Zones 5-8 . Given a good summer and a few sharp frosts in the autumn, the colour changes in the leaves can be startling. Spring leaves are pubescent and typically emerge with a profusion of red to burgundy flowers. the fern leafed male. large multi-divided and deep cut leaves with striking flame red autumn glow. The autumn colours are amazing, between scarlet red and dark purples. April 2010--my yard. 2:48. Japanese Maple Acer Japonicum Aconitifolium - In Autumn (part 7 of 10) - Duration: 2:48. Variety or Cultivar 'Aconitifolium' _ 'Aconitifolium' is a large, bushy shrub or small tree with rounded green leaves that turn red in autumn. 15th October 2019, welcome to this series following two Acer Japonicum Aconitifolium Japanese Maples as they continue to progress through the autumn. this grafted maple matures at 5 meters. Here are some pictures of some that I have been growing. Japanese maple, Acer japonicum, is a maple native to Japan and southern Korea.A small deciduous tree growing to a height of around 5-10m, it’s a popular choice in small gardens. November 4, 2008. The leaves are lobed and the flowers are red. Article On How to choose a Japanese Maple; ... Products > Other hardy Asian maples > Acer japonicum Aconitifolium. Fall color is quite noteworthy, ranging from yellow to red. Tips for Success. Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' (Dancing Peacock Japanese Maple) * Full sun to Partial shade * Zones 5-8 * 20' tall * 15' wide * Well drained soil * Origin Japan Considered the best foliage of any maple species!!! A spreading, bushy deciduous slow growing tree or shrub. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Email. Tweet. The Acer japonicum Aconitifolium or Dancing Peacock has thickly dissected green leaves give this maple the general appearance that a multitude of peacocks are dancing on the limb. 4,715 views. Small clusters of purple/red flowers during April- May. Deep, purple-red leaves hold their colour well all season. Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium Maiku Jaku', Acer japonicum 'Laciniatum', Acer japonicum 'Filicifolium', Full moon maple 'Aconitifolium', Downy Japanese maple 'Aconitifolium' Genus. The common name of "Japanese Maple" is a bit confusing - this species is not as widely known or grown as Acer palmatum. Aconitifolium means finely cut leaves. Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' has bright green leaves which are nearly fern-like and very deeply cut. A small, slow-growing Japanese maple tree, 'Caperci Dwarf' offers pink-tinged new growth that fades to green as the season progresses. The Tree is a deciduous tree, it will be up to 5 m (16 ft) high. Acer japonicum ‘Vitifolium’ or ‘Full Moon Maple’ Acer japonicum ‘Vitifolium’ A great full moon maple variety with an attractive upright, vase shape habit and beautiful large, broad leaves which turn amazing tones of oranges and reds in autumn. Email Us for Price and Availability (click for contact form) Large leaves with great fall color and some sun resistance makes this a showcase tree. fall color has brilliant scarlet tones, and flame red. Explore our Related Products. a j aconitifolium japanese maple this grafted cultivar has fern-like leaves which are bold and multi-divided. Details 'Aconitifolium' is a large bushy deciduous shrub or small tree. Japanese maples are known for their spectacular autumn colours, and there are many garden-worthy cultivars, which have been bred to produce an even more dramatic autumn show. Fantastic performer in the fall as leaves display brilliant scarlet tones with oranges and giving the appearance of flames. Large green leaves are deeply divided, hence the occasionally used name "fern leaf." Specialist vendors of Japanese maples will likely sell cultivars of both of these species, though (as well as Acer shirasawanum), since they broadly resemble each other. Fernleaf Full-Moon Japanese Maple Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' 2 Reviews. Commonly known as the field maple and is often used as hedging plant. Leaves rounded, with 7-11 deeply cut main lobes, turning crimson in autumn. Fall color is fiery shades of red and orange. A must have. Find the perfect japanese maple acer japonicum aconitifolium stock photo. In spring it bears profusion of small flowers. Save Pin FB. A gorgeous blend of fall colors with those heavily divided leaves. It has the added benefit of being a bit hardier than A. palmatum 17 of 18. acer japonicum aconitifolium japanese maple plant about 12" in a 7cm pot ready to be planted out. Send Text Message. These were grafted in the summer of 2002. There are no truly effective treatments, but for mild cases you should cut off and burn the branches. No need to register, buy now! Buy It: 'Aconitifolium' Japanese Maple ($55, Conifer Kingdom) 16 of 18.