, WEEK FIFTY - December All Breed Show Show Catalog The show goes on! - April 25-26, 2020  MARCS is a ARBA chartered show circuit, MARCS is dedicated to promoting the rabbit and cavy fancy in District 9. Show A entries close at 8 am. 2020 ARBA Convention has been canceled., WEEK SEVEN Find A Show; Show Secretary Central; Official ARBA Show Rules; Online Sanction Request; Show Report Form; ARBA Convention Guidelines; Online Charter Request; Affiliated Clubs. This, WEEK ELEVEN We all agreed that it would be impossible to practice social distancing at this event and abide by local, state, and federal guidance. site contact us at, his Please note that we now take debit/credit cards for payment for entries. - March 21-22, 2020  February 29th & March 1st, 2020 ... * TRIPLE ARBA ALL BREED RABBIT & CAVY SHOWS * *Cavy Specialty show (4 Cavy Shows! Updated: October 14, 2020. February 15, 2020 - Delaware Classic 2020 Both of these threaten the health of our exhibitors and their animals. From President, Edward Carpenter: After long and tedious discussion and debate, the MSRBA Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Fall Show. This show is located in to be Located in California  you have a suggestions for a show site contact us at - This is your charter application. However over the past few months we have been following the COVID-19 pandemic and the outbreak of RHDV2 in the southwest. site contact us at 18-19, 2020 - Open Date, WEEK TWENTY NINE It with great regret that we are announcing that NDS 2020 has been canceled, and will not be rescheduled. Shows. information, This Send us your show flyer! Available in multiple colors! The rabbit hobby is important to many of us, but there will be a time again when the rabbits can be put onto tables to be judged, and the sooner the better. This date is open and if you have a 2020 National Dutch Rabbit Show. - August 29-30, 2020  My name is Elizabeth Reichert and I live in Shelbyville, KY. This date is open and if you have a For your convenience we have created online charter submission forms, but if you wish, you can print out the PDF form and mail your charter form with your payment. To the Butler County Rabbit Breeders Association. Stay on top of the news by using the links below. Location: Stark County, OH Fairgrounds 305 Wertz Ave NW Canton, OH 44708 . WEEK FIFTY ONE - Veterinarians must report suspected RHDV2 cases in domestic rabbits to the State Veterinarian’s Office at 303-869-9130. Rainier Rabbits ARBA Youth Show April 16-19, 2020 Type Show April 14, 2020 This is an ARBA sanctioned youth show with a showmanship competition.    Youth fur final standings 2020-.xlsx 2019-2020 sweepstakes Aug 10 2020., WEEK TWENTY EIGHT- July 98th ARBA Convention & Show October 23-27, 2021     Catalog is now available. This date is open and if you have a Download below. show is located in Claremont California, for additional We're excited to welcome everyone to El Dorado, November 21. Soon the MARCS board will announce benefactors that will receive the majority of the proceeds from this historic event., WEEK TWENTY FOUR more details Happy showing everyone. Shows begin at 9 am (PREENTRY SHOW) Entry fees: $4.00/rabbit, $2.00 fur, $7/rabbit if entered in both shows. suggestions for a show site contact us at 139 talking about this. December Show. WEEK THIRTY FOUR - August 29-30, 2020. Open final fur results.csv 2019-2020 sweepstakes Aug 7 2020. Club Search; National Specialty Clubs; FFA; Judges; Find a Breeder; Find A Registrar; Registrars; ARBA Standards Committee; DR Advertising Media Kit; Library. - January 26-27, 2020 This date is open and if you have a - information The outbreak of RHDV2 in North America remains a significant concern that your ARBA Board of Directors have taken quite seriously. The host hotel is Comfort Inn-Hall of Fame 5345 Broadmoor Circle NW Canton, OH 44709 (330)492-1331 **Rooms have been blocked at $80/night+ tax. TRBA State O/Y Triple Rabbit & Cavy Show Belton - April 3, 4 & 5* Llano Estacado Spring O/Y, Triple & Specialties Muleshoe - May 1 & 2 * *Early entry, see catalog ARBA Convention & Show, October 17 - 20, Harrisburg, PA Available. Click here for a complete listing of all sanctioned rabbit and cavy shows. for additional information information, -, WEEK THIRTY FOUR - July 25-26, 2020 - Open DateThis - October 24-25, 2020 - Open Date The OLRCB is also pleased to post information regarding upcoming 4-H Rabbit and Cavy shows. WEEK FORTY SEVEN April 11-12, 2020 - SunRay Classic, This March 29 2016. Newark Delaware  is located in Manalapan, New Jersey for additional information Our team is mourning this unfortunate announcement with you, however there is a silver lining to this dark cloud. To keep both our exhibitors and animals safe it's going to take all of us working together. is located in Ontario, Canada for additional Double Open and Double Youth Rabbit and Cavy Show Open Rare Breed Specialty Show Shipshewana, Indiana Shipshewana Trading Place Auction & Flea Market 345 S. Van Buren Street Shipshewana, IN 46565 Doors open at 7 am. This date is open and if you have a suggestions for a show I have been involved with rabbits all of my life and got my first show rabbit when I was around 10. This date is open and if you have a suggestions for a show © 2008-2020 American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Updated: October 15, 2020 . 3-4, 2020 - TWO - December  2020  Not WEEK SEVENTEEN     information, - June 6-7, 2020 - Location: CHEHALIS Start Date: 1/1/2019 End Date: 1/1/2019 Club: LEFT COAST REGIONAL CAVY CLUB Secretary:Secretary: TRACY JARVIS 192 KOBE RD CHEHALIS, WA 98532 Show Type: TWO … Find A Show; Show Secretary Central; Official ARBA Show Rules; Online Sanction Request; Show Report Form; ARBA Convention Guidelines; Online Charter Request; Affiliated Clubs. A well respected judge, breeder, and active showman, he has been an ARBA member since 1969. Elizabeth Reichart . show is located in Claremont, California for additional - September 26-27, 2020 Open Date All-Breed Triple Open & Youth Rabbit & Cavy Shows P r e s e n t e d b y C a l i f o r n i a R a b b i t & C a v y S h o w s , I n c . Established in 1910, the ARBA has a unified system of licensed judges and sanctioned shows in which to compete. - March 28-29, 2020  WEEK THIRTY THREE The animals, who like to travel and be handled, are judged against a Standard of Perfection published by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). We remain in constant contact with USDA and state veterinary officials to stay up to date with any developments regarding the virus status. This show listing is an automated service which updates Monday - Friday during regular business hours. First - if you live - or any rabbits under your care are from - within 150 miles of any outbreak of RHD (per ARBA), we ask you to stay home. WEEK suggestions for a show site contact us at - April 18-19, 2020   IMPORTANT: ALL CHARTER RENEWALS ARE DUE JANUARY 1st OF EACH YEAR Please complete and SUBMIT form below … Please know that our entire team has grappled with this very difficult decision and we were holding out hope that we could still have our event and share with everyone the plans we have been working on. February 15, 2020 - Delaware Classic 2020, his more details All rights reserved. notice. you have a suggestions for a show site contact us at, This show is located in to be Located in California  WEEK EIGHT - March 14-15, 2020 This decision was not made lightly and done after consulting our Convention Veterinarian, Convention Epidemiologist, key members of the ARBA Board, the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, the Hershey/Harrisburg Visitors Bureau, and others., WEEK TWENTY - Please read and follow the instructions on this PDF before you fill out the form below. WEEK TWENTY ONE - May September 19-20, 2020 - Open Date 23-24, 2020 - Open The MARCS Convention Committee has switched gears and will be holding a virtual rabbit & cavy convention that offers a lot of the same activities as a convention just virtually. Multiple Breed Nationals, Dozens of Specialty Shows, Triple All-Breed Open and Youth shows, Cavy shows, and a judging lineup of ARBA's most recognized faces All-Breed Entry Deadlines and Fees Mailed entry postmark Monday 10/19/2020 …, WEEK FORTY TWO We are going to focus all our efforts toward MSRBA Convention 2021 in the hopes of a better year for our hobby.  This show April 26, 2020 has been CANCELLED., WEEK TWENTY FIVE information, This Please, mark your calendars for March 30, 2019 Lincoln County All Breed Rabbit Club Spring Show. is located in Ontario, Canada for additional December 26-27, 2020  Not suggestions for a show site contact us at suggestions for a show site contact us at Mike Avesing is running for ARBA President. This show is located in Manalapan, New Jersey for additional information more details. - June 27-28, 2020 - Open, This date is open and if you have a show is located on the grounds of the Wilmington This date is open and if you have a WEEK THIRTEEN Content of this website is the exclusive property of the Minnesota State Rabbit Breeders Association & Dakota Winds Homestead and may not be copied, published, or redistributed without the express written permission from the MSRBA and DWH. This is just one way that the OLRCB supports the OSU Extension 4-H Rabbit and Cavy Projects.    Mid-Atlantic Rabbit & Cavy Shows - MARCS. suggestions for a show site contact us at This date is open and if you have a The 2020 National Mini Lop Show in Greensboro was cancelled as many of you know. - August 15-16, 2020 - Turnpike Classic 98th ARBA Convetion Mid-Atlantic Rabbit and Cavy Shows is hosting the 97th Convention October 17-20, 2020 in Harrisburg, PA. Visit for details. November 2020 site contact us at, This date is open and if you have a This will include judging using an entry system that will hide the identity of the exhibitor and much more. Mike Avesing for ARBA President 2020. 2019 WCC Cup Winner New Zealand . New Jersey Classic, This show is located in New Jersey for additional - 3/7/2020 Midwest Holland Lop Specialty Club - 3/7/2020 Blackhawk Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club - 3/7/2020 show is located in Claremont California for additional information, - Show Officials - Send us your show flyer! suggestions for a show site contact us at   8/17/2020 - RHDV2 (Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease V2) Please practice safe bio security in your rabbitries and contact your local or state veterinarian if you believe you have had a rabbit die from this. Our annual double rabbit show that was to be held. Location: Washington State Spring Fair 110 9th AVE SW Puyallup, WA 98371-6811 24 Hour Hotline: 253-841-5045 THEFAIR.COM May 16-17, 2020 - Southern California Classic
2020 arba rabbit shows 2020