Clackmannanshire Tower Trail. Clackmannan gets its name from an ancient whinstone boulder - the “clach” - which was named after “Manau”, a Celtic sea-god. The Tower of Clackmannan is said to have been built by King Robert Bruce, on the site of the baronial residence of the family, soon after his accession to the throne; and it appears to have been the residence of several of his successors, kings of Scotland, till 1330, when it was granted by David II. Clackmannan Tower dates from c1360 and was built by the Bruce family. Built for the 1889 World's Fair in Paris, the Eiffel Tower is a 1,000-foot tall wrought iron tower, considered an architectural wonder and one of the world's most recognizable structures. Clackmannan Tower is a mighty tower house dating back to the 14th century that sits atop the summit of King’s Seat Hill in Clackmannanshire. It was built by David II in the 1300s before being sold to a relative, Robert Bruce, in 1359. Standing on the summit of a ridge known as King’s Seat Hill and seen from miles around, Clackmannan Tower is a 14th-century tower of three storeys, which was heightened in the 15th century. Clackmannan Tower - a free history and description of this tower of the Bruces by historian The Castle Guy with full downloadable e-guide available Clackmannan Tower is a tall tower standing on the top of a hill called King’s Seat Hill, at the top end of the old High Street of Clackmannan. There is particular interest in the way the older architectural characteristics of the tower were combined with later features when it was adapted in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. The castle, Clackmannan Tower, stands at the summit of King's Seat Hill in open fields some way clear of the uphill edge of the town itself. Lady Catherine Bruce, the last of the family, lived in the mansion until … It's now ruined castle, Clackmannan Tower, was a Bruce property, the land on which it stands having been granted to Robert Bruce, an illegitimate grandson of King Robert the Bruce, in the 14th century. Information panels are available at all five sites. A new mansion was built to the west of the tower in the late 16th century and in the 17th century further changes were made to the tower. We are adding hundreds of thousands of extracted historical records to our website - including rolls of male heads of families, baptismal and marriage registers, Kirk Session records and Poor Law records. Another taller tower was added in the late 15th century, with a machicolated corbelled-out parapet, making the building L … The site has well-established royal connections, as the present tower was built on the site of a wooden motte and bailey castle belonging to Malcolm IV. What you find is a magnificent tower house built of golden stone, five storeys high. King Robert himself lived at Clackmannan Tower in 1316, 1317 (probably in 1318) and visited this favourite hunting seat frequently from 1323. The Tower Trail takes you on a tour of Clackmannanshire's four medieval towers and manor house. Clackmannan Tower has been in the guardianship of what is now Historic Scotland since the 1950s, by which time subsidence due to mine workings had caused major structural collapse. The soaring five-storey structure is one of Scotland’s most impressive towers. Clackmannan Tower is a fine and largely complete example of a tower-house that was constructed in the 14th century and augmented and updated until the 17th century. Clackmannan Tower Built in the 14th century by King David II, it was sold to his kinsman Sir Robert Bruce in 1359, and was the Bruce family residence until 1772. In the 15th century the building was raised to its current height and the taller south wing was constructed. The church on the hill must therefore have been known to them all as they passed on their way to Clackmannan Tower, or came from the tower to worship within its walls. Clackmannan Tower History. Historic Scotland has undertaken extensive repairs to preserve the tower and is committed to increasing public access within the next few years.
2020 clackmannan tower history