We will be reading the book One Word for Kids by John Gordon. My friend Autumn introduced me to the "word of the year" a a while back, and it's something that I started implementing in 2019. and for my blog. Spend some time writing and doodling the motivational word that you choose for your... 2. Your word will come! It means less about me and more about others. You’ve got time. Last year, I put together a post with 60+ word of the year ideas. For example, if your word of the year was “abundance” you might have sub-goals of investing in an abundant number of friendships, or hitting an income goal, or spending more quality time with the people you love without your phone. https://consciousbychloe.com/2020/01/20/self-care-my-one-word-theme-for-2020/. Lately, USB connectors and high end shoes. Maybe you’re searching for more simplicity in your business and home life? ðððð. 2020 has been, well, a lot. CLASS MEMORY QUILTS. When picking my word for 2017, I wanted something that would remind me to take risks, to do things differently than I’ve been doing them. I will strive to be intentional with my family, relationships, work, actions, fitness, words and faith. I want to do some courses to develop myself. Authentic; Achieve; Align; Accomplish; Appreciate; Action; Abide; Accountable; Ahead; Attentive; Alert; Attentive I had started to think of different words that I could use. Word of the Year Ideas! https://www.myintent.org/, This is a great list! Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab6c4a52e8c1356d7e4c21cd952e7980" );document.getElementById("d29e6314a8").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Shop Black Pump Shoes, Fashion Jewelry, Designer Gowns, Sweaters And Cardigans and more. My word is “Confidence” – and one of my friends has a kit from this company where we hammer our own word onto a disc and it can be jewelry, keychain etc. Help with spelling homework. Put the word in prominent places in your life to keep it top of mind – your phone screen, on your fridge, on the front of your planner. I wanted the reminder to sacrifice what I want now for what I want more. Surrender (2012) Shine (2013) Strength (2014) Depth (2015) Mend (2016) Magic (2017) I want to focus on healthy habits in all aspects of my life this year. Here are 4 tips that can help you pick a word that God will use powerfully in your life: 1. In 2018 my word was LEARN But Word of the Year is more than a linguistic parlor game: It’s a snapshot of a year in the culture. I’m still thinking over my word for 2020, but I keep landing on “confidence.”, Selfless….self less focus on my self less and God more, I love this! My word is CHANGE. – good reminder of your word and a fun annual thing to do with friends each year! Instead of writing New Year's resolutions, I thought this would be a different and cool way to give the students (and myself) a simple focus. I still don't have my word for 2020 yet. A mental upgrade. With so many possibilities, it can seem like a huge task. I want every house project to Align and be completely. I’ll take the word “breathe”. (shrugs). WORD OF THE YEAR IDEAS. Full disclosure: I’m not very good at picking a “word for the year.” If I remember to pick, I take forever, and then, I keep changing it. It’s so hard with little children but this year is our year! It also feels important to me that in some way the word is in alignment with this path of Being our Own Beloved. However, I did this for fun and I enjoyed curating these definitions from different dictionaries, and ultimately, I do love words, and believe that there is a lot to be learned in spending time with them, so take from this whatever you like! In each of these things I’m going to try to choose quality over quantity, to give myself an upgrade. Keep it in the forefront of your mind and use it to set smaller monthly goals throughout the year. - Barbara McNichol Editorial Services, My Word of the Year 2021 is Resilience - Midlife Stylist, I’ve found Anthropologie always has a highly curated GREAT selection of high quality planners (. Here are 50 word of the year ideas for 2020. A single word that encapsulates what you need more of, what you want to focus on, or what you need to improve on. It can be something related to your goals. containerEl: '#fd-form-5fd7a669e1a58ba7b10ceae6' Full disclosure: I’m not very good at picking a “word for the year.” If I remember to pick, I take forever, and then, I keep changing it. Instead of writing a new year’s resolution, you could choose a focus word instead. If so, consider choosing a word of the year! In 2017 my word was ROUTINE. If you don’t need the word ideas in printable format, scroll through here for 150+ incredible Word of the Year ideas to motivate and inspire you to have your best year ever! The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales have declared 2020 to be a year of special focus on the Bible. If you do all things with intention, sincerity will be expressed and you will ultimately have an impact. There is light at the end of the tunnel but I have to do something about it now. There are lots of ways you can help your Year 3 child with spelling. The Goal Chaser points […], […] I saw these word-of-the-year posts popping up on different blogs I follow. What are characteristics of that person? I think many of us would like to get away from mass produced look alike everything and have some uniqueness again in the world. So if you're not familiar with one little word or choosing a word of the year, it's basically just that you pick a word um that you want to focus on throughout the entire year. Instead of randomly picking a word, allow the word to choose you. Follow Jen on Instagram at @JenniferFulwiler and add her new comedy special to your watchlist on Amazon Prime! It means more rigorous workouts and waking up earlier. It means more trips with the kids in tow, even if it would be easier to stay home. Year of the Word resources. You may just have one word that really sticks out to you for your 2019 theme, if that’s the case, just choose one. And reorganizing my home to find the peace that surpassed all understanding to gurad mind in Christ Jesus. Great alternative to New Yearâs Resolutions – 2019 Word of the year. Word Of The Year Ideas For A Better 2021. By tying all of your goals back to your overarching word, it is easy to keep them front-of-mind. The practice of choosing a “Word of the Year” is that, instead of setting a lot of different New Years Resolutions, you select one single word to be your focus for the year. …. ð, HNY 2019. This is why I am embracing the idea of setting my intentions for the year using a single word. I used the following two quotes to help guide my choice: âDo one thing every day that scares you.â â Eleanor Roosevelt, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” -Unknown. All the new cars look alike to me. But a lot of it will come only by choosing it, from making time for things that are not what I’ve been choosing for the last few years.”. Read the attached list and reply with your word for 2019!! A single word that encapsulates what you need more of, what you want to focus on, or what you need to improve on. more than is usual or expected” (Cambridge), Liberate (verb) “to set at liberty : FREE” (Merriam-Webster), Uncover (verb) “to make known : bring to light” (Merriam-Webster), Awaken (verb) “make someone aware of (something) for the first time.” (Oxford Languages), Rhythm (noun) “movement, fluctuation, or variation marked by the regular recurrence or natural flow of related elements” (Merriam-Webster), Tranquility (noun) “the quality or state of being tranquil; calm” (Oxford Languages), Renew (noun) “the process of starting something again after a pause” (Macmillan), Flow (verb) “to move in a stream” (Merriam-Webster), Readiness (noun) “willingness to do something” (Oxford Languages), Evolve (verb) “to develop gradually” (Cambridge), Remain (verb) “to continue to exist when other parts or other things no longer exist” (Cambridge), Notice (verb) “to see or become conscious of something” (Cambridge), Make (verb) “to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material” (Merriam-Webster), Become (verb) “to change and start to be something different, or to start to have a different quality” (Macmillan), Tapestry (noun) “a strong cloth with colored threads woven into it to create a picture or design” (Cambridge), Practice (noun) “the activity of doing something again and again in order to become better at it” (Merriam-Webster), Detail (noun) “the small features of something that you only notice when you look carefully” (Cambridge), Refine (verb) “improve (something) by making small changes” (Oxford Languages), Voyage (noun) “an account of a journey” (Cambridge), Abundant (adjective) “more than enough” (Cambridge), Reveal (verb) “to allow something to be seen that, until then, had been hidden” (Cambridge), Wonder (noun) “a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable” (Oxford Languages), Curiosity (noun) “a strong desire to know or learn something” (Oxford Languages), Release (verb) “allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free” (Oxford Languages), Audacity (noun) “a willingness to take bold risks” (Oxford Languages), Space (verb) “to arrange things or people so that there is some distance or time between them” (Cambridge), Foundation (noun) “the base that is built below the surface of the ground to support a building” (Cambridge), Pursue (verb) “to continue to do” (Cambridge), Courage (noun) “Courage is the quality shown by someone who decides to do something difficult or dangerous, even though they may be afraid.” (Collins), Ripple (verb) “to flow in small waves” (Merriam-Webster), Loosen (verb) “to release from restraint” (Merriam-Webster), Embody (verb) “to embrace or comprise” (Dictionary.com), Vitality (verb) 1) “power of enduring” 2) “capacity to live and develop” (Merriam-Webster), Resolve (verb) “decide firmly on a course of action” (Oxford Languages), Focus (noun) “directed attention” (Merriam-Webster), Build (verb) “to create and develop something over a long period of time” (Cambridge), Cultivate (verb) “prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening” (Oxford Languages), Bold (adjective) “adventurous, free” (Merriam-Webster), Express (verb) “to show a feeling or idea by what you say or do or by how you look” (Cambridge), Commit (noun) “the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.” (Oxford Languages), Leap (verb) “jump or spring a long way, to a great height” (Oxford Languages), Action (noun) “the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty” (Cambridge), Infinite (adjective) “without limits” (Cambridge), Harmony (noun) “Harmony is the combination of separate but related parts in a way that uses their similarities to bring unity to a painting, drawing, or other art object.” (Cambridge), Redefine (verb) “Give new meaning to” (Cambridge), Pace (noun) “consistent and continuous speed in walking, running, or moving” (Oxford Languages), Prioritize (verb) “to decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with them first” (Cambridge), Sustain (verb) “to keep alive” (Cambridge), Start (noun) “the point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning.” (Oxford Languages), Versatility (noun) “being able to do many different kinds of things” (Merriam-Webster), Preparation (noun) “the things that you do or the time that you spend preparing for something” (Cambridge), Realize (verb) “become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly.” (Oxford Languages), Intentionality (noun) “the fact of being deliberate or purposive.” (Oxford Languages), Root (noun) “the part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.” (Oxford Languages), Integrate (verb) “to form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole” (Merriam-Webster), Go (verb) “move from one place to another” (Oxford Languages), Seek (verb) “to try to find or get something, especially something that is not a physical object” (Cambridge), Find (verb) “to realize that something exists or has happened” (Cambridge), Collect (verb) “bring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or widespread)” (Cambridge), Capture (verb) “to emphasize, represent, or preserve (something, such as a scene, mood, or quality) in a more or less permanent form” (Cambridge), Thorough (adjective) “performed or written with great care and completeness” (Oxford Languages), Yes (adverb) “used to express willingness” (Cambridge), Change (verb) “to make or become different” (Cambridge), Lasting (adjective) “enduring or able to endure over a long period of time” (Lexico by Oxford), Further (adverb) “to a greater distance or degree, or at a more advanced level” (Cambridge), Unfold (verb) “to develop and become clear” (Cambridge), Care (noun) “serious attention, especially to the details of a situation or thing” (Cambridge), Home (noun) “a place of origin” (Merriam-Webster), Receive (verb) “to welcome something” (Cambridge), Delight (noun) “great pleasure, satisfaction” (Cambridge), Homecoming (noun) “the fact of a person arriving home after being away for a long time” (Cambridge), Recognize (verb) “to acknowledge or take notice of in some definite way” (Merriam-Webster), Onward (adverb) “in a continuing forward direction; ahead.” (Oxford Languages), Within (noun) “an inner place” (Merriam-Webster), Transform (verb) “to change completely (Cambridge), River (noun) “any abundant stream or copious flow; outpouring” (Dictionary.com), Wind (noun) “the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction.” (Oxford Languages), Sky (noun) “the area above the earth, in which clouds, the sun, etc. It means more patience, more presence, and new habits. Or choose 3, like me, haha. Word of the Year Ideas! Required fields are marked *. Then, it appeared everywhere. Most Comfortable Tee + Last 5 Books I’ve Read, https://consciousbychloe.com/2020/01/20/self-care-my-one-word-theme-for-2020/, Intentions For an Amazing 2019! This generator is a gift from Jen Fulwiler, a former programmer who is now a standup comic with six kids. ð. In 2019 my word/phrase could have been LET IT GO Give it some time. But, with a little time and reflection, you’ll have your 2021 mantra in no time at all. Your word should be my word! It means more projects that challenge me. But this year, my word is “ACTION”. Picking a Word of the Year is an excellent way to do this. You can use that word to set goals or intentions for each area of your life but have them all tie back to the single word. At Dictionary.com, the task of choosing a single word to sum up 2020—a year roiled by a public health crisis, an economic downturn, racial injustice, climate disaster, political division, and rampant disinformation—was a challenging and humbling one. This!! Well, this is something I recently started doing.. I’ve found that choosing 3 helps me focus on 3 areas I want to improve upon or learn more about. Rarely has a word moved from the jargon of medical professionals to the general public’s everyday vocabulary as quickly as coronavirus.Though not a new word, coronavirus rocketed from obscurity to ubiquity in a span of a few weeks. Last year my word was “gather” and before that, I never saw it much. Love the idea of a word for the year. Have an inspirational word chosen for you at random! Your email address will not be published. Often the words come to us when we are still and quiet. Focus; Grow; Organize; Simplify; Bloom; Brave; Inspire; Thrive; Gratitude; Consistency; Balance; Be; Worth; Elevate; Today; Less; Mindful; Considerate; Calm; Positivity; Respect Donât just go through the motions in life- Be Intentional. This is a great alternative to New Years Resolutions or a way to organize all of your different goals. In store home decor, on my artwork, etc. The next year I chose the word “discipline” and listed the different areas of my life and what discipline would look like in each of them. Quite interesting article. Choosing a focus word, a theme or a ‘word of the year’ is a great way to really hone in on what you want more of in your life. Every year in December I reflect on the word I want to act as my mantra or guiding principle in the new year. Instead of writing a new year’s resolution, you could choose a focus word instead. After scouring lists of “ideas for word of the year” on Pinterest, I settled on one: My word for 2020 will be: HABIT. 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