These hybrids shoot up to 50 feet (15 m.) tall and 40 feet (12 m.) wide without succumbing to insect pests or diseases. Whether you live in the coldest state in the US, the dry west coast, or the hot and humid south, the Amur Flame Maple can thrive in your yard since it's cold hardy and drought tolerant. Finally, add a layer of mulch to your tree on an annual basis as well. Growth Rate is slow. Amur maple is an introduced, deciduous large shrub or small tree. With the Elements Watering System, your trees will grow faster with less work. Why is Better. The species’ tendency to lose sap from wounds makes gardeners question the wisdom of pruning maple trees. Hardy to -50°F Maximum Elevation: 8,500 ft. CLUMP RED MAPLE. Available In-Store Only. Location: Size: Quantity. The Amur maple is a small rounded understory tree that thrives in most conditions, however they are found mainly growing in moist, cool locations. Palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’ — Redleaf Japanese Maple The Amur maple is a small rounded understory tree that thrives in most conditions, however they are found mainly growing in moist, cool locations. Price $74.99 In spring, they produce clusters of greenish-white fragrant flowers that grow into winged samaras that redden with age. Amur Maple is one of the most adaptable and cold hardy of the small-sized Maples. It can be grown as a multi-stemmed clump or can be trained into a small tree with a single trunk up to four to six feet tall. The tree in the backyard that blazes with red, orange and yellow foliage in autumn is most likely a maple. Ornamental trees, such as maple trees, should be pruned every year. The Amur maple is a low-growing tree excellent for small yards and other small-scale landscapes. In addition, the tree seems to be on fire in autumn; turning a bright vivid red. With lovely flowers in the spring, whimsical whirligigs in the summer and brilliant, flame-colored leaves in the fall, the Amur maple is a common tree in small yards. In spring, they produce clusters of greenish-white fragrant flowers that grow into winged samaras that redden with age. Outstanding bright reddish fall colors are influenced Trees; Yard Supplies; Amur Maple. Our seed source produces extremely red fruit and leaves in fall. The fragrant, creamy white flowers appear with the new foliage in April and May. May 10, 2019 - Explore Maude's board "Amur Maple" on Pinterest. Winged seeds appear in summer. Amur Maple slide 43c 360% slide 43d 400% slide 43b 360% III-85. Ginnala ‘Flame’ — Flame Amur Maple Glossy, light green leaves in spring change to a brilliant fiery red in fall. It can be grown as a multistemmed clump or trained into a small tree with a single trunk. Amur maple is an excellent, low-growing tree for small yards and other small-scale landscapes. Contact us today. Recognized for its three-lobed leaves. Amur maple (Acer tataricum var. Amur maple has an elegant, compact form … FEATURES Form-small tree; to 20' tall x 20' wide but often smaller-upright vased in youth, becoming rounded or spreading with age-medium growth rate-the species is sold in either clump (multi-stemmed) or tree (single-leader) form Culture-full sun to partial shade Ginnala — Amur Maple Glossy, green leaves change to fall shades of yellow, orange and red. Amur Maple (Acer ginnala) General Description A tall shrub or small tree native to northern Asia. We offer the best warranties, prices and will price match any estimate. Columnar trees provide visual interest, can be used as privacy fences, and make excellent wind breaks. Hardy to -50°F Maximum Elevation: 8,500 ft. With columnar trees, you don’t need as much space. It is native to China, Mongolia, Manchuria, Siberia (along the Amur River Valley), Korea and Japan. But the best part is that we've grown our Flame Amur Maple Trees for best results, months ahead of shipping to you. 8 - 9' $329.00. The Amur flame maple is an upright and laterally growing, multi-stemmed shrub. Range of soil types; tolerates wind, dry soil and drought. Deep green leaves turn red-orange in the fall. The Amur Maple Tree grows in zones 3-8. MAPLE AMUR - 10 GAL. Hot Wings® Tatarian maple: a tree for all seasons. White, spiky flowers appear in mid-summer when little else is flowering and showy, mottled olive-green bark adds to winter interest. This can leave up to 90% of the roots behind, while the tree loses up to a year of growth. Many have fastigiate branches, which means they grow almost straight up rather than out from … Has anyone on the forum trained Amur maple in forest or clump/group style ? The leaves are simple, opposite; eight to ten centimeters long, and coarsely toothed. Add to cart. Subject to chlorosis on heavy alkaline soils, and susceptible to 2,4-D injury. Due to its slow growth, paperbarks are … A selection of Acer ginnala made by the USDA for its fiery red autumn color. It works well as a stand alone specimen, a small tree, or you can even shear it and use it as a large shrub. Look for varieties of maple trees that develop spectacular scarlet seedpods, such as 'Hot Wings'. Anyone growing Autumn Blaze maples will find that the trees combine the finest traits of both parents. But when you order from Fast Growing Trees, you are getting well-rooted, better-branched Autumn Blaze Maples ready for explosive growth. Amur Maple Habit - The tree is deciduous, it loses it's leaves every year in the fall then grows new leaves in the spring. It has reliable “blazing” red color in the fall and showy red (samaras) fruits in the summer. ginnala (formerly Acer ginnala), is commonly called Amur maple. This maple tree produces yellowish-white clusters of fragrant flowers in spring and bright red winged seeds in the spring and summer. Some nurseries dig their Maple Trees out of the ground and send them bare-rooted, or 'ball and burlap.' Name: Acer tataricum 40mm 45mm Shop with confidence for quality trees, shrubs and perennials. Amur Maple can grow up to 25 feet, but typically grows to 15 – 18 feet. Unlike many maples, paperbark maple is an excellent small tree for small yards, where it can work well as an ornamental specimen near a deck or patio. Flame Maple Acer ginnala. I have a nice stump that died back and sent out about 15-20 shoots from the base, which is about 8 inches across with a nice flare. : Maple family (Aceraceae). Amur maple is a medium-sized tree that's native to Manchuria and Japan. Site Requirements: requires sun to light shade. It can be grown as a multistemmed clump or be trained into a small tree with a single trunk up to 6 feet tall. This variety is … Amur Flame Maple is somewhat of a hidden gem, but has been gaining popularity in recent years. Its large, deeply lobed leaves turn a brilliant, clear red in fall. Foliage Often one of the first trees to leaf out in spring, Amur Maple has dark shinny green leaves with a light green underside. Maple trees are known for their brilliant fall color as well as the ease with which they “bleed” sap. The layer should be three to four inches deep and located at least two inches away from the tree. The tree typically grows 20 to 30 feet tall and has an upright, rounded, finely branched canopy that creates dense shade under the crown. In addition, Amur maples have decent fall color; turning shades of red and yellow. ... Amur Maple Clump. Multi-stemmed specimens can grow as wide as they are tall. A relative of Amur maple, tatarian maple is a tough, attractive maple tree that tolerates cold winters and hot summers. A dense, finely branched, small tree or large shrub with an irregular, rounded habit. The leaves are simple, opposite; eight to ten centimeters long, and coarsely toothed. It can be grown as a multi- stemmed clump or can be trained into a small tree with a single trunk up to four to six feet tall. The fruit samaras are 0.75 to 1 inch … If you think fast-growing trees are bad bets in the backyard, Autumn Blaze maple trees will make you think again. Be sure to wrap the trunk in the fall and remove in the spring around Easter. Sold as both a single and multi-stem tree. Fragrant creamy white to light yellow blooms on slender branches in … It had a really nice trunk on it … The trunks are from 1/2 inch to 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Extremely hardy, rounded habit. Available in both single and multi-stem form. Buy Flame Ginnala Maple (Tree Form) online at McKay Nursery Company. Amur maackia is a compact, rounded tree for smaller landscapes. MAPLE AUTUMN BLAZE - 25 GAL. The Amur Flame Maple is a very versatile multi-stemmed shrub/tree. The fragrant, creamy whit flowers appear The shrub-like appearance, beautiful leaves, and interesting form make it a great addition to any landscape. ginnala) Flame Progression I found a nice balled and burlaped Amur Flame maple down at a nursery. It can also be planted as a lower-level tree below a towering canopy of taller trees. The tree is an attractive ornamental with a round shape and single or multiple stems bearing bright red berries. HOT WINGS ® Tatarian maple is a superior small ornamental tree that was discovered Colorado but destined for distribution throughout the country. Amur maple is a small tree that gives big autumn color. See more ideas about plants, amur maple, perennials. The tree should be pruned in winter or early spring. A large shrub or small tree with glossy green lobed leaves that turn spectacular shades of scarlet in autumn. Amur maple. The Amur maple requires the least amount of pruning of all the Acer genus. Acer - Maple Clump-form Amur Maple Acer ginnala Mature Size: 20’ x 15’ (6 m x 5 m) Crown Shape: Rounded Fall Foliage: Red Hardiness: Zone 2 Multi-stemmed specimen of this cold hardy species. Red – Orange fall color; Smaller maple (20'h x 20'w) 7 - 8' $299.00. Latin Name: Acer ginnala. Popular as a small, multi-stemmed specimen tree. It also matures over time to 15-20' tall as a large shrub or small tree. General information: Amur maple is an excellent, low-growing tree for small yards and other small-scale landscapes. Maple Trees sale in Omaha, Elkhorn, NE & Council Bluffs, IA. Price $499.00 Quick view ASPEN QUAKING CLUMP - 5 GAL. TREES 105 RED MAPLE CLUMP / ÉRABLE ROUGE TALLE Acer rubrum Height:12m Spread:12m Zone:4-9 Shape:Rounded Foliage:Green The popular Red Maple is now available as multi-stemmed clumps. The Amur maple is considered a Medium texture tree. Menu Search Our Nursery 920-478-2121 Bright green leaves turn to shades of scarlet, orange and yellow in fall. This shrub-like tree explodes with a striking red fall color that will be sure to turn some heads. The natural range of Tatarian maple is from Southeastern Europe into Western Asia. Cold hardy, rounded habit. Amur maple is an introduced, deciduous large shrub or small tree. These types of seedlings grow fabulously in the summer preferring full-sun to partial-shade conditions. Armstrong Gold Maple. It has all of the fine characteristics of Acer ginnala as well as the outstanding fall color. The compound leaves emerge silvery-green in spring changing to medium green in summer. It can also be sheared into a hedge. In spring, it produces masses of small, yellow flowers that are highly fragrant.