Practical Sailor compared epoxy resins from four different makers, from left: West System, Epiglass, Mas, and Raka. At that time epoxy was a lot more expensive. Epoxy Resin 1.3 gallon kit $70 resin $29.95 hardener = $99.95 1.3 gals. Laminating resin is excellent for saturating fiberglass fabrics. The important factor is for the builder to correctly match the resin to the type of reinforcing material being used so that the strengths are matched. The technical term for this is Cold Molded. Compare. Ein Vergleich zwischen Epoxidharz und Polyesterharz finden Sie hier. Our goal is to provide useful information to the boating community. Example, one cup of resin would require ½ cup of hardener. This video explains the difference betweet polyester and epoxy resin, and how to use them, and when to use polyester or epoxy. We then put a coat of finishing resin on the boat, which was hard to do over the sticky resin. Polyester resins are used in sheet moulding compound, bulk … All epoxy mixes are different. Die Vorteile und Nachteile von Bootsreparaturen mit Polyesterharz, oder Epoxidharz wollen wir hier kurz beleuchten. Polyester resins are unsaturated synthetic resins formed by the reaction of dibasic organic acids and polyhydric alcohols. Polyester laminating resin doesn't fully cure while exposed to air, so when it is used for lay-up, every application joins to the previous one on a molecular level. This type of polyester resin had no wax and when we finished laying the fiberglass on the boat it remained very tacky. Without wax, this resin remains tacky to hold fiberglass fabric in place on vertical surfaces. Die Verarbeitung sollte bei mindestens 15-18° C erfolgen. That made it very hard to sand and even coating again. We focus on having the right products, people and technology to ensure our customers get the most out of their relationship with their boats. These are affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn small commissions by linking to and Sc110 is a 1 to 1/2 ratio. West Marine not only has great epoxy they also have additives that you can put in to thicken it and make fillers and such like. This product should be sanded between cured laminations. It is possible to repair your own boat stringers, by following instructions and making sure you put in your best work. Polyester riecht durch das enthaltene Styrol sehr stark, vor allem wenn es aushärtet. It is what we have used on several projects and found it to be very good product. Facebook. You can vary the cure time of polyester resin by adding more or less of MEKP catalyst. West System 300 Mini Pump Set Designed to be a … So, we have used epoxy on all our other projects. Pre-accelerated, thixotropic isophthalic polyester resin to be used in applications where increased resistance to heat and chemicals is required. No sanding between coats. 1 What are boat stringers? MEKP (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) catalyst included. A general purpose laminating resin for moulding, repairs and water proofing, eg shower bases, roof guttering, canoes and boats (GRP), and for reinforcing fibreglass products. The reason for this was the cost factor between polyester and epoxy. It is very strong and sticks stubbornly to wood surfaces. We also found that polyester resin was harder to use the epoxy. Wet sand and buff for a glossy appearance. The shelf life of polyester resin is about 6 months – 1 year. Twitter. West System 300 Mini Pump Set. Boat Polyester Resin, Boat Polyester Resin Suppliers Directory - Find variety Boat Polyester Resin Suppliers, Manufacturers, Companies from around the World at polyester resin ,unsaturated polyester resin ,isophthalic polyester resin, Polymer Bimini made from PVC pipes + Fiberglass/polyester resin. List Price: $18.49 Starting At: $15.99. When I added too much hardener, rather than harden quickly, it didn’t hearten at all. Each has a place in the boat-building world. $49.95. Contains a mix of different types of resins: ortho-, iso-, & low profile. Excellent for saturating fiberglass fabrics. So be sure to mix you epoxy exactly has the instructions state. Polyester resin generally costs slightly less than epoxy resin. Some companies hand lay the fiberglass soaked with resin instead of the spray method. After this they spray a chopped fiberglass polyester resin mixture inside the mold. Does not contain wax. So, our repairs are best done using epoxy resin. Not only do marine resins and epoxies serve as one of the world’s fastest and toughest bonding solutions, but they also protect against chemical and weather disintegration. Zur Reparatur von Fäulnis-Schäden und zum Auffüllen von Polyester-Beschädigungen unterhalb der Wasserlinie. Maleic Anhydride is a commonly used raw material with diacid functionality. Einsetzbar im Holzkern-Epoxidbau und zum Verkleben von Holz und Polyester. The end result, if properly constructed, is a lighter boat but just as strong or stronger than a factory boat. Add To Cart. Without a doubt the number one favored epoxy is West Marine System brand. Polyester resin has been used to build and repair boats since fiberglass boats were first invented. Always ensure to read the data sheet for guidance on specific resins. Polyester off-gases VOCs and has strong, flammable fumes. Email. There are three types of resins: polyester, vinylester and epoxy. © Backyard Boatbuilders - All rights reserved- ©. Used with cloth, mat and roving. That was when I founder that white vinegar helps to remove some uncured a epoxy. used in the automotive, boat and building industry), fillers, cabinet equipment, buttons and many more. This did stop the stick surface but left a wax residue that had to be removed before we could apply paint. Polyester Resin Characteristics: Polyester resin is brittle and prone to micro-cracking. For tack free surface add Sanding Aid to the final coat ONLY. Basically, there are only two types of fiberglass resin. Epoxy Versus Polyester Resin for Fiberglass Boat Repair Projects. Some companies hand lay the fiberglass soaked with resin instead of the spray method. We found that polyester resin did a very good job of sealing our boat. We know you do not have the time or the money to waste on products that do not work. Most production boats a constructed with polyester resin. Lastly, I will tell you we found that Polyester Resin does not stick to epoxy very well. Add To Cart. Published: June 18, 2020. In fact, polyester resin is a popular marine resin of choice thanks to its ease of use, versatility and affordability. TotalBoat Polyester Laminating Resin is used as a first coat for base coat applications. Many epoxies are for tabletops and I would not use that in laying up fiberglass on a boat. Hi-Bond Polyester Resin w/ Hardener is for use in repair of small areas and decks. There are other epoxies that you can purchase and Sc110 Marine Epoxy is one of them. Most wooden boats are covered with some sort of fiberglass resin and fiberglass cloth. Add To Cart. Both are used in boatbuilding. One is resin and one is hardener. Quick view Add to Cart. Therefore, it is easy to adapt the resin pot life by modifying the quantity of catalyst. When looking to purchase epoxy be sure to get marine resin. But the real goal is not to put yourself in a place where you need to remove it. Examples are fiber reinforced composites (e.g. TotalBoat traditional 5:1 epoxy has taken the marine industry by storm, but our range of resins also includes hardeners, cartridge-dispensed epoxy adhesives, polyester resins and gelcoat, wood rot repair solutions and other specialty resins. I had a real mess up my hands. 1. Bondo Fiberglass Resin is the same high-strength polyester resin that is used to build most boats Can be used alone or with fiberglass tape, cloth or mat to repair damaged fiberglass boats, snowmobiles, jet skis, bathtubs and showers Can also be used as a sealer on damaged and rotted wood, sandable in less than 2 hours Price: $37.97 There isn’t much polyester resin can’t be used for in regards to building or repairing boats. Nutzen Sie deshalb unbedingt entsprechende Schutzkleidung für die Verarbeitung! Epoxy resin .67 gallon kit $49.95. I might also add that the weight of the structure is a lot greater than wooden boats. As a general rule, the shelf life for uncatalyzed polyester resins should be up to 6 months when stored in dry, cool conditions below 70°F. Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mariobrothers88, Oct 18, 2020. That is why we have spent the past years working with local boatbuilders and customers to test, evaluate and develop the TotalBoat line. Compare. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Joined: Sep 2020 Posts: 45 Likes: 1, Points: 8 Location: San Diego, CA mariobrothers88 Junior Member. TotalBoat traditional 5:1 epoxy has taken the marine industry by storm, but our range of resins also includes hardeners, cartridge-dispensed epoxy adhesives, polyester resins and gelcoat, wood rot repair solutions and other specialty resins. These marine epoxy and resin products are suitable for application to wood, metal, glass, rubber and almost every material found on a modern boat. So, if you order one gallon you will get two one-gallon jugs. We are a participant in the eBay Partner Network and Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Premium Polyester Resin 1 Gal $39.95. Darrell Nicholson. However, Epoxy loves Polyester resin. When removed they have a sturdy structure with a glossy Gel Coat finish. There is polyester and there is epoxy. The first polyester resin that we used was a lay-up polyester. Polyester resin is excellent for fiberglass lay-up — building a boat, for example. 90% of affiliate earnings go to charitable organizations. Not suitable for clear-coating applications UP resins are mainly low viscosity liquids, but some can are also highly viscous. This means that for each one part of resin you would add ½ part of hardener. TotalBoat Polyester Fairing Compound has many uses including composite tooling and repair applications, but is designed for use as a fairing material only. Most production boats a constructed with polyester resin. The manufacture has a mold that they coat with a hard-glossy film called Gel Coat. The first boat that we build had polyester resin over fiberglass cloth. Polyesterharz sollte nur auf Polyesterbooten, niemals auf Booten aus Epoxidharz angewendet werden, da das Harz hier nach einiger Zeit abplatzt.
2020 boat polyester resin