The cottony maple scale, Pulvinaria innumerabilis, is a common insect pest in midMichigan. The fungus is on almost every leaf. Cottony Maple Scale is starting to hatch in the Treasure Valley. This scale primarily attacks azalea and rhododendron but has also been found on andromeda, maple, arborvitae, willow, poplar, and hackberry. The white cottony egg masses, which resemble popcorn, are the most distinguishing feature of this scale. Although a heavy infestation may cause some thinning of the canopy, it rarely results in tree death. Q: I have what I think is a fungus on the underside of my red maple. I say obvious because there was definitely something that wasn’t right with the plant. A favored host is silver maple, but it will attack other species of maple as well. Females are inconspicuous and overwinter on twigs, and in the spring they rapidly grow and produce their characteristic white egg sac. It is also known as cottony taxus scale. Cottony Maple Scale. The pest is very common in the tri-city area of Michigan at this time. Cottony maple scale (Pulvinaria innumerabilis) is a flattened brown scale about 1/8” long that becomes one of the most conspicuous soft scale insects attacking ornamental plants when mature females begin to secrete white, waxy, cottony-appearing egg sacs in early summer. Cottony Maple Scale Characteristics. A particularly troublesome side effect that Fenton homeowners experience is caused by the honeydew that the scale insect exudes from its body as it feeds on a tree. The cottony maple leaf scale is so named because the females exude their eggs in an elongated, white, cottony structure called an ovisac which are stuck onto the underside of leaves. In the spring, a white egg sac is developed and holds many crawlers (insect). The eggs hatch in June and July. Cottony maple scale is one of the largest soft scales and attacks a number of ornamental trees, including silver maple, red maple, sugar maple, honey locust, black walnut, hackberry, and linden. Crawlers appear in June and immatures in summer on the underside of leaves. A close examination of the ovisacs reveals the eggs are held … The crawler's waste is called honeydew. Cottony scale is a sap-sucking insect that consumes the cell content of trees. The insect tends to populate the undersides of leaves/needles. They secrete the white, cottony masses beneath which, they lay 500 or more eggs in late May to early June. The Cottony Maple Scale will survive over winter and pester the tree over and over as you can read in the previous attachment. The honeydew drops onto anything under the tree and a black sooty mold grows on the honeydew. There are more than 25 species of scale insect found in British Gardens. Cottony maple cushion scale belong to the soft bodied type. The female will deposit 1,500 to 3,000 eggs before she dies. The most important part of scale insect control is timing. Immatures overwinter on twigs. . Pulvinaria innumerabilisThe cottony maple scale (Pulvinaria innumerabilis) is one of the largest and most conspicuous scale insects in this country. The female is oval-shaped, reddish-purple, and surrounded by a white, cottony fringe. Management. Cottony Cushion Scale Insect A sample of Pittosporum was brought into the office to have an obvious issue identified. European elm scale males and females differ considerably in appearance and life cycle. Cottony Maple Leaf Scale is one of several cottony scales in the genus Pulvinaria. An infestation of cottony grass scale (CGS) appears as tiny cottony sacs that resemble cotton swabs attached to the grass blades. Cottony Scale insects produce cottony egg masses from which young crawlers emerge. Adult females are about 1/8 inch long, oval and yellowish tan with a brown margin. 2) Cottony camellia scale is also known as Cottony taxus scale Some of the leaves look like they are being eaten by the fungus. The tree may become weak if the infestation is severe and repeats for several years. It has been reported on over a dozen species of trees, but is most common on silver and red maple. European elm scale. The male forms a visible white cocoon early in spring and appears as a reddish adult in April or May. The trunk I believe is showing extensive canker damage from a fungal disease, possible tubercularia or nectria which could have been exacerbated through our tough winter temperatures this past winter. Each species has a different host range and life cycle. This is best applied when the scale are in their younger nymph stages, so make sure to regularly check your landscape for pests. Cottony maple scale over-winters as immature females (nymphs) on twigs and branches. Cottony maple scales will produce white cottony egg sacs by mid-June. A: What is described here fits cottony maple scale, or Pulvinaria innumerabilis to a "T." The white bumps that line branches (often in great numbers) … Maple cotton scale is found on several other common hardwood trees such as ash, elm and boxelder. Cottony Maple Scale starts off as an unnoticeable, brown scale. A close examination of the ovisacs reveals the eggs are held … You can find these now on their most common hosts: maple and dogwood. Cottony taxus scale is a soft scale (produces a thin, waxy outer covering attached to insect) as opposed to a hard scale (produces a harder, outer shell not attached to the insect). They become active and feed on the leaves between June and July. The scale is called maple cotton scale, Pulvinaria innumerabilis whereas cottony cushion scale is Icerya purchasi, which I am sure clears that up completely for you doesn’t it? Scale insect control. Severely infested trees look like they are covered with a string of popcorn. The most common scale insects that infest maple trees are the armored varieties oystershell scale and scurfy scale, as well as the soft varieties cottony maple scale and lecanium scale. There are 2 generations a year in Maryland. One of the most effective is the use of horticultural oils to smother the insects. Cottony-cushion scale definition is - a scale insect (Icerya purchasi) introduced into the U.S. from Australia that infests citrus and other plants. The more noticeable symptom is the presence of a distinctive mower wheel track pattern. In fact, this scale may cause branch dieback of silver maple. The cottony mass resembles popcorn and, if the population is high, the ‘kernels’ will line up along the branches and twigs. The cottony maple scale is a large, flat, brown scale insect found on the twigs and branches of various trees. Cottony camellia scale and cottony maple scale are the other common species. The biggest problem is the honeydew dripping down on decks, picnic tables, lawn chairs and parked cars. They feed by sucking sap and some can weaken host plants, many excrete a sticky substance (honeydew), which allows the growth of sooty moulds. Did you know this is actually an insect? Cottony maple scale causes damage by feeding on the sap of a tree. This is the substance that makes our cars, sidewalks, decks, you name it, sticky in the summer.
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