Around 2:45 a.m. Monday, a three-inch auxiliary cable that helped support a metal platform broke, according to a news release from the University of Central Florida. One of the largest telescopes in the world, the observatory's 900-ton instrument platform fell 450ft onto the reflector dish below on December 1, creating a devastating hole in the structure. "While the telescope was a key part of the facility, the observatory has other scientific and educational infrastructure that NSF will work with stakeholders to bring back online”. "I was screaming. UCF manages the facility for the National Science Foundation. It was also a key scientific resource for radio astronomers for 57 years. Here’s a hint: it might not be around for much longer. The telescope has been a vital instrument for radio astronomers for 57 years. (CNN) The famous observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, featured in … Arecibo Observatory has survived a number of hurricanes, even earthquakes. When the cable broke, it created a 100-foot gash in the telescope's 1,000-foot-long reflector dish, according to UCF. GoldenEye (1995) Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Rooftop Theatre, Fort Antoine, Monaco-Ville, Monaco (James Bond views the Admiral and Xenia Onatopp boarding the Manticore yacht) 8 In fact, it was so popular that it was featured as the backdrop for a scene in the James Bond film GoldenEye. “It was a chapter of my life.” “It was a chapter of my life.” No injuries were reported after the crash and an investigation has been launched to find out what happened. O famoso telescópio de Arecibo, situado em Porto Rico, usado por astrônomos de todo o mundo e que permitiu a descoberta dos primeiros planetas em … (Credit: Eon/MGM) A telescope in Puerto Rico used as the filming location for the finale of James Bond adventure GoldenEye is set to be demolished due to safety concerns.. A number of Slashdot readers, including mknewman and MountainLogic have shared this report: The famous observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, featured in the James Bond movie "GoldenEye," has been forced to temporarily close after a broken cable smashed through the side of its massive dish.Around 2:45 a.m. Monday, a three-inch auxiliary cable that helped support a metal platform broke, … It's a very deep, terrible feeling.". Goldeneye Trends After Arecibo Observatory Collapses In Puerto Rico The Arecibo Observatory, a massive telescope in Puerto Rico that has been … The massive Arecibo Observatory radio telescope, made famous in the James Bond movie GoldenEye and paid homage to in the classic Nintendo 64 … The Arecibo Observatory has been featured not only in the 1995 James Bond film but also on its Nintendo 64 video game adaptation. The spin-off title GOLDENEYE: ROGUE AGENT also features it as a multiplayer map while a similar structure -turned into a solar plant- has been present in the Nintendo Wii version of GOLDENEYE 007. The Arecibo Observatory telescope was one of the largest in the world. Reporter. The NSF added: "Top priorities are maintaining safety at the site, conducting a complete damage assessment as quickly as possible, and taking action to contain and mitigate any environmental damage caused by the structure or its materials. Located in Puerto Rico, the Arecibo Radio Telescope has offered astronomers a high-tech way to look into space for decades. The broken cable also twisted a platform used to access the Gregorian Dome, making damage assessment even more difficult. THE famous Arecibo space telescope which featured in the James Bond movie GoldenEye has collapsed in Puerto Rico after mounting safety concerns. GoldenEye is a 1995 spy film, the seventeenth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions, and the first to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond.It was directed by Martin Campbell and is the first in the series not to utilize any story elements from the works of novelist Ian Fleming. ", Gonzalez Kotala says they are hoping to have more information at a media briefing on Friday. (CNN)The famous observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, featured in the James Bond movie "GoldenEye," has been forced to temporarily close after a broken cable smashed through the side of its massive dish. LOST CONTACT. It also damaged about six to eight panels along the observatory's Gregorian Dome, which is suspended over the reflector dish. THE famous Arecibo space telescope which featured in the James Bond movie GoldenEye has collapsed in Puerto Rico after mounting safety concerns. The famous telescope was built in the 1960s with the aim of studying the ionised upper part of the Earth’s atmosphere. The 1995 movie was Pierce Brosnan's long-awaited debut as James Bond, after he lost out on the part in the 1980s to Timothy Dalton.GoldenEye The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico collapsed overnight, according to the National Science Foundation. A number of Slashdot readers, including mknewman and MountainLogic have shared this report: The famous observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, featured in the James Bond movie "GoldenEye," has been forced to temporarily close after a broken cable smashed through the side of its massive dish. James Bond fans will instantly recognise it as Alec Trevelyan's Cuban base in the 1995 film 'GoldenEye'. 1 American dying of Covid every 30 seconds as US hits highest EVER daily deaths, Two men found dead at military base training area as Army investigates, Rudy SHUSHES star 'vote fraud' witness & another says 'all Chinese look alike', Shark bites giant turtle as terrified animal tries to escape onto passing boat, Dr Fauci reveals he ISN’T leaving key role and will meet Biden team today, © 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed, The telescope was closed last month with fears it was at risk of collapse, The Arecibo telescope was used in the 1995 James Bond GoldenEye film, The Arecibo telescope is one of the largest in the world, The famous telescope collapsed on Tuesday, December 1 after mounting safety concerns, Pierce Brosnan scaled the structure in his 1995 debut performance as James Bond, The 900-ton viewing platform came crashing down onto the 1000ft wide disk, Researcher Jonathan Freidman said he had a "very deep, terrible feeling" after he heard the crash, The telescope has been a vital instrument for scientists for 57 years, In investigation into the collapse is ongoing, Police confirm four deaths in Avonmouth water works explosion and it's not a terror incident. THE famous Arecibo space telescope which featured in the James Bond movie GoldenEye has collapsed in Puerto Rico after mounting safety concerns. The National Science Foundation announced Thursday that it will close the huge telescope at the renowned Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico in ... film Contact and the James Bond movie GoldenEye. A massive radio telescope made famous as the backdrop for a pivotal scene in James Bond film "GoldenEye" and other Hollywood hits was ... an even weirder condition," Arecibo … THE famous Arecibo space telescope which featured in the James Bond movie GoldenEye has collapsed in Puerto Rico after mounting safety concerns. Just two weeks ago, a cable that held the platform up broke loose, sounding the alarm that weather and corrosion were about to become catastrophic issues for the 60-year-old telescope. The Arecibo Observatory, a massive telescope that served as the location for the end of 1995 GoldenEye film and one of the last levels of GoldenEye 007 for the N64, has collapsed. The filming location of GoldenEye in Arecibo at Arecibo Observatory (credits: Eon Productions, United Artists) Arecibo Observatory. James Bond Movie GoldenEye's Giant Telescope Is Being Shut Down The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is being decommissioned after two accidents this year. One … THE famous Arecibo space telescope which featured in the James Bond movie GoldenEye has collapsed in Puerto Rico after mounting safety concerns. GoldenEye (1995) Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Rooftop Theatre, Fort Antoine, Monaco-Ville, Monaco (James Bond views the Admiral and Xenia Onatopp boarding the Manticore yacht) Arecibo telescope featured in 'Contact,' 'GoldenEye' shutting down » “It’s a huge loss,” stated astronomer Carmen Pantoja, who had used the telescope. He said:  "It sounded like a rumble. Senior Research associate Jonathan Friedman, who lived near the telescope and worked there for 26 years, heard the monumental crash on Tuesday, December 1 at 07.55 local time. The observatory was the backdrop to a dramatic fight scene in the 1995 James Bond movie GoldenEye with Pierce Brosnan. Last month, it was warned the telescope was “at risk of catastrophic collapse” and that repairs could pose a deadly risk to construction workers. The telescope has also been used to listen for intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos and to track near-Earth asteroids. The World Of James Bond Movies - Arecibo Observatory 19th April 2005. It was made even more famous in popular culture when it was featured in the 007 movie, "Goldeneye" in 1995. The US National Science Foundation said it was “saddened” by the collapse and would look for ways to help “the scientific community and maintain our strong relationship with the people of Puerto Rico". RELATED: GoldenEye Fan Remake Has Been Shut Down By MGM Studios & James Bond License Holder. It has made sneaky guest appearances in many other Hollywood movies. "The Arecibo Observatory was a location in two recognizable films: GoldenEye (1995) and Contact (1997)." The Arecibo Observatory played host to the confrontation between Pierce Brosnan’s 007 and his traitorous former MI6 colleague Alec Trevelyan, played by Sean Bean. But the telescope may be best known for featuring in the 1995 GoldenEye film - where Pierce Brosnan made his debut performance as the special agent. The NSF said in a statement: "Initial findings indicate that the top section of all three of the... telescope's support towers broke off. This aerial view shows the damage at the Arecibo Observatory after one of the main cables holding the receiver broke in Arecibo, Puerto Rico Credit: AFP The giant space telescope where Sean Bean’s villainous James Bond character Alec Trevelyan famously plunged to his death in GoldenEye collapsed on Tuesday. Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico which was featured in the James Bond movie “Goldeneye” has temporarily shut down after its dish was damaged by a broken cable. "For nearly six decades, the Arecibo Observatory has served as a beacon for breakthrough science and what a partnership with a community can look like." Its collapse is an emotional blow for many Puerto Ricans. GoldenEye (1995) Everything you want to know about filming GoldenEye (1995) at Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo is right here! THE famous Arecibo space telescope which featured in the James Bond movie GoldenEye has collapsed in Puerto Rico after mounting safety concerns. ... and was also made famous as the backdrop for a scene in the James Bond film GoldenEye … Massive Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, Made Famous by Carl Sagan, James Bond ‘GoldenEye,’ Collapses. A telescope in Puerto Rico used as the filming location for the finale of James Bond adventure GoldenEye is set to be demolished due to safety … UCF manages the facility alongside Universidad Ana G. Méndez and Yang Enterprises, Inc. ... and the 1995 James Bond film "GoldenEye." The telescope was made famous by Carl Sagan in Contact and the 1995 Bond film GoldenEye—and featured in the climactic final level of the Nintendo 64 game based on the film. The broken, frayed cable that snapped at the Arecibo Observatory. Obserwatorium Arecibo, kultowy amerykański radioteleskop znajdujący się w dżungli Portorykańskiej, zostaje wycofany po 57 latach eksploatacji, z powodu dwóch zerwanych kabli, które uniemożliwiają jego bezpieczną naprawę. The telescope has been an integral part of a number of scientific discoveries since it opened in 1963. Arecibo space telescope where James Bond film GoldenEye and Jodie Foster movie Contact filmed to close down over collapse fears The massive Arecibo Observatory has contributed to ... the finale of GoldenEye, the 1995 James Bond film about a ... life radio telescope Near-earth asteroid Arecibo Observatory GoldenEye. Arecibo Observatory telescope collapses in Puerto Rico. Home Breaking News The Arecibo radio telescope from the Bond film Goldeneye has collapsed. The real-life collapse of the Arecibo Observatory used as a location in GoldenEye causes the Bond movie to trend due to the similarity to its movie fate. One of the most memorable showdowns took place at the end of 1996's GoldenEye, in which Pierce Brosnan's Bond took on Alec Trevelyan, played … "That started (Tuesday) and is continuing through this week. The Arecibo Observatory telescope was one of the largest in the world. At the end of Goldeneye we find James Bond and Natalya Simonova in Cuba looking for a gigantic satellite dish that they have been told by the CIA does not exist. The 1,000-foot diameter space telescope that featured in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye is to be shut down after 57 years of service. I knew exactly what it was. The troubled dish had been scheduled for demolition after catastrophic failures in the cabling that suspended the platform. Home Breaking News The Arecibo radio telescope from the Bond film Goldeneye has collapsed. The monumental crash came just weeks after officials decided to dismantle the telescope over safety fears. Senior Research associate Jonathan Friedman, who lived near the telescope and worked there for 26 years, heard the monumental crash on Tuesday, December 1 at 07.55 local time. Arecibo’s troubles began in August this year, when an auxiliary cable stretched over the 1,000-foot reflector dish snapped and fell, ripping a 100-foot-long gash in its surface. It’s also the place where Pierce Brosnan and Sean Bean had their climactic battle in GoldenEye, leading to arguably Bean’s most intense cinematic death ever. The 1995 movie was Pierce Brosnan's long-awaited debut as James Bond, after he lost out on the part in the 1980s to Timothy Dalton.GoldenEye It was also a key scientific resource for radio astronomers for 57 years. The enormous Arecibo telescope made scientific discoveries and has been featured in movies. "The folks at the facility are working with engineers and other experts to asses and secure equipment at the facility," Zenaida Gonzalez Kotala, UCF Office of Research and College of Graduate Studies' assistant vice president for strategic communications told CNN. In fact, it was so popular that it was featured as the backdrop for a scene in the James Bond film GoldenEye. O famoso telescópio Arecibo, situado em Porto Rico, usado por astrônomos de todo o mundo e que permitiu a descoberta dos primeiros planetas em órbita em torno The massive Arecibo Observatory has contributed to many major scientific discoveries over the last 57 years. GoldenEye – siedemnasty film o przygodach agenta królowej brytyjskiej Jamesa Bonda. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. I don't have words to express it. Arecibo Observatory had been in disrepair for years. One of the largest telescopes in the world, the observatory's 900-ton instrument platform fell 450ft onto the reflector dish below on December 1, creating a devastating hole in the structure. The Arecibo Observatory was an observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, also known as the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC).It is owned by the US National Science Foundation (NSF).. An action scene from a James Bond film takes place above the telescope; The renowned Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico will be dismantled after … Along with identifying cosmic wonders, the Arecibo Observatory made an appearance in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye Lugo also notes he had … The Arecibo Observatory, also known as the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC), is an observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.Owned by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), it was an icon of the Puerto Rican space and science industries.. Updated 12:10 PM ET, Wed August 12, 2020 The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has been damaged by a broken cable. A radio telescope in the jungles of Puerto Rico that has played a vital role in space research for more than 50 years and featured in a James Bond film is at risk of collapse.Engineers are The World Of James Bond Movies - Arecibo Observatory 19th April 2005. The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has collapsed today and is effectively destroyed. The Arecibo telescope become well-known for its use in films including the 1995 James Bond movie GoldenEye and the 1997 sci-fi film Contact, with Matthew McConaughey. GoldenEye is a 1995 spy film, the seventeenth in the James Bond series produced by Eon Productions, and the first to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond.It was directed by Martin Campbell and is the first in the series not to utilize any story elements from the works of novelist Ian Fleming. The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has been damaged by a broken cable. The Arecibo Observatory was a location in two recognizable films: GoldenEye … Updated 1610 GMT (0010 HKT) August 12, 2020. Two cables which held the weighty viewing platform had broken since August, forcing officials to close the site. The Arecibo Observatory telescope was one of the largest in the world. Arecibo space telescope where James Bond film GoldenEye and Jodie Foster movie Contact filmed to close down over collapse fears "Preliminary assessments indicate the observatory's learning centre sustained significant damage from falling cables.”. Wielki, mający aż 305 metrów średnicy radioteleskop Arecibo w Puerto Rico był bardzo ważnym narzędziem służącym do badań kosmosu. Sean Bean meets his maker in 'GoldenEye'. "Through it all, the facility has continued to contribute to significant breakthroughs in space research in the area of gravitational waves, asteroid characterization, planetary exploration and more," the UCF release said. Arecibo telescope featured in 'Contact,' 'GoldenEye' shutting down » “It’s a huge loss,” stated astronomer Carmen Pantoja, who had used the telescope. Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory radio telescope collapsed early Tuesday, putting an end to its 57 year reign; ... the Arecibo Observatory made an appearance in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye. At the end of Goldeneye we find James Bond and Natalya Simonova in Cuba looking for a gigantic satellite dish that they have been told by the CIA does not exist. The real-life collapse of the Arecibo Observatory used as a location in GoldenEye causes the Bond movie to trend due to the similarity to its movie fate. This aerial view shows the damage at the Arecibo Observatory after one of the main cables holding the receiver broke in Arecibo, Puerto Rico Credit : … Arecibo’s crowning moment in pop culture, however, is certainly its appearance in the 1995 James Bond film “GoldenEye” — and the wildly popular Nintendo 64 game based on it. The Arecibo telescope become well-known for its use in films including the 1995 James Bond movie GoldenEye and the 1997 sci-fi film Contact, with Matthew McConaughey. The massive Arecibo Observatory radio telescope, made famous in the James Bond movie GoldenEye and paid homage to in the classic Nintendo 64 … It … One of the largest telescopes in the world, the observatory's 900-ton instrument platform fell 450ft onto the reflector dish below on December 1, creating a devastating hole in the structure. Jamie Ross. The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico ... which was featured in the James Bond film "GoldenEye," … Arecibo … It quickly became an all-purpose radio observatory - and found the first evidence for an object known as a neutron star. “As the 900-ton instrument platform fell, the telescope's support cables also dropped.
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