2 of Berlin Biennale 11 and recently at Symposium der Unvernunft. The Official Website of Berlin La prossima, davvero prossima, Biennalele di Berlino, curata da Kathrin Rhomberg inaugura alla fine di questa settimana. he Syrian Biennale is the first mobile exhibition showcasing Syrian and international artists within the framework of a biennale, taking place every second year. Thu, 04 Feb 2021, 20:00 Chamber Music Hall. More dates and information in the event calendar on Berlin.de We hope to see you at the 4th VPL Biennale in Cape Town, South Africa, 12-14 May 2021! Thu, 04 Feb 2021, 20:00 Philharmonie. Urania Berlin An der Urania 17 10787 Berlin. Konzerte und Künstler, Tickets und Abos und vieles mehr... Robin Ticciati - Symphonic Concert 21.02.2021 - DSO Berlin Jan Josef Liefers, Staatskapelle Weimar, Heiko Mathias Förster, Thomas Mohr, Bjørn Waag, Zelotes Edmund Toliver, Cornel Frey, Noel Bouley, Brit-Tone Müllertz, Miina-Liisa Värelä, Bernadett Fodor, Catalina Bertucci, Davia Bouley, Christina Sidak read more . la tua password Sunday, 28/February/2021 16:00⢠Philharmonie Berlin â Kammermusiksaal ⢠Biennale of the Berliner Philharmonikerâ Philharmonic Salon. Das Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester Berlin â zu Hause in der Berliner Philharmonie, zu erleben weltweit und im Radio. Philharmonie . Berlin Biennale 2020. Arte, Architettura, Cinema, Danza, Musica, Teatro, Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee, College, etc etc... La Biennale di Venezia nasce nel 1895 ed è considerata tra le istituzioni culturali più note e prestigiose al mondo. The director explained that the message of her documentary is aimed at fighting against a limiting vision of old age; Teresa Mular affirms that discrimination against elderly people is a full-fledged discrimination, which should be opposed like all the others. The Biennale jury set up by Pro Helvetia and presided by Laurence Bonvin invited six artists to present a project for the exhibition at the Swiss Pavilion in 2021. It will be curated by Gabi Ngcobo, who invited Nomaduma Rosa Masilela (New York, US), Serubiri Moses (Kampala, UG), Thiago de Paula Souza (São Paulo, BR), and Yvette Mutumba (Berlin, DE) to collaborate with her as the curatorial team. The first Helsinki Biennial will be held in the unique surroundings of Vallisaari Island 12.6.â26.9.2021. We hope to see you at the 4th VPL Biennale in Cape Town, South Africa, 12-14 May 2021! The project for the online auction, âLa Biennale Paris chez Christieâsâ has been launched on the initiative of La Biennale Paris and Le Syndicat National des Antiquaires, after the postponement of the 32nd edition of La Biennale Paris to 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is underpinned by a year-round programme of research, education, residencies and commissions. Companies and research institutions from the region and beyond looking for co-development or joint research opportunities - Startups with new ideas and innovative approaches - Investors on the corporate, institutional and VC sides and other stakeholders. Wednesday, 10/February/2021 20:00⢠Philharmonie - Ausstellungsfoyer Kammermusiksaal / Fensterfront ⢠Biennale of the Berliner Philharmoniker â Philharmonic Discourse. Berlin Declaration on Validation of Prior Learning European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Marianne Thyssen Wednesday, 24/February/2021 20:00⢠Philharmonie Berlin â Kammermusiksaal ⢠Biennale of the Berliner Philharmoniker. Benvenuto! The Crack Begins Within. Biennale of the Berliner Philharmoniker Berliner Philharmoniker Kirill Petrenko conductor Michael Spyres tenor (Oedipus) Ekaterina Semenchuk mezzo-soprano (Jocasta) Shenyang bass-baritone (Creon) Andrea Mastroni bass (Tiresias) Krystian Adam tenor (Shepherd) Derek Welton bass (Messenger) Bibiana Beglau speaker Men of the Rundfunkchor Berlin The outcome was a unanimous recommendation by the jury members in favour of Latifa Echakhch, a recommendation that Pro Helvetia duly accepted. Fri, 19 Feb 2021, 20:00. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia il prossimo anno, dopo il forzato stop a causa della pandemia. Accedi al tuo account. Sesta edizione della biennale d'arte contemporanea berlinese. 12.6.â26.9.2021 Helsinki Biennial is an international art event that will bring outstanding contemporary art to maritime Helsinki. This soundscape is part of the installation St Sara Kali George produced for the 11th Berlin Biennale. il tuo username. Philharmonie . The 10th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art will take place from June 9 to September 9, 2018, at various venues in Berlin. Lithuaniaâs Famed Venice Biennale Pavilion Heads to Berlin, Notes ... which she started in 2009 during a residency at the American Academy in Berlin. This virtual lecture and dialog event on Japanese architecture is a new edition of the dialogue series Radikal Modern_. Liverpool Biennial is the largest festival of contemporary visual art in the UK. Taking place every two years across the city in public spaces, galleries and museums, the Biennial commissions international artists to make and present work in the context of Liverpool. 26.8.2020 - 30.5.2021 A chi desidera approfondire questi temi consigliamo lâesposizione centrale del Märkisches Museum, che nell'ambito del progetto comune Grande B â tredici volte città è accompagnata da altre interessanti mostre sullo sviluppo urbano, sparse nei dodici distretti di Berlino. 58 participants/groups. Berlin Biennale Location: Berlin Original dates: June 13âSeptember 13, 2020 New dates: September 5âNovember 1, ... the 2021 Biennale de Lyon was postponed over ethical concerns as well. We performed the âFatigued Compassionate Oracleâ at exp. Dates and Tickets sales information Thu, 18 Feb 2021, 20:00. The event will now take place in 2021, more precisely from February 26 to May 9. Who will be attending? The Biennale of Sydney is delighted to announce Colombian curator José Roca as the Artistic Director of the 23rd Biennale of Sydney, which will take place 12 March â 13 June 2022. Con i video proiettati â uno dei quali, Intensity Intensifies, concepito appositamente in occasione della mostra â lâartista rielabora in modo eccentrico e stravagante il flusso di immagini della nostra quotidianità e della cultura di massa. La Biennale Paris partners with Christies to organize a major online-only auction. This was the theme of the third VPL Biennale in Berlin. Dal 5 Dicembre 2020 al 10 Gennaio 2021, il MASI Lugano presenta unâesposizione dedicata al giovane artista svizzero Beni Bischof. Curators: María Berríos, Renata Cervetto, ... 21 Nov. 2020 - 14 March 2021, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan. It is a collaboration made with Justin Langlands at brightonvoicestudio.com, Raju Bhopa who is the solo vocalist from Rajasthan and Vinod Joshi, vinod-joshi.com, who helped facilitate the recording with Raju and provided the translation of the text. Curators: Bruno Latour and Martin Guinard; public programs: Eva Lin. XIII Florence Biennale 2021 - Participating Artists: Multidisciplina... ry artist Czili, born in Taiwan and based in Spain, will participate in the next edition of Florence Biennale, which will be held from 23 to 31 October 2021 at Fortezza da Basso.Czili was born in Keelung, Taiwan in 1964 and moved to Spain in 1982. Meanwhile, the Venice Architecture Biennale, which is being overseen this year by Hashim Sarkis, is now slated for May 22, 2021, to November 22, 2021. Per ora ci limitiamo ad annunciarvelo e ad anticiparvi che Paola Nicolin ci manderà notizie da Berlino il prima possibile. It will be screened on the occasion of the XIII Florence Biennale, which will be held from 23 to 31 October 2021 at Fortezza da Basso. The Gwangju Biennale Foundation has postponed the thirteenth edition of the Gwangju Biennale, which was scheduled from 4 September until 29 November 2020 due to the global health crisis caused by Covid-19. Sat, 20 Feb 2021, 19:00. Philharmonie . 5 Sept. - 1 Nov. 2020. Read More. SAG is about to publish wisdom and questions of the multi-bodied, all-knowing and endlessly compassionate Oracle in a two-volume zine in 2021. Sunday, 21/February/2021 16:00⢠Philharmonie Berlin â Kammermusiksaal ⢠Biennale of the Berliner Philharmonikerâ Philharmonic Salon. Bisognerà attendere il 2022 per visitare la 59.Esposizione Internazionale dâArte, curata da Cecilia Alemani.Originariamente prevista per il 2021, la rassegna si terrà infatti dal 23 aprile al 27 novembre 2022, in modo tale da consentire lo svolgimento della 17.