A study at the University of Minnesota showed a 30 to 40% less risk of … Find out which herbs are safe for cats (and may even benefit them! Read our article Transitioning an Outdoor Cat to Indoors for tips on how to do both. The ultimate goal is to dramatically and humanely reduce the number of cats outdoors, leading to much less risk and harm to the cats… Because of the evolutionary history of felines, which leads to a preference for the sound of running water, chances are your cat will like drinking from a fountain. Outdoor cats are an environmental disaster. That may not sound like a big deal but if you take into consideration the damage that rodents can do to a farm, it really is significant. Cats can also bring physical health benefits to their owners. Cats who are kept indoors can reach the ripe old age of 17 or more years, whereas outdoor cats live an average of just two to five years. For others, it is an act of love. In addition, cats pose a … A lot of people think that it is ok for cats to be outside. Statistics show that indoor cats lead longer, healthier lives than outdoor cats. Herbs have many culinary and medicinal benefits—and not just for humans! Reduces Stress and Provides Stimulation; Cats love to explore, it’s natural for them and being outside gives them mental stimulation and works to reduce stress build up. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that three to four million cats – community and owned − enter animal shelters every year. Pet parents may be surprised to learn that there are a number of herbs safe for cats. Gives indoor cats the chance to experience the great outdoors. In today’s’ Topic, we will go over 10 benefits of Insulated Outdoor Cat houses. He’s an indoor only cat and he’s quite happy that way. “Providing cats with outdoor access in enclosures ensures we are good cat … One of the great benefits to letting your cat roam free is the reality that he will find his own amusement. about their safety outside of the house. Like many cat lovers, you may have thought about letting your cat go outside. A lot of people think that it is ok for cats to be outside. 3. Contains cats in complete safety without making them feel trapped. Cats are also smart, and don't necessarily just land in trouble. Vaccines are a crucial aspect of routine veterinary care. Benefits to the Individual . Health Concerns– When it comes to outdoor cats, there are 2 major health concerns: disease and … An outdoor cat who comes to the veterinarian and is sick or vomiting is a true challenge because the possible causes are many. Outdoor cats include community cats (stray lost and abandoned pet cats and unsocialized feral cats) as well as owned cats that are allowed to roam. Outdoor Cats. Outdoor cat enthusiasts claim cats love the outdoors, which is often true, but the dangers outweigh the benefits. Tom, once a whopping 25-pounder, lost 8 pounds after being adopted into a home with a catio! In fact, building a cat's playground can become a terrific weekend DIY project. Benefits of Catios. My cat hates being outside. The average life span of indoor cats is about 14 years – though this is reduced to 4 years in cats that are allowed to roam free, exposing themselves to the hazards of outdoor life. As I mentioned, I feed a lot of stray cats that come across our property so they’ll hang around and eat any outdoor mice. For example, … … Increases human mental and physical health: Studies show that caring for cats can improve people’s mental and physical health. 2. Unneutered male cats are driven by hormones to seek mates and defend their territory against intruders. Keeping an indoor vs. outdoor cat is a debate that has raged for years among owners. There are clear positives of keeping a cat inside permanently. Outdoor cats get that natural stimulation they need.” Of course, an indoor cat (or a restrained outdoor cat) will not be doing much hunting, but you can simulate that activity with a variety of cat toys, like the Pet Fit For Life feather wand cat toy or the Cat Dancer wand cat toy . Just like indoor cats, outdoor cats can also suffer from diseases and syndromes that cause vomiting — not to mention the fact that they are at risk for eating many disgusting or toxic things. Engage with your cat. Tagged as: Blood pressure, Cat, health benefits cats, Heart disease, Stroke. The majority of outdoor cats maintain a … Family structure has changed so that both owners often work, spending long hours away from the home. Before you proceed with the process of creating a DIY outdoor cat shelter, you need to consider the benefits of making one. On the other hand, some cats prefer to prowl along the ground and older cats may not find enclosures that require lots of jumping or climbing easily … It’s hard to find benefits to letting your cat be an outdoor kitty. Free-ranging domestic cats are an environmental disaster. That takes a load off you, … Plus, I keep 2 indoor cats so I don’t end up with a mouse in the house. They may be the most destructive invasive species, the “single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for U.S. birds and mammals” according to a study (pdf) co-authored by scientists at the Smithsonian … Indoor cats typically enjoy a longer life expectancy and better health. Does your indoor cat want out? 4. If your cat goes to the bathroom outside, you won’t have to clean the litter box as often. Indoor cats live on average 10-15 years, while outdoor cats live on average 2-5 years This handout is intended to help you sort out the pros and cons associated with each lifestyle so you can rest assured your cat You can purchase cat towers or build your own. In our years at our homestead, I think we’ve had one mouse and it barely made it out of the air vent before our calico cat stopped it in … If you still need convincing, then here are 11 benefits as to why an outdoor enclosure is exactly what your cat needs! Toxic outdoor plants such as lilies, azaleas, cyclamen, or the bulbs of tulips and hyacinth also endanger cats. However, there are also many benefits to letting your cat go out: Rodent control – Cats help to keep the rodent population around your home at bay. )—and … Indoor cats are usually healthier, too, which saves on veterinary bills for treatment of contagious diseases, parasites, and abscesses from fights with other … Benefits of life indoors. With determination, innovation and collaboration, cat-wildlife conflicts can be humanely resolved by implementing and sustaining effective programs. Cats need some form of identification, regardless of whether they’re indoor or indoor/outdoor cats. When a TNR program is implemented, community cats and humans can coexist peacefully. Fights tend to break out, especially if there's a female cat in heat nearby. It's entertaining for cats to explore new territory. Outdoor Benefits for Cats. Have a variety of ways for your cats to exercise. While there are many sound reasons for keeping your cat indoors, there are several benefits associated with outdoor life. Common ground for cats and wildlife. By neutering your cats, you'll reduce their aggressive instincts. They’re typically happy indoors, especially if they have a good window to survey the surrounding kingdom (which, of course, is theirs, too). Also if cats are fed at a certain time, they will not feel inclined to always be outside since they know a cozy bed and nice food awaits them. The benefits of having outdoor cats is rodent/pest control. The benefits. Feline leukemia, feline AIDS (FIV), feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), … So, two or more unneutered male cats in the same household can spell trouble. The stakes are much higher on the cons side, too. A lot of cat owners feel guilty about keeping their cat inside, and worry that they are depriving their cat of natural instincts or fresh air and sunshine. Benefits of Letting Your Cat Outside. Most cats don’t even need to be outdoor cats. Some cats also just enjoy climbing or hanging out in high places, and these types of outdoor cat enclosures are also great for helping young cats get lots of exercise. 1. Are you worried about your outdoor cat’s safety? Cats provide a number of benefits that can lead to a longer life, including a form of social interaction. Uncontrolled outdoor access is associated with a number of welfare concerns for companion cats, including increased risks of disease and parasites, injury or death due to traffic, predation or ingestion of toxic substances, and getting permanently separated from their owner. So, if you want to be healthy and live a little bit longer, consider owning a cat. Social contact – Outdoor cats can have social stimulation if they want to interact with other cats in the area. Indoor Cats vs. Outdoor benefits Bigger territory – allowing your cat outdoor access not only increases the space available to them, but also the variety of environment Natural behaviour – cats with outdoor access are able to express their natural behaviour and can do so in a setting that is more ‘acceptable’ to the owner. Even cats that show no fuss about drinking from a plain dish typically adapt well to drinking fountains. At least half of them are euthanized. Outdoor Cats. “Indoor cats have a much lower likelihood of becoming hurt or ill from outdoor hazards.” As evidence, indoor cats live longer than their outdoor counterparts. A big enclosure also makes life easier on cats who are making the switch from an all-outdoor existence. Free-roaming outdoor cats are at risk for a shortened life, while a cat that stays indoors or uses an enclosed catio may live up to 15 years or more. Like dogs and small children, cats who are let outdoors without supervision are vulnerable to the dangers of cars, other animals, cruel people, and diseases. The belief that indoor cats can become lazy and overweight is not true and can be combated with scheduled play times. By allowing cats access to the outdoors you provide them with different environments and a larger area to roam. There are risks to having a cat going outdoors, but I think the results are more positive and with each case we ought to use our judgment. Is your cat a predator of birds and wildlife? Even indoor cats can slip out the door and get lots, and wearing identification, whether it’s a collar and tag, or a microchip, can increase the chances of a lost cat being returned to its home. The key, again, is making sure the indoor environment is just as interesting as outside — and being vigilant about preventing escape attempts. For some people, keeping a cat indoors permanently is considered cruel. Traditional views that cats require the freedom to roam outdoors have few pros. Whether you are building it for your outdoor cat, the neighborhood felines, or some feral cats, below are some of the reasons why building a winter house for cats is a great idea. (In addition to a dramatically lowered life expectancy, there is an increased risk of disease.) Mice, rats and oppossums nest in hay and straw and leave behind disease ridden feces that can be passed on to the horses. All cats should receive every vaccine available for cats For the average cat, the benefits of an appropriate vaccination program (protection against serious/lethal diseases) far outweigh the potential risks associated with vaccination. Most full-sized enclosures are structures of wood and wire that can be freestanding or built against the house so the cat can access it through a window or other opening.