Pruning: Pruning the tree once in a while is important as well as this help it to keep a proper structure instead of crowding your sidewalks. When I took arboriculture … My Atlas is over 15 years old and is quite hardy. Left to themselves, both plants will eventually become quite large in size. The tree can grow up to twenty feet tall and ten feet wide with the silvery green needles being less than two inches long. Just make sure that you don't girdle the branches with the cords and you should be good. As a foundation plant, you will have to restrict all lateral and upright shoots, so you will need to stay on top of the pruning. What's the smallest sized container you would plant it in? There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most important one is to work within your zone. I would recommend reading up on it more. Question: I recently bought a 4 feet tall weeping blue atlas cedar trained as a snake shape for foundation. To help prevent the tree roots from getting in to your drain pipes we have made a list of common garden plants and the recommended minimum distance that they should be planted away from your sewer drain to prevent the tree roots from blocking the pipe. Two others (not the weeping variety, as far as I know) are suddenly drooping, with their bark beginning to peel away on the trunks. Feed with a general purpose fertilizer before new growth begins in spring.Pruning time: seldom requires pruning. Question: I have a weeping blue atlas cedar in my yard that’s about four years old, and I’ve never pruned it or trained it because I didn’t know I was supposed to. The tree has some cones, large and small. Q. Cedar Treesc - Can firewood being stacked at the base of a large cedar tree damage the root system or tree? #landscape #conifer #toprated #drought #heat … Answer: Blue Atlas Cedar can be propagated under the proper conditions, with the proper methods and times. Answer: It should have began to grow vigorously by now. How do I get it to grow? Dig up the young tree to be transplanted. However, you should not prune the tree severely as this will ruin its aesthetics. This Atlas cedar is suited to a position in full … Dig a hole 4 feet deep and at least 10 feet in diameter. This tree can either be used as a feature tree in the middle of a grass area or growing along a wall or fence, where its hanging branches look like icicles. Is there anything about growing Weeping Blue Atlas Cedars in pots that I should know about? Take out the plant gently using your fingers, making sure not to pull on the trunk or damage the roots in any way. The Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar is a truly unique plant, and it will grow into a remarkable specimen in your garden. Can these be used to grow a tree in my neighbors yard? Answer: While both trees will fit in the specified area with room to spare in their current sizes, you have to account for the mature sizes of each. Weeping blue atlas cedar can readily be recognized in the landscape, with its blue-grey to blue-green needle-like foliage, matte appearance and fountain-like form. Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar – Conifer, evergreen, weeping branches with blue needles must be staked to develop a leader. For best results plant this tree in full sun, though it can tolerate some shade if needed. Required fields are marked *. Dig down 4 feet starting 4 feet out from the trunk. I have had these plants for years and years and have easily maintained their original footprint. As long as the fence doesn't shade it. Fill in the planting hole while pressing the soil around the roots firmly to keep the plant secure and eliminate any air pockets in the soil. Oklahoma gardeners have planted weeping mulberry’s for years. It looks pretty manageable, but knowledge of its growth habits is essential for it to become an asset rather than a liability in the landscape. This plant hasn't changed since the day we bought it. I only have space 6 feet by 6 feet. Foliage of Weeping Atlas Cedar. If desired, they can be trained horizontally for a fair distance along that front bed, something I would not recommend here. Training and … We don't know what to do. They can tolerate soils that are acidic or slightly alkaline, but have a low to moderate tolerance for aerosol salt. Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' is a fan favorite of all the cedars. A unique specimen tree that measures at 10 feet tall, 15-20 feet wide, depending upon training. Mature cedars have a lateral root system that can branch out several times the distance from the trunk as the tree is high. Hard, packed, dry soil will prevent trees from developing deep, sturdy roots. It eventually forms a spectacular mass of main trunks that sprawl out in many directions, each one with a curtain of blue foliage cascading downwards. A 6x6 space can contain one of the trees, with pruning as necessary to keep it within the dimensions of the space as the tree grows larger. Avoid planting them beside walkways or in locations where they are likely to be crowded by other trees. It gets full sun, has plenty of space and the plants around it are thriving. Your email address will not be published. Answer: You can plant it within 1-3 feet of the fence if you are OK with it growing into the fence. This article discusses how you can grow this beautiful tree in your ornamental garden and what you have to do to take care of it. Humidity Requirements: The weeping blue atlas cedar prefers average to low humidity levels. The wind can also be affecting it adversely. The weeping blue atlas cedar can tolerate heat and drought when planted in a site where it can spread out its roots. Question: We recently bought a weeping blue atlas cedar. Landscape Attributes. Winter hardiness into zone 6, with some protection. Answer: My recommendation would do exactly that, keep tightening it but not too much too fast, lest the branch break. Even if a tree tends to develop deep roots naturally -- like the cedar -- it won't do so if the roots have nowhere to go. Maybe it was damaged, but if so I would think by now it would have recovered and started to grow. The Serpentine Blue Atlas Cedar is a trained specimen of the weeping blue Atlas cedar that has a twisting trunk shaped into a repeating ‘S’ pattern, with pendulous cascading branches. The Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) is a true cedar that takes its name from the Atlas Mountains of Northern Africa, its native range.Blue Atlas (Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’) is among the most popular cedar cultivars in this country, with its beautiful powdery blue needles.The weeping version, ‘Glauca Pendula,’ can be trained to grow like a vast umbrella of tree limbs. Jul 11, 2020 - Explore Tim Lorenz's board "Horstmann Blue Atlas Cedar" on Pinterest. These uses all suggest that the spread of deodar cedar roots is not an … One healthy cedar remains. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Fill the hole with water and wait for 15 minutes to see whether the water has been absorbed by the soil or is it still there. Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar has attractive blue foliage. I'm not sure about the location because the tree will grow quite large but if you buy a narrow tree to begin with and train it to grow to one side it could make a nice specimen. During that time it will grow but not at full speed. Comments Typically, var. Staking: You need to stake your tree properly when young so that it does not become prostrate and creep along the ground as it grows. Most of these plants are shipped bare root, read about shipping methods. He loves the tree and wants one with good genes.:). Young Cedar Trees - Cold Winter - Other than wrapping them what should I do? Use some nylon strings to tie the tree stem to the stake so that the tree can stand upright. This could be due to a number of problems, and is hard to pinpoint it without seeing the area myself. Neither the flowers nor the fruit are ornamentally significant. Wikipedia search. I would appreciate some feedback on how far to plant the tree from the house, as these get huge at maturity. Multiples of 10. document.write('
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It is also a good idea to shelter the tree from exposure to strong winds. The more I see striking old windswept specimens, the … It has no central stem, and it grows instead into a broad mound of trailing stems. This tree is classified as Cedrus deodara and is one of the real cedars. }); Weeping blue Atlas cedar prefers well-drained, acidic loam soil, though it can adapt to many other types of soil. To prune it, I would recommend cutting back any branches that have outgrown your expectations for the plant; just make sure that you leave a sufficient amount of foliage on the tree. It will flow down a slope and spill over rocks and walls. Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar is an open multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with a rounded form and gracefully weeping branches. It refuses to grow. Now, water the plant slowly with about 3 gallons of water to help the root system establish properly. I hope this … Now that I know, I don’t know how to start. The tree's spread is 25-40' so take that into consideration when you plant it. Phytophthora spores can live for several years in the soil … The tree cannot tolerate extreme climates and are best grown in USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) plant hardiness zones 6 through 8. History. Deodar Weevil The deodar weevil or Pissodes … This species is known as the Deodar cedar, deodar, and the Himalayan cedar. Make sure that you keep some young growth and not remove more than a third of the plant. Weeping blue atlas cedar is used as a foundation plant fairly often. This is the eastern exposure beside our house that I want to move the blue atlas cedar to. Our shippable sizes are sold out right now. Six to eight hours of direct sunlight every day is ideal for its growth. You can also do selective pruning to control the trajectory of new growth on said branches so that the growth you leave grows more in the desired direction. This shows off the wonderful weeping form with lower branches spreading about half the height. Maybe the plant does not like the soil or the area? The name deodar translates from the original Sankrit as "timber of the gods". The tree has an irregular, open pyramidal form and reaches a mature height of 40 to 60 feet. I would say plant it a minimum 3-4 feet from the house and preferably 6+ feet from the maple. 30' from side to side and 10 feet wide at the widest part in the center of the bed. If you are planting multiple weeping atlas cedar trees, make sure to keep enough distance between the trees so that they can grow and spread independently. Here are the step by step instructions for planting the weeping blue atlas cedar in your garden: Here is what you have to do to take care of your blue atlas cedar tree: Watering: You need water the tree regularly during the 1st year of growth so that the soil around it remains moist all the time. If you have seen a large 'Glauca Pendula' you want one as a specimen in your garden, in front of your business, or in front your church. Sometimes it is possible to save the tree from root rot by changing the soil around the tree so it has better drainage and applying a fertilizer. Best offers for your Garden - ----- Blue Atlas Cedar Tree Information. Seed raised plants, drought and exposure tolerant. This is also a fast-growing tree , adding 12 inches each year under favorable conditions , and so the stems are long, adding to the cascading effect, and emphasizing the brilliant coloring. The lowest of the dwarf cedars, with a unique spreading form that rarely develops a leader. Blue Atlas Cedar is a fast-growing tree, especially when young. In the past 10 years more and more Oklahoma City gardeners have begun planting weeping blue atlas cedar. Allerton Botanical Gardens Kauai On a recent trip to the island of … Asked by Anonymous on July 10, 2017. Your blue atlas cedar likes full to partial sun and well-drained soil. Blue Atlas Cedar1 Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 INTRODUCTION A handsome evergreen with blue, bluish-green or light green foliage, ‘Glauca’ Atlas Cedar is perfect for specimen planting where it can grow without being crowded since the tree looks its best when branches are left on the tree to the ground (Fig. If you have concerns about digging near your mature tree I would suggest avoiding it. Best in loamy well-drained soils, but highly adaptable. Question: I planted a weeping blue atlas cedar in my front yard about 4 1/2 years ago. The cones of the weeping blue atlas cedar are no more than six inches long and do not attract birds and animals. Water it during dry periods as necessary until it is established. The intriguing form with blue-green foliage is a wonderful specimen for smaller spaces, rock gardens and containers. This tree must be staked and trained while it is young to create the desired form. Larger trees have larger root systems. Q. The branches started growing upward approximately 3 years ago. Set a wooden or metal stake into the soil next to your atlas cedar tree; take care not to damage the tree root. Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar. Evergreen. Call 215 651 8329 Ornamental Weeping Spruce and Cedar Trees Available in Pots When you get to the nursery or garden center where you will buy … Great tree for color, texture and overall dramatics. I saw a tree that was 7 feet tall and the same shape tree like mine and it's not as big and wide as you say. To keep the weeping form upright enough to be enjoyed and appreciated, early and sustained staking is required. Buy Serpentine Blue Atlas Ceder online. How long does it take for its branches to grow like a waterfall? It can grow up to ten feet high and over twenty feet wide. The weeping blue atlas cedar, also known as the Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca Pendula’ and the Cedar of Lebanon, is and evergreen conifer tree grown in residential landscapes and ornamental gardens for its gorgeous foliage with the flowing limbs drooping gracefully to the ground. Weeping form with blue-gray needles, the branches cascade like water over rocks, truly beautiful. Branches lying on the ground will either crawl on the ground, get choked by weeds, or get in the lawn, so pruning them back will make for a more tidy tree. It is recommended to use a specialized evergreen fertilizer for the tree. Common name: Weeping Atlas Cedar Tree; Great for: Year round interest; Height and spread in 20 years: 4 x 6 meters; Foliage: Needle-like dark green leaves; Soil: Tolerant of most soil types but prefers a well-drained site; Position: Full sun; Planting Advice for Cedrus atlantica Pendula. Make sure you have full sun and good drainage as well. Juniperus virginiana 'Canaertii' red cedar Needled evergreen Our Team Pests and Diseases. Mulching will improve your growth three fold. Thanks a lot and I am looking ahead to touch you. As a foundation plant, it will do well for a few years and then outgrow its spot. Such a tree is The Blues Weeping Colorado Spruce, perhaps the best of all the weeping spruce trees, and certainly the most colorful, with its crisp needles in a vibrant shade of silver-blue. glauca (blue atlas cedar) is found as a landscape ornamental. According to the University of Alabama, the tree will grow at a maximum rate of 1 to 1 1/2 feet each year. If you plant perennials around it to fill space, move them as the tree encroaches upon them. Answer: It will take a year or two to establish itself. Loosen any pot-bound or coiled root before planting. My recommendation would be to research for academic/scholarly/professional web content to see what studies and observations have been done, and what has and has not worked for other growers, and go from there. Select Page: Private Policy. Deep, loamy soils are ideal for growing these trees. See more ideas about blue atlas cedar, cedar, plants. Fertilize before new growth begins in spring. We didn't know it was trained to be weeping. Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue' - Weeping Blue Deodar Cedar Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue' - Weeping Blue Deodar Cedar. This helps to improve the drainage so that the tree can grow properly. See more ideas about Blue atlas cedar, Front yard landscaping, Conifers garden. Mulch not only stops weeds and grass, it will hold soil moisture and maintain a lower more even soil temperature, stimulating more aggressive root growth. The evergreen foliage is beautiful cascading stems with tight clusters of dramatic silver-blue needles, and the final shape of the tree is up to you. I would be very concerned about moving the blue atlas cedar in the heat of summer. The Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar is a unique and striking specimen plant, with needles in a strong, silver-blue color. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Learn more > USDA Zone: 6-9. Review this plant. Foliage silvery blue-grey, very attractive. If you plant perennials around it to fill space, move them as the tree encroaches upon them. You … Blue Atlas cedar generally is trained into the shape it is in at the garden center; from there it grows first by drooping down to the ground, then eventually growing wider and sprawling out. Make sure that it has proper room to grow, and expand the flowerbed to accommodate the tree, or simply duck when mowing. You need to keep the ties approximately 6 inches apart from each other. Your email address will not be published. Weeping blue atlas cedar likes well-drained soil and is drought-tolerant once it has become established. The Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) is a true cedar that takes its name from the Atlas Mountains of Northern Africa, its native range.Blue Atlas (Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’) is among the most popular cedar cultivars in this country, with its beautiful powdery blue needles.The weeping version, ‘Glauca Pendula,’ can be trained to grow like a vast umbrella of tree limbs. Answer: I would recommend planting it in the open. You need to keep the ties approximately 6 inches apart from each other. This will create a root ball 8 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep. Question: We have a weeping blue atlas cedar that is about 15 years old. I would not recommend planting it in a container as that exposes the roots to the winter cold a lot more than if you plant it in the ground. The Alaskan cedar's needles become discolored and the tree experiences defoliation and growth stunt. From what you have said, I am gathering that the limbs have grown too large to be able to be removed without affecting the tree, so the method you are employing is the best option. The blue on this weeping habit will grab you quite a bit.
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