The obvious example is Chile in South America. chile. Elongated states (or countries, same thing) are states with a very long and narrow body. Chile’s protest movement, which killed about 23 people, according to the attorney general’s office, began on Oct. 18, 2019 with mass fare evasions on the Santiago Metro after an increase of 30 Chilean pesos – about US$0.04 – on the price of rush hour tickets. A compact state has a minimum frontier to defend, and generally roads and railways are relatively simple to provide. But there are other smaller ones like Malawi, Gambia, and even Italy In Southeast Asia, Vietnam is the best example. This type of state also has many disadvantages. South Africa is a classic example of a perforated state, which surrounds Lesotho. chile is pronounced like child without the d. it’s sometimes used when someone does something questionable sort of like “wtf” nicki minaj popularized it when someone commented on her big boobs on instagram live. Also a region located far from the capital gets isolated which is a problem. Perhaps AI analysis of his emotions and feelings can help Piñera better lead the recovery. Nations such as Indonesia, which is composed of more than 13,000 islands, are known as fragmented or archipelagic states because they are composed of archipelagos. What Does It Mean When a Country Is Developed or Developing? Belgium is an example because of the cultural division between Flanders and Wallonia. Then, he announced a series of short-term measures to combat inequality. State of Emergency: Why Chile Is Facing a Crisis by Alexis Javier Apablaza Campos After a month of sometimes deadly demonstrations against inequality, Chile … Argentina and Chile extended their border down south to previously-unclaimed Patagonia in 1881 roughly along the crest of the Andes; Chile conquered the Atacama Desert in the north from Bolivia and Peru in the War of the Pacific around the same time. The country Chile is not, I repeat, NOT named after a chili pepper. However, an elongated state encompasses a variety of landscapes. They found that Piñera’s words expressed more optimism when he asked for forgiveness and announced measures to combat inequality, in his fourth speech, but demonstrated a significant degree of fear in his first speech, declaring the state of emergency. Can have separation by water. she said “um chile... anyways” and people have started using it as a meme, however, it’s been around and used in the black community for years The morphology of most countries can be divided into five main categories: compact, fragmented, elongated, perforated, and protruded. [ Expertise in your inbox. Belgium's population is divided into two distinct groups: The Flemings, the larger of the two, live in the northern region—called Flanders—and speak Flemish, a language closely related to Dutch. why are perforated states bad. To study the feelings reflected in Pinera’s presidential speeches, Mansilla and Manríquez referred to Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions – a model of emotional intelligence discipline that defines eight basic emotions – fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, hope, joy and acceptance. Lesotho Elongated State. On that day, which ended with 20 subway stations and more than 15 buses set aflame across the capital, President Sebastián Piñera made his first crisis-time speech to the Chilean people: He decreed a state of emergency in Santiago. Chile isn’t called that because the country’s shape is long and could look like a chili pepper. I just sent it out to all of my … Chile’s official name is La República de Chile, or Republic of Chile. b. The second group lives in Wallonia, a region in the south, and consists of the Walloons who speak French. But using an AI system to analyze the otherwise indecipherable emotions behind official speeches is a novel technique, the Chilean researchers say. Despite this division, Belgium's compact form has helped to keep the country together despite numerous European wars and attacks by neighboring countries. Vatican City and San Marino—both independent countries—are surrounded by Italy. Restoring peace in Chile after a month-long political crisis will surely be a long process, with many more presidential speeches to come. Most chiles are grown under contract and sold to processors. For example, they are difficult to defend. After a month of sometimes deadly demonstrations against inequality, Chile may be making its way toward peace. Italy is an elongated state because of how lengthy it is. Manríquez and Mansilla see studies like theirs, which allow the processing and interpretation of a speech without needing to watch it completely, as an boon for political communication. Q. Like an elongated state, the panhandle complicates the management of the country. ", ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Fragmented State. What Countries Have the Most and Fewest Neighbors? Prior to the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century, the Inca ruled northern Chile while the Mapuche inhabited central and southern Chile. info)), is a country in western South America.It occupies a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Expertise in your inbox. The best example is Chile. What country in South America is the most exaggerated example of an elongated state? Javier Mansilla and Claudio Manríquez, industrial civil engineers at Chile’s Universidad del Bío-Bío, conducted an analysis of Piñera’s speeches during the first week of the Chilean crisis. Hey Joseph, Great webpage. There are a ton of elongated states. Chiles (Capsicum annuum) have been grown in New Mexico for at least four centuries. A compact state with a circular shape is the easiest to manage. Fragmented State. These, in turn, combine to develop various more advanced emotions. Read more: Estallido social en Chile: discursos de Piñera bajo la lupa de la inteligencia artificial. a state that completely surrounds another. By the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors began to subdue and colonize the region of present-day Chile, and the territory was a colony between 1540 and 1818, when it gained independence from Spain.The country's economic development was successively marked by the export of first agricultural produce, then saltpeter and … A coalition of parties from across the political spectrum says it will support a constitutional referendum next year to decide whether and how Chile’s 1980 Constitution should be changed in response to protester demands. Read the original article. Benifits of a Porupted state: The poruption on the state can help it have access to more resorces (such as oil, coal, water, diamonds, e.t.c. AI systems have been used to catch jaywalkers, develop Chinese miitary intelligence, continuously improve cybersecurity and train machines to replace human workers. 3. This negative response, coupled with protester demands to combat Chile’s extreme inequality, forced Piñera to radically change his tone. Like an elongated state, the panhandle complicates the management of the country. Though it's not a nation, you can get an idea of how hard it would be to defend a protruded country if you picture the state of Oklahoma, which has a prominent panhandle. “This study allows us to understand the position of the president and the attitude he takes in different situations, without having to listen to each speech,” adds Mansilla, CEO and founder of Krino. ... State civil employee candidates wearing face masks and shields take a test in Surabaya. Sign up for The Conversation’s newsletter – in Spanish or English – and get a digest of academic takes on today’s news, every day. That day, President Piñera announced that he would suspend the rise in transit fares. Also Argentina, Vietnam, Panama, Norway, Italy, Malawi, maybe even Mexico. Why Does South Africa Have Three Capital Cities? peter says. © Copyright 2020 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved, Estallido social en Chile: discursos de Piñera bajo la lupa de la inteligencia artificial, 20 subway stations and more than 15 buses set aflame, catch jaywalkers, develop Chinese miitary intelligence. Hinders communication. An elongated or attenuated nation such as Chile makes for difficult governance of peripheral areas in the north and south, which are from the central capital of Santiago. Over the next week, Piñera would make a series of speeches aimed – unsuccessfully, it turns out – at quelling the crisis. April 14, 2008 at 10:53 am. From east to west, Chile on average is just 150 miles (240 km) wide, which is the distance from London to … If the two nations are hostile, access to the surrounded nation can be difficult. The aim, says Manríquez, who is also a data scientist at the digital data processing company Krino, was to understand “how different phrases from different speeches were interrelated.”. On Tuesday, Oct. 22, the Chilean president made his fourth speech in as many days. Ex. That night, in a press conference at a military base, Piñera made what would be come to be notorious statement: “We are at war against a powerful enemy,” he said. The surrounded nation of Lesotho can only be reached by going through South Africa. On a continent where dense forests, rivers and mountains isolate many countries from one another like islands, Chile has historically been a peripheral nation.It has no choice but to rely on markets outside the continent for much of its export revenue. Even Russia, Canada, and the US could probably be considered elongated states due to their sheer width. For example, New Mexican-type green chile is peeled, then canned or frozen, and is packed whole or diced. Elongated states are long and narrow, which can make the extreme ends feel isolated and hard to get resources to. ], Alexis Javier Apablaza Campos, Profesor asociado Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación UNIACC. Using artificial intelligence to process huge quantities of raw data is not new. An elongated or attenuated state is much longer in one direction than the other. A porupted state is another form of a compact state, but in a porupted state, they have a large projecting extension. Several different and distinct processors operate in New Mexico, depending on the type of chile handled. The country in South America with the most exaggerated example of an elongated state is Chile. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Chile is as narrow as it is because of the Andes Mountains, which separate it from Argentina. Chile is an important cash crop for farmers, with approximately 8,000 to 10,000 acres harvested annually in New Mexico. South America - South America - Precious metals and gemstones: Despite the fact that South America was Europe’s treasure trove for gold and silver from the 1530s through the late 1700s, in the early 21st century the region contributes only a small percentage to the world’s production of these precious metals. why are elongated states bad. Demonstrations, looting and fires occurred in various cities after the transit uprising in Santiago, resulting in curfews being declared across the country on Oct. 19. Myanmar has existed in one form or another for thousands of years, for example, but the country's shape has made it an easy target for many other nations and people, dating to the Nanzhao kingdom in the mid-800s to the Khmer and Mongol empires. Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicación UNIACC. Fragmented state: I would give Azerbaijan, Malaysia, and the United States (b/c of Alaska) as the three most obvious non-island examples. A country's boundaries, as well as the shape of the land it encompasses, can present problems or help to unify the nation. A protruded, or panhandle country such as Myanmar (Burma) or Thailand has an extended arm of territory. Related Questions. Is Italy an elongated state? Chile wasn't quite as long originally, though it always had sort of the same shape. Nation-state, a territorially bounded sovereign polity—i.e., a state—that is ruled in the name of a community of citizens who identify themselves as a nation. The government long ago divided the country into these two regions, giving each control over its cultural, linguistic, and educational matters. Norway and Chile are examples of elongated states. This bellicose message triggered a powerful citizen reaction. On Oct. 20, the first protest-related deaths were reported in Chile, and human rights organizations began to denounce abuse of authority. Chile has had a steady economy and an idea about what they want to do as a country economically. Ancient Peruvians gave themselves elongated skulls as a mark of status. Feeding transcript of subtitles from videos of Piñera’s speeches posted on YouTube into an artificial intelligence system developed from mathematical algorithms and computer science models specialized in feeling analysis, they studied the presidential messages from Friday Oct. 18, Saturday Oct. 19 , Sunday Oct. 20 and Tuesday Oct. 22. look at it more as an elongated - and an exacerbation of - the original first wave,' said Dr Fauci of the current state of the pandemic in the U.S. during a Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit. Chile's geography makes it inherently vulnerable to the boom-and-bust cycle that has characterized so many Latin American economies. If a government has to draw 10 districts in a State that is 60% white, 30% black, and 10% hispanic, it can easily dilute the minority votes by _____ them among multiple districts, ensuring the white population holds the majority in each district. An elongated state has a long and linear shape, along with extremities being located from the central core area.
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