMM 407B), African Resources and Development (3 Crs)    For information specific to the SIA community, visit sia.psu.edu/back-to-state. (S T S 430), International Construction Management and Planning (3 Crs) To gain entry in graduate programs in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology, ASHA (but not Penn State) requires a human biological science and a physical science (physics or chemistry), so GN courses should be selected accordingly. (AFR 444 / GEOG 444), American Diplomacy, 1776 - 1914 (3 Crs) Consider this list a cheat sheet to the gen-eds most recommended by your fellow Penn Staters. Download 2020-2021 Penn State Law Bulletin PDF. The Penn State Department of Chemical Engineering, established in 1948, is recognized as one of the largest and most influential chemical engineering departments in the nation. Tracy Langkilde, Penn State professor and head of the Department of Biology, has been named the Verne M. Willaman Dean of the Eberly College of Science, following a national search. (CMLIT 449), Literary Modes of Asia (3 Crs) (STAT 504), Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments (3 Crs) The department is built upon the fundamentals of academic integrity, innovation in research, and commitment to the advancement of industry. (CI ED 504), Policy Studies in Lifelong Learning (3 Crs) Geosci 10 (especially if you find someone else who has taken the class) Geog 30- had to write a paper but it wasn't hard Live classes EGEE 101- clicker class. Foundational and Technical Electives for the Engineering Science Major Foundational Electives. The Pennsylvania State University. (SOC 497), Social-Organization Psychology in Industry (3 Crs) (PL SC 597D), Parties and Interests Groups (3 Crs) (ASIA 475Y / HIST 475Y), The Politics of Human Rights (3 Crs) Suggested courses include: ... CSD Electives. Consult the Penn State Bulletin to look up more information on the following courses. The Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is an internationally distinguished department that is recognized for its globally competitive excellence in engineering and scientific accomplishments, research, and educational leadership. (PL SC 453), Political Psychology (3 Crs) To increase their degree-specialization options, MBA students may take up to two 400-level undergraduate Penn State courses to satisfy 6 of the 9 required elective credits. (P N G 411), Living in an Increasingly Diverse Society (1 - 3 Crs)  (CED 417), Problems in Agriculture in Tropical Areas (3 Crs)  (LWPER 947), National Security Law II (Crisis Simulation) (3 Crs) Some courses may require prior instructor or departmental approval. (PL SC 474), Classical Islamic Civilization: 600 - 1258 (3 Crs) This anthropology class on the evolution of sex is certainly not an “easy A”, but many students have found it to be immensely interesting. (CMLIT 435), Decision Making and Strategy in Economics (3 Crs) Students who wish to take an elective(s) that is not listed on the SIA Electives or PSU Electives list, will need seek approval from the SIA Director of Academic Advising and Student Affairs prior to course enrollment. (ASIA 484Y), Homelessness in America (3 Crs) (PL SC 452), Government and Politics of East Asia (3 - 6 Crs) (ANTH 556), Sociology of Agriculture (3 Crs)  (SOC 525), Industrial Organization and Public Policy (3-6 Crs) (IST 564), Computer and Cyber Forensics (3 Crs) (GEOSC 402Y) (IL), Natural Resources Conservation and Community Sustainability (3 Crs)  (CI ED 516), Education Mobility in Comparative Perspective (3 Crs) With more than 60 faculty members, 330 graduate students, and 800 undergraduate students, the Penn State Department of Mechanical Engineering embraces a culture that welcomes individuals with a diversity of backgrounds and expertise. (AFR 527 / SOC 527), Modern Japan Since 1800 (3 Crs) (SOC 428), Immigration, Assimilation, and Inequality (3 Crs) (CAS 553), Economic Growth and Poverty (3 Crs) (EME 807), Alternative Assessment of National Educational and Health Policies (3 Crs) Penn State's College of Information Sciences and Technology offers a small school community with the resources of a world-class university. (ULWR 948), International Human Rights Seminar (3 Crs)   (CED 425), International Development, Renewable Resources, and the Environment (3 Crs) (ENNEC 540), Economics of Energy and the Environment (3 Crs)    (CI ED 541), Curriculum, Culture and Child Development (3 Crs) (PL SC 465Y / ASIA 465Y), Development Economics (3-6 Crs) (SOC 430), Forces in Contemporary Literature (3 - 6 Crs) (COMM 505), International and Intercultural Strategic Communication (3 Crs) (GEOSC 451), Property and the Global Environment (3 Crs)   Technical Electives Course Descriptions. (ULWR 941). (PSY 523), Sociology of Migration (3 Crs) (ENVR 952), European Union Law Seminar (3 Crs) (ECON 543), Inter-American Literature (3 Crs) (SOC 450), Key Issues in African Studies (3 Crs) Some courses are considered easy and are usually taken as electives. My professors were an absolutely fantastic resource. (PL SC 441), U.S. Latina/o Culture in Spanish (3 Crs) EDSGN 454 is an optional travel component to the course for .5 credits during the Maymester after successful completion of the two courses. (IST 541), Security Risk and Analysis Capstone (3 Crs) (SRA 440W), Advanced International Trade Theory and Policy (3 Crs) (S T S 460), Social Entrepreneurship;(3 Crs) She serves as a volunteer within the Rules & Regulations Committee for THON 2013. All nuclear engineering students are required to take 6 credits of Nuclear Engineering Technical Elective and 3 credits of General Technical Elective. (I B 450), The Global Financial Crisis (3 Crs) My SIA classmates were very much a big and diverse group. (CI ED 570), Comparative Education Proseminar I   (3 Crs) (BIOET 502), Policy Making and Evaluation (3 Crs) You will need to plan ahead because many of these courses have prerequisites or controls. (CRMLW 970), International Financial Law Seminar (3 Crs) (GEOG 596), Geography of Human Rights (3 Crs) (AYFCE 438), Power, Conflict and Community Decision Making (3 Crs)  The two Engineering Design courses (EDSGN 452 and EDSGN 453) listed below are only accepted as electives toward the M.I.A. (SOILS 422), Natural Resources: Origins, Economics and Environmental Impact (3 Crs)   (ULWR 907), The United Nations and International Law Seminar (2 Crs) Some courses may require prior instructor or departmental approval. (IST 445H), Information Security Management (3 Crs) (ENVR 988), Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Design (3 Crs) (MNG 401), Natural Disasters (3 Crs)   There were very real lessons and experiences in my classes at SIA that laid the groundwork for the scholarship I'm doing now. Some classes that I don't think have been mentioned yet: Online classes Music 109- it's all about the beatles and a super fun but easy class. (IST 442), Information Technology Valuation, Markets and Innovation (3 Crs) (CAS 471), International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics (3 Crs) (CMLIT 406), Analysis of Discrete Data (3 Crs) (WMNST 502), Perspectives in Macro-Bioethics (3 Crs) (AFR 454 / PL SC 454), Government and Politics of the American States (3 Crs) (EME 810), Strategic Corporate Finance for the Earth, Energy, and Materials Industries (3 Crs)  (AEREC 550), International Forestry (3 Crs) (SOC 457 / ANTH 457 / J ST 457), Jewish Studies (3 Crs) (R EST 515), Sustainability and International Business (3 Crs) Specific criteria must be met in order for a medical student at another medical sch… About. (FIN 407), Negotiation and Conflict Management (3 Crs) (NUTR 425), International Comparative Health Systems 814-863-6740. (3 Crs) (I B 403), International Business in Emerging Nations (3 Crs) (A E 571), International Engineering Internship (1 credit per semester/4 credits maximum) (PL SC 566), Conflict Resolution and Negotiation (3 Crs) Visit https://virusinfo.psu.edu/back-to-state/ for more information on Penn State's coronavirus response. The Penn State Department of Aerospace Engineering, established in 1961 and the only aerospace engineering department in Pennsylvania, is consistently recognized as one of the top aerospace engineering departments in the nation. (CED 450), International Economic Development and Agriculture (3 Crs)  (CI ED 572), Principles of Integrated Pest Management (3 Crs) (WMNST 502), Globalization and Its Implications (3 Crs) (I B 497), International Communication Problems (3 Crs) Please note: the international experience during the Maymester semester in combination with ENGR 455 HESE Reflection and Research Dissemination for 3 credits can serve as a Capstone project (internship or master's paper). (CI ED 571), Contemporary Philosophies of Education (3 Crs)  (GEOG 467), Applied Energy Policy (3 Crs)    (CONLW 958), Comparative Constitutional Law Seminar (3 Crs) Students may select their EGEE, professional, and technical electives from the lists below.
2020 electives penn state