There is the northern mountain area which has a high concentration of jaw-dropping peaks, and some of the largest glaciers outside of the polar regions - in fact five are over 45 km (28 miles) in length - as well as the Himalayan range which includes the fabled Nanga Parbat, which stands a whopping 8,125m (26,657ft) tall. Western depression is worth of mentioning in this Climate of Pakistan short note. Pakistan Studies(Junaid Akhtar) Section 1- GEOGRAPHY - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. © Columbus Travel Media Ltd. All rights reserved 2020, Due to the impact of COVID-19, you are recommended to check travel restrictions from your government sources and contact local venues to verify any new rules, the IDs12839Allama Iqbal International Airport, Islamabad Benazir Bhutto International Airport. Pakistan has three seasons: winter (November to March) is warm and cooled by sea breezes on the coast; summer (April to July) has extreme temperatures and the monsoon season (July to September) has the highest rainfall It starts from March through May. Towards the vast spans of the Indian Ocean. In history, they learn about Pakistan’s rich heritage and cultural influences, and about the events which have shaped national identity, from the decline of Mughal power up to 1999. AGRO-ECOLOGICAL ZONES OF KPK 3. Bear in mind that the monsoon plays havoc with travel in Pakistan and is not to be taken lightly, as we have witnessed recently with the devastating floods of 2010, which were the worst in 80 years. Pakistan has three seasons: winter (November to March) is warm and cooled by sea breezes on the coast; summer (April to July) has extreme temperatures and the monsoon season (July to September) has the highest rainfall on the hills. A cool, dry winter runs from December to February. In the coastal south you’ll find arid conditions. FLOODS Pakistan‟s economy has … Climate and Weather • Climate: Weather is generalization of the day to day weather conditions over … Visitors can buy woollen socks and sweaters at a very good price in the bazaars of Pakistan, but they might not be up to western standards and will be quite heavy. It starts from december and lasts till February. (PDF) Irrigation system of Pakistan | hamza khalil ... ... pak The first season is cool and dry winter. Climate of Pakistan (Presentation) 1. Climate influences the lifestyle, economic activities and temperament of people to great extent. CLIMATE OF PAKISTAN Climate is an average or general conditions of temperature,humidity,atmospheric pressure,rainfall of a place.The climate of Pakistan,on the whole is dry and extreme.It means that the summers are extrmely hot and winters are extrmely cold and there is a little rainfall during the year. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including Reply Delete Replies Unknown 14 October 2016 at 11:09 yeah search words like:"notes on topography of pakistan". In history, they learn about Pakistan’s rich heritage and cultural influences, and about the events which have shaped national identity, from the decline of Mughal power up to 1999. Wear lightweights, with warmer clothing, including base-layers and woollens, for upland areas in the winter. It starts from March through May. Around September the retreating monsoon started. The World Travel Guide (WTG) is the flagship digital consumer brand within the Columbus Travel Media portfolio. The Rainwear is advised for the monsoon season so if you are to spend any time in the cities during this time, do not rule out the possibility of bringing along some wellington boots as the rain can be torrential resulting in very flooded lanes. A comprehensive guide to the world’s best travel destinations, its print heritage stretches back more than 30 years, with the online portal reaching its 20-year anniversary in 2019. It's easiest to buy the necessary shalwar kameez (tunic and baggy trousers) when you land in Pakistan - this is essential for women, and optional, but advisable for the heat more than anything, for men. About Pakistan Studies : History (2059/01) : The Cambridge O Level Pakistan Studies syllabus introduces learners to the history, culture, geography, environment and development of Pakistan. It starts in October and ends till November. Chapetrs Environment of Pakistan by Huma Naz Sethi THE ENVIRONMENT OF PAKISTAN INTRODUCTION UNIT.1.natural topography.pdf UNIT.2.Climate of Pakistan.pdf UNIT.3.Development of Water Resources.pdf UNIT.4 It occurs on Andaman Sea. The geographical structure of the Pakistan itself a mind appealing aspect. Pakistan climate guide. Pakistan is mostly a dry region with great extremes of elevation and temperature. If you have extra notes or resources please contribute to the website and help thousands of other people like you. Your email address will not be published. Get O Level Pakistan Studies (2059) Revision Notes, Latest Past Papers, Syllabus, Learner Guides, Examiner Reports, Example Candidate Responses, Revision Checklist and many other resources that will help students studying O Level Pakistan Studies to have a better understanding of their subject. Pakistan is a sub-tropical country. In the northeast is the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir, bounded by Afghanistan, China and India. It is the cyclones starts from Mediterranean Sea. It is all about the association with cyclonic depressions. Students can prepare forr any kind of test including General Knowledge About Pakistan With Answers for the preparing the written test for NTS, JTS, PTS, OTS, JTS, GTS, BTS, CTS, Pak Army, Pak Navy, PAF, Police, Rangers And All armed forces, Fpsc, kppsc, ppsc, ajkpsc, ,BPSC, SPSC, CSS, NTS, ETEA, ETS, JTS, MTS, CTS. The next season is hot but dry which is spring. Any notes for Topography and climate? Summer from June to September is rainy. Karachi has little rain. The early November is the peak of this phenomenon. you'll surely get good notes … No notes for slide Climate of pakistan 1. So please review the section given here about the Pakistan General Knowledge Mcqs With Answers. From June to September, Pakistan has its monsoon season, with warm weather and heavy rain in some areas. Pakistan is particularly vulnerable to climate change because it has generally a warm climate; it lies in a geographical region where the temperature increases are expected to be higher than the global average; its land area is mostly arid and semi-arid (about 60 per cent of the area receives Descriptive Questions / Answers from Pak-Studies, Chapter No.4 "Land & Climate Of Pakistan" for Class 9th, IX, SSC Part 1, Ninth. The next season is hot but dry which is spring. About Pakistan Studies : History (2059/01) : The Cambridge O Level Pakistan Studies syllabus introduces learners to the history, culture, geography, environment and development of Pakistan. Pakistan has a diversity of climate due to difference in physical landscapes. It happened from the Himalayas. Updated every day by a dedicated global editorial team, the portal logs 1 million+ unique users monthly. In addition, the Karakoram Range, one of the world's highest mountain ranges, is in the north and northwest part of the country. It starts from december and lasts till February. CLIMATE: Climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time. The climate is generally arid, characterized by hot summers and cool or cold winters, and wide variations between extremes of temperature at given locations. […] List Of Chief Election Commissioner Of Pakistan, List Of Minister Of Foreign Affairs Of Pakistan, List Of Speakers Of Provincial Assemblies Of Pakistan. It covers all aspects, from cities to airports, cruise ports to ski and beach resorts, attractions to events, and it also includes weekly travel news, features and quizzes. Pakistan’s climate ranges from tropical to temperate. EY: 2. The land covers a huge 796,096 sq km (305,058 sq miles) making it over three times the size of the UK. Learn about the climate of Pakistan know the distribution of temperature and rainfall, including monsoon, depressions and convectional rain know … Pakistan is situated in the north of tropic of cancer. Plains, deserts, forests, hills, and plateaus make Pakistan unique with respect to the changing happened due to weather. Weather averages, seasons, and tips on the best time to visit. Climate of Pakistan 2. October and November are the retreating monsoon period. Share with yours Friends Pak-studies Notes - Practical Centre - Class 9th Pakistan's climate is a continental type of climate, characterized by extreme variations in temperature, both seasonally and daily, because it is located on a great landmass north of the Tropic of Cancer (between latitudes 25° and 36° N). Available in English, German and Spanish versions, the WTG provides detailed and accurate travel content designed to inspire global travellers. The reason is unique as well. Required fields are marked *. Pakistan does have a monsoon season with adequate rainfall, and a dry season with less rainfall. Share with yours Friends Pak-studies Notes - Practical Centre - Class 9th After travelling from Afghanistan and Iran it reaches the western part of Pakistan. Pakistan Table of Contents Pakistan lies in the temperate zone. Climate Climate of a country is based on a long study of its weather conditions. The best time to visit northern Pakistan, for trekking, is from April to October; outside of these months it will be snowy and very difficult to reach many mountainous places. Your email address will not be published. Given below is a brief summary of the recent disastrous climatic changes in Pakistan 1. Geography and Climate of Pakistan Pakistan has a varied topography that consists of the flat, Indus plain in the east and the Balochistan plateau in the west. In the intense heat it may be tempting to lose layers – in respect of local customs, and to spare yourself unwanted harassment and disapproval, it is far wiser to cover up in cool, white flowing cottons, like the Pakistanis do, thus keeping the sun off too. notes for CIE pak studies preperation Much more than documents. The pressure caused cold wind to sweep down. Spring from March to May is hot and dry. Global warming is starting to become apparent in Pakistan with warmer winters, glacial melt and a slight dip in temperature in the summer months.The best time to visit southern Pakistan is between November and March, when the days are cool and clear. 4. The rise in temperature started with the sign of skies clear under this maxim of retreating monsoon. Pakistan has borders to the north with Afghanistan, to the east with India and to the west with Iran; the Arabian Sea lies to the south. The moisture in the air after the whole process is going to start the rainy season or rainfall in Pakistan. Climate Of Pakistan Short Note includes the four season. Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs provision is primary purpose of the website. The next is retreating monsoon. The northern part is going to cool so rapidly. The first season is cool and dry winter. The Arabian Sea in the south till the karakoram range in the north make Pakistan enriched with the climate spiral. The other regions are comprised by the northern plateau, which is effectively the lowlands at the bottom of the mountain ranges, the western mountains, the Balochistan plateau (which is hilly and very sparsely populated), the southeast desert which stretches into Rajasthan in India and the plain of the river Indus, which is within Sindh and the Punjab (‘Punjab’ literally means five waters, named after the Indus and it’s four tributaries). The low pressure conditions or over north-western India, it is all about the way that focused the bay of bangal because it has importance in this climate phenomenon. 9, Issue 17: Jul 2012 37 Rainfall Trends in Different Climate Zones of Pakistan Salma, S.1, S. Rehman1, M. A. Shah2 Abstract In … Climate of Punjab:- Introduction:- Climate can be defined as the average weather experienced by a region over a period of time. M.C.Q.s from Pak-Studies, Chapter No.4 "Land & Climate Of Pakistan" for Class 9th, IX, SSC Part 1, Ninth.
2020 climate of pakistan notes