If a cat is hissing at you, he's not playing around. Best Answer. In such early interactions, cats learn boundaries. If you attempt to pet a fluff ball's back and he responds with a hiss, he may be feeling overstimulated. That will prevent potential injuries. A defensive cat will be crouching, head down with her tail curved around the body and tucked in. Your email address will not be published. Give him some space, and don’t chase after him. That cat deals with weather, vermin predators (such as owls, foxes, coyotes, etc); starvation, sleep deprivation; disease and countless forms of cruel illnesses and death. They challenge each other with stares, forward-facing body position, hisses, growls, mounting behavior, nape bites, or by blocking access to food, play, or attention. She was watching as the newbies rushed the plate and mortified when Captain Jack immediately started to growl as he chewed the food. She’s a unique kitty though. All in attendance were stunned as Jack circled the small paper plate as he continued to eat, using his fuzzy little rump to move any competitors out of the way! Hissing is simply an emotional expression of discomfort, fear, or stress. If you hear a high-pitch scream, then one of your cats is in pain, which should never be included in normal play. If you live with more than one cat, hopefully, they have a good relationship and spend time playing together. JaneA Kelley He may seem almost comical to you, with that usually serene feline face contorted into an open-mouthed sneer as his ears flatten, back arches and tail fluffs out in a poufy plume. Picture this: Your cat is sitting peacefully, minding his own business, when suddenly the family dog comes bounding up to him and goes in for a playful sniff. Let’s find out! In the wildlife, it’s a way to start an aggressive fight. Try dropping some CBD oil on their food or giving them CBD cat treats. Hissing is often a way to avoid a physical confrontation. Cats can inflict plenty of pain, despite their small size. If your cat isn’t getting enough attention and play, then they will have a lot of pent up energy that has to be released. The cat leaps to his feet and, before you know it, his ears are back, his mouth is wide open and his tongue is curled into a U shape … and then you hear it: the unmistakable sound of cat hissing. A hiss occurs “when a cat exhales a burst of air through the mouth, causing a noise that sounds similar to a snake hiss,” explains Dr. Marci Koski, a certified feline behavior and training professional with Feline Behavior Solutions in Vancouver, Washington. You might even want to close the door to the room he’s in so he can regain his composure without having to worry about being interrupted by other people and pets. Alternatively, spend more time playing with your cat or give it some new toys to stimulate it and keep it from getting anxious. Your email address will not be published. Just remember that hissing is simply a cat’s way of self-protection. My cat hisses and growls while playing? When your cat hisses at you, be patient and consider the approaches above. It took me two minutes to figure out where the weird noise came from. Read more about cat hissing on Catster.com: I need a bit of help… I have a small kitten, perhaps around 9 weeks old, and she keeps doing this weird, super short hiss at me that sounds almost like a sneeze, but it seems aggressive as she sort of bolts forwards when doing it. 7 Reasons Why Cats Become Aggressive | Areyoupop, Dealing With an Aggressive Cat? One of the common questions I hear a lot is – when will my cat stop hissing at our new cat? First, recognize that the hiss is a warning: your cat is feeling vulnerable, frightened or in pain, and he needs time to chill before you approach him again. Cat scratches and bites can lead to harmful infections -- think cat scratch disease and rabies. Playtime is an important part of cat life. When a cat meets an unfamiliar person in your home, he may hiss at that person because he doesn’t know them, and possibly because they carry the scents of other pets on their clothes. Help your cat fix this behavior. Some feline behavior experts believe that the cat learned how to hiss by imitating the sound of snakes. 7 Reasons For All That Cat Meowing – My Blog, Let’s Talk Angry Cat Sounds and How to Handle Them – Kitty aCATemy. Difficult to say without seeing it or knowing what you're playing, but it may be that he has lost himself in the game. Foolish to apply human labels to a feral cat by: Anonymous A cat living in feral conditions is a wild animal, not your pet. It's easy to confuse cat playing with aggression -- after all, young felines are famous for playing rough. Stay informed! Sounding like of a steak sizzling on the grill, it … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do cats hiss while playing?