Anyone who knows me knows I love topiaries and I have always wanted a Standard Bay Tree and now I’m delighted to say I finally have one! However, it should not be confused with the California Bay Laurel or California Bay as the two belong to different plant families and have different characteristics. [5] The fruit is a small, shiny black berry-like drupe about 1 cm (3⁄8 in) long[5] that contains one seed. Des milliers de nouvelles images de grande qualité ajoutées chaque jour. You may also want to wrap the tree itself in fleece to protect it against dropping temperatures. You can harvest all year round. For both container or ground-grown bay laurels, you can mulch the soil to offer some insulation, though be sure to keep the mulch a few inches clear of the trunk of the tree as this can encourage rot. It is used in topiary to create single erect stems with ball-shaped, box-shaped or twisted crowns; also for low hedges. Bay laurels have dense foliage, so they will form shrubs easily if they are pruned effectively. Laurus Nobilis Bay Spiral Stem 50-60cm Excl. Great for growing in containers. Stem cuttings can also be used to propagate bay laurels. How to Use Bay Laurel Tree in the Landscape. Bay Laurel is an aromatic, evergreen shrub or tree native to the Mediterranean. Hardy, evergreen and drought resistant. Only 1 left. Incorporate sand or grit into your soil to help its ability to drain effectively, as well as some organic matter, such as well-rotted compost. Hand drawn vector illustration. Pot. Native to the Mediterranean region, it’s … It led ancient Romans to believe the plant was inhabited by a "heavenly fire demon", and was therefore "immune" from outer threats like fire or lightning. Sweet Bay Laurel (Daphne - Laurus nobilis - Bay Tree) 20 Seeds * Items paid for through Etsy Payments and Shopier are usually shipped within two business days. The bay tree is an evergreen that grows smooth, glabrous leaves. Some pruning for aesthetic purposes may be desirable. Pest and disease resistant Bay Laurel is wonderful in an organic garden. Pair of Laurus nobilis Bay Spiral Trees 50-60cm Excl. The more bay laurel is pruned, the more vigorous it gets. Repotting . The bay laurel, with the botanical name Laurus nobilis, of the plant family Lauraceae, is also known as sweet bay, bay tree (esp. To encourage cross-pollination, you’ll need to have at least two bay laurels, one of each sex, in close proximity to each other. If you live in California, order your Saratoga Bay Laurel Tree before it’s gone! Great for growing in containers. It makes an attractive specimen plant for containers. To grow the plant as a shrub, simply allow the suckers, which sprout from the roots, to grow up into their own branches. If you choose not to sow the seeds straight away, or purchase seeds instead, you will need to soak them in water for around a day before sowing them. The Laurel tree is also known as the Bay tree, Bay Laurel, Sweet Laurel, etc. The leathery leaves can be harvested and dried to be used later as a flavoring in cooking, though the leaves should not be eaten. £7.50 postage. 3.3 out of 5 stars 34. Bay laurel is used in stews, soups, tomato sauces, on fish and pretty much anywhere you want a subtle, earthy flavor. It isn’t really necessary to prune, if only to balance the tree if needed after the blooming.. The roots of a bay laurel are particularly susceptible to irreversible damage from overwatering, so only water the plant when the top layer of soil has dried out. £63.00. £3.99 postage. Apr 16, 2019 - Explore ota ota's board "Landscape: Bay Laurel Trees" on Pinterest. It was taken as an omen of the impending end of the Julio-Claudian dynasty that in the reign of Nero the entire grove died, shortly before he was assassinated. Leaves are glossy green and thick. Sep 3, 2017 - Explore Tammy Wilson's board "Bay trees" on Pinterest. Native to the Mediterranean region, the bay laurel is a perennial shrub with spearheaded leaves that release a very strong fragrance when crushed, as they are rich in essential oils. :-(Teeth (pointy bits along edge of leaves) + cyanide/cherry smell = poisonous cherry laurel. How do you grow your Bay Laurel? Although bay laurel can reach up to 50 or 60 feet in height when grown outdoors in its native setting, your tree won’t get nearly so tall, especially if you grow it in a container. The symbolism carried over to Roman culture, which held the laurel as a symbol of victory. [21] It was also associated with immortality,[22] with ritual purification, prosperity and health. [15] The Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder listed a variety of conditions which laurel oil was supposed to treat: paralysis, spasms, sciatica, bruises, headaches, catarrhs, ear infections, and rheumatism.[16]. Photo by Lorna Kring. Bay laurels do well in full-sun locations, or with some partial shade. The fruit is pressed and water-extracted to obtain these products. For container plants, you can do this by wrapping bubble wrap or fleece around the pot, which will provide some insulation for the roots against cold damage. The Emperors in the Julio-Claudian dynasty all sourced their Laurel wreaths from the original tree planted by Livia. Bay laurel is usually a slow grower. The leaves dont soften much in cooking and are removed before eati… [23][24] It is also the source of the words baccalaureate and poet laureate, as well as the expressions "assume the laurel" and "resting on one's laurels". Bay tree, any of several trees with aromatic leaves, especially the sweet bay, or bay laurel (Laurus nobilis; family Lauraceae), source of the bay leaf used in cooking. Bay Laurel is an evergreen tree or large shrub with green leaves. [8] Whole bay leaves are used almost exclusively as flavor agents during the food preparation stage. 30. $22.30 $ 22. It has also been called pepperwood, spicebush, cinnamon bush, peppernut tree, headache tree, mountain laurel, and balm of heaven. E.g. Only 6 left in stock - order soon. Keep it in the dark or cover it in fleece or burlap to promote dormancy, then gradually return it to its outside position in the spring once the threat of frost has passed (Royal Horticultural Society). Repotting . New and Healthy 1 PCS Laurus Nobilis ' Bay Leaf Tree ' Bay Laurel or Sweet Bay Live Plant. £7.50 postage. A wreath of bay laurels was given as the prize at the Pythian Games because the games were in honor of Apollo, and the laurel was one of his symbols. Culture. These plants require cross-pollination to form viable seeds, which means a female bay laurel will need to be pollinated with a male bay laurel through pollinators such as butterflies, bees, or birds. 14,18 EUR. 1 X LAURUS 'NOBILIS' EVERGREEN AROMATIC SHRUB BAY LAUREL TREE HARDY HERB PLANT. Dried leaves are more suited to dishes that are cooked longer. [6][1], A recent study found considerable genetic diversity within L. nobilis, and that L. azorica is not genetically or morphologically distinct.[7]. 1 X LAURUS 'NOBILIS' EVERGREEN AROMATIC SHRUB BAY LAUREL TREE HARDY HERB PLANT. Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. If your home doesn’t get much natural sunlight, your best bet is usually to keep your potted bay tree under a grow light. As further preventative measures against root rot, ensure your bay laurel is grown in a well-draining soil. An annual pruning is best carried out in late winter to avoid disturbing new growth. This flowering shrub falls to the family Lauraceae. A dense canopy of fragrant Bay leaves provides privacy and can block out unwanted views in a beautiful way. The bay laurel tree is responsible for all the bay leaves you use in cooking. It can used in topiary to create ball shaped plants. $18.96 $ 18. The leaves contain about 1.3% essential oils (ol. Photo credit By Petar43 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,Wikimedia commons. You can also hedge it back, to keep it manageable if it gets too tall. You will need to maintain moist soil and keep the cutting in the shade. This is best done indoors in a small pot so that you can control the light and heat levels. [23] Suetonius relates the story of Augustus' wife, and Rome's first Empress, Livia, who planted a sprig of laurel on the grounds of her villa at Prima Porta after an eagle dropped a hen with the sprig clutched in its beak onto her lap. Suitable for coastal areas. Remove any damaged branches with sharp, clean shears, and if the tree is becoming too dense, you can thin it out by pruning away crossing stems and branches. Bay laurels require warm temperatures and are only hardy through USDA growing zones 8 to 10. Bay laurel, Laurus nobilis, is one of those garden marvels that serves more than one purpose. I used a standard potting mix and a 15 inch pot for my bay laurel. [8] Dried laurel berries and pressed leaf oil can both be used as robust spices, and the wood can be burnt for strong smoke flavoring. Bay tree (Laurus nobilis) The bay tree is a popular evergreen shrub suitable for containers or growing in the ground. Bay leaves for cooking; Hardy; Evergreen ; Drought resistant; Sweet Bay Tree. Bay laurel, Laurus nobilis, is one of those garden marvels that serves more than one purpose. Bay laurel is an aromatic evergreen tree in the flowering Lauraceae family. Le feuillage du laurier étant dense et persistant, d'un beau vert sombre et brillant, il est aussi cultivé pour l'ornementation. When it gains strength at around 12 inches tall, you can plant it outside or into its outdoor container. Much older, larger bay tree! The shrubs can reach 12 feet tall, though they tend to be slow growers. As a seasoning, dried leaves are broken or crumbled into cooking foods and allowed to permeate the dish. Leaves closeup (Bay Laurel leaves have smooth edges) Nuts Dead leaves on a bay tree suffering Laurel Wilt. Native to the Mediterranean region, it’s considered to be one of the oldest of cultivated trees. Container-grown bay laurels are less of a concern, as these can be positioned in full light during warm weather, and then moved to a sheltered spot in the event of a storm or strong winds. Their leaves can be served either fresh or dry in the kitchen. Currently there's no cure. Common name: Bay Laurel tree; Latin name: Laurus nobilis; Awards: RHS Award of Garden Merit; Height and spread in 20 years: 6 x 4 metres; Seasons of interest: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter; Foliage: Glossy green evergreen foliage; Flowers: Yellow-green flowers; Soil: Suited to most soil types; Planting Advice for Bay Laurel Trees. £7.50 postage. It belongs to the flowering plant family of Lauraceae. Ensure proper drainage and then plant the bay leaf plant at the same depth as it was in the previous pot, fill the pot with loamy potting soil and compost. Laurus nobilis / Bay Standard : 6L Pot : 55-65cm High (exc pot) £34.99. Ensure proper drainage and then plant the bay leaf plant at the same depth as it was in the previous pot, fill the pot with loamy potting soil and compost. Bay laurel tree, branch and leaves. It makes an attractive specimen plant for containers. Bay leaves come from a medium to large evergreen shrub known as bay laurel. For the greyhound race, see, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (. I give my bay tree a good watering once a week, but how often you water will depend on the size of your container, size of your plant, and how dry the indoor air is. Retro style. DO NOT EAT CHERRY LAUREL!! The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Insignificant clusters of small, cream-yellow flowers appear in spring followed by dark purple berries. It is an aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub with green, glossy leaves, native to the Mediterranean region. Planting Instructions: Bay Laurel Trees are adaptable, growing in full sun to partial shade (4 to 8 hours of sunlight daily) and acclimating to a variety of soil types, provided the soil is well-drained. AKA Bay Laurel tree, Bay tree. Laurus nobilis figures prominently in classical Greco-Roman culture. 30. In warmer zones, grown bay laurel as a tree. This is a fabulous screening plant. Near a wall or building can be ideal. We personally collect seeds every year in Bosnia and Herzegovina. People harvest the bay laurel plant parts that can be used, including the leaves, essential oil, and sometimes the fruits. The similar association in Europe of laurels with victory and success led to its translation into Chinese as the 月桂 or "Moon gui". Bay laurel is typically grown as a tree that can reach staggering heights upwards of 50-feet; it also works incredibly well as a container plant that moves between your outdoor and indoor spaces, or is kept indoors year-round. This fungal disease is transferred by an alien beetle and is wiping out our native bay trees. When growing bay laurel outdoors in the spring and summer, choose a sunny spot for it that offers some protection against the wind. At this point, you can transplant the cutting to a larger pot. Laurus nobilis - 'Bay Leaf Tree' - Bay Laurel one live plant . Kept neatly clipped, the dark-green foliage can create stunning formal shapes that make an entrance or look perfect on a patio. [34], Species of flowering plant in the laurel family Lauraceae, "Laurels" redirects here. L. extracts on rats",,, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles with Chinese-language sources (zh), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 November 2020, at 11:15. Très demandés . Popular shapes for bay laurels are spherical or pyramid-shaped trees, though you can also train it to grow as a shrub instead of a tree. Bay Laurel is an evergreen tree or large shrub with green leaves. The shrubs can reach 12 feet tall, though they tend to be slow growers. Bay laurel tree, branch and leaves. Most of the last remaining laurel forests around the Mediterranean are believed to have disappeared approximately ten thousand years ago, although some remnants still persist in the mountains of southern Turkey, northern Syria, southern Spain, north-central Portugal, northern Morocco, the Canary Islands and in Madeira. "[25], Laurel was closely associated with the Roman Emperors, beginning with Augustus. Bay laurels like to be kept in moist but well-drained soil, so water them frequently but be careful not to overwater and cause root rot. They can tolerate temperatures to 23 °F, though their leaves can experience damage from cold winds or frost, so leaving them in temperatures as low as this may not be appropriate. They have clusters of tiny yellow flowers that give way to small, olive like purple fruit which are considered inedible. The bay laurel is sensitive to sudden drops in temperature, so even if you live in a warmer climate, it could undergo damage from a sudden cold snap. Bay imparts subtle and unusual flavors when used with other herbs. Retro style. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Bay Laurel should not be confused with the Cherry Laurel. Plants display medium-sized, glossy green leaves that are highly aromatic and commonly used in cooking. It features shiny, dark green oval-shaped leaves with a leathery texture that are popularly used as a kitchen seasoning. The Bay Laurel, botanical name Laurus nobilis, is an aromatic evergreen tree or hedge that is prized for its fragrant bay leaves, which, when dried, are used to add a distinctive flavor to soups, stews, and a … Anyone who knows me knows I love topiaries and I have always wanted a Standard Bay Tree and now I’m delighted to say I finally have one! It is possible to grow bay laurels indoors, and these will need to be kept in a bright window to ensure they get their requirement of light (University of Illinois Extension). Typically growing 10-30 feet tall, but commonly pruned smaller in for garden purposes. 48cm Artificial Flame Red Poppy Flower Stem - Decorative Silk Flowers. The mother plants also withstood temperatures of -17 degrees Celsius. This flowering shrub falls to the family Lauraceae. De Ree Vegetable Herbs Fruit Seeds Gardens Outdoors Pack Fresh Grow Your Own. In colder zones, it is very frost sensitive and is best grown in a container and moved indoors prior to frost. Native to the Mediterranean region, sweet bay is an attractive evergreen tree that can reach as many as 18 metres (60 feet) in height. Common name: Bay Laurel tree; Latin name: Laurus nobilis; Awards: RHS Award of Garden Merit; Height and spread in 20 years: 6 x 4 metres; Seasons of interest: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter; Foliage: Glossy green evergreen foliage; Flowers: Yellow-green flowers; Soil: Suited to most soil types; Planting Advice for Bay Laurel Trees. Bay leaves come from a medium to large evergreen shrub known as bay laurel. [citation needed], Both essential and fatty oils are present in the fruit. By the Qing dynasty, the chengyu "pluck osmanthus in the Toad Palace" (蟾宫折桂, Chángōng zhé guì) meant passing the imperial examinations,[30][31][32] which were held around the time of the lunar festival. Bay laurels are popular ornamental trees and can be pruned to almost any shape you like. The laurel is dioecious (unisexual), for 1+3, enter 4. I used a standard potting mix and a 15 inch pot for my bay laurel. The laurel is an evergreen shrub or small tree, variable in size and sometimes reaching 7–18 m (23–59 ft) tall. Native and freely growing in the areas of the Mediterranean. The laurel is dioecious (unisexual), with male and female flowers on separate plants. 4,49 EUR + livraison. Bay Laurel (Sweet Bay) - Laurus nobilis - 1 Gallon Pot Most known for its flavorful and aromatic leaves that are used to add earthy flavor to stews, soups and sauces and for potpourri, the Bay Laurel, also known as Sweet Bay, is an exceptionally versatile ornamental evergreen tree from the Mediterranean. Bay Laurel is a dense evergreen shrub or small tree with leathery pointed leaves. If this isn’t possible, move the tree to a basement or garage, with temperatures between 40 and 50 °F. Planting & Care. Each berry will contain one seed, which can be planted immediately when removed from inside the flesh of the berry. Otherwise, the leaves could drop, and the roots may freeze and not recover. However, it should not be confused with the California Bay Laurel or California Bay as the two belong to different plant families and have different characteristics. When container-grown it … Beyond adding evergreen ornamental interest to indoor and outdoor spaces with their glossy, deep green foliage, the leaves can bring an aromatic flavor to your cooking as well. DO NOT EAT CHERRY LAUREL!! This shrub has been famous worldwide and is also cultivated due to its aromatic leaves that can be used in cooking and as a … Bay laurel is an aromatic evergreen tree in the flowering Lauraceae family. The dark green leaves are very fragrant, especially when dried. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is used as bay leaf for seasoning in cooking. Photo credit By Petar43 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,Wikimedia commons. Bay laurels are an evergreen plant hailing from the Mediterranean and are known as one of the oldest trees to be cultivated. Bay Laurel – Laurus nobilis – is a dense, evergreen plant, with aromatic leaves that are commonly used as food flavouring. Remove all of the lower leaves from the stem cutting, dip the cut end in rooting hormone, and insert it into moist soil. Grow Bay to harvest fresh leaves and dry them yourself. Typically growing 10-30 feet tall, but commonly pruned smaller in for garden purposes. Specifications . "Corona d’alloro fai da te" by Gabriella Massara,, "Evaluation of wound healing activity of Allamanda cathartica. That said, it does grow and is likely to eventually become too large for its current pot. This large evergreen shrub or small tree provides the ‘bay leaves’ used in cooking, and in the garden it is a handsome plant that makes a large shrub, growing 10 feet tall, and eventually reaching 30 feet. Beyond adding evergreen ornamental interest to indoor and outdoor spaces with their glossy, deep green foliage, the leaves can bring an aromatic flavor to your cooking as well. £7.50 postage. [12], In herbal medicine, aqueous extracts of bay laurel have been used as an astringent and salve for open wounds. The California Bay Laurel needs very little care. $18.96 $ 18. [5] Most commonly, the aromatic leaves are added whole to Italian pasta sauces. * The laurel can vary greatly in size and height, sometimes reaching 10–18 metres (33–59 ft) tall. FREE Shipping. [18], Bay laurel was used to fashion the laurel wreath of ancient Greece, a symbol of highest status. If you bring your bay laurel inside for the winter, it should be kept in a bright cool room, ideally at around 50 °F. L. and Laurus nobilis. Two Laurel trees flanked the entrance to Augustus' house on the Palatine Hill in Rome, which itself was connected to the Temple of Apollo Palatinus which Augustus had built. [26] The sprig grew into a full-size tree which fostered an entire grove of laurel trees, which were in turn added to by subsequent Emperors when they celebrated a triumph. As the dense and persistent foliage of the bay laurel tree is shiny and dark green, it is also cultivated for ornamentation. Pest and disease resistant Bay Laurel is wonderful in an organic garden. It is easy to grow, delicious, and will save you tons of money! The laurel is dioecious (unisexual), With their bitter taste, fresh bay leaves can be used to add flavor for soup, roast , or stew. To grow the plant as a tree, select one main branch to be the central trun, and remove all other branches growing from the soil. It can used in topiary to create ball shaped plants. Laurus nobilis is an aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub with green, glabrous smooth leaves, in the flowering plant family Lauraceae. livraison: + 1,45 EUR livraison. In the myth of Apollo and Daphne, the god Apollo fell in love with Daphne, a priestess of Gaia (Mother Earth), and when he tried to seduce her she pled for help to Gaia, who transported her to Crete. :-(Teeth (pointy bits along edge of leaves) + cyanide/cherry smell = poisonous cherry laurel. They are typically removed from dishes before serving, unless used as a simple garnish. A small bay tree adapts well being transplanted to a 12 inch pot or larger. This fungal disease is transferred by an alien beetle and is wiping out our native bay trees. Laurus nobilis is an aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub with green, glabrous smooth leaves, in the flowering plant family Lauraceae.It is native to the Mediterranean region and is used as bay leaf for seasoning in cooking. Strongly aromatic foliage, which is used as a flavoursome seasoning in a range of savoury dishes. For best results re-pot a container plant every 2-3 years . Laurus nobilis / Bay Standard : 6L Pot : 55-65cm High (exc pot) £34.99. The leathery evergreen leaves are strongly aromatic and are used in many cookery recipes either fresh or dried. United Kingdom),: 84 bay laurel, sweet bay, true laurel, Grecian laurel, or simply laurel. Bay Laurel is native to the Mediterranean so is well suited to the hot, dry summers and mild winters of Western Australia. Laurel Bay leaf is a tree, but it can be grown in containers as well. If you have used store-bought bay leaves, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by fresh bay leaves, which have a much deeper flavor and an intense aroma. According to the poet Lucian, the priestess of Apollo known as the Pythia reputedly chewed laurel leaves from a sacred tree growing inside the temple to induce the enthusiasmos (trance) from which she uttered the oracular prophecies for which she was famous. Leaves are leathery, alternate, dark glossy green above with a … An outstanding, fragrant tree that wows - the Bay Laurel is second to none. FREE Shipping. You should also remove any suckers that appear from the soil, cutting them as close to the soil level as possible. [26] Rome's second Emperor Tiberius wore wreaths of laurel whenever there was stormy weather because it was widely believed that Laurel trees were immune to lightning strikes, affording protection to those who brandished it. The leathery leaves can be harvested and dried to be used later as a flavoring in cooking, though the leaves should not be eaten. In Oregon, this tree is known as Oregon myrtle, while in California it is called California bay laurel, which may be shortened to California bay or California laurel. Only 1 left. Only 6 left in stock - order soon. Bay laurel leaves are also known for their oil. [13] It is also used in massage therapy and aromatherapy. If you live in a climate where temperatures routinely drop to below 30 °F, you should grow your bay laurel in a container so that you have the option of moving it in the winter. New and Healthy 1 PCS Laurus Nobilis ' Bay Leaf Tree ' Bay Laurel or Sweet Bay Live Plant. Photo by Lorna Kring. [33] It contains lauric acid also. This is even truer for terracotta pots, which moisture evaporates from more quickly than other types of pots. Green, thick, glossy leaves also used as a culinary herb. The female plant produced small yellow-green flowers in the spring, and when pollinated, purple-black berries. The compost will help to provide nutrients to the plant, as well as create a good consistency of soil that is able to drain well while also holding on to a little moisture. On some leaves the margin undulates. [9] Together with a gold form, L. nobilis 'Aurea' [10] and a willow-leaved form L. nobilis f. angustifolia,[11] it has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. A dense canopy of fragrant Bay leaves provides privacy and can block out unwanted views in a beautiful way. There is nothing that adds the depth of flavor like dried Bay leaves. However it is slow-growing and may take several years to reach the desired height. Leaves are glossy green and thick. Their essential oil can be used for face tonic/spray, lymphatic shower massage, hair growth, and for making tea to combat digestive issues as well. The female plant will set seeds in the fall after the small yellow flowers have bloomed and turned to dark berries. Sweet Bay Laurel Herb Tree Live Plant Laurus Nobilis 4"Pot Garden Outdoor Indoor (legendary-yes) 3.9 out of 5 stars 21. Its common names include bay tree (esp. Currently there's no cure. * The laurel can vary greatly in size and height, sometimes reaching 10–18 metres (33–59 ft) tall. I give my bay tree a good watering once a week, but how often you water will depend on the size of your container, size of your plant, and how dry the indoor air is. However, in English, it is often associated with the more well-known cassia (Cinnamomum cassia, now known in Chinese as the 肉桂 or "meat gui") while, in modern Chinese, it has instead become associated with the Mediterranean laurel. Bay laurels do not propagate easily, and their success rate is somewhat hit and miss. Try not to allow the bay laurel to dry out during summer, as it is not drought-tolerant. It is now grown for its ornamental beauty, but also for use in cooking, in which its dried leaves are commonly used to flavor soups, stews, broths, casseroles, and sauces. Bay Laurel is an aromatic, evergreen shrub or tree native to the Mediterranean. £7.50 postage. Since bay is only hardy to zone 8, Bay Laurel is often grown as a houseplant in colder zones. Pot. Without pruning they will cast a very dense, year round shade. [4], The bay laurel is dioecious (unisexual), with male and female flowers on separate plants. This versatile, amazing little variety has an array of uses and can even be trained as a topiary.
2020 bay laurel tree