Allium Schubertii: Date: 6 November 2003: Source: Own work: Author: Simone: Licensing . Allium schubertii belongs to the group of bulbous and tuberous plants. Weitere Ideen zu garten pflanzen, pflanzen, garten. Allium schubertii [1] är en amaryllisväxtart som beskrevs av Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini. Allium. Selamat datang! Pages in category "Flora of Libya" The following 36 pages are in this category, out of 36 total. Allium in Flora of China. שום (שם מדעי: Allium) הוא סוג שמונה כ-1,250 מיני צמחים ממשפחת הנרקיסיים (בעבר סווג תחת השושניים) שהם כולם גאופיטים בעלי בצל.זהו הסוג הגדול במשפחתו. Monia niistä viljellään ja käytetään ruoaksi. Some species are grown for culinary purposes and others for ornamental purposes. Česnek (Allium) je příbuzný rodiny póru, cibule a pažitky. Espesye sa tanom nga asparagos ang Allium schubertii. rus. Butterflies love them and so will you! Talk:Allium schubertii. Allium schubertii Zucc., 1843, augalų (Plantae) karalystės magnolijÅ«nų (Angiospermae) skyriaus lelijainių (Liliopsida) klasės (Liliales) eilės (Amaryllidaceae) Å¡eimos (Allium) genties rÅ«Å¡is. Lajeille on yhteistä voimakas, "sipulimainen" tuoksu. Ne kasvavat luonnonvaraisina pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon lauhkeilla alueilla. Allium schubertii is available in 9 other languages. Alle har løgagtig lugt og smag. Allium schubertii ingår i släktet lökar , och familjen amaryllisväxter . [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life . Allium schubertii gehört zu den Zwiebel- und Knollenpflanzen. Název pochází z keltského slova all, které znamená pálivý – odkaz na palčivou chuÅ¥ cibule. Accessed 27 May 2013. Balik ngadto ha Allium schubertii. الثوم الشعري (باللاتينية: Allium subhirsutum) في بلاد الشام ووادي النيل والمغرب العربي; الثوم الشوبرتي (باللاتينية: Allium schubertii) في بلاد الشام ووادي النيل والمغرب العربي وتركيا ). Česnek (Allium) je rod jednoděložných rostlin, řazený v současné taxonomii do čeledi amarylkovité (Amaryllidaceae).V minulosti byl řazen nejčastěji do čeledi česnekovité (Alliaceae), která vÅ¡ak byla v systému APG III vřazena do čeledi amarylkovité.Někteří autoři řadí rod česnek (Allium) do čeledi liliovité v Å¡irÅ¡ím pojetí (Liliaceae s.l. 2013. (1843) Allium schugnanicum Vved. Una ning gihulagway ni Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini. WikiVisually WikiVisually People Places History Art Science WikiVisually Top Lists Trending Stories Featured Videos Celebrities Cities of the World History by Country Wars and Battles Supercars Rare Coins Лук Шуберта Pronunciation of Allium schubertii with 1 audio pronunciation, 2 meanings, 2 translations and more for Allium schubertii. eFloras 2008. Letakkan teks baru di bawah teks yang sudah ada. 2.0 2.1; Mga sumpay ha gawas An Allium in uska genus han Liliopsida.An Allium in nahilalakip ha familia nga Amaryllidaceae. Halaman ini bukanlah forum untuk diskusi umum mengenai subyek artikel. Løgslægten (Allium) er udbredt med over 600 arter i Europa, Mellemøsten, Centralasien, Østasien og Nordamerika.Arterne er flerårige urter, som danner knolde. Bahasa Indonesia; Cebuano; English; svenska; Tiếng Việt All possess oniony smelling flowers and foliage. From what plants to grow and how to grow them, join our society to read the latest Rock Garden Quarterly or engage in our annual Seed Exchange. Allium schubertii, which has various common names including ornamental onion, flowering onion, tumbleweed onion and Persian onion, is a species of monocotyledonous flowering plant from the onion and garlic genus, in the subfamily Allioideae part of the Amaryllidaceae which occurs in … ; Palisiya sa personal nga impormasyon Your guide to gardening in North America and beyond. Mga kasarigan. (1923) Allium semenovii Regel (1868) Allium senescens L. (1753) Allium sergii Vved. Allium schubertii Zucc. We promote the cultivation, conservation, and knowledge of rock garden plants, their value, habits and geographical distribution. Allium schubertii is a species in the genus Allium which contains between 943 and 1011 species and belongs to the family of the Alliaceae (Garlic Family). Published online. Blooming in late spring or early summer, this spectacular Allium remains ornamental in the garden well into summer. This page was expanded or created as part of The Africa Destubathon, October/November 2016. How to say Allium schubertii in English? (1934) This list may not reflect recent changes (). Accessed: 2019 Apr 4. International Plant Names Index. (1804) Allium scotostemon Wendelbo (1966) Allium scrobiculatum Vved. Allium sphaerocephalon is a lovely addition to the border where it adds interest and movement with its dense egg-shaped flower heads atop straight and slender stems, delicately turning from green to purple as they mature. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Monia niistä viljellään ja käytetään ruoaksi. Allium in Flora of North America . Ne ovat monivuotisia ja talvehtivat sipulinsa eli turvonneen lehtiruusukkeen tyven avulla. Allium in Index Nominum Genericorum (Plantarum). Allium schubertii ist eine Art aus der Gattung Allium die circa 943 bis 1011 Arten umfasst und … Mohon tanda tangani komentar Anda dengan mengetikkan empat karakter tilda (~~~~). Languages. Sipulit eli laukat (Allium) on narsissikasvien heimon suku, johon kuuluu noin 1 250 lajia. Kining maong panid kataposang giusab niadtong 8 Enero 2018 sa 12:51. Allium má dlouhé stonky, velká květenství a nezaměnitelnou vůni – to vÅ¡e z něj dělá atraktivní záhonovou, nádobovou i řezanou květinu. The genus Allium contains over 700 species of bulbous or rhizomatous plants. Waray hini subspecies nga nakalista. Løgene kan være enlige eller samlet i klynge, og de deler sig hvert år … (1946) Allium scilloides Douglas ex S.Watson (1879) Allium scorodoprasum L. (1753) Allium scorzonerifolium Desf. [Redaguoti sinonimus]? الثوم الشوبرتي (باللاتينية: Allium schuberti) نوع نباتي عشبي يتبع جنس الثوم من الفصيلة الثومية.سمي نسبة إلى عالم النبات شوبرت. Lajeille on yhteistä voimakas, "sipulimainen" tuoksu. Ang teksto puyde magamit ubos sa Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; puyde madugangan ang mga termino.Tan-awa ang Mga Termino sa Paggamit para sa mga detalye. The entire wiki with photo and video galleries for each article. ex DC. Allium schubertii Zucc. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA. Silakan bertanya jawab atau memperkenalkan diri Anda. Baru bergabung dengan Wikipedia? 24.09.2017 - Erkunde Elvira Hochsteins Pinnwand „Allium“ auf Pinterest. Pagka karon wala pay siak nga nalista ubos niini niya. Read about Allium schubertii from Studio75's SHAMROCK vol1 and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. 'eFloras 2008. Allium schubertii. Sipulit eli laukat (Allium) on narsissikasvien heimon suku, johon kuuluu noin 1 250 lajia.Ne kasvavat luonnonvaraisina pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon lauhkeilla alueilla. Ang Allium schubertii sakop sa kahenera nga Allium sa kabanay nga Amaryllidaceae. Allium schubertii Source Date 2013-06-30 13:27:09 Author Land-scaper: Permission Licensing. Plants typically produce showy flower umbels on naked scapes rising above a clump of linear grass-like leaves. URI: Definition: Of plant duration, a plant whose life span extends over more than two growing seasons, c.f. An Allium schubertii in uska species han Liliopsida nga ginhulagway ni Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini.An Allium schubertii in nahilalakip ha genus nga Allium, ngan familia nga Amaryllidaceae.
2020 allium schubertii wiki