Bongos are the largest forest antelope. It is for this reason that the animal remained unharmed in its native habitat for a long time. Facts about Bongo Drums 3: the popular music style. They are hunted for their valuable horns, coats as well as meat. Communities living near their natural habitat pose the biggest challenge to them. Both male and female Bongos have horns. Bongos have distinctive reddish-brown colored coats with bright white stripes. The drum heads on the bongos are usually made of animal skins but are sometimes made of plastic. The bongo belongs to the genus Tragelaphus, which includes the Sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekeii), the Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii), the Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus), the Mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni), the Lesser Kudu (Tragelaphus imberbis) and the Greater Kudu(Tragelaphus strepsiceros). The digestion process is slow in bongos in comparison to other mammals to help maximize their nutritional intake. Bongo populations have been greatly reduced by hunting, poaching, and animal trapping, although some bongo refuges exist. While males and females are a similar size - between 3.6 ft and 4.3ft tall at the shoulder, and 7ft and 10.4ft long - t… Born in the early hours of February 8 th the calf, which is the third for mother Djembe … Other than these natural predators, the animal has another significant enemy – human beings. The Mountain Bongo is a chestnut colour and have bright white stripes across. This is a kind of hummingbird. During the first usage of bongo drum, it was used to play the popular music such as Cuban son, changüí and nengón. Bongo Bubby steps out at Taronga Zoo Looking regal in red one of the world’s rarest antelopes took its first steps into its enclosure at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia this week. The Mountain Bongo is a chestnut colour and have bright white stripes across. A bongo is a type of antelope. As the largest forest antelope, the height of a bongo can reach 1.1 to 1.3 metres (3.6 to 4.3 feet) excluding the head, and it can weigh between 150 to 405 kilograms (331 to 893 pounds). Bongo Facts & Trivia for kids The Bongo is the largest and most distinctive forest antelope. Interesting Bongo Facts: Bongo can reach 5.5 to 8.25 feet in length and 330 to 890 pounds of weight. They have a thin mane running along their back. The animal also possesses a tail which could be as long as 18 to 26 inches. Therefore, steps are being taken for the conservation of the remaining members of its clan. Female Bongo form herds of up to 50 animals. What makes it stand out is the pattern of white stripes on the coat. In addition, both the genders possess spiraled horns. Bongos have large elongated ears that allow them to detect predators and a long prehensile tongue adapted to grasping grass, roots, and leaves with ease. Bongos are pretty hefty animals. Bongos are an antelope native to the forest habitats of tropical areas in Central and West Africa, and they have an average lifespan of 10 to 19 years. Bongo drums were invented in Cuba. They communicate through grunts, moos, snuffles, and bleats when in distress or in the event of impeding danger. Bongos have large elongated ears that allow them to detect predators and a long prehensile tongue adapted to grasping grass, roots, and leaves with ease. The open bottom of Bongo drums is related to the Congo or Bantu drum models. The open bottom of Bongo drums is related to the Congo or Bantu drum models. Because of this superstition, bongos have been relatively unharmed in their native ranges. They have a four-chambered ruminating stomach that aids in the breakdown of plant cellulose. It has an auburn or chestnut coat with 10 to 15 vertical whitish-yellow stripes running down its sides. They are the largest forest antelope, and females are smaller than males. Here are 5 booming facts about bongo drums. By: Jane Douglas | 11 Sep, 2015 | Mammals. On the other hand, small spots can b… Thanks for subscribing! On the other hand, the animal’s historical habitat also comprised of regions of Kenya and Uganda. Bongos are the largest forest antelopes and are identified by their deep chestnut color with bright white stripes on either side for camouflage. The natural habitats of the bongo have been threatened by human activity mainly logging and deforestation leading to the drastic decline in their numbers. To protect the vulnerable newborn calf from predators, females give birth in secluded thickets where the calf lies silently for about a week. Bongo has glossy reddish-brown coat with thin mane on the back and 10 to 15 vertical white lines that stretch from the shoulders to the rump. Usually, herbivores exhibit only one of the two behaviors. It is, therefore, used to grasp leaves, grasses and other vegetation during the process of feeding. Oct 5, 2019 - Explore Caroline Jeffery's board "Bongo", followed by 779 people on Pinterest. The animal also possesses a tail which could be as long as 18 to 26 inches. Nov 1, 2019 - Explore Arann Henry's board "Bongo antelope" on Pinterest. During this time, the mother returns to the herd but returns regularly to nurse her calf. Here are 5 booming facts about bongo drums. By Kaityn Stimage on August 6 2018 in Environment. The horns on males grow larger and wider than the females. It has been reported that bongo consumes wood which is burnt by lightning storms. Their main distinguishing features are their large, spiralling, vertical horns. Bongos are further classified into two subspecies: Tragelaphus eurycerus eurycerus, the lowland or "western bongo", and the f… Breeding occurs between October and January after which the females give birth to a single calf following a nine months gestation period. This means that the tongue is adapted to grasp objects. The scientific name of a bongo is Tragelaphus eurycerus, and it is from the family Bovidae, the family of bovids, or ruminant mammals with cloven hooves. Animal Pictures Archive:: Photo Album for Animals. Although it is unclear exactly when and where the bongo drum was invented, documents suggest that it was invented in Cuba. They also have distinctively spiraled horns with those of males being longer and darker as compared to their female counterparts. The Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus) is the largest antelope species inhabiting the forests of Western and Eastern Africa. Like humans, bongos have a gestation period of nine months. Some populations are still found in dense lowland forests as well as among bamboo plantations in western Africa. In most places, it is illegal to own a bongo as a pet. Their long horns can grow up to 37 inches. Despite their formidable size, they can be pretty skittish. They have a distinctive white chevron between their eyes, white colorations on their cheeks, and a white arced shape on the chest. The Bongo is a large species of antelope that is found inhabiting the jungles and forests of Eastern, Western and Central Africa. Although bongos are quite easy for humans to catch using snares, many people native to the bongos' habitat believed that if they ate or touched bongo, they would have spasms similar to epileptic seizures. The top running speed of the antelope reaches to 70 kilometers per hours. When the calf is strong, they return to the herd for additional protection and remains with the herd until they reach sexual maturity at 2 years. There are 263 bongo animal for sale on Etsy, and they cost $29.54 on average. It is really small in size, only 8.9 cm as it can be seen... Lizards are members of the reptilian class in the animal kingdom. There are two subspecies of Bongo, the western bongo and the eastern bongo. This hoofed animal is the largest species of antelope and the only antelope species which has horns on both the males and females. Common Pet Emergencies And What You Should Do? Owing to this reason, populations of this fascinating antelope have dwindled very fastly. Population counts are sketchy as these are very secretive animals. Bongo, (Tragelaphus eurycerus), the largest, most colourful, and most sociable of the African forest antelopes, belonging to the spiral-horned antelope tribe Tragelaphini (family Bovidae). Bongo drums were invented in Cuba. Copyrights 2013 - 2019, Rhino Facts, Pictures and Habitat Information, Wireless Invisible Dog Fence: A New Way to Keeping Your Pup Safe, Pet Care Essentials Your Home Must - Have, Things You Must Be Aware Of Against Dog Attacks, Largest Birds of Prey in the World by Size and Weight. What kind of animal is a Bongo? See more ideas about Animals beautiful, Animals wild, Pet birds. Females are usually more brightly colored than males. Bongos are primarily nocturnal. The bigger drums is called a "hembra" and means "Female" in Spanish. Goat is a mammal that belongs to the family Bovidae. As a grazer, the animal devours various types of grasses as well as other types of vegetation growing at the ground level. Dogs are used to hunt the animal down. The Afro-Cuban percussion instrument was first documented to be used in eastern Cuba in the late 19 th Century. An adult measures up to 10.3 feet and can weigh up to 893 pounds. White bands, which are broader than the body stripes, appear on the legs. Sadly, the populations of this interesting creature have dwindled rapidly over the past few decades. The animal is covered with a chestnut colored coat. The populations found in this region are referred to as Lowland Bongo. The stripes range between 10 to 15 and interestingly each side usually has a … In fact, they are the third largest members of their family (Bovidae) behind common and greater elands. Finding safety in numbers, the animals … Bongos are shy elusive creatures and are rarely seen. However, its population has been dwindling leading to the animal becoming rare today. It is also the third heaviest antelope, after the related giant eland and common eland. The western bongo is classified as a near threatened species while the eastern bongo is critically endangered. In the 1900s the bongo drum found its way to Cuba's western region, in Havana, with Son style music. Training encourages the animals to participate in their own care and wellness. The Bongo has vertical white stripes along the body. Calves are left alone after birth in undergrowth and the mother returns frequently to nurse. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about bongo animal? They are the largest forest-dwelling antelope species and one of the most distinctive, with a chestnut coloured coat and long horns that spiral as high as 90cm in males. The shell of the drum is traditionally made from oak wood, although many variations today are made with other woods. There are two major populations of the bongo: western (lowland) and eastern (mountain) bongo. Fun Facts. The scientific name of the animal is Tragelaphus eurycerus. Fun Facts: Long, prehensile tongue helps grab foliage from plants. The bongo voluntarily enters a chute where keepers can weigh them and safely perform vaccinations, blood draws, and ultrasounds. Read on to discover more fascinating information and facts about the bongo animal. They also have distinctiv… Wikimedia Commons. Running around the reddish-brown coat are vertical stripes which are ten to fifteen in number. Their young ones are weaned at six months. Does the Bongo Make a Good Pet. On the other hand, the females are found among herds of up to fifty members. Animal Pictures Archive Animal Photo Album New Photos Animal News Animal Sounds Animal Movies Upload Photo ... Frankfurt Zoo Bongo antelope - third and last one for today: 636x450 (236kb) Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus) 300x256 (34kb) Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus) 300x277 (33kb) The body of the drums are metal, wood and sometimes ceramic. Subspecies of the Bongo are: Western or Lowland Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus eurycerus) Conservation Status: Near Threatened Eastern or Mountain Bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci) Conservation Status: Critically Endangered Interesting Facts Similar Animals Greater Kudu Lesser Kudu Imbabala Kewel Nyala Mountain Nyala Sitatunga Their spiraled horns are not only long, but also heavy. The Bongo animal occupies parts of the eastern, western as well as central Africa. Well you're in luck, because here they come. They are mainly nocturnal and forage in the cover of darkness to avoid contact with predators. The lowland bongo inhabits the dense lowland forests of Western and Central Africa while the mountain bongo inhabits the highland Aberdare forest of central Kenya where they live under protection. The bongo has a long prehensile tongue which it uses to grasp grasses and leaves.Suitable habitats for bongos must have permanent water available. However, it has almost completely disappeared from Uganda and is now found only in a few regions of Kenya. In their natural habitats, bongo’s are hunted for game meat and horns. The twist in the horn can be one … Join AZ Animals FREE to get amazing animal facts, printable animal activities, and much more sent directly to you. The Bongo are nocturnal antelopes of reddish-orange color with white stripes running vertically along the body. bongo (bŏng´gō), spiral-horned antelope [1], Boocercus eurycerus, found in jungles and thick bamboo forests of equatorial Africa. This is done to obtain minerals. Facts about Bongo Drums 4: the history. A large animal, the bongo requires an large amount of food, and is restricted to areas with abundant year-round growth of herbs and low shrubs. Their main natural predator is the leopard. On the other hand, as a browser, the antelope feeds on plant matter growing at a higher level. Bongos are selective browsers and mainly feed on leaves, roots, fruits, barks, and grass. bongo (bŏng´gō), spiral-horned antelope [1], Boocercus eurycerus, found in jungles and thick bamboo forests of equatorial Africa. On average, the body length of a fully grown bongo varies between 5.5 and 8.25 feet. Eastern bongos are social animals. Conservation efforts have been undertaken including captive breeding to prevent the animal from becoming extinct. They have a tan-to-red colored coat, white vertical stripes on their torso and pale innder legs. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020, South African Animals — Animals Native to South Africa. Bongo Care. Difference Between Warm Blooded and Cold Blooded Animals. The bongo is a large forest-living antelope characterized by striking reddish-brown coat with 10-15 vertical white stripes. The white stripes on the animal’s coat help it in camouflaging itself in order to hide from its natural predators. Bongos are the largest forest antelopes and are identified by their deep chestnut color with bright white stripes on either side for camouflage. Females will be more brightly coloured with their coats. It has become completely extinct from some countries of the continent. On the other hand, small spots can be found on the cheeks of the animal. Despite its natural camouflage, the animal is caught and killed. They are one of the larger antelope species, and are capable of standing over 10 ft. tall at the head. Native people believe if they eat or touch bongo they will have spasms similar to epileptic seizures. Horns. Long and heavy spiralled horns! This hoofed animal is the largest species of antelope and the only antelope species which has horns on both the males and females. The older males get the more mahogany brown does the animals coat become. The two sub-species are the Lowland bongo (the Western bongo) and the Mountain bongo (the Eastern bongo). Bongo are some of the largest antelope species alive, with females averaging 500 pounds and males almost 900. There are two recognised sub-species of Bongo which are the Mountain Bongo (also known as the Eastern Bongo) and the Lowland Bongo (als… Can move 2ft of soil in just 15 seconds! What is a bongo? Shy, elusive animals, bongos never emerge into the open and are seldom seen; they browse singly or in small groups. They are also highly susceptible to tropical diseases that nearly wiped out the entire population in the early 19th century. Especially with the mountain subspecies, these threatened creatures are important for the survival of the species, and keeping one as a pet would reduce the gene pool. Bongo Facts Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Family: Bovidae Genus: Tragelaphus Scientific Name: Tragelaphus eurycerus Common Name: Bongo Other Name(s): Lowland Bongo, Mountain Bongo Group: Mammal Number Of Species: 2 Location: Western, Eastern and Central Africa Habitat: Dense forests and bamboo thickets Colour: Orange, Red, … Population in the Wild:15,000-25,000 The bongo (or Tragelaphus eurycerus) is a secretive, forest-dwelling antelope that lives in the woodlands of Central Africa. Living on a 40-acre habitat can make medical care difficult. The smaller of the two drums is called a "macho" and means "Male" in Spanish. Does a Bongo have hooves? Bumblebee. Male bongos are solitary and only interact with other bongos during the mating season. Facts about Bongo Drums 3: the popular music style. It has an auburn or chestnut coat with 10 to 15 vertical whitish-yellow stripes running down its sides. Different organizations have undertaken projects for this purpose. Aardvark. The eastern or mountain bongo is a very rare antelope from central Africa; they may be as few as 200 left in the wild today. Females will be more brightly coloured with their coats. In a zoological setting, captive breeding of bongos is incredibly important. The drums are traditionally made with animal skin and oak wood. Buffalo. There are two currently recognized subspecies — mountain/eastern bongo and the lowland/western bongo. They belong to... Buffalo is a member of the animal kingdom and belongs to class mammalia. In the wild, they have a shorter lifespan owing to the large number of predators. Rain water which washes down the antelope’s body is usually reddish owing to the coat pigments. Bongos have been known to eat burned wood after lightning storms; this behavior is believed to be a means of adding salt and other important minerals to their diet. During the first usage of bongo drum, it was used to play the popular music such as Cuban son, changüí and nengón. These include leaves, shoots and fruits. The color of the animal’s auburn coat comes off upon rubbing. Running around the reddish-brown coat are vertical stripes which are ten to fifteen in number. A bongo is an ungulate, which means that they have hooves. It is referred to as a grazer as well as browser. Here, the antelope – found in highland forests – is known as Mountain Bongo. Similar to other antelope species, bongos flee with their horns laid back and pressed against their body when they feel threatened. The Bongo is a herbivorous animal. The goat and the sheep are related to each other through the same family. The most common bongo animal material is metal. See more ideas about animals beautiful, cute animals, animals. Zoos play an important role in the survival of this species. The older males get the more mahogany brown does the animals coat become. The stripes range between 10 to 15 and interestingly each side usually has a … Both genders sport a rich chestnut coat that darkens with age in the males, as well as 10-15 vertical stripes on their torso. These include the African Wildlife Foundation and the Zoo Atlanta. In a forested setting, their stripes provide perfect camouflage by imitating light filtering through tree branches. The most popular color? Has no real natural predators! Congolese Animals. Explore our spectacular gardens and new playground, ride the miniature steam train and carousel, check out our special exhibitions, and visit our collection of fascinating animals. Bongo antelope is a mammal. It is the largest type of forest antelope possessing a striking appearance. The San Francisco Zoo is the best in the Bay Area for low-cost family friendly fun every day of the year. Fun facts about bongos When they flee they pin their horns right back and this can cause bald patches on their back. Here are some interesting bongo animal facts. These include lions, leopards and hyena. Interesting Bongo Drum Facts: The bongo drums are believed to have originated in Cuba's eastern region in the Oriente Province in the late 1800s. They have a distinctive white chevron between their eyes, white colorations on their cheeks, and a white arced shape on the chest. Female bongos are social and predominantly live in herds consisting of 50 members including their calves. However, this lifespan has only been observed for animals living in captivity. You guessed it: brown. ... Bongo. Males are larger than females. Goat is a mammal that belongs... read more, A domesticated form the wild goat more, Giraffes are creatures with more, A centuries old friend of man in more, Famous for its distinctive crown more, The beautiful Roseate more. Although the mountain bongo has always been rare, there are only 100 individuals left in highlands of Kenyan forests where they live under protection. The bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus) is a herbivorous, mostly nocturnal forest ungulate. However, in the case of bongos, they adopt either of the two manners depending on the availability of food. The female have less coiled and shorter horns than males. Shares 97% of the same DNA as humans! In their natural habitat, bongos can survive up to 18 years. One drum is bigger than the other. The Bongo antelope is a herbivore. Bongo animal is one of the most interesting creatures found on the African continent. Mountain bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci). Facts about Bongo Drums 4: the history. Therefore, it feeds solely on plant matter. An adult measures up to 10.3 feet and can weigh up to 893 pounds. According to a superstition believed by the native folks, touching a bongo or eating its meat leads to epileptic seizures. The scientific name of a bongo is Tragelaphus eurycerus, and it is from the family Bovidae, the family of … This antelope is the largest, heaviest, and most colorful African forest antelope. White bands, which are broader than the body stripes, appear on the legs. The male spends a solitary life. Bongos can live for as long as nineteen years. The birds that are considered as the symbol of love, peace and harmony are one... A bird of prey is also known as a raptor or a hunter. Although the bongo itself is a herbivorous organism, it attracts fierce carnivores which are its natural predators. Unlike most other animals, adult male and female bongos grow up to almost the same size. Even large pythons engulf and feed on the antelope.